Spiritual recommendations for starting a family

  1. Introduction
  2. Why make dua for a righteous husband?
  3. Is there a dua for marriage or getting married?
  4. Auspicious time to make dua
  5. Conditions for accepting dua
  6. Dua text to marry a certain person

Connecting your own life with a righteous and God-fearing spouse is the dream of many young men and girls. A righteous spouse is a great help in achieving the pleasure of Allah and one who will become an eternal companion for a person not only on the path of life, but also on the path to the eternal gardens of Eden.

In modern society, it is very difficult to find a righteous spouse, especially girls who want to get married and find happiness in marriage, but sometimes have to wait for a long time for a future husband whom they would prefer to marry, face great difficulties. Not every girl succeeds, as she wishes, in getting married early and starting her family life in full compliance with the provisions of Islam. Often the desired moment of marriage is postponed for a long time. One of the reasons for this situation is the deterioration of the demographic situation in society, because there are much fewer men in modern society than women. Often the reason for such difficulties with marriage and starting a family is the national issue, and many other factors can also be the reason.

Many people wonder how they can speed up the moment of finding their destiny, a happy marriage, what a Muslim believer or woman can do in order to speed up their own wedding and get married.

Dua for getting married

In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful!

Peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions, and everyone who followed him until the Day of Judgment!

And then:

Many young boys and girls want to connect their lives with a righteous spouse who will help them achieve the pleasure of Allah and become eternal companions in the eternal gardens of Paradise. But if in our time it is easier for young men to find a righteous wife, then girls often have to wait a long time for their future husband. Everyone wants to get married and get married early, as they say at one time, but, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds.

There are many reasons. There are demography, as you know, there are much fewer men than women, and the national question and many other points. But if these reasons do not depend on us and it is useless to fight them, then one reason that will be discussed in this article is within our power. We can cope with it and create the opposite reason - a means to get married and get married, and most importantly, find a righteous life partner.

An important point in finding a righteous husband is often missed by Muslim women and they unfairly neglect him. This important point is dua. Yes, this is a prayer in which we ask Allah to grant us a righteous spouse. And not just a prayer, which is a set of words, the meaning of which is not always known, but a sincere dua directed to Allah Almighty, the Giver of inheritance and righteous offspring.

The Lord of the worlds, great and glorious He is, often addresses His servants, urging them to ask Him. He says: “Your Lord said: “Call upon Me and I will answer you. Indeed, those who exalt themselves above the worship of Me will enter Gehenna humiliated" (Sura “The Believer”, verse 60). Allah also says: “If My servants ask you about Me, then I am close and answer the call of the person praying when he calls on Me. Let them answer Me and believe in Me, perhaps they will follow the right path” (Sura “The Cow”, verse 186). You should not neglect the words of Allah, “Call to Me, and I will answer you,” you should ask him more, hoping for His mercy and generosity.

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Allah Almighty says: “O My servants, all of you are hungry, except the one whom I fed. So ask Me for food, and I will give it to you. O My servants, you are all naked except those whom I have clothed. So ask Me for clothing, and I will dress you. O My servants, you are all lost, except the one whom I have guided. So ask Me for guidance on the straight path, and I will guide you. O My servants, truly you commit mistakes night and day, and I forgive all sins, so ask Me for forgiveness, and I will forgive you” (narrated by Muslim).

These and many other countless verses and hadiths say that whoever turns to Allah with a prayer will definitely receive an answer from Almighty Allah.

However, is there a dua conveyed in the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah that is for a man who wants to get married or for a woman who wants to get married? There is no specific prayer that would be transmitted from the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, but there is a prayer that includes in its meaning the request to provide a righteous life partner. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, often repeated the prayer:

رَبَّنَا آَتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الآَخِرَةِ حَسَنَة ً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ

Rabbana atina fi d-dunya hasanatan wa fi-l akhirati hasanatan wa k'yna azaba n-nar / O our Lord, grant us good in this world, good in the eternal world (akhira) and save us from the torment of Hell!

We should also keep in mind that there are certain times and places when Allah answers our prayers faster than usual. This:

  1. Night of Predestination “Lailatul Qadr”.
  2. Prayer at night, namely in the pre-dawn time.
  3. At the end of the obligatory prayers.
  4. Between adhan and iqamat.
  5. When called to obligatory prayer.
  6. When it rains.
  7. On a Friday afternoon.
  8. When drinking water, zam-zam.
  9. After the prayer “La ilaha illya anta subhanaka inni kuntu mina z-zalimin.”
  10. During prostration.

If a Muslim woman asks Allah to grant her a righteous husband in these places or times, then inshaAllah, by the will of Allah Almighty, he will answer her prayer soon. Each of these points is supported by the Hasidim of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, by the words of the companions and scholars of the Ummah.

Rejoice in yet another hadith. It is reported that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, heard a man asking Allah with the words:

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Allahumma inni as'alyuka bi-anni ashhadu annaka anta LLahu l-lyazi la ilaha illa anta al-ahadu s-samadu l-lyazi lam yalid wa lam yulyad wa lam yakun lahu kufuvan ahad / O my Lord, I ask You in that I testify that You are Allah, besides Whom there is no other deity worthy of worship, the One, the Self-sufficient, Who did not give birth, and was not born, and Who has no equal.

...then the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: I swear by the One in Whose Hands is the soul of Muhammad, he asked Allah in His great name. When they ask Him, He gives, and when they call upon Him, He answers!”

