Christian icons are found in almost every home. Some people buy them solely as fashion items without attaching any deep meaning, while others keep them as family heirlooms. At one time, believers created an iconostasis. It was believed that it must be located in a visible place and be a talisman and shrine of the house.
Attention! Orthodox images are not just an amulet, so you should not buy such decorative elements. Some install them in their own home, based solely on superstition. This is an extremely wrong decision. It is important to select the face of the saints in accordance with your preferences and based on the subsequent location in the interior.
A corner with images in the room, which can be located in the hallway, and some options can be located above the door.
One way is to place the image directly above the door. This will protect you from the negative influence of other people. The holy face will fill the home with positive energy and contribute to the favorable development of relationships in the family. The image will have its own influence on each person living in the house. Therefore, the face of a saint is a protective amulet and an assistant in building relationships in the family.
Rules for placing icons in the house
As a rule, purchasing icons and placing them in your apartment is a balanced decision. Therefore, let’s look at the question of where exactly the images are allowed to be placed. There are no specific rules in this regard, but you should not refuse the recommendations.
- The location of the icon in the eastern part of the apartment is considered the most correct. Especially when it comes to the face of Jesus Christ. But there is another side to the issue - attracting positive energy into a house or apartment. In this case, it is better to place the icon above the front door.
- Any room loves cleanliness. But the place where it was decided to hang the icon should be of special importance. This means that you need to think in advance about how convenient it is to clean this particular area of the apartment.
- Placing a towel over an icon has come to us since ancient times, but even now it looks beautiful and appropriate, no matter what your interior style is. It is carefully hung on the image, straightening the edges across the width.
- If you decide to equip a Holy place in the selected corner, then make sure that there are no other amulets or talismans next to the image. Religion and superstition are incompatible.
- Placing the icon opposite the front door is considered a good way to neutralize negative energy.
The opinion of the clergy
Servants of the Lord have repeatedly commented on the question of where icons can hang in the house. They disagree about the place for the “goddess” (home iconostasis), but they agree that icons serve a person to connect with the Almighty, remind him of him and send down His grace.
However, there are also those who are categorical about the role of icons as amulets. The clergy argue for this position by the fact that an icon is an image of a saint and has nothing in common with pagan rituals of scaring away evil forces and the images themselves do not protect from anything. And this is facilitated by unquestioning faith in God and regular prayers.
Thus, whether to hang an icon over the front door or not is a purely individual decision and should be based on everyone’s internal views and faith, and not be based on superstitions and fashion trends.
Nowadays, in almost every apartment or house where Christians who preach Orthodoxy live, there is one or more icons. Some decorate the entire so-called “red corner”, which is an entire home iconostasis, and some are limited to one or several icons. These can be either real ancient icons passed down in the family from generation to generation, or simple copies of icons purchased from an Orthodox temple or church.
The icon itself is not just an element of artistic art or a decorative element; it must help and protect its owner and his home. An icon is a kind of open window into the divine world; it is through an icon that you can directly turn to God with your sorrows, prayers or requests, and also receive protection from troubles and adversity for yourself, for your family and for your home
What images should be placed directly at the entrance to your own home?
If you are interested in the question of what icon is hung in front of the door, it is worth looking into this in more detail. Shrines should be placed to help protect against the influence of evil and their penetration into the house. It is important to take into account the direct purpose of the shrine.
There are various ways to hang an image. Among them are the following:
- If you place the image directly above the door, the goal will be to prevent external negative energy from entering the house.
- Above the door that leads into the house, the image will neutralize the flow of negative energy and direct the flow of positive energy.
However, it should be remembered that there are no strict rules for the placement of shrines. Therefore, be guided by sincerity, cordiality and your own wishes. In this case, the shrine will become a real protector.
“Goalkeeper” (“Gatekeeper”)
It is also called the Iveron Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to legend, during the time of the iconoclasts (9th century), one believing woman from the city of Nicaea wanted to save the image. She placed the icon on the water in the sea. She was carried away by the current. Many days later, the icon was noticed by a monk from the Iveron Monastery, located on Mount Athos (Greece). He removed the icon from the water and brought it to the monastery. She was placed in the temple, but in the morning she was found above the gates of the holy monastery. She was placed in the temple several times, but each time she was again found above the gate. That's why they called her “Goalkeeper”. The icon will protect you from enemies and any evil, preventing it from entering the house.
Which icon to choose?
The icon of the Mother of God with seven arrows, which has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the family.
One of the most popular images is considered to be “Seven Arrows”. In this image the Virgin Mary is personified, Jesus is not on her. The Mother of God is held by six or seven arrows, depending on the specific type of icon. They pierce her chest, and the Mother of God grieves for each of us.
These arrows symbolize earthly sins underneath. Unfortunately, people are in no hurry to get rid of them, so this image is considered in demand today. There are various legends about this image. She has strong energy that helps to cope with any problems. The icon will saturate the house with positive energy and defuse difficult situations.
If there is discord or quarrels in the house, you should pray to the Mother of God, asking her to get rid of negative emotions, calm those who are suffering, and bring peace to those at war. This icon will allow you to get rid of bad thoughts and unkind people. If important things are coming up, take such an icon with you. It will help you calm down and tune in to a positive outcome.
The location of the seven-arrow shrine opposite the entrance becomes the right decision. This is done so that every guest meets her gaze. Moreover, the icon itself can be embroidered and even unconsecrated, its energy will still be positive.
