“The Business of Icon Making”, or How Icons were Painted in Rus'
“The Business of Icon Making”, or How Icons were Painted in Rus' Ancient Rus' did not know this type
“I became a mother at the age of 24.” The priest's wife about humility, punishment and women's problems
Once I witnessed the tearful request of a young priest addressed to Father Jonah (Ignatenko): “Pray,
Prayer without an icon
Is it possible to pray to a saint if there is no icon of him in the house?
Home prayer. Icons in the house What icons should be in the house Red corner: where
August 19 – Transfiguration of the Lord. A brief history of the holiday. Holiday icon with description. Video
On August 19, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates a great holiday called the Transfiguration of the Lord. This
Conspiracies to meet a man
Effective spells to find and meet your love
Conspiracies > To meet a man It happens that you urgently need to meet with
Lives of the Russian New Martyrs and Confessors of the 20th Century (148 pp.)
Orthodox Life - Father Damascene, the life of the Church from the first centuries was built on the exploits of martyrs.
Iversky Monastery in Valdai on the lake. Photo, excursion, schedule of services
Valdai Iversky Bogoroditsky Svyatoozersky Monastery is one of the centers of pilgrimage in the Novgorod region.
Joachim, Anna and Maria. Artist Taddeo Mazzi
Holy Righteous Anna, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Memorial Day 22.12 AD. Art. (09.12 old style), 07.08 new style (25.07 old style), 22.09 new style (09.09 old style)
Biography Saint Anne, according to the Christian religion, is the mother of the Virgin Mary, the grandmother of Jesus Christ. A lot of
Don't forget to light a candle for the deceased
Communication with deceased relatives: how to properly remember deceased relatives, how to ask them for help? Do deceased relatives see and hear us, how to communicate with them?
How to properly remember deceased relatives? All people are mortal. Sometimes their lives end tragically, sometimes
Remember and pray for the soul of the unbaptized
Is it possible for Orthodox Christians to remember and pray for the soul of an unbaptized person?
There are all sorts of situations in life. Including when a person died who did not
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