However, we should not forget about the conditions for the acceptance of our duas by Allah Almighty. Sometimes a person can commit actions that cause Allah to not answer his prayers. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with all the conditions for accepting prayers by Allah Almighty. This:

  1. So that a person does not ask anyone along with Allah Almighty.
  2. So that prayer does not include sinful things in its meaning.
  3. So that a person does not commit sinful acts.
  4. Eating only lawful food and avoiding forbidden food.
  5. A prayer from the bottom of my heart, sincerely.

Unfortunately, many Muslims neglect these times and places for accepting dua and do not fulfill the necessary conditions for accepting it. If all this is accomplished, then Allah Almighty will not make you wait long inshaAllah.

In conclusion, let us give praise to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, Who loves when He is asked and does not like when anyone besides Him is asked. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Messenger and all believers until the Day of Judgment!

Malik abu Hatim

Tags: marriage, Malik abu Hatim,

Prayer for marriage in Islam

Question: I will soon be 30 years old, and I still can’t get married. As if something is preventing this. Maybe because I'm not very beautiful in appearance? If someone appears on the horizon, then he disappears... Is there any dua from the Koran to get married? I would read this prayer constantly.


The Almighty God loves it when we turn to Him with prayers. Allah says in the Koran: “Call upon Me, and I will answer your prayer” (the meaning of verse 60 of Surah al-Ghafir).

However, in order for our dua to be accepted, certain ethical standards must be observed. A prayer to the Almighty should begin with praise and numerous remembrances of the Lord, then blessing His Messenger ﷺ.

Among the ethical norms of dua, the following should also be mentioned: 1) manifestation of sincerity towards God;8) 2) firm conviction in accepting dua; 3) persistence in prayer and reluctance to rush things; 4) reading dua with humility; 5) turning to God both in joy and in sorrow; 6) reading the dua out loud, but not loudly; 7) do not ask in dua to harm anyone or anything; sincere repentance for sins committed; 9) return of all debts and repentance for them; 10) recognition of the blessings and mercies that the Lord has given us and expression of praise and gratitude to Him for this; 11) ask God for something three times in dua; 12) turn in the direction of the qibla; 13) reading dua with raised hands; 14) ask in dua first for yourself, and only then for others; 15) pray to Allah through His most beautiful names, epithets or through a good deed; 16) compliance with the conditions of permissibility in clothing, food and drink; 17) do not ask in dua for sinful things or for breaking family ties; 18) do not cross the boundaries of what is permitted in dua (for example, do not ask the Almighty to make you a prophet, etc.); 19) strive for the good and beware of the forbidden.

Regarding the duas from the Koran you mentioned to facilitate marriage, we recommend that you read the following:

رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا

"Rabbana hab lana min azvajina vaҙurriyyatina ḱurrata a'yunin vaj'alna lilmuttaḱina imam."

“Our Lord! Grant us the delight of the eyes in our spouses and descendants and make us an example for the pious” (meaning of verse 74 of Surah al-Furqan).

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“Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khairin faḱir.”

"God! Truly, I need any good that You send me” (the meaning of verse 24 of Surah al-Qasas).

May the Gracious Creator accept our prayers and bestow the best in both worlds! Amine.

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I just can't get married...

I am already 29 years old, and I just can’t get married. I have no deviations in physical development, and everything is fine with my appearance, alhamdulillah, I’m not complaining. But for some reason they are afraid to approach me, and I myself am not very sociable, especially with the opposite sex.

Many people tell me that I am damaged, and I myself have already begun to believe in it, although I have not turned to fortune-tellers and healers.

I don't believe it, but I really need your help! Help for the sake of the Almighty, because every girl dreams of starting a family and having children.

I had cases where people came to make a match, but for some reason the matter did not progress further. There was even a situation where istikhar did not give way to those who came to make a match, and they left.

I don’t want to lose hope, I ask the Almighty, but I don’t know what exactly needs to be done and who to turn to with this request. I have not made any mistakes in my life and I am grateful to the Almighty, my conscience is clear. I am respected at work, and loved by my family and friends at home. I hope you will hear my prayers and help me, give me advice and valuable recommendations...

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Unfortunately, women are facing this problem more and more often. And all because Muslims have stopped paying attention to Islam and its ethics in relation to this or that issue. For example, according to Islamic norms, it is advisable for a girl’s parents to look for a husband for their daughter themselves. However, here (in Russia as a whole), unfortunately, this is not accepted and can even be perceived negatively and shamefully.

Such a concept as the crown of celibacy exists, and this is confirmed by theologians. I cannot say unequivocally whether it has a place specifically in your case. To remove damage, you need to read the Koran as much as possible. You need to read the following verses and surahs of the Koran:

2. 1-5 verses of Surah al-Baqarah.

3. 102-103 verses of Surah al-Baqarah.

Rules for reading dua by girls for marriage

There are many surahs in the Koran - prayers for various occasions in life, many types of dua. The Islamic faith is strict, but rituals and conspiracies for organizing life, love, prosperity, and being happy are not prohibited by Sharia.

There are duas that help you get married and bless the marriage. The Muslim faith involves water spells using plants.

In magical rituals, the main thing is:

  • belief that actions will lead to results;
  • skills, degree of abilities of the person performing the ritual;
  • compliance with the rules of conduct.

Muslim magic has its own peculiarities when reading duas, in order to get married, you need to respect them.

Before reading an Islamic conspiracy, in order for the outcome to be successful, they undergo ablution - taharat, abdest. They perform 2 rakats of additional prayer and say a prayer for love.

You can pronounce the dua for marriage in Arabic or use the Russian translation. The Arabic version has a stronger impact.

