Psalm 90: why is it read 40 times? The meaning of the text, meaning for a person

Psalm 90 is read when life is in a difficult situation. Its other name is “He who lives with the help of the Almighty.” This text is found in the Psalter and is used in church services.

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Why you need to pray

Prayer is both a right and an obligation. The means and opportunity to ask, not forgetting to repent regularly. You cannot pronounce words monotonously, mentally being under the impression of current worries. Prayer is a special kind of thing that requires detachment from earthly vanity.

A person is weak; it is incredibly difficult for him to follow the path of the righteous, following the example of Jesus Christ and the saints of God. We often see that he resorts to God’s help in moments of despair caused by life’s difficulties. Taking Psalm 90 in his hands and looking into the eyes of God, he whispers holy words, trusting in the mercy of the Creator.

The oldest text, the authorship of which is attributed to King David, has truly miraculous powers. Interesting names obtained from most sources:

  • Gospels of Matthew and Luke - Psalm 90.
  • Psalter of the Russian Orthodox Church - “Alive in Help.”
  • Greek Christian Literature - "David's Song of Praise."
  • The Latin version is Quihabitat.

Psalm help

Knowledgeable people claim that Psalm 90, a living aid, forms a protective field around a person that neither the devil nor the black sorcerer can penetrate. These sacred lines must be memorized and read 3 times daily at any time, but preferably in the morning. The number 3 is not indicated here by chance: it symbolizes perfection, the Holy Trinity and the trinity of God.

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In the old days, believers wrote the words of the psalm on their belts, sewed them into amulet and wore them on their bodies. Belief in the power of the sacred lines has survived to this day, and even in Soviet times, some people remembered the words of the psalm and read them to themselves.

Living in help, Psalm 90 helps:

  • from any trouble;
  • in difficult circumstances;
  • get rid of a serious illness;
  • from the sabotage of enemies;
  • from blasphemous thoughts in the head;
  • from depression and despondency;
  • from any witchcraft;
  • from obstacles on the way to the goal.

Reading the psalm will protect you from rash actions, guide you on the right path and give you peace of mind. When a person knows that a psalm - alive in the help of the Most High - connects him with God the Father, all fear disappears. This fear comes to people not from God, but is sent by the devil - to intimidate. But reading the sacred lines leaves no place for the evil one in the thoughts and soul of the believer.

On a note! Living in help, Psalm 90 saves not only from external enemies, but also from internal ones: it cleanses the thoughts and soul of the believer.

Does this psalm help unrepentant sinners who did not live according to the word of God? If they turn to God with sincere faith and read or listen to this psalm, then God will certainly hear them and help them in difficult situations. This is done so that sinners strengthen their faith and find consolation in God’s Abode.

Listen to live help 40 times in a row. You can listen to this video with or without headphones. But headphones help you completely disconnect from the outside world in order to connect your thoughts and soul with God.

On a note! Living help is read in hopeless situations, when circumstances are ready to crush a person.

Daily listening to a psalm with deep faith in help can save a person even from a serious illness. How many days should you listen to a psalm? At least two months, and it is better to make a rule for yourself not to spend a single day without reading or listening to sacred words. Over time, you will notice that thoughts have become clearer, problems are solved by themselves, and enemies have stopped bothering you.

Since ancient times, this psalm has been revered as a powerful talisman against any evil. Even today, He saves believers from misfortunes, calms the soul, directs them to the path of truth, strengthens faith and grants incomparable inner peace of faith.

How to say the text of the prayer

Fully focused on content. Clearly imagining images of the manifestation of the Almighty’s help. Consistently, slowly, saying the words of prayer, imbued with life-affirming power. Gain strength and confidence.

The text fills a person with the bright joy of realizing the power of the Creator, who gives hope in difficult life circumstances. The Lord will help, protect, protect. He who resorts to his mercy will be saved.

Tempted by Satan, Jesus Christ, during a 40-day fast in the desert, read the verses of the 90th Psalm of the Holy Scriptures. And the Devil retreated powerlessly.

When is it necessary to read Psalm 90?

It is allowed to eat spiritual food at any convenient time. This strengthens faith, forms a core, relying on which you can forget your fears. Psalm 90 is enough to read once to understand that there is an all-conquering power.

Just the awareness of this inspires and gives confidence in overcoming difficult problems. But, if a moment of temptation, seduction, or burden comes, then you need to take a book and read a prayer. Or pronounce it if you know it by heart.

The unclean one is cunning and cunning, he constantly sends an army of demons to test the believer. Temptations: enrichment, lust, gaining power and power attack us everywhere.

Psalm 90 protects the Orthodox Christian, dispels insidious plans, and purifies thoughts. It is necessary to read until you feel a sense of connection with the Creator.

