Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God: the meaning of the image, what it helps with when it is celebrated

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most significant shrines of our people. She is revered not only by deeply religious Christians, but also by people who are not too inclined to religiosity. In difficult times, even many ex-agnostics and atheists seek the intercession of the Mother of God.

And this is natural: for almost a millennium, this icon acted as the protector of all Rus'. It is not without reason that one of the most significant Christian holidays, the Presentation of Our Lady of Vladimir, owes its appearance to her.

Fortunately, this miracle of icon painting survived during numerous wars and political cataclysms, and now any believer can turn to her for protection.

History of the appearance of the shrine

First, let's get acquainted with the brief history of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. The known period alone spans almost nine centuries, therefore many events have been transformed into legends, from which it is incredibly difficult to isolate the grains of truth.

The exact year of creation of the icon is unknown. What can I say: the difference in the estimated dates is measured in many centuries!

According to canonical sources, the creator of the icon is the Apostle Luke, one of the disciples and followers of Christ. He was not only a theologian, but also a healer and artist, and the Lord himself inspired him to create the shrine.

It is believed that the icon was painted on a board taken from the refectory of the Holy Family. The Mother of God herself saw and blessed her, giving her miraculous properties. According to this hypothesis, the icon was created at the beginning of our era, that is, it is almost two thousand years old!

However, other researchers claim that the icon was painted by an unknown Byzantine painter much later, in the 10th-12th centuries. The fact is that in its execution the features of an already established school of icon painting are obvious, and this is evidence that this miracle could not have existed in such an interpretation before.

There is a rather interesting version that Luke really painted this icon, but in the manner characteristic of that time. The original was kept in Jerusalem, then in Constantinople, but its trace in history was lost. And a much later copy of Luke’s creation was brought to Kyiv, which became the Mother of God of Vladimir.

However, it is known that the icon came to Rus' in the first half of the 12th century. She was sent to Kyiv by the Patriarch of Constantinople as a gift to Prince Mstislav, the son of Vladimir Monomakh. However, later the history of the icon is associated with another son of Vladimir, Yuri, as well as his son, Andrei Bogolyubsky.

Apostle Luke

At first, the icon was in the Vyshgorod monastery, not far from the capital of Kievan Rus. But soon Andrei decided to transport the shrine to Suzdal, without the knowledge of the noble father. And the icon began to show miracles...

Our Lady of Vladimir is mentioned in many historical chronicles. Moreover: the chronicle of the Vladimir-Suzdal lands was kept in the form of a list of events tied to the miracles of the icon.

Subsequently, the icon began to play a prominent role in the history of the Russian state. She defended Russian lands from invaders, epidemics and famine; monarchs entered the kingdom with her and patriarchs were elected.

The icon was restored several times (once, probably by the great Andrei Rublev) and received new frames. Many copies (copies) were made from it, each of which received a fraction of the miraculous power of the prototype. And now this shrine is the cultural heritage and pride of the Russian people.

Miracles associated with the icon

It is impossible to list all the miracles associated with this icon: she is rightfully considered the main miracle worker of Rus'. Therefore, we will dwell on the most significant of them, which had an epochal impact on the history of the entire state. And it all started with the aforementioned Andrei Bogolyubsky.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God


At this time, the convoy with the miraculous icon was heading to the Zalessk lands, to the estate of Andrei Bogolyubsky. The time had come to look for a ford across the river, and one of the horsemen was sent to search. In front of the entire convoy and the prince, the messenger began to drown, and the nobleman prayed for his salvation. After some time, the servant, safe and sound, rode a horse to the shore. The ford has been found!

Along the way, one of the horses carried and almost trampled the wife of one of the clergy. More precisely, she trampled, but thanks to the fact that those around her began to fervently pray to the icon, the victim remained unharmed. No matter how absurd it may sound, that’s what the chronicles say!

