How to properly pin and wear a real amulet pin

The ordinary pin has found its place and is widely used in various fields, thanks to its universal shape and accessibility. This item has become an amulet of protection not only for individuals, but also for families. People who adhere to Christianity or paganism are currently actively using this amulet for various purposes.

A pin may well save you from the evil eye

Careful selection of an amulet in the form of a pin against various evil eyes

An evil eye pin is an amulet that is made from only one material. These more familiar wood and clay materials will find their place in other amulets; a pin can consist of only one thing - metal.

The initial raw material can be either noble or fairly common species. The pin can be:

  • steel;
  • gold
  • silver;
  • copper.

The high cost and rarity of the metal is not a key factor when creating amulets and amulets.
The metal is selected based on the person’s preferences, his financial situation and any aesthetic factors. Naturally, the use of more noble metals, such as gold and silver, or more inexpensive analogues, has its pros and cons.

How to choose a mace against the evil eye

If you had to resort to using inexpensive analogues, for example, steel:

  • the amulet will not have high wear resistance, worn areas will quickly appear on it, which will especially affect the appearance of the product;
  • it is important to spend more time cleaning the product, since the material has a fairly low resource consumption;
  • In order not to waste time on cleaning the amulet again, you can simply get rid of it by throwing it in the trash.

This amulet option is a good alternative for those who want to save their budget and not buy a rather expensive gold pin.

Buying a pin made of soft gold is not necessary; you can get by with an equally precious metal - silver.

Argentum is also the strongest material for creating amulets; the element can protect a person from angry looks, damage and the evil eye.

Whatever properties and appearance noble metals have, they are also not deprived of:

  • the need for higher manufacturing costs;
  • a high chance of encountering a counterfeit product, for example, gold-plated aluminum;
  • lack of desire to say goodbye to a rather expensive item, even if it becomes unusable after a strong energy attack.

Which material is more suitable? Raw materials are selected based on preferences. The key point is the fact that people have physical and energetic intolerance to various materials.

People who have experienced such a phenomenon as energy vampirism should turn their attention to silver. This noble material has been the best protector since ancient times.

Choosing a pin is not that easy

Personalized silver pin

You should approach choosing a talisman for a child even more seriously than for yourself. Due to the purity of their energy, children are much more likely to be negatively influenced than adults. This is also aggravated by the fact that children are not able to identify energy vampirism and cannot counteract it.

The personal amulet has no additional power, but looks very original.

To protect your child, choose a silver evil eye pin for him. Such a talisman will provide him with maximum protection. Many mothers like to focus on personalized items. They put patches with their names on children's clothes, buy them personalized albums, and even make personalized pins. Unfortunately, this does not help strengthen the magical potential of the talisman. But if this is important to you, you can try making a personal amulet.

For this you will need:

  • beads with letters;
  • elastic band or fishing line;
  • decorative pendants or bow.

You can purchase all this at almost any jewelry store that sells various blanks and parts for making inexpensive jewelry yourself. Collect the child's name from beads, stringing them on a thread, elastic band or fishing line. It is better to stay with the latter options, as they are stronger.

Then all you have to do is attach the beads on both sides to the pin so that they form an inverted rainbow shape. You can add a flower, bow or any other decoration to the side.

Why does a pin protect against the evil eye and damage?

An amulet in the form of a pin can protect you from the worst influences and will do this no worse than the same jewelry on the body. In such trinkets, the key point is not so much the shape of the object, but the symbols that are depicted on them.

In this regard, the pin is self-sufficient, since it can exist without secondary signs.

Naturally, all the energy of the pin lies in its unique shape. Thanks to its shape, which includes a twisted spiral, the pin is able to absorb everything unclean and store it within itself. Absolutely all bad energy will be attracted to the pin and protect you from harm.

Are images secure?

A pin is a very common, cheap and easy to use amulet. There is no point in placing her image anywhere, hoping for magical protection. Moreover, as already mentioned above, the only material acceptable for this amulet is metal. Paper images cannot help anything and do not have magical powers.

For protection, you can try putting a pin on your body - in the form of a tattoo.


When getting a tattoo in the form of a pin, it is worth remembering: the design must be securely hidden from prying eyes.

Due to the small size of such a tattoo, this will not be difficult to do.

This tattoo is suitable for both men and women. A person with a similar image on the body will be protected from accidents and will learn to cope with stress.

Pictures for phones and computers

Images of pins placed on the screen of a smartphone or computer do not have magical powers and will not ward off negativity.

The correct way to wear a pin on clothing

You should carefully study the question of how to properly wear a pin against the evil eye and damage to clothes. You can decorate yourself with evil eye pins in various ways. But the most common are:

  • under clothes, hiding from prying eyes;
  • on clothes to show them to everyone.

In this case, it is impossible to say that the second method is not the safest and most correct. Of course, according to all traditions, the pin should be hidden under items of clothing. Therefore, the ancestors used this particular method.