This is another icon depicting the Mother of God, which is perfect for placing near the front door. It is also known as the "Unbreakable Wall" or "Oranta". According to legend, she guarded Kyiv and while the Holy Face was in the city, it was never conquered.
The properties of this image are attributed to miraculous powers aimed at protecting the house. It helps protect the home from ill-wishers, thieves, as well as evil spirits and witchcraft. The power of the image is directed towards all the inhabitants of the house and protects the home even during the absence of its owners. If guests come to you with bad intentions or negative thoughts directed in your direction, “Goalkeeper” will help turn them away. Soon, ill-wishers will leave the house themselves, as they will feel some discomfort.
“The Goalkeeper” is one of the most important Orthodox shrines, protects against a variety of negative events, from home invasion by thieves and ill-wishers
What other icon can be placed at the entrance to your home?
There are several more icons that can be placed above or opposite the door.
Unbreakable Wall
The “Unbreakable Wall” shrine, which allows you to protect yourself from the negative influence of others and achieve peace in the family.
You can place this image in your own home at the entrance. This shrine is of mosaic type with the image of the Virgin Mary. She raises her hands up in prayer. This icon is the most sought after and revered. Placing it in the hallway of your own home becomes the right decision.
The shrine will become an “unbreakable wall”, protecting the house from negative environmental influences. She is an assistant in the fight against enemies, ill-wishers, sorcerers and black magic in general. If a person with bad intentions enters a house where such an icon is located above the front door, he will feel more than uncomfortable.
Guardian angel
As an alternative, you can give preference to the Guardian Angel icon. This is one of the most sought after faces. The saint should be selected by date of birth or by the name of the owner of the house. You shouldn’t just buy an image; it’s important to take a comprehensive approach to its selection. Only in this case will it become a truly sacred amulet, bringing good luck, happiness, and health.
The Guardian Angel icon is selected individually by each person
Softening Evil Hearts
Placing this image opposite the door helps lead your thoughts in a positive direction. This icon is considered Miraculous, and helps to cope with a hostile mood in the family or in the inner circle of friends.
Icon Softening Evil Hearts
“Savior Not Made by Hands”
It is known that in ancient times this icon hung in a niche above the entrance gate of the city of Edessa. The miraculous icon provided the residents of Edessa with reliable protection from enemies.
According to legend, the miraculous image of the Savior appeared miraculously on a towel when Jesus, who had washed himself, wiped his face with it. The ruler of Edessa named Abgar, who was very ill, looked at the image and was immediately healed. He ordered the towel to be richly decorated and placed over the city gates so that the image would help everyone. It is believed that this image can reliably protect the home of a sincere believer from the penetration of enemies and ill-wishers.
What should you keep in mind?
Attention! The main thing in matters of placing an icon is faith. Without faith, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve positive influence and beneficial changes in your own home, and the placement of icons above the door or opposite will not have any meaning.
Remember that if you don’t have faith, you don’t even have to try to hang an icon in your own home. It will carry positive energy, but without faith it will not be possible to notice concrete changes. You should take a comprehensive approach to choosing an icon. This is an individual process for each person. It is important to pay attention to general recommendations, but you must select a specific image solely based on your own feelings and priorities.
Hanging a Shrine above the front door is a way to solve problems, get rid of negativity and protect your own home. Choose those images that will help you cope with your problems. Some people want to establish peace in the family, find love or restore relationships; for others, material well-being comes first, and for others, health. It is important to remember all this in the process of selecting an icon. In this case, the result will really surprise you, and your faith in the miraculous power of icons will only increase.
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Seven-shot Mother of God
The most common guardian of the home gate is the “Seven Arrow” icon with the image of the Mother of God. To understand what her divine protection consists of, let us turn to her history. She sends us to Vologda, to the distant past, to troubled times with constant outbreaks of terrible diseases.
One day, a lame and sick peasant, who had lost all hope of recovery, heard the call of the voice of the Lord. He prophesied healing after the peasant found the icon of the Mother of God in the bell tower at the Theological Church and prayed in front of it.
What a surprise befell everyone when she was found among the steps of the bell tower - trampled, covered with a layer of mud. But when she was put in order, she not only helped a sick person get rid of his illness and find faith, but also after a while diverted the cholera epidemic from these places.
Features of this image
On most icons, the Mother of God is depicted with Jesus or saints and angels. But here she stands alone, with seven swords piercing her chest. This image personifies the mental anguish and exorbitant sadness experienced on earth.
This icon is known among believers as the protector of homes from criminals and their evil intentions, as well as from ordinary people with bad intentions.
There are different versions of this icon:
- with the image of seven swords (three on the left and right and one in the center, four on the right and three on the left, which is why it is called “Seven Shot”);
- with six swords.
Performed in the second version, it also has the name “Softening Evil Hearts.” She protects the family not only from ungodly people, but also from discord within. If anyone in the family has bad thoughts and anger towards family and friends, then he is advised to pray to this icon with a request to the Mother of God to soften these feelings and emotions.
The Seven-Shot Mother of God is considered one of the most powerful, so it does not matter which icon to hang - large or small, bought in a church shop or printed on a printer, embroidered with beads or carved from wood. The most important thing is the attitude and faith with which you do it, and what meaning you put into this action.