Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery: opening hours, schedule of services, address and photo

For many centuries, the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery has been one of the most favorite places of Orthodox pilgrims. It is located in the small town of Dzerzhinsky near Moscow, Moscow region. The founder of the monastery is considered to be Prince Dmitry Donskoy. Over the years of its existence, the monastery has seen a lot: recognition of kings, various wars and desolation. Now nothing reminds us of difficult times, the monastery has been completely restored and is glad to see within its walls pilgrims who come here from different parts of Russia and abroad.

How to get to the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery

  • To get to the monastery, the easiest way is to get from the capital. This can be done using public transport .
  • If you want to venerate the shrines of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery, you can get there either from the Lyublino or Kuzminki metro stations, or go from the Kazansky station. In the first case, take bus No. 305, in the second, take bus No. 470.
  • From the station you should get to Lyubertsy Square, and then take buses going along routes No. 21 or 20. You need to get off at the “St. Nicholas Square” stop.


Troparion, tone 2

Having loved the monastic life from youth/ and having moved into the Ugresh monastery,/ you gathered multitudes of monks/ and you did good to all who needed it,/ warming their hearts and bearing burdens,/ a kind shepherd You appeared,/ O Reverend Pimen, // pray to Christ God to save our souls .

Kontakion, tone 4

Having loved the Ugreshskaya monastery, like the venerable Pimen,/ and you were the shepherd and builder of that,/ obeying the will of God in everything,/ you were the monk, the official and the image of humility, you appeared.// Prayers Christ God to save our souls.

Kontakion, voice 1

Through you, Reverend Father Pimen,/ the Ugreshskaya monastery flourished with the favor of God,/ your memory is now celebrated/ and exultantly calls:/ glory to Him who gave you strength, glory to Him who crowned you , // glory to the One who works for you to heal everyone.

Visit to the monastery, opening hours

If you want to touch the shrines of this monastery, it is better to book a tour of the monastery in advance; this can be done by phone. Please note that the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery is not only a spiritual center, but also takes an active role in the social and cultural life of Dzerzhinsky, as well as the entire Moscow region. Meetings with scientists, writers, and artists are regularly held here. There are two museums on the territory of the monastery: the sacristy museum and the museum of Emperor Nicholas II. The exhibitions are open every day; you can order a tour by calling the monastery.

  • The Sacristy Museum is the first museum opened in Ugresh. Unique examples of art objects, as well as ancient church utensils, are collected here.
  • The Nicholas II Museum tells about the life of the imperial family. The exhibition presents documents, as well as postcards, books, and personal belongings of the imperial family. The collection was collected by Alexander Renzhin, who donated it to the monastery.


  • Icon of Righteous John of Kronstadt

Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”
The icon of the holy righteous father John of Kronstadt is a lifetime portrait of the God-bearing Shepherd, which was inherited by Fr. Zosima, like many of the saint’s personal belongings, from the spiritual children of Fr. John. Father often repeated that Father John of Kronstadt is “a saint who walks the earth.” “You don’t know what to do, what to do in your life? Go to the temple - to the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, and he will enlighten you, instruct you, console you...” Father said to his flock when he was absent from the monastery for a long time due to illness and could not receive the people of God.

  • Icon of Saint Panteleimon

Schema-Archimandrite Zosima himself repeatedly testified about numerous cases of healings from the icon of St. Panteleimon, speaking in sermons about the grace-filled help from the great martyr through this holy image. So, before his death, exhausted under the weight of illness, Father said to the pilgrims in consolation: “Why are you looking for healing from me, a sinner and weak? Go to the temple - to the icon of Panteleimon, fall before him with faith - and he will heal you from your illnesses ... "

  • Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”

The prototype of the icon is located in the Dokhiar monastery on Mount Athos and, according to monastic tradition, was painted during the life of the founder of the monastery, the Monk Neophytos, in the 10th-11th centuries.

Many miracles flowed from the “Quick to Hear” icon. By the grace of the icon, the blind were able to see, the lame and paralytic walked, they were saved from captivity and remained intact during a shipwreck. In Rus', copies of icons have always enjoyed great love and veneration, many became famous for their miracles - especially healings from epilepsy and demonic possession.

  • Holy treasure

With the blessing of Father Zosima, a treasure was dug near the St. Basil's Church, which was consecrated in honor of Zosima and Savvaty Solovetsky. At this treasure trove, Father performed water-blessing prayers. “I prayed that the Lord would grant this water the power to heal various diseases,” the schema-monk once said. And the prayers of the Elder worked a miracle: the bitter and salty water, which at first was impossible to drink, became sweet and pleasant. Pilgrims take this water as a shrine, many having experienced its healing power.

Schedule of services of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery

Please note that the schedule of services at the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery is constant, except for church holidays.