It is important to understand how to wear an evil eye pin

The ancient Slavs believed that the evil eye pin should be worn as follows:

  • the woman pinned a pin to the inside hem of her dress;
  • the man fastened a pin on the left side of his chest, where the heart is, under his shirt.

Our distant relatives believed that all amulets that go to the body must be hidden from prying eyes and evil intentions. Also, this method does not attract unnecessary attention to the person.

Over time, this custom has changed, and today protective amulets are most often worn on clothing and are always open to the eyes.

This method has its own explanation: if the amulet is considered contrasting and bright, then, like the warning color of animals, it will not provide the opportunity to cause damage or jinx it.

This principle of wearing amulets works not only with those jewelry that people wear as close to the body as possible, but also with small and hidden pins. To protect against the evil eye, the pin is worn on clothing so that it is visible, and is also decorated with colorful gems, chains, minerals and ribbons.

The principle of operation is reminiscent of the well-known red woolen thread that is worn on the wrist - to disperse attention, get rid of bad thoughts and take away all eyes on oneself, so that a person becomes more invisible against the background of a constant amulet.

It is advisable to figure out how to attach an evil eye pin

If a pin is used to harm

One of the characteristic features of a safety pin as a magical attribute is its ability to absorb negative energy and release positive energy in return. It happens that a pin in magic is used to perform rituals with malicious intent to cause harm. I want to warn you right away that such rituals will not bring anything good to the performer. Yes, he will probably achieve his goal, and the victim will suffer from his actions. But soon the evil created will return to him, but in a multiply increased amount - this is the law of karma.

Therefore, I strongly advise against using a pin spell to carry out revenge. If you are literally torn by evil, calm down, think, try to forgive your offender and do not stain your destiny with connections to dark witchcraft. Leave black magic to the professionals. Be sure that fortune itself will avenge you.

How to attach a pin correctly

When buying an amulet, a person does not always think about such a procedure as attaching a pin, but if it is placed incorrectly on it, it may not function as expected. A person can inadvertently stab it in a horizontal position. This method is only suitable for hanging an ordinary brooch, but not for attaching a protective amulet.

A safety pin has only one correct way to be worn - head down. It is in this position that she will be able to fully fulfill her purpose, providing her owner with protection.

If a person is going to attach a pin with the head up and the eye down, then he is making a grave mistake. It will begin to show its protective properties if it is positioned exclusively with its head down, then the person will be protected from all the negativity that the pin has absorbed during its action. The ancestors believed that everything unclean that the pin absorbed would be removed into the ground.

How to make it yourself

A talisman pin is an indispensable assistant in the modern world. To become the owner of such a powerful talisman , you need to act independently. Concentration, attitude and proper visualization are also important. You must be completely confident in the correctness and effectiveness of your actions.

This is interesting:

  • Types of amulets made by yourself

The purpose of the amulet is to protect against energy attacks, so it is necessary that you accurately imagine the possible danger and see the ill-wisher in front of you.

Any of us can create a talisman, but we should remember some rules:

  • the best color for the amulet is silver (natural metallic shade);
  • depending on the color of the bead, the talisman may have different properties;
  • never use a black pin.

Now let's take a closer look at the choice of beads:

  • green ones will save the baby and the expectant mother from harm;
  • red will protect your loved one and help maintain relationships;
  • blue will protect parents from dangers and illnesses;
  • but thanks to yellow, you will never lose your best friend.

The need to activate a protective amulet

A protective pin against all unclean things will begin to act only after a person activates it with the help of special words and ritual.

Activation rules

After the ceremony, the amulet must be pinned to clothing in such a way that it is hidden from unnecessary glances. If after the past day any changes appear on the metal in the form of abrasions, darkening, etc., then you need to know that the ritual was performed correctly and the person is protected.

  • It is allowed to use the ritual during the waxing phase of the moon.
  • The ritual is carried out strictly on Tuesday, with the corresponding Moon.
  • Be sure to do it before the first rays of the Sun or after the Sun has gone below the horizon.

Activation is an important element of protection organization

Elemental activation

The procedure is as follows:

  1. You need to open the pin and bring it to the fire of a wax candle for some time, but do not overdo it.
  2. Next, place the future amulet in holy water.
  3. After this procedure, the jewelry can be covered with the same melted wax, but it is not necessary to cover it completely.
  4. After cooling, fasten the amulet to your clothes or use it in your home for protection.

Activation with holy water

Another ritual is performed using fire and water.

  1. Before the first rays of the sun, it is necessary to collect holy water in the church.
  2. Upon returning home, pour the liquid into another suitable container and place the future amulet there.
  3. The decoration must be kept in holy water for about three days.
  4. After this period has passed, the future amulet is removed from the water and wiped dry.
  5. The water in which the product was located must be disposed of.