Rules to follow to get married:

  • learn the dua by heart and pronounce it from memory, exactly according to the written text;
  • use several times, from 3 to 5, sometimes up to 12;
  • when reading, turn your gaze to the direction where the qibla is located;
  • if the spell is cast on water, then after the words of each dua you need to blow on its surface.

An important role is played by the places and times when Allah answers Muslim prayers for marriage:

  • during the call for obligatory prayer;
  • at the end of the obligatory prayer;
  • at pre-dawn prayer;
  • dua between adhan and iqama;
  • on the night of predestination “Lailatul-qad”;
  • on Friday;
  • during rain;
  • when they drink zam-zam water;
  • when bowing to the ground;
  • dua after reciting the sura “I ilaha illya anta subhanaka inni kuntu mina z-zalimin”;
  • concentration of thoughts on action.

Muslims do not stop at reading prayers to get married. They make talismans, perform protective rituals or to solve problems.

Islamic duas have a condition - they are pronounced like a spell.

What surahs and verses should you read regularly?

To speed up the fulfillment of your desire for marriage, you need to read Muslim duas and prayers regularly and choose the right time, without extraneous music. The list of the above surahs for getting married can be supplemented:

  • “al-Baqarah”, verses 1-5, 102-103, 163-164, 285-286;
  • "al-Araf", verses 117-122;
  • “Yunus”, verses 21-82 – twice;
  • “al-Muminun”, verses 115-118;
  • “as-Saffat”, verses 1-10;
  • "al-Ahkaf", verses 29-32;
  • “ar-Rahman”, verse 33-36;
  • "al-Hashr", verse 21-24;
  • “alu-Imran”, verses 18-19;
  • "al-Araf", verses 54-56;
  • "al-Jinn", verses 1-9;
  • "al-Ikhlas";
  • “al-Falyak” – 7 times;
  • “an-us” – 7 times.

All these pleas to get married are slandered on the water, releasing air from the mouth to the water. You need to wash your face with it and drink it for the next three days. If a person does not know the language of the Koran, you can listen to duas in recordings, mentally pronouncing them to yourself. If you meet a loved one, you need to ask for a blessing; it would be a sin not to thank Allah.

A person must perform prayers and duas mentally prepared, aware of the desire to pray.

Review of the strongest duas asking for marriage

A prayer pronounced sincerely and fervently helps to make a righteous choice and avoid making mistakes when getting married. If a person has committed obscene acts, they will cause the Almighty to remain silent in response to prayers.

Conditions under which Allah accepts dua from people:

  • there is no need to ask anyone else besides Allah;
  • not have sinful thoughts;
  • do not commit sinful acts;
  • eat food prescribed by Islam, beware of prohibited foods;
  • sincerity when reading dua, pure heart and thoughts.

A Muslim woman who asks the Almighty for a spouse and reads dua for a successful marriage in the right places and times will receive an answer from Allah.

Readable by girls or boys

Just a prayer or dua for marriage will not help the matter; you must be ready to give part of your soul to the altar of serving the family. In the Islamic religion, what happens is subject to the will of the Almighty; what a person deserves is what he received.

When turning to the Almighty in order to get married, you need to feel the words of the prayer, accept sincere humility, without deception and cunning. Words addressed to Allah will work if you trust the higher powers.

The first dua for marriage can be recited anywhere, anytime.

To speed up marriage, you can recite any surah to a girl/boy:

  • "al-Fatiha";
  • 20 “Ta-ha” - to get married successfully, read on a glass of water, blow on it and drink;
  • “Discrimination”, verses 74-76 – 21 times each for 3 days;
  • “Ta-ha”, verse 69 – 7 times;
  • 255 verses of “al-Baqarah” - “al-Kursi” - for repeated reading;
  • 33 Hosts – for regular reading;
  • 60 “Test” – 5 times, daily;
  • “Ya.Sin”, verse 36 – 40 days 100 times before the night surah.

You won’t be able to get married instantly; the power of prayer is sincerity, in words spoken from the heart. If a Muslim woman pronounces a dua with sincere desire, with pure thoughts, Allah will hear her and send her the opportunity to meet her betrothed. We must not miss the moment.

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The best dua for a happy marriage is Istikhara, aimed at ensuring that a person does not make a mistake in his choice, and warding off evil from the person praying. No matter how wise and far-sighted a person is, he will not be able to predict success in marriage. If istikhara prayers are unsuccessful, this means that Allah protects the one asking from this union, perhaps it would not have been successful.

Before going to bed, already in bed, in order to get married, you need to join your hands, as when pronouncing a dua, say “al-Falyak” and “an-Nas” three times and move them over the body. Be sure to perform ablution rituals when going to bed.

You can perform a lengthy ritual by reciting the fifth sura many times. Take the printed book of the Koran in your hands, place a photo of the person you plan to marry, place it in front of you and continuously recite the fifth sura 66 times. You need to imagine how what you want happens. The picture should be bright.

If at the end of reading the dua there remains a pleasant feeling of the presence of the chosen one, then everything is happening correctly. When finished, they place the photograph in the Koran, and wrap the book in a beautiful embroidered scarf.

Readable by parents or loved ones

Parents always care about the happiness and well-being of their children, using dua for protection, the help of Allah when coming to the mosque or at home.

In order for a daughter to get married successfully or a son to get married, parents can perform the following actions:

  • at the end of one of the obligatory prayers, in order to help a child get married, read the dua “Mashlul” for forty days, do not eat meat;
  • be able to perform ghusl and wuzu - large and small ritual ablutions;
  • praying in special clothes is ihram.

