Venerable Ferapont of Mozhaisk (Belozersky), Luzhetsk miracle worker. Around 1337 – 1426

The destinies of St. Cyril of Belozersk and St. Ferapont of Mozhaisk are closely intertwined, and from the life of St. Cyril, compiled by Pachomius the Serb (Logothetus), it is possible to clarify some data not included in the life of St. Ferapont.

The Monk Ferapont of Mozhaisk (Belozersky), the Luzhetsk miracle worker, was born around 1337 in the city of Volokolamsk into the noble family of the Poskochins, and was baptized with the name Fedor. From childhood, he was brought up in deep faith, was distinguished by piety, and enjoyed universal love, which had a beneficial effect on the entire subsequent life of the holy ascetic.

Already a mature forty-year-old man, having secretly left home, Fyodor Poskochin came to the Moscow Simonov Monastery, founded by the nephew (“brother”) of St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Theodore, and begged the abbot to tonsure him as a monk. The novice monk was placed under the guidance of an experienced elder, and soon with his strict life he gained the favor of the entire brethren. In the Simonov Monastery, the Monk Ferapont becomes close to Kirill of Belozersky, and together they undergo the feat of salvation in obedience, fasting and prayer. The Monk Sergius of Radonezh often came to the Simonov Monastery; Instructing monks “about the benefits of the soul” in conversations, he often singled out St. Cyril among them.

The monks Cyril and Ferapont, while on different obediences, stayed in the Simonov Monastery for about 25 years. “Even if a saint were not illiterate, but he had spiritual kindness and a healthy mind,” says the life of St. Ferapont. Perhaps that is why the archimandrite and the brethren sent him on monastic affairs to distant lands, thereby placing special trust in him. Fulfilling his obedience, the Monk Ferapont went north, to the Belozersky region, on monastery business. The harsh northern land attracted the attention of the ascetic, and he decided to stay there for his exploits. Upon returning to the monastery, he talks about northern secluded places with the Monk Cyril, who had special zeal for the Mother of God and to whom the Most Pure One appeared, commanding him to go to the North. Having received the blessing of the abbot, Kirill and Ferapont go to the “Belozersk country”.

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