Prayer and evil spirits

There are reviews on the Internet about why they read the “Our Father” 40 times every 40 days with miraculous results, tips and recommendations. The Law of God, the commandments, serves as a warning to a person against participating in this kind of scheme. It is easy to make correct, godly decisions based on them.

The commandments are not prohibitions, as most people understand them, they are a warning to a person who wants to live well, not only in eternity, but also in earthly life. We doom ourselves to suffering, sorrow, and troubles by getting damaged or worsening our sins.

If we take an everyday image, the Lord, like a caring Parent, says, don’t get into the socket, he will kill you with an electric shock, so are the commandments. Do not harm yourself, the main meaning of God's commandments.

All kinds of sorcerers, psychics, fortune tellers, teach people to openly serve Satan. To do this, various rituals are used using the “Our Father” prayer with a church candle to supposedly obtain the very desired “real happiness”.

In fact, through these vile actions, the already weakened reserves of the soul are destroyed; they can even introduce all sorts of entities, or simply demons. At first, a person may feel a certain inspiration, an uplift, which always ends not only in illnesses, problems that suddenly arise, but can lead to death and is by no means from the word “fly”.

Therefore, know why the Lord’s Prayer is read on the contrary, these are satanic rituals and participation in them leads, accordingly, to their leader - Lucifer. If you have been present at such meetings, especially unknowingly, repent. Be sure to confess this situation.

Since information on how to carry out certain satanic rituals was freely available, and such literature could be purchased without problems on the shelves of bookstores and kiosks, one can assume the scale of the moral, ethical and spiritual damage caused.

Curiosity and interest in these possibilities leads many people, and has led to dire consequences. When the Soviet Union collapsed, all this dirty information washed over the former Soviet republics. And those who drowned in it are not numbered in the thousands.

Be extremely careful, because today it is no longer only print media that absorbs unwary people. The Internet space has made these opportunities even more accessible. Now, not only adults are at risk, our children are also at risk, so control what they watch, read, and listen to.

From an early age, teach them to honor their parents (this is the fifth commandment), become an indisputable example and authority for them, so as not to shed bitter tears later.

Watch the video program with the participation of Orthodox clergy, psychologists who are oriented and serving God if you are experiencing difficulties in the topic of raising children. Engage with them, live with their problems, questions, develop spiritually, so that they will be more interested in you than with their peers.

Children must be sure that we truly love them and the Lord is the Main Center and Guarantor of our happy life.

Prayer as part of the Orthodox church service

The daily cycle of the Divine Service prescribes the recitation of Psalm 90 at the 6th hour, using Church Slavonic. This is also appropriate during the funeral service for the deceased. Western churches read a prayer at the evening service.

Any translation introduces distortion into the texts of the Holy Scriptures and does not allow us to express the fullness of the idea contained in the prayer. Therefore, it is recommended to study the Church Slavonic language in order to feel the depth and harmony of the texts written in it.

It is completely acceptable to recite Psalm 90 in Russian. God needs sincere faith. And skill comes with experience.

Why is it read forty times?

To restore faith in the Lord.

In times of confusion, it is necessary to find peace of mind and humility. Organize your thoughts, move away from external irritation and unnecessary influence. Then, it is very important to restore connection with God, stop all doubts, and gain faith.

This doesn't happen all at once. It takes work, spiritual effort, time. It is necessary to acquire a special attitude towards receiving divine grace.

The saving power of the psalm is well known. It can be pronounced in a moment of danger, carried in the form of a piece of paper or a piece of cloth, having previously written the text on them.

He will eliminate the enemy threat, protect him from enemies and envious people. You will be much calmer with him. It is especially recommended to wear it for people whose lives may be at risk: during armed conflicts, various types of tests, visiting places of adverse influences.

The meaning of the words of prayer

Psalm 90, written as praise to the Lord by the prophet David long before the birth of Jesus Christ, contains the idea of ​​receiving intercession through all-consuming faith. And not simple intercession, but crushing everything.

This fills the heart with a feeling of complete satisfaction, the knowledge that one has found the truth in God. The soul immediately becomes calm.

It turns out that achieving grace is simple:

  • Only a deeply religious person can find confidence, peace and protection. He loves God with all his heart, opens his soul and entrusts his thoughts.
  • The Almighty gave Moses the Ten Commandments. By following them, everyone gains the Lord's protection.
  • Our heavenly Father will always protect the believer from the attacks of enemies, will not allow him to fall into sinful passion, and will ward off slander that creates confusion in our souls.
  • The Almighty loves us. He sent his son Jesus Christ to death to atone for all human sins committed in the past, as well as future ones.



A person who lives with God in his soul, a truly devoted person, finds hope and shelter. His heart is calm, his soul is serene. A believer has protection at any time when evil forces are hanging over him.