You can ask your daughter to marry using ruqyas - certain types of prayers in the Muslim religion that have the powers of spells. Ruqyas written by the Prophet originate from the Almighty, texts from the Holy Quran and help to get what you want. With its help, loved ones can help remove the crown of celibacy from a girl/boy and then begin making dua for a favorable outcome of the efforts made.

Certain duas to get married can be written on paper and worn as a bracelet, which is removed after marriage takes place. It bears the name of Allah and cannot be burned; it is better to bury it in the ground.

If a girl is worried that the man did not share her feelings, then you can ask your parents to start a conversation about marriage, a wedding with the relatives of the chosen one.

There is a ritual with herbs to get married, which it is advisable to dry:

  1. Take sprigs of rosemary, several mistletoe berries, cornflower flowers, photographs of the bride and groom, a beautiful metal dish with embossed or gilded, wide with a thick bottom.
  2. The photos are stitched facing each other with gold thread, repeating the 5th sura.
  3. Place grass on a plate and set it on fire.
  4. When the flame flared up, say the words, set the photo on fire.
  5. Repeat the dua twice, recite the 5th surah until there are no ashes left on the dish. It must be collected and a pinch discreetly added to the chosen one’s food or drink. The remaining ashes should be reused if the potential groom has not proposed marriage.

Conditions for accepting dua

There are conditions for the Lord to accept dua, not only about marriage, but about everything we make. The reason that God does not answer the prayers of a Muslim believer can be certain actions, therefore all the conditions that are necessary for Allah to hear and accept the prayer must be observed.

These conditions are:

  • A person should not ask anyone but Allah in his dua;
  • The dua should not contain any sinful meaning, just as a person asking should not commit sinful acts;
  • A Muslim man or a Muslim woman who dreams of marriage, who makes dua to get married, should eat only lawful food and beware of forbidden food;
  • Any prayer for marriage must be made sincerely and from a pure heart;
  • One should not neglect the place and time at which the dua for marriage is pronounced, and one should not neglect the conditions that are important to observe so that the prayer is heard by God.

Muslim love spells.

Muslim girls, if they want to bewitch a man, should know that this magical ritual has its own characteristics. But just as in Christian rituals to attract love, the main role is still played by faith in what you are doing, how you follow the rules for conducting such magical rituals, as well as the personal abilities of the one who performs it. There is very little information about the conduct of Muslim magical rituals and it is practically difficult to find any information about this, even on the Internet. Of course, it is possible to get an answer to this question on the Internet, but the final search result most likely will not provide a complete and specific answer. The thing is that the specifics of Muslim magical conspiracies and their correct execution are kept secret by Muslim witches. Although if you look at it, magic is the same for everyone, whether you are Muslim or Christian. There would be desire, faith in one’s strengths and abilities. Of course, Muslim magic has its own peculiarities of reading conspiracies, and these peculiarities must be known and respected. The most effective and most effective when reading it will be a conspiracy read in the Muslim language. Most Christians are sure that Islam is one of the very strict religions, and this is in fact the case. But nevertheless, light magical rituals to attract love into your life do not contradict the Muslim faith. Among these conspiracies and prayers, there are very strong ones that help you establish and arrange your personal life and find happiness. Sharia law allows some magical rituals - reading spells and prayers for water, using herbs and other plants. Muslim conspiracies have one more rule - they must be read as incantatory prayers. But basically they are similar to reading Christian conspiracies and prayers. In the Muslim religion, along with ordinary ones, prayers are read, which are called doga or doha, dua. In their magical practice, Muslims, just like Christians, conduct rituals and rituals that help get rid of problems or to protect themselves and their loved ones.

How to correctly read Muslim prayers and spells.

When reading Muslim prayers, several rules must be followed:

It is necessary to read the prayer by heart, without departing from the text that is written in the conspiracy. Usually the plot is read from three to five times, but if necessary, up to twelve. When performing any magical ritual, your gaze should be turned towards the qibla, that is, Masjidul Harama Mecca. Before you begin to read prayers-spells, you must perform ablutions. When water is charmed, they blow lightly on it, reading the spell.

Muslim prayer - a conspiracy to attract love (for a successful marriage).

This Muslim prayer will help unite two loving hearts and have a successful marriage. In terms of its power, it is equal to a full-fledged magical ritual; after pronouncing it, you will no longer be able to cancel its effect. Before reading the conspiracy, perform a ritual ablution (taharat, abdest), after ablution, perform two additional rakats of prayer, and only after that read the following words:

Auspicious time to make dua

In answering this question, it is worth considering those places and periods of time that would be more favorable to use for prayer for marriage, so that they are quickly heard by God and fulfilled.

It is auspicious to make a dua to get married on the night of Laylatul Qadr or the Night of Destiny. The Almighty will answer the prayer most quickly, which will be said at night before dawn and especially during prostrations. Dua should be said after the obligatory prayers at the end, and also between the azan and the iqama.

When calling for obligatory prayer and when it rains, making a dua for marriage will be effective, as well as making such a dua on Friday.

Another favorable period for accepting prayers and requests will be the period while drinking zam-zam water, as well as after the prayer “La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu mina z-zalimin.”

Prayers for marriage, for the sending of a righteous husband during these periods and in these places will be a significant help in finding a groom or bride, so there is a possibility that the Almighty will answer such prayers faster.