The third miracle occurred on the outskirts of Vladimir. The horses pulling the cart with the icon suddenly stood up. The prince thought that the horses were tired and ordered them to be changed. This did not help, and the convoy stopped for the night. The prince prayed earnestly all night, and in the morning the Mother of God appeared to him in a dream. It was she who ordered to leave the image in these lands.

The prince could not disobey the Mother of God, and on this place he founded a village called Bogolyubovo. The icon was kept in the church of this town until a temple was built specifically for it in Vladimir. From that time on, the icon received its canonical name.

Under Andrei Bogolyubsky, the icon received its first precious frame. It took about 2.5 kg of chisel, plus silver and precious stones. Unfortunately, this salary has not been preserved.


At this time, Rus' was besieged by hordes of Mongol-Tatars under the leadership of Batu Khan. Many Russian cities fell to their onslaught, including Vladimir.

The defenders of the city took refuge in the temple, but the Mongol-Tatars burst into it, cut everyone down, desecrated the shrine and removed the precious frame. The khan himself stood for a long time in front of the image, but could not withstand the reproachful gaze of the Mother of God. He left the destroyed Vladimir, but left the icon in the temple.


Only 15 years have passed since the Battle of Kulikovo, Rus' was greatly weakened by battles and internecine wars. But another serious enemy was already standing before the gates of Moscow - the cruel Timur Tamerlane.

Muscovites tearfully begged to move the miracle-working icon to the besieged city. The image of Mary was greeted as the only hope for salvation, filled with piety and repentance.

And that night the famous conqueror had a dream in which a beautiful maiden surrounded by angels appeared to him and ordered him to retreat from Moscow. In the morning, the khan called the wise men, who explained to him that this was a sign of the Queen of Heaven and the intercessor of the Russian land. Impressed and frightened, Timur ordered a retreat from Moscow.

It is believed that sometimes the icon itself wants to leave its “home” place and go to where it is most needed. She makes this clear by showing another miracle, descending from the wall of the temple and soaring above the ground.


The Mongol-Tatar nobleman Mazovsha once again headed to the Russian lands for tribute. His army was stationed near Moscow. After a prayer service was served in front of the face, Mazowsza and his army heard a deafening noise. The nobleman was frightened and withdrew from the Mother See.


The Russian state decided to get rid of the centuries-old yoke. In general, Prince Ivan III refused to pay tribute to the Horde, which, naturally, could not but have consequences. Khan Akhmat set off once again to “fight Rus'” and set up camp on the banks of the Ugra.

And on the opposite bank of the river there was a camp of the Russian monarch, where they brought the icon and served a prayer service. After this, all sorts of miracles began to appear, which cooled Akhmat’s ardor of conquest. The Khan retreated, and Rus' got rid of the centuries-old yoke of the Horde.

Since then, the miraculous image has remained in Moscow forever, only returning “to its homeland” from time to time, to the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral. A skillful copy was made from the image and transferred to Vladimir instead of the original.

Standing on the Ugra River


A holy place is never empty, and after the Mongol-Tatars came the Crimeans led by Mehmet-Girey. Naturally, they also wanted tribute, having ravaged many Russian lands to confirm the seriousness of their intentions.

Prince Vasily III met Girey's army on the Oka River, and he would have been beaten if not for the intercession of the Queen of Heaven. According to legend, the priests wanted to take the icon out of the city in order to save it, but Saints Sergius and Barlaam prevented them. In a word, the people began to pray even more fervently, and Moscow was saved.

Where is the original image?

The most important miracle is that the icon survived many bloody historical events, including the times of the USSR, when everything religious was subjected to cruel oppression. Temples were destroyed, their property was stolen or nationalized, and icons were sometimes simply burned.

Today it differs from the prototype: during the first restorations, the artists took some liberties, incorporating their own conjectures into the masterpiece. However, it has been proven: this is still the same ancient icon, almost a thousand years old.

For a long time the original was kept in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Now it is located in the Church-Museum of St. Nicholas at the same Tretyakov Gallery. The microclimate in the room is monitored by special sensors, and the peace of the Queen of Heaven with the Child Christ is protected by armored glass. But this does not prevent her from listening to the aspirations of sincere believers and acting as a defender of all of Russia.

