Every year during Great Lent a special service is held in all churches in memory of the great saint
Who is Theodosius of the Caucasus The path of the hieroschemamonk of the Russian Orthodox Church began from Athos. Aged
What to do when a tooth hurts? Sometimes situations arise when there is no toothache
In 1015, the great Kiev prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich died. After his death in Rus'
Quotes from the Holy Fathers for every day Blessed Grand Duchess Evdokia of Moscow (monastically Euphrosyne)
THEODOSIUS I THEODOSIUS I Flavius the Great (Flavius Theodosius Magnus) (346/347–395), rom. emperor (from 379),
Childhood and adolescence. Early life Aurelius Augustine was born in 354, in
Maria Mironenko, “Holy Righteous Alexy Mechev” (2012), portrait from photograph. Image from
Saint Paisios is one of the most respected and honored elders of the Greek people in the XX century.
Paphnutius Borovsky is an Orthodox saint, monk. Memorial Day May 1 (old style), 14