Muslim prayer if you want to get married

First, a ritual ablution is performed (taharat, abdest), after which one must perform two rakats of additional prayer and say:

O Allah! Everything is in Your power, but I am not able to do anything. You know everything, but I don’t. You know everything that is hidden from us. And if You think what is best for preserving my religiosity and well-being both in this and in the future worlds, then help me in making her my wife (husband). And if the other is the best for preserving my religiosity and well-being in both worlds, then help me so that the other becomes my wife (husband).

Also recite the following duas:

2) أَعْيُنٍ وَاجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا

Translation: Our Lord! Grant us the delight of the eyes in our spouses and descendants and make us an example for the God-fearing


Translation: Lord! Verily, I need every good thing that You bestow upon me.

4. Read Surah “Dahr” in the 29th Juz, as well as salauats to the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) 500 times every day.

And may Allah help you and He knows best

Prepared by: Hadith Al-Hanafi

Select language Current version v.210.1

Goals to achieve when choosing a spouse

There are two main goals that are pursued when choosing a spouse: 1) so that she brings happiness and peace to the house; 2) so that she can raise future children in the spirit of high morality, religious morality and fear of God.

- religiosity;

- the ability to give birth to more than one or two children[8];

- virginity;

- noble origin (belonging to a family known for its religiosity)[9];

- beauty;

- the greatest distance along the line of consanguinity.

Of course, it goes without saying that the husband should also have all these qualities, and to a greater extent and degree, because in a Muslim family he is the one who is respected and followed.

It is also important to assume that the future wife will be the only one, otherwise there is a high probability that the husband will not be able to fulfill the strictest Koranic covenant - to show justice to all wives.

“Marry those women [from two-parent families] who are pleasant to you (who you like), two, three or four. [Four is the limit, the maximum. One man cannot have more than four wives at the same time.] And if you are afraid [prudently realize] that you will not be equally fair [to them in everything, that is, in sufficient material support, identical housing, equal attention and treatment[10]] , then - [only] on one” (see Holy Quran, 4:3).

“You will never be able to be [in every way and completely, especially regarding your feelings] fair to several wives, even if you try very hard” (see Holy Quran, 4:129).

The hadith also contains a warning: “Whoever has two wives and does not clearly treat them equally, then on the Day of Judgment such a person will appear with half [of his body] trailing behind him. That is, he will have to answer for this serious sin by staying in Hell]”[11].

Dua for marriage or marriage

For those who want to get married, the following duas and deeds are recommended:

1. Regularly read Surah 33 “The Hosts”.

2. Read Surah 60 “Tested” five times daily.

3. Read Surah 20 “Ta.Ha” into a glass of water, then blow on the water and drink it.

4. Repeat verse 74 of Surah “Discrimination” as often as possible:

رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَاماً

Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa zurriyatina kurrati aayun wa jaAlna lil muttaqina imama

“O our Lord, grant us from our wives and our offspring a feast for the eyes and make us imams for the pious!”

Repeat this verse constantly, whenever possible.

5. For 40 days, before each night prayer, read the 36th verse of Surah Ya.Sin 100 times:

Subhana lazi halaka l-azwaja kullakha mimma tunbitu l-ardu wa min anfusihim wa mimma la ya'Alamuun

“Praise be to him who created all the pairs of those that the earth grows, both from themselves and from what they do not know!”

6. Read verses 74, 75 and 76 of the Discrimination sura 21 times within 3 days (that is, 21 times every day) and pray for marriage.

7. It is said in “Biharu-l-anwar” that for a successful marriage the following action is recommended (it can be performed by the one who wants to get married or his or her relative):

- Read “Dua Mashlul” for 40 days after morning or any other obligatory prayer (if you cannot read in Arabic, you can listen to the dua, and there is no difference. “Dua Mashlul” with video here).

- Do not eat meat during these days.

- Always be in a state of ghusl and wuzu (large and small ritual ablution).

- Wear ihram while reading Dua Mashlul.

After this, Allah will give you a good match, in sha Allah.

8. It is also transmitted in “Bihar ul-anwar” that in order to get married, one must read this dua 100 times after each obligatory prayer within 40 days:

Sahlan bi fazlika ya Aziz

“I ask for relief by Your mercy, O Great One!”

9. In “Kanz ul-maknun” it is conveyed that if a girl wants to get married, but does not have good proposals, she needs to write the following dua on a piece of paper and attach it to her hand in the form of a bandage or talisman. During the onset of menstruation, the dua must be removed. This is the dua:

Translation: “O light of all things and guide of them! You are the One who opened up the darkness with Your light!”

In sha Allah, she will receive a good offer soon.

Attention: you only need to write Arabic text. No need to write a translation!

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Complete collection and description: a strong Muslim prayer for marriage for the spiritual life of a believer.

Why make dua for a righteous husband?

Some Muslim women who dream of marrying a loved one do not even think about this important point on the path of searching for a righteous and God-fearing spouse, like a dua, that is, a prayer with which a Muslim woman can turn to God with a request to send a good husband.

Dua is not just a prayer, not just a set of words whose meaning may even be unknown to a Muslim. This is a sincere request that is sent to the Lord from a Muslim woman or a Muslim, because only Allah is able to give offspring and a good spouse.

The Almighty turns to his slaves, instructing them to constantly turn to him with prayers: “ Call to Me, and I will answer you ” (Sura Ghafir (the Forgiving), verse 60). That is why it is so important to turn to God with a prayer for a good righteous spouse and righteous offspring. The words of Allah that believers call on him and ask him cannot be neglected: if the Lord instructs believers to call on him, then they should wish for this more often, and He will show them his generosity and mercy.