The icon is in a special bulletproof icon case

What requests should I make?

The Vladimir shrine is a strong Orthodox amulet, time-tested. The miraculous image helps people recover from illnesses, overcome temptations, and find family happiness. When it is necessary to remember the shrine from Vladimir:

  • you have a hard-hearted enemy;
  • your marriage is under threat due to the intrigues of your rival;
  • you suffer from chronic illnesses;
  • the person you love is seriously ill;
  • you cannot conceive a child;
  • a member of your family has fallen into the trap of addictions (alcoholism, gambling addiction);
  • you have to go to a dangerous place;
  • the stepdaughter or stepson suffers humiliation from the stepmother;
  • blood relatives quarrel over inheritance;
  • your soul is seized by doubts or temptations.

When preparing to travel, people pray in front of the sacred painting for the safety of their home. If you have entrusted your apartment and valuables to the All-Merciful Intercessor, she will not allow fire and flood to destroy your family nest.

The Vladimir shrine is often called the healer of souls. Prayers sent to God in front of this icon will help you get rid of depression and mental fatigue. If you have a relative or friend who has experienced a suicide attempt, encourage them to pray in front of the sacred painting.

Consecration of the list of the Vladimir icon

Health recovery

In times of illness and hardship, some people forget about God, blaming him for all their failures, but the Almighty sends us opportunities to change our lives for the better. Physical weakness robs a person of the desire to live. If you dream of regaining vigor and strength, read the texts of prayers in the morning. Then, in your own words, ask the Mother of God for healing.

Journalists and doctors know of many cases where men and women with serious medical diagnoses recovered. After much reflection on their past and after prayers offered in front of the shrine, these people adjusted their habits and behavior. A stingy person became generous, an arrogant person became friendly.

The Almighty Intercessor in her earthly life knew incomparable joy and experienced a lot of pain. Her heart was breaking with anguish when the Savior was crucified on the cross. The Mother of God is a healer and comforter for us. In front of the Vladimir shrine, prayers are read to relieve heart ailments.

The Vladimir shrine helps people forget about eye diseases: retinal detachment, cataracts, glaucoma. There is a good chance that your vision will improve without surgery.

Women's requests

Women suffering from infertility turn to the Most Pure Virgin with requests. They offer prayers before the face and believe that the Blessed Mother will hear sincere words. It is not a rare case: a woman, desperate to get rid of an illness, prays in front of the icon and soon finds the happiness of motherhood. If you dream of conceiving and giving birth to a baby, ask the Mother of our merciful Lord about it.

There is a tradition among the people associated with the Vladimir shrine. A boy born after numerous prayers is given the name of one of the apostles of Christ or called Vladimir (in honor of the shrine). The girl is given the name Maria.

Young mothers pray before the face of the Intercessor for the health of their children. By entrusting yourself and your loved ones to the Lord and the Blessed Virgin, you will get rid of the constant worries that empty your soul.

A common problem for nursing mothers is the disappearance of milk. If this happens to you, read the akathist to the Mother of God, and then the texts given above. You will soon be able to breastfeed your baby again.

Envy and bad wishes from strangers weaken the baby’s energy. Preschoolers are also sensitive to the evil eye. If your baby has become capricious, lethargic and sick, he has been jinxed. A prayer request in front of the shrine, performed at three morning dawns, relieves children from illnesses. After the child gets better, give alms to those in need.

For good relationships with others

The Vladimir relic and the prayer texts dedicated to it are recognized even by people far from the Church. It happens that a child from a prosperous family begins to behave depressingly: he is rude to older relatives, skips classes at school, smokes. If a student has become rude and uncontrollable, offer prayers to the Almighty and the Queen of Heaven. After some time, your child will become balanced and polite.

Adultery can destroy the life of both the traitor himself and his significant other. If your spouse has distanced himself from you and become cold, pray to the Mother of God. Be imbued with goodwill and humility. Your relationship with your husband will become warmer and more trusting.