The Lord is his only protection and hope. No one can do more for a believer than God. Only he is an intercessor and refuge.


Whoever “hunts” you or plans evil, the Lord God will protect and shelter you. Words of slander will fall away like arrows hitting a stone wall. You will always be protected from troubles, always remaining in peace and serenity.

Loyalty to the Almighty will surround you like the steel armor of a knight. Those who seek protection will certainly receive it through loyalty to the Lord.


The psalmist convinces us that there is no need to be afraid of nightmares that come in dreams, or of real villains, robbers, thieves, robbers. The Creator takes care of the children devoted to him.

He will not give believers into the hands of enemies, and will warn against the temptation of lust and adultery. Stop the insidious demons. It will close the abyss of depravity. Carelessness and laziness will not be able to prevent the children under God’s protection from doing righteous works.


The “thousands on the left” who seduce you, and the “ten thousand on the right” who oppose you in the way of righteousness, will fall. You will see everything with your own eyes. Sinners who repent of their deeds will find forgiveness. And you will become a witness to this.


Trust in the Lord, he is your support and hope. Make it your refuge. And then all evil will depart from your house. Any illness will go away.


Angels will protect you during troubles and misfortunes. They will allow you to bypass any obstacles and avoid overwhelming difficulties. When you don’t have enough strength to continue the work you started, the Lord will provide help. A believer will not remain lonely and abandoned.


Magicians and sorcerers act in the form of an asp, and a basilisk represents people in power. The dragon represents deceit and cunning, the lion is the most powerful animal. But their strength and power fade in the face of the Almighty.

No matter what evil forces interfere with you, under the protection of God they are powerless. Moreover, you yourself will be able to trample on envy and slander, melt away cruelty with a kind heart, and cover inhumanity with mercy.


Love for the Lord not only protects from all evil. It makes a person truly happy, allows you to see the world in a joyful light, and find solutions to any problems.

The Creator never leaves the one who loves him. He is nearby at any time. Be it grief or life's troubles; joy or luck. The Lord gives life, long life, salvation to those who sincerely believe in him. The path to this lies through the son of God - Jesus Christ.

Psalm 90 – effective protection

For an Orthodox Christian, reading the text of Psalm 90 is as necessary as drinking clean water and breathing fresh air. No matter how strong a spirit we have, no matter how strictly we follow God’s commandments, the Evil One will always find a way to penetrate our earthly plans. He is infinitely cunning and resourceful. Just waiting for the moment to seduce the believer. Test the fortitude of the righteous and sinners.

Man is weak by nature. Without God's help he cannot resist. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to know the text of this prayer at least in Russian. It is advisable to learn it and repeat it regularly. Gradually, understanding and full awareness of the words that a praying person pronounces while reading “Alive in Help” will come.

It also doesn't hurt to carry it with you all the time. When setting off on a long journey, be sure to remember the text of the prayer. Place it in a safe place for your loved ones who are going through a difficult ordeal. This will definitely help.

Cases of the miraculous intercession of prayer are well known.

  • During the First World War, the unit of Colonel Whittelsey of the British Army managed to completely maintain its strength. Military operations continued for four years. Bullets whistled, shells exploded, but the soldiers remained unharmed. This is evidenced by the report of engineer F. L. Rawson. This became possible only due to the fact that all the soldiers of the regiment constantly uttered the words of Psalm 90, having previously learned it by heart. It is characteristic that he called them “On Defense.” And indeed, he protected.
  • An equally interesting incident occurred in Afghanistan. The participant was an ordinary Soviet officer. At his mother’s request, he took with him a small icon with the prayer “Alive in Help.” The unit in which he happened to fight was surrounded. There was no chance of salvation, there was no need to wait for help. But she came from where they were not expecting. The words of prayer spoken by the military literally paralyzed the enemy. The fighters managed to gather their strength and make a breakthrough. During a time in which no one died. And the officer himself returned home alive and well after some time. The mother's happiness, having regained her beloved son, knew no bounds.
  • There are many known cases of miraculous salvation of military personnel during the Great Patriotic War, who carried the text of the prayer with them on small pieces of paper. For ideological reasons at the time, this was not advertised. It was prohibited to perform religious services on the territory of military units. But God's providence has no obstacles. Facts show: even people who knew only the first words of Psalm 90 became invulnerable to the enemy!