According to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the Almighty said to ask Him for food, clothing, guidance and a straight path, and He will give all this. Allah Almighty instructed Muslim believers to ask Him for forgiveness of their mistakes and sins, and He will forgive these sins. This is reported in a hadith narrated by Muslim. Also, many other hadiths and verses indicate that everyone who turns to Allah Almighty with a prayer will definitely receive an answer to their requests.

Muslim love spells

It hasn’t occurred to you that some of the strangeness of the structure of our world has occurred. It seems that people are trying to separate themselves, they have invented countries and religions for themselves, but nothing works out for them. Love unites everyone, regardless of views and languages ​​of communication, ignoring religious beliefs. If you look at it from this side, it turns out that the whole world (or the one who organized it this way) is trying to defeat the great power of love. Will it work? Most likely no. Every nation has special rituals aimed at generating love. When it comes to her, everyone thinks and feels the same. Wings grow behind your backs, your heart speeds up, youth blossoms in your soul. And religion remains somewhere in the background.

Muslim love spells: what are their features?

If you compare magic from the point of view of religious views, then purely outwardly you can find a lot of differences. Only all of them do not concern (almost) the forces involved themselves, but rather the instruments. Christians use prayers, Muslims use suras. What is the difference? Believe me, nothing for love. The tender trembling of the soul does not arise from which of the Holy books it is inspired by. It’s just that each religion, through the mediation and direct participation of its admirers, has created its own egregors. They do work. But on a higher plane, they are also one and the same. Why then do they distinguish between Muslim and Christian love spells?

The point is in egregors - energy clots with which certain people are connected. It is easier to influence a Muslim with the energy that he perceives as native. There will be no rejection or opposition. Therefore, Muslim love spells are used to bewitch people of a given religious group. For some reason this works better for men. That is, it is better for a Christian woman to bewitch Muslim men in this tradition. But if it’s the other way around, then the guy is recommended to use the rituals of his own people. Maybe because both worldviews are based on male leadership?

Muslim love spells: examples

To complete this you will need herbs. It would be nice to collect and dry them yourself. Pharmacy ones greatly reduce the effectiveness. But here's how it goes. You need to take the same amount of rosemary, mistletoe berries, and cornflower flowers. Also prepare a photo of yourself and the victim. You will need a small metal fire dish. If you go to the store to buy it, then choose a wide, flat one with a thick bottom. The dish needs to be beautiful, decorated with embossing or curls with gilding.

Fold the photos so that the images look at each other. Take the gold thread and needle. When stitching the photos, repeat the fifth surah. If you don’t know Arabic, it is recommended to find an audio recording and practice reading, copying sounds and intonation. You can also perform a ritual while recording. Have you sewn it? Place herbs on a plate and set fire to it. When the flame flares up, say:

“Tamore kotashen intema!”

Now use the fire of herbs to light the stitched photos. While they are burning, cast the spell two more times. Now again Sura No. 5. It must be repeated in a chant until only ashes remain. The latter must be collected and a pinch added to the victim’s food or drink. Don't throw away the leftovers. They can be used later if the result is not satisfactory the first time.

The ritual is associated with water. It is held at dawn. You need to completely undress and stand in an empty basin. Take a glass of water in your hands. Gently pour it onto the top of your head. Wait until it drains into the basin. Do not wave your hands to avoid splashing the liquid. Pour the water collected in the basin back into the glass. Say the following words to her:

“Allah commanded to endure! And I'm waiting! Allah commanded to love! I'm burning! Allah turned to (name) and told him to wait and suffer! As soon as he drinks the water, he will fulfill the command!”

Water must be added to the victim's drink. Just a few drops are enough. In this case, you need to read the first sura. This will be a kind of protection from negative influences. That is, this is a sign that you agree with any decision of the Higher Powers. If they allow it, the victim will fall in love with you. You show that you are not going against them. Failure to comply with this condition may result in a penalty.

Recommendations specifically for those who do not know Muslim customs

The fact is that the Higher Powers are perceived in this religion as something that cannot be resisted. Everything happens according to the will of Allah. If it’s bad, it means the faithful deserved it; if it’s good, he earned it. When you turn to this egregor, you need to truly feel humility in your soul. Don't be cunning, don't deceive, this is funny. Magic will happen when you truly feel trust in the forces you are asking for assistance. Therefore, it is recommended to read the first sura appropriately and inappropriately. This is a sign of humility and non-resistance to the will of Allah. At the same time, you, of course, are not obliged to renounce your religious beliefs. Just agree that with your own charter, going to a monastery that is not yours is somehow not very good...

Muslim love spells: we continue...

For a loved one to propose, there is such a ritual. It is necessary to go out every day on the road running into the distance. Position yourself so that nothing blocks the horizon, imagine that it is coming towards you from afar. Read an odd number of times:


Before you begin to perform the ritual, know that the reading of the plot is carried out until the proposal is received. That is, you will have to walk on the road every day. Stop and say goodbye to your dream.

Held on a new moon. We need the Quran in a printed edition. Take a photo of the victim. Put it in front of you. Take the Koran in your hands. Start reading the fifth sura. This must be done sixty-six times without interruption. Book in hand, photo opposite. Imagine what you want happening. It is necessary to achieve a bright picture. In fact, the vision will show whether the surah is valid or not. If after the ritual there remains a pleasant feeling of the “presence” of the victim nearby, then everything is going right. When finished, place the photo in a book, which is wrapped in a beautiful embroidered scarf.