If friends or colleagues want to drag you into a dubious story, pray to the Vladimir Mother of God for spiritual insight. Remember: having broken the law, you will no longer be able to look your children, parents, or priest in the church in the eyes with a clear conscience. By remaining faithful to your principles, you will have reliable support: the Vladimir shrine and prayers.

Finding harmony in the soul

People who, due to family circumstances or work obligations, turn to the help of sacred texts to live surrounded by people of other faiths. Finding a common language with those who are not like you is difficult. It is even more difficult to remain faithful to Orthodoxy among people to whom this faith is alien. The Vladimir relic, which became famous for its miracles, will remind you of God's grace and spiritual harmony. No one can break your spiritual connection with your homeland and ancestors. Celebrate Orthodox holidays, keep an icon at home, pray as your grandfathers and great-grandfathers prayed. Then you will preserve your inner core.

An atheist who turns to the Most Holy Intercessor with prayer gets a chance for spiritual insight and new life. There are known cases when a prayerful appeal to the Vladimir iconographic image helped a person quit drugs.

For guard

There are many iconographic images of the Mother of God. The Vladimir shrine became a talisman of Rus' several centuries ago. In order to drive away the army of infidels from the capital, the canvas had to have unusually strong energy.

The “Vladimir” version of the prayer appeal can be called universal. The sacred text begins with a request to protect the country, city, clergy, “Lord” (i.e., the king, and in the modern version, the head of state) from all dangers.

This version of the prayer often uses “we” instead of “I.” This is no coincidence. The sanctuary teaches us meekness and love for one another. The Lord Himself managed to become modest and was so moved that He entrusted His life to an earthly woman. The Mother of God helps everyone who strives for goodness, mercy and justice. The Intercessor expects humility and morality from us.

Each phrase in prayers is of great importance. Words that emphasize human vulnerability: “weak,” “unworthy,” are used to rid us of pride. The texts of prayer requests contain requests for the granting of material and spiritual benefits. The sacred text reminds us: while striving for well-being and physical safety, remember the safety of the soul. The fight against sin is the responsibility of every believer.

Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

The now incomprehensible word “meeting” is translated from Church Slavonic as “meeting.” So all the meetings in the church calendar are meetings with someone or something.

In connection with the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, the meeting, as a rule, means the meeting of the icon by the people, accompanied by earnest worship and prayers. And, of course, miracles of salvation!

When and how is the Feast of the Vladimir Icon celebrated?

The feast of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated three times, in honor of significant historical events with her participation.

The celebration dates look like this (the old style date is given in brackets):

  • June 3 (May 21). The first Presentation of the Icon of the year is celebrated on June 3. It is dedicated to the salvation of Rus' from the invasion of Mehmet Giray in 1521.
  • July 6 (June 23). This is the day of remembrance of the salvation of Moscow from the invasion of Akhmat Khan in 1480.
  • September 8 (August 26). This date (the Candlemas itself) is associated with the salvation of Moscow from the invasion of Tamerlane in 1395.

These days, solemn services are held in all churches in Russia, and believers are filled with special gratitude to the heavenly intercessor.

The famous Moscow Sretenka Street (now a boulevard) is a historical place where city residents met the icon brought from Vladimir. The Sretensky Monastery owes its name to her.

Rules for reading texts

It doesn’t matter so much where you read the prayer to the Vladimir Icon: in a church, in an apartment or in the open air. The main thing is to clearly understand why and to whom you are addressing.

Rules for reading prayers:

  • allocate a special place for the shrine (in the living room or bedroom);
  • sit alone in your room and turn off your mobile phone; it is not advisable to interrupt the prayer mid-sentence;
  • when planning to pronounce a sacred text, clear your mind of doubts and worries;
  • tune in to the energy of the iconographic canvas, imbued with pious thoughts;
  • read the prayers “Our Father”, “I Believe”;
  • then recite the text created in honor of the Vladimir shrine;
  • think about every phrase;
  • repeat the prayer request as many times as you want.