Day of the weekServiceStart time
Monday SundayLiturgy
Vespers, Matins
6.45 – Assumption Cathedral 9.00 – Pimen Church/Kazan Church 17.00 – Assumption Cathedral
ThursdayAkathist to Saint Nicholas17.00 – Assumption Cathedral
SaturdayAll-night vigil17.00 – Transfiguration Church
Akathist to the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
6.30 – Assumption Cathedral 8.00 – Kazan/Pimenovsky Church 9.30 – Transfiguration Cathedral 17.00 – Assumption Cathedral

Patronal holidays[edit]

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

- August 28

Basil the Great, Saint

— January 14, February 12 (Cathedral of the Three Saints)

Council of all saints who have shone in the Russian land

- 2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Iverskaya”

— October 26, February 25, May 6

Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra, Saint

— May 22, December 19

Sampson the Host, Rev. - July 10

Where to stay nearby

For pilgrims, the monastery operates a hotel where groups of up to fifty people can stay. By prior arrangement you can stay for several days. It is better to book it in advance. In addition, there is also a refectory , which is open until 19.00.

Did you know? On the territory of the monastery there are several shops and stalls where you can buy books on Orthodox themes, memorable gifts and souvenirs, icons, crosses, and candles.

The history of the creation of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery

This monastery was founded in 1380 , and nearby there was a palace village where princes often rested. They generously donated not only money, but also land to the monastery. A century and a half after its foundation, the monastery was burned by the Crimean Tatars during a raid, but later it was restored. Ivan the Terrible not only allocated forest lands to the monastery, but also exempted it from customs duties.

Did you know? False Dmitry II lived here for some time.

Until the 17th century, the monastery occupied a high status: royalty and patriarchs regularly came here, but already in the next century the monastery began to fade away, and practically no money was allocated for its maintenance.
Gradually, the area of ​​the monastery lands was reduced, and retired military personnel were placed in the courtyard, and later an infirmary was organized. At the beginning of the 19th century , the French occupied the monastery, but did not destroy it. From the middle of this century, a new stage in the development of the monastery began: at this time its unique ensemble of buildings was created. With the advent of Soviet power, the monastery was closed and many valuables were confiscated. During this period, factories, labor colonies, workshops, and schools were located on the territory of the monastery. The monastery was revived in the 90s : services began to be held in churches again, and the monastic brethren returned here. The destroyed churches were gradually rebuilt.

History of the monastery

According to legend, in 1380, Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy and his army, on their way to the Kulikovo field, made a halt here, and after a fervent prayer to God, an icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant miraculously appeared to him on a tree. This miracle greatly strengthened the prince’s faith and gave him a victorious spirit.

The prince said with trepidation: “This whole thing has warmed my heart,” which means: “all this has warmed my heart” (hence the name “Ugreshsky”). And on the way back, after winning the battle, the prince orders a monastery to be built here in honor of this great saint.

In the 17th century, kings and grand dukes loved to come here. These royal pilgrimage trips began to be called “Ugresh campaigns.” The kings from the Romanov dynasty helped the monastery in every possible way. But not everything was always good in the history of the monastery: it was many times subjected to destruction, siege and arson by the Tatar-Mongols, Lithuanian and French armies. But with God's help he always recovered.

The 19th century was a turning point for the monastery: due to high taxes, the monastery was on the verge of closure, with only 6 monks remaining here. During these very years, Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow first thought about appointing Ignatius (Brianchaninov) as rector of the monastery, but he advised him to appoint Hieromonk Ilarius of Optina Hermitage to this position.

Under the leadership of Abbot Ilarius, the monastery is experiencing significant growth. Later, Pimen (Myasnikov), who is now the patron saint of the monastery, becomes the viceroy; under him, it experiences its rebirth: the number of monks increases significantly, the monastery charter becomes more strict, old buildings are revived and new ones are built.

An architectural ensemble is being created, the dominant features of which are the Transfiguration Cathedral and the monastery belfry. The territory of the monastery has expanded significantly, now there are 10 churches and several more chapels.

Drawing. 1. View of the monastery from above

This monastery did not escape the difficult fate of most monasteries in godless times. After the October Revolution, a juvenile colony was located here. The authorities assign monks to the labor community. In the 1920s, all churches in the monastery were closed. In the 30s, all valuables were taken to the Kolomenskoye Museum; in the 40s, the oldest temple of the monastery, St. Nicholas Cathedral, was destroyed.

In the 70s The monastery in Dzerzhinsky began to be restored, but the restoration proceeded slowly. In 1990, worship services were resumed here. And in 1991, the monastery was returned to the church and received stauropegial status. At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, active restoration and restoration of temples and other structures took place here.

Architecture of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery

The unique architectural ensemble of the monastery was created in the 19th century, and Pimen Ugreshsky also took part in its design. Four churches of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery have not survived to this day, but during restoration work a chapel and church that did not exist before were erected.

  • The center of the entire ensemble is the Transfiguration Cathedral - the real “pearl” of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery. It has a unique iconostasis consisting of five tiers.
  • St. Nicholas Church is the most ancient cathedral of the monastery. It was restored and rebuilt several times.
  • Church of Joy and Sorrow - operated at the monastery hospital; restored in post-Soviet times.
  • Pimenovskaya Church - built in the Suzdal tradition.
  • The Kazan Church is a “warm” temple where services are held in winter.
  • The Assumption Church is where the revival of the monastery began.