Have you gone completely crazy? To pick up the Holy Quran you need to be a Muslim and ablution. I ask people of other faiths not to buy the original Holy Scripture. There are no such fortune telling in Islam.

Please give me a spell to simply read on a Muslim so that he will come back without herbs and any rituals. I ask you, if there is one, write:

Pray. In prayer, ask for what you want (but it should not harm others) or to calm your heart... If this person is yours, he will return. If not, calm down. Believe me, the retribution for trying to tie someone else’s fate to yourself is very great: loneliness, endless loneliness or very serious illnesses of children born from an “attached” person. And these conspiracies and rituals are deception and blasphemy. In Islam, it is enough to take ablution and pray, voicing your requests in prayer.

I will tell you how to get a Muslim back now without herbs. and then, but you must answer me now, are you a peasant woman or a Muslim woman or a peasant woman who has become a Muslim woman, I’m waiting for an answer now

Tell me how? I am a Muslim, but recently converted to Islam

There are no prohibitions for anyone to pick up the Holy Quran... there are no prohibitions for anyone to hold the Holy Bible in their hands... and I will say more - there are no prohibitions for keeping these Holy books at home... The Bible for non-Christians and the Koran is not for Muslims .. and even more so there are no prohibitions on visiting mosques and churches ..

The Koran cannot be picked up without ablution, just like other holy books.

hey, what are you doing there, anonymous, don't disgrace our Koran, fatema, well done, aty, you're a brainless fool, your jokes are bad, you're a fool, what are you playing with, you know, no, you don't know, try playing with your screen and Ana will show you where the crayfish land and your relatives too, remember my words, I, who played too much in a dream with this Koran and received too many horrors kamuba know if not for me if you knew what the Koran is you would not dare to talk about it like that, know you would not even want to live and sleep you were never able and breathe thanks to the photema and the like

yes, I forgot to say about the main thing: no one is allowed to pick up the Bible as a Muslim; also, a Muslim is not allowed to enter the church because this is all for peasants; also, a peasant is not allowed to even touch the Koran and enter the mosque; this is all for Muslims, so you know, if you don’t get it, then you don’t understand at all. no, become a pure Muslim and use it for your health, and only from a pure heart then you can

It's all black magic, I'm a Muslim! Muslims do not have such conspiracies; this is the worship of genies and shaitans (dishonesty). There is Surah Al Fatiha, there is a translation into Russian, read it and ask the Almighty, merciful and merciful. give you forgiveness for your sins and guide you on the right path. And everything that is written here is not good

There is no magic in Islam there is only worship and ask for dua do not believe in magic brothers and sisters

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Why make dua for a righteous husband?

Some Muslim women who dream of marrying a loved one do not even think about this important point on the path of searching for a righteous and God-fearing spouse, like a dua, that is, a prayer with which a Muslim woman can turn to God with a request to send a good husband.

Dua is not just a prayer, not just a set of words whose meaning may even be unknown to a Muslim. This is a sincere request that is sent to the Lord from a Muslim woman or a Muslim, because only Allah is able to give offspring and a good spouse.

The Almighty turns to his slaves, instructing them to constantly turn to him with prayers: “ Call to Me, and I will answer you ” (Sura Ghafir (the Forgiving), verse 60). That is why it is so important to turn to God with a prayer for a good righteous spouse and righteous offspring. The words of Allah that believers call on him and ask him cannot be neglected: if the Lord instructs believers to call on him, then they should wish for this more often, and He will show them his generosity and mercy.

According to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the Almighty said to ask Him for food, clothing, guidance and a straight path, and He will give all this. Allah Almighty instructed Muslim believers to ask Him for forgiveness of their mistakes and sins, and He will forgive these sins. This is reported in a hadith narrated by Muslim. Also, many other hadiths and verses indicate that everyone who turns to Allah Almighty with a prayer will definitely receive an answer to their requests.

Conditions for accepting dua

There are conditions for the Lord to accept dua, not only about marriage, but about everything we make. The reason that God does not answer the prayers of a Muslim believer can be certain actions, therefore all the conditions that are necessary for Allah to hear and accept the prayer must be observed.

These conditions are:

  • A person should not ask anyone but Allah in his dua;
  • The dua should not contain any sinful meaning, just as a person asking should not commit sinful acts;
  • A Muslim man or a Muslim woman who dreams of marriage, who makes dua to get married, should eat only lawful food and beware of forbidden food;
  • Any prayer for marriage must be made sincerely and from a pure heart;
  • One should not neglect the place and time at which the dua for marriage is pronounced, and one should not neglect the conditions that are important to observe so that the prayer is heard by God.

Types and meaning of dua for spouses

Marriages are made in heaven - a dogma with which Orthodox, Jews, and Muslims agree. Entering married life for a Muslim girl allows you to open up new, unknown spaces. A man gets a meek, obedient wife who adheres to Sharia law. Allah gives blessings on marriage, but people are imperfect. Family life begins to fall apart. To keep a loved one, spouses appeal to the Almighty through duas, which are aimed at:

  • strengthening feelings of love;
  • happiness in marriage;
  • family preservation;
  • elimination of treason;
  • saving relationships.

For a husband to love only his wife

A girl, regardless of religion, will experience the benefits of love by becoming a wife. Muslim customs idealize a man, which reduces the importance of the fairer sex. A woman strives to be one and only for her chosen one. A dua for the love of spouses helps Muslim women realize such a dream. Intimacy, sincere feelings, and affection of a man are bestowed by Allah Almighty. Petitions are sent to him.

