Spiritual world
Why is Orthodoxy true? The history of the emergence of Christianity - and the writing of the New Testament texts - is explored in
Epiphany evening or Epiphany Eve is a day of the Slavic folk calendar, celebrated on January 18.
Council of Chalcedon - The Fourth Ecumenical Council was convened in 451 against the heresy of the Monophysites,
September 10, 2018 Personality psychology Epifantseva Anna According to recent studies, the share of believers in
"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask
Who is a spiritual mentor? Lay people who regularly visit the temple know that with any problem
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Blessing of oil, or unction - what is it and why does such an Orthodox service exist, approximately
Nowadays, miracles arising from religious shrines are subject to comprehensive study. Miro and blood
Hello, my students and casual readers. I think everyone has heard about a chicken egg causing illness or damage. Today