The Palestine Wall , which completes the ensemble of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery, also occupies a special place It is named so because it symbolically depicts Jerusalem. It is one of the symbols of the city of Dzerzhinsk.

Monastery now

Now the monastery has about 30 monks, it has been completely restored, and nothing seems to remind us of the difficult atheistic times. In 2004, construction of the Church of the Passion of Christ was completed and a new iconostasis was erected in the Transfiguration Cathedral. St. Nicholas Cathedral was again built according to ancient drawings. In 2009, icon painters completed the interior painting of the Transfiguration Cathedral, made from the original.

Pilgrims can enjoy not only the prayerful atmosphere of the monastery and the decoration of its churches, but also its lovingly landscaped interior, interesting architecture and the monastery pond.

Drawing. 2. Monastery Pond

Interesting! The monastery pond fits perfectly into the ensemble of the monastery. It is not only beautiful, but also rich in various living creatures. Here you can see large fish, two pairs of swans: white and black. In addition, many wild ducks and domestic geese live here, which are bred by the brethren of the monastery. All this multitude of animals walks freely through the green territory of the monastery, without any fear of people.

Also, the pilgrimage service of the monastery has organized a cozy hotel and a refectory where you can eat tasty and inexpensive food. At the moment, the abbot of the monastery is Abbot Bartholomew (Petrov).

Shrines of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery

The monastery contains both particles of the relics of saints and miraculous icons that the monks of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery received as gifts from believers and brethren of other monasteries.

  • The reliquary with particles of the relics of St. Nicholas was brought here from Greece. An icon of this saint, dating from the end of the 19th century, is also kept here.
  • A shrine with relics and an icon of Pimon Ugreshsky , one of the abbots of the monastery, who made a significant contribution to its development and prosperity.
  • The Ark , which contains particles of the relics of the Kiev-Pechersk elders - it contains particles of almost a hundred reverend fathers, including Ilya of Muromets.
  • Ark with a particle of the relics of the Orthodox writer Ignatius Brianchaninov , who for some time was the abbot of the monastery.
  • Reliquary cross , which dates back to the 7th century. Contains particles of relics and the Tree of the Holy Cross.
  • The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God was transferred to the monastery after its revival.

Photo of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery

  • The Palestine Wall is a unique structure that was preserved even in the days of the monastery’s decline.

  • The monastery ensemble amazes with its grandeur.

  • It was from the St. Nicholas Church that the history of this monastery began.

  • The Transfiguration Cathedral is the central part of the monastery ensemble.

  • The monastery is beautiful at any time of the year.

  • The monastery bell tower is visible from almost every corner of the city.

  • At the place where the icon appeared to Dmitry Donskoy, the St. Nicholas Chapel was erected today.


St. Basil's Monastery and St. Nicholas' Convent are located in the village of Nikolskoye, Volnovakha district, Donetsk region, on the site of the former rural St. Basil's parish, in which in 1912, at the expense of parishioners and benefactors, instead of the old wooden church, a stone church was built, consecrated in honor of the Saint. Basil the Great. In 1954, the temple, severely damaged by atheists, was restored in its current form with one dome and a bell tower and has not been closed since then.

Even after the October revolution, a legend arose in the village of Nikolskoye: when a monk comes to serve at St. Basil’s Church, two monasteries will open here. Hieromonk Savvaty (future Schema-Archimandrite Zosima) came to Nikolskoye in 1986 to a dilapidated church without an iconostasis and to a burnt-out barn instead of a priest’s house. Through the efforts of Abbot Savvaty, the temple was restored, a baptismal church with abbot's chambers and a pilgrimage hotel with a refectory were built. In 1990, Abbot Savvaty was elevated to the rank of archimandrite, and in 1992 he was tonsured into the schema with the name Zosima.

Over time, the number of people who wanted to serve God under the spiritual guidance of Schema-Archimandrite Zosima increased. A fraternal building was built, and an almshouse was established (House of Mercy for the care of the infirm and elderly). And in 2001, the St. Nicholas sister community of the village of Nikolskoye was given the status of a monastery, and in 2002, the St. Vasilievsky Monastery was registered. Schema-Archimandrite Zosima was the abbot of the monastery until his death (in August 2002). Currently, the holy archimandrite and rector of the monastery is Metropolitan Hilarion of Donetsk and Mariupol. On May 7, 2005, Metropolitan Hilarion elevated the abbot of the monastery, schema-abbot Alypius (Bondarenko), to the rank of schema-archimandrite.

A communal charter has been introduced at the monastery, daily services are held, and the incessant Psalter is read.

The monastery is visited by groups of pilgrims from many dioceses of Ukraine and Russia. Currently, the number of brethren is 70 monks, and the nuns in the monastery are 140 people.

Nikolo Ugreshsky Monastery on video

This amazing ancient monastery whimsically combines the spirit of antiquity, a sense of peace and strength with a lightness that embraces the heart in the monastery courtyard. Although there were many dark pages in the history of the monastery, today it pleases with updated churches, bright domes playing in the sun, again and again confirming the holiness of this place.

Have you ever been to the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery? What do you remember most from the trip, what impression did the monastery make? Share your opinion in the comments.

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