Reading/sounding Arabic charactersThe meaning of dua
Allahumma jammilani fi gayni zauji wa habni ila kalbihi ve ajgalni azzaujata al wahidata lyahu warzukni zurriyyatan salihattan minhu allahumma dagaunakya fastajib lyanya kamya wa gattanya allahummajgalni nuran baynya gaynyayni zaujiOh, Allah, adorn me in the eyes of my husband, instill love for me in his heart, make me his only wife. Grant me righteous offspring from him. O Allah, we call upon You, answer us as You promised. Oh Allah, make me shine in the eyes of my husband

For my husband to come home

Family relationships are not ideal. Regardless of whether the family is Muslim or Christian, a man can leave it. There are many reasons: new love, selfishness, family problems, a sick child, living together with the spouse’s relatives.

Letting go of her husband is difficult for every woman, especially if there are common children in the family. Reading a dua can bring a man back to his wife. The Lord is merciful: he gave love to relationships, and he will help preserve them if asked correctly. Often, to return an unfaithful husband to the family, ladies resort to white Muslim magic. An Islamic love spell is a dua addressed to Allah, whose power will restore harmony and lead to reconciliation.

Reading/sounding Arabic charactersThe meaning of dua
Allahumma waffik bayni wa bayna zawji, wa jma' baynana 'ala khair(in). Allahumma j'alni kurrata 'ainin li-zavji, waj'alhu kurrata 'ainin li, wa as'idna ma'a ba'zina, wa jma' baynana 'ala khairin. Allahumma j'alni li-zavji kama tuhibbu, wa j'alhu li kama uhibbu, wa j'alna laka kama tuhibbu. Wa rzukna z-zurriyata s-salihata kama nuhibbu wa kama tuhibbu O Allah, bring peace and harmony between me and my husband, unite us in good. O Allah, make me a joy to the eyes of my husband and make him a joy to my eyes. And grant us happiness in living together with each other, unite us in good things. O Allah, make me for my husband the way he wants me to be and make him for me the way I want him to be. Also make us for Yourself what You want us to be. And grant us good offspring, the kind we desire and the kind You desire.

The Koran is written in Arabic, but this does not mean that prayers for the return of your soulmate need to be read in it. Girls of any religion can turn to the Almighty, crying out for a desire to make peace with their chosen one. The prayer can be read in your native language or use the given transcription of the pronunciation of the dua for the return of your husband to the family.

For the wife to obey her husband

An ideal Islamic marriage is based on three main aspects:

A husband and wife should work together on their relationship, read duas, warm each other with care, and be a source of support and joy in any matter. Physical, moral, spiritual satisfaction of her chosen one is the main task of a woman in marriage. Spouses must not cause physical or mental harm to each other. Calm, comfortable family life - manifestations of mercy, good nature, care, love.

The Koran limits the obscene demands of a husband on his wife. He is not allowed to take from a woman what is forbidden by Allah. The same rules apply to the spouse. She should not demand excesses that are burdensome for a man for her own good. A successful marriage is built on understanding, agreement, advice, and reading duas.

Muslim traditions require that a wife submit to her husband if righteous deeds are prescribed in the sacred Islamic scripture: performing obligatory prayers, observing the hijab. A man is allowed to demand the execution of errands: cooking, caring for children, fulfilling marital duties. The husband must fully support the woman financially. Failure to fulfill these duties deprives him of the right to demand his wife's obedience.

If a woman does not understand what her disobedience is, the husband’s task is to wisely point out her mistakes, confirming her correctness with the texts of the Koran. In order for his wife to become ideal, a man asks Allah for help by reading a dua for his wife to love and listen to me forever.

Reading/sounding Arabic charactersThe meaning of dua
Allahumma inni asaluka tawfika ahli-l-huda, wa-amala ahli-l-yakyn, wa-munasahata ahli-t-tavbakh, wa-azma akhlis-sabr, wa-jidda ahli-l-lhashyah, wa-talaba ahli-r -ragbah, wa-taabbuda ahli-l-vara, wa-irfana ahli-l-ilm, hata akhafak. Allahumma inni asaluka mahafatan tahjuzuni am-ma syatika hata amala bi-ta attika amalan astahikku bihi ridaka wa-hatta unasyhaka bi-t-tavbati haffan minka wa-hatta uhlisa laka-n-nasyhata hubball-laka va-hatta ata-wakkalu alayka fi -l-umuri wa-husna zannin bika subhana haliku-n-nur There is no god but Allah, the Kind and the Generous. Most Pure Allah, Lord of the Great Throne. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds! I ask that by Your mercy You will endow me with qualities that will remove sins, I ask for all the best, liberation from sins. Do not leave a single sin that has not been forgiven by You, not a single loss that has not been compensated by You. Fulfill my desire, with which You can be pleased and which corresponds to Your desire, O Most Gracious of the Merciful!

To strengthen feelings between spouses

A person acquires complete happiness in marriage as stated in the scriptures and duas. Marriage was given by the Lord to fill life with meaning. Love, offspring, fidelity, obedience are a gift from the Almighty. The task of a Muslim, regardless of gender, is to cherish and preserve relationships and love. They are like a glass vessel. One wrong word or action can shatter him into pieces.

Family relationships are a difficult path that requires great dedication from husband and wife and adherence to the pillars of Islam. We need to learn to ignore each other’s shortcomings and extol good qualities and virtues. In the spouses’ sura “at-Tahrim” it is written about the need to protect families from righteous fire. Ask Allah for help in maintaining and strengthening relationships. A dua is read to strengthen romantic feelings between spouses.

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