Text of the prayer “Living Help” (Psalm 90)

In Old Church Slavonic

Praise to the songs of David, not inscribed among the Jews 1 He who lives in the help of the Most High will dwell in the blood of the Heavenly God. 2 Saying of the Lord: Thou art my protector and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. 3 For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from the words of rebellion, 4 His blanket will overshadow you, and under His krill you will trust: His truth will surround you as a weapon. 5 Thou shalt not fear from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies in the days, 6 from the things that pass in the darkness, from the tangle, and from the demon of the midday. 7 Thousands will fall from Your country, and darkness will be at Your right hand, but it will not come near You, 8 but look at Your eyes, and see the reward of sinners. 9 For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High Your refuge. 10 Evil will not come to You, and no wound will come near Your body, 11 For His Angel commanded You concerning You, to keep You in all Your ways. 12 They will lift you up in their arms, lest they dash your foot against a stone, 13 tread on the asp and the basilisk, and cross over the lion and the serpent. 14 For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, because I have known My name. 15 He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in tribulation, I will wear him out, and I will glorify him, 16 I will fulfill him with the length of days, and I will show him My salvation.

In Russian

Song of praise of David. Not inscribed among the Jews. 1 He who dwells under the roof of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty, rests, 2 says to the Lord: “My refuge and my defense, my God, in whom I trust!” 3 He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, from the destructive plague, 4 He will hide you behind His shoulders, and under His wings you will hope - His truth will surround you like a weapon. 5 You will not fear the terror of the night, the arrow that flies by day, 6 the plague that stalks in the darkness, the plague that destroys at midday. 7 A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you: 8 only you will look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked. 9 For you have said, “The Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge; 10 No evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling; 11 For he will command his angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways: 12 in their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone; 13 You will tread on the asp and basilisk; You will trample on the lion and the dragon. 14 “Because he loved Me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he has known My name. 15 He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him, 16 I will satisfy him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.”

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Why do even people far from Christianity read this prayer?

To verify its effectiveness. Doubts constantly torment a person deprived of true faith. He himself wants, personally, as Thomas Aquinas once did, to verify the veracity of everything he has heard about miraculous prayer.

Of course, Psalm 90 impresses anyone. It clearly shows what an Orthodox Christian possesses. Even an unbeliever feels all its power and protection.

Sometimes it happens that he begins to understand how much he has lost by departing from the Lord. Illuminated by such a discovery, the lucky person who has “seen the light” steps on the right path. To join at least a little to the great faith of Orthodoxy.

This is the miracle of influence this prayer has!

Origin of Prayer

Another name for this prayer is “Living Help.”
It is included in the book of Psalms of the Old Testament. The numbering of the prayer comes from the fact that in the psalter it is numbered 90. In the Masoretic version of the Bible it is numbered 91. Catholics know it by the name “Qui habitat”. These are the first words of the sacred song in Latin. Theologians believe that its author is King David. He wrote these words after recovering from a painful ulcer for three days. In the Greek psalter its title is “David’s Song of Praise.”

Where did the number 40 come from?

The texts of the Holy Scriptures tell the story of the God-man Jesus Christ, immediately after baptism, who went into the desert. To cleanse the body and spirit in solitude, prayer and fasting. Thus, preparing yourself for the great mission ordained by the Lord. In order to save the human race from death and sin.

For forty days he did not eat anything, and after that he was tempted three times by the Devil:

  • Hunger.
  • Pride.
  • By faith.

The unclean one seduced him in every possible way, as a simple person, counting on temptations to tempt Jesus into committing sin. But, having received baptism and strengthened his body with fasting and his spirit with prayer, the Son of God resisted and rejected all the machinations of the unclean.

And he was helped in this by prayer, which Christ repeated constantly, replacing bodily food with spiritual food, and through this strengthening in faith.

As a sign of the great feat of the Messiah, we must repeat his deeds at least in small ways. That is, repeating the words of the prayer 40 times and remembering the days of his stay in the wasteland. Which will undoubtedly help the believer achieve what he wants.

The Lord's Prayer is the main appeal to God

A person, most often, remembers God when he gets into some troubles of fate. This is the most unfavorable way of knowing Him. Alas, through sorrows, illnesses, and problems, we acquire an understanding of the necessity of the Lord’s presence in life much faster.

But this does not mean that this path is the only one, correct and inevitable. God created man for happiness. A person’s incorrect understanding of the word “happiness” deprives him of the opportunity to be in this happiest state.

For many, happiness is not a spiritual state, but the presence of a material environment. The modern world is a world of consumption and consumers. Consumption of everything: services, things, and now emotions and human energy. Scientists have proven that man is a creature possessing a number of invisible properties, collectively this is called energy.

As they say, for every “product” there is a merchant. In this case, the servants of Satan act as merchants. Their goal is to take the soul of a person, for it is the keeper of the most sacred thing - the divine spirit, that force that is the connecting part between God and man.

To achieve their goals, satanic forces come up with various tricks and schemes that lead a believer astray. And it’s simply not possible to let a non-believer even touch on issues of faith.

From the above, one may wonder: why do they read “Our Father” 40 times for 40 days and what does it help with?

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