At first you will feel tired and uncomfortable. Thoughts will “run away” from the holy face. Make a little effort on yourself. Soon you will notice that the words flow easily. A bad sign is a hysterical cough and fainting while reading the prayer text. It is possible that you have been damaged. Attend church services, fast, avoid gossip and conflicts. Your mental body will soon be healed. Then you will be able to send prayer requests to the Intercessor.

Don't forget to thank the Blessed Mother for all the miracles and positive events that happen in your life.


And now let’s touch on the description of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and look at the bright faces of the representatives of the Divine family.

The image of the Vladimir icon refers to the art of icon painting of the 11th-12th centuries. This type of icon is called “Tenderness”. The mother tenderly embraces the divine son, as if asking him for mercy for humanity. In her eyes one can read tenderness, compassion and sorrow: she anticipates what is destined for her child. It is believed that it symbolizes the human soul striving for God.

This image does not look like other Orthodox icons. He is absolutely unique. Pay attention to the infant Christ, trustingly clinging to his mother. His miniature foot (“heel”), turned towards the viewer, evokes particular affection. Many experts believe that this detail was added later, during one of the restorations, but this does not detract from its genius.

It is believed that such vivid and lyrical images could only be created by a very talented and deeply religious person. To be convinced of this, just look at his immortal creation.

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God

How does the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God help?

Believers ask in front of the icon for everything they need. If they pray to the icon sincerely and earnestly, the intercessor hears the words addressed to her and acts as a mediator between those asking and the Lord.

Usually the Queen of Heaven is asked for the following:

  • Protect households. The Mother of God patronizes the family and helps protect its members from all kinds of troubles.
  • Reconciliation with relatives. The intercessor is asked to give wisdom in order to establish good relations with relatives.
  • Choosing the right path. If you don’t know what to do, pray to the icon: the Mother of God will give a sign pointing to the right path.
  • Overcoming life's adversities. After sincere prayer, BM bestows perseverance, wisdom and humility, which helps to survive difficult times.
  • Forgiveness of sins. There are no sins that cannot be expiated, and the intercession of the Mother of God is a guarantee of that.
  • Clarity of mind. Sincere appeal to the intercessor helps to increase abilities in the sciences and arts.
  • Healing. Prayer helps the sick and suffering heal. And the image helps a barren woman to conceive a child.

The Mother of God must be addressed during the wedding ceremony. Her image is used to bless newlyweds.

Special face and words

Not every iconographic image is dedicated to prayers and holidays. Only images endowed with great power and original energy are honored to have prayer texts read before them. The shrine described here is revered by the entire Orthodox world. Many healings and other extraordinary events are associated with the iconographic canvas.

If you want to ask for help and intercession from the Lord Almighty and the Mother of God, buy a holy image in a church shop. Before this face you will offer prayers to God and the Most Pure Virgin.

Both ministers of the Church and the laity, turning to the power of holy words, state: the prayer of the Vladimir Mother of God has enormous spiritual power. Through icons, higher powers influence people, show us the variability of worldly existence and remind us of the power of the Creator. The prayer texts reflected the sorrows and hopes of Orthodox Christians.

The energy of words is built in such a way that you will not remain neutral in relation to the shrine. You will either accept the indescribable atmosphere of goodness and humility that permeates the text of the prayer appeal, or you will not be able to approach the shrine with a request.

Prayers to the icon

There are a lot of canonical prayers addressing the Most Holy Theotokos. Let's list some of them.