The amulet is activated and ready to perform all the functions of the amulet.

Rowan berries

There is a ritual using rowan berries. The corresponding fruits are placed on the table in dried form. Each fruit is taken separately and a prayer is said over it.

After the conspiracy, the fruits need to be strung on an open pin and attached to the selected item of clothing.

Rowan berries on a pin

Combination with red thread

It would be a good idea to learn how to make an amulet using red wool thread.

You can cast a pin against the evil eye together with another well-known talisman, such as a red thread - it is also a powerful amulet for protection against bad energy.

To combine the amulets, twelve small knots of red woolen thread are tied on the other side of the pin needle.

Safety pin care

The pin, like other amulets, requires periodic cleaning and charging.
A good luck pin, like any other amulet, cannot work for a long time without energy recharge. Before you worry about it, consider cleaning it up. You cannot first charge the amulet and then clean it. This will lead to neutralization of the ritual of charging with positive energies.

To process an amulet pin that has accumulated all the bad things that were intended for its owner, the following is suitable:

  • spring water;
  • regular table salt;

Pour living water into a glass, cup or bowl and place the pin in it overnight. Do not forget to warn your relatives so that they do not drink this water under any circumstances. You should also not touch it with your hands when pulling out the amulet - you risk taking upon yourself all the crap that the amulet has collected during the period of use. The water should be poured onto the ground or simply into the toilet if you live in an apartment building.

After this, place the pin in the salt until it completely covers it. It is better if she lies there for several days. You will need to get rid of salt in the same way as water. We remind you that any ritual of cleansing amulets, amulets and talismans is carried out exclusively on the waning moon, so that all bad things leave you with it.

Protection of newlyweds

A protective amulet for a future married couple has been used for both parties during the marriage process for a long time. Such an event involves a huge number of relatives, friends and acquaintances. Among so many people, there will be someone who does not like this situation, and he will try in some way to destroy the not yet strong family.

In order to protect the future family from specially caused damage, a charged and activated pin is used.

  • In order to cover the bride with a protective aura, the amulet is attached to the back of the skirt of the dress. The effect of the amulet can be multiplied by making a couple of knots on a blue thread.
  • To protect the groom, the amulet is attached on the side of the heart to the back of the shirt.

Pins made of gold and crossed together, like two halves of a heart connected together, can have exceptional magical powers.

Gold and silver pins have more power

Choosing a pin-amulet

The evil eye pin is a type of amulets with limited manufacturing materials. Wood, clay and other bases will be inappropriate here - only metal.

The pin should only be metal, other materials are not suitable.

It could be:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • steel.

Remember that when choosing materials for amulets, their high cost is not a factor of primary importance. People choose metal based on their own tastes and financial capabilities. However, the use of precious materials - gold and silver, as well as cheap substitutes, has its advantages and disadvantages. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

If you choose a cheap metal, for example steel:

  • the amulet will quickly wear out, its appearance will especially suffer;
  • it is necessary to carry out cleaning more often due to the low energy resource consumption of the material;
  • Instead of carrying out another cleansing ritual, the amulet can simply be thrown away.

This option is quite good for those who want to save money on buying an expensive gold pin. But this is not necessary, because there is another option - silver. Nothing can protect a person from slander, the evil eye and evil glances as well as silver amulets.

Expensive materials also have their disadvantages:

  • the need to spend more money;
  • high probability of encountering counterfeit products;
  • reluctance to part with an expensive item if it becomes unusable after a strong energy attack.

Which material to prefer is up to you. But do not forget to take into account such a thing as energetic and physical intolerance to metals. People who are often attacked by energy vampires are advised to opt for silver. Since ancient times it has been considered an excellent protector. Our ancestors believed that this metal protected from the evil eye, the envious gaze of haters, and even protected from the encroachments of dark forces.

How to activate the amulet

An ordinary amulet is charged with fire or water. It is enough to simply “saturate” the pin with positive thoughts; you need to perform the ritual only with positive thoughts and in a good mood. While holding the pin, you need to imagine that it drives away bad intentions, averts the evil eye, and absorbs negativity.

In this case, it is not necessary to pronounce the spell phrases exactly. The owner of the pin can express his wishes in his own words or use the spells given below.

There is another way - we pour Epiphany water into a container, put a pin in there for the whole night, and in the morning we pronounce the following spell:

Likely consequences

Pin spells are not done to harm, so there is no need to fear negative consequences. However, when wearing amulets from a pin, you need to be careful - if it suddenly opens by itself, it means that a negative influence was exerted on the person and the amulet reflected it. After such an incident, the amulet loses its power and becomes useless.

If the pin not only came undone, but also scratched the skin with blood, this means that the amulet failed, since the evil eye or damage was very strong. In this case, it is recommended to consult with a practicing magician about how to remove the effects of the evil eye.

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