Full text of the canonical prayer

Second prayer O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Intercessor, our shameless Hope! We thank You for all the good deeds that have been revealed to the Russian people from You, from ancient times to the present day from Your miraculous icon. And now, Blessing the Lady, look upon us, Thy sinful and unworthy servants, show us Thy mercy and pray to Thy Son, Christ our God, that we may be delivered from all evil and that every city and village, and our whole country, may be saved from famine and destruction. , coward, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare. Ask Orthodox Christians for a prosperous and peaceful life, health, long life, good haste and salvation in everything. Preserve and make wise the shepherds of the Church, who are worthy to shepherd the flock of Christ and have the right to rule the word of truth; Strengthen the Christ-loving All-Russian army, give the spirit of advice and reason to the military commander, the mayor and everyone in power, bestow Your holy blessing on all Orthodox Christians who worship Ti and pray before Your celibate icon. Be our Intercessor and Intercessor before the throne of the Most High, where you stand. To whom shall we resort if not to You, Lady? To whom shall we bring tears and sighs, if not to You, Most Holy Theotokos? There are no imams of any other help, no imams of any other hope, except for You, Heavenly Queen. We flow under Your protection, through Your prayers grant us peace, health, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of the air, deliver us from all troubles and sorrows, from all ailments and illnesses, from sudden death and from all the bitterness of enemies visible and invisible. Enlighten and teach us, O All-Merciful Intercessor, how to sinlessly pass the path of this earthly life; You weigh our weaknesses, you weigh our sins, but you also weigh our faith and see our hope; Grant us correction of our sinful lives and soften our evil hearts. Strengthen the right faith in us, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, patience and love, success in good deeds; Deliver us from temptations, from destructive, soul-harming teachings, from unbelief, corruption and eternal destruction. We therefore ask You, Most Pure Lady, and falling before Your holy icon, we pray, have mercy on us and have mercy on us, and on the terrible day of judgment, through Your intercession and intercession, make us worthy to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for choosing a path and help in difficult times

Offering to my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, a refuge for the orphans and the strange, the sorrowful, the joyful, the offended patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it, as you will: for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O Mother of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the health and well-being of household members

O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos! Accept our unworthy prayer, and save us from the slander of evil people and from sudden death, and grant us repentance before the end. Have mercy on our prayer, and grant joy instead of sorrow. And deliver us, Lady, from all misfortune and adversity, sorrow and illness and all evil. And we, Thy sinful servants, are made worthy to be at the right hand at the second coming of Thy Son, Christ our God, and heirs of the existence of the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life with all the saints throughout the endless ages of ages. Amen.

It is not necessary to learn prayers by heart: they can also be read from sight. The main thing is to pray sincerely and with true faith!

Gold pendant “Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God” (go to SUNLIGHT catalogue)


A short version of the prayer appeal

There are 2 options for praying to the holy image.

  1. A short prayer.
  2. A canon consisting of several sacred texts.

It is advisable for every Christian to keep in his home prayers read in front of the Vladimir sacred canvas. The amulet will protect your home and your household from enemies and dangers. The sacred canvas was written during the life of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the text of the prayers was composed by Christians in the 12th–14th centuries. Legends say: not only the clergy, but also ordinary laity are involved in the creation of prayer requests. The events that unfolded in Rus' prompted people to worry about the fate of the Motherland and their own well-being.

This prayer request is one of the most powerful and heartfelt spiritual texts. It is read by monks in their cells, by high church officials, and by the laity.

Other texts

There are other options for addressing the face of the Mother of God “Vladimirskaya”. Prayer has an impact on a certain area of ​​life. One sacred text is more suitable for a barren woman, and the other for a soldier. When choosing which prayer message to read, listen to the voice of your soul. It will not be a mistake if you read a few prayers in front of the shrine.

There are 6 texts of prayers.

The first calls to a prayer text are always difficult. If you have moved away from the church and do not attend services, you will need time to become imbued with sacred words. The more often you pray, the easier it will be for you to achieve harmony with the shrine.

The collective prayer to the Vladimir Icon is imbued with the greatest power. The unity of the souls of several believing pious people can turn God's wrath into mercy. Situations requiring collective prayer petition before a shrine:

  • natural disasters;
  • threat of military invasion;
  • riots arising from political differences;
  • epidemic.

It is advisable to ask the Lord and the Most Pure Virgin in church for the establishment of peace in the state and for God’s mercy. The special energy of the church will help you free yourself from vain thoughts.

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