How to properly light candles to the Mother of God in church and at home


Literature to read:

1) Leaflet - About the church candle

2) Leaflet - About church candles

What do church candles mean? Why are they placed in the temple?

— A candle is a symbol of prayerful burning before the Lord, His Most Pure Mother, before the holy saints of God. A candle is a sign of voluntary sacrifice to God and His temple and a symbol of a person’s involvement in the Divine light. A burning candle is a visible sign that expresses ardent love and goodwill towards the one to whom the candle is placed. And if there is no this love and favor, then the candles have no meaning, the sacrifice is in vain. Therefore, you cannot light a candle formally, with a cold heart. External action must be accompanied by prayer - at least the simplest one, in your own words.

Is it possible to light candles for good health?

For prayers for health, there is a round candlestick in the church, where candles should be placed for living relatives and friends, or for one’s enemies. Approaching the chosen image, they say a prayer, make the sign of the cross, and then light the fire. An appeal to a saint must be sincere, otherwise the request will not be heard.

About health, candles should be placed for any reason, be it a long journey or a risky business, a complex operation or upcoming childbirth, a trial or an important purchase. By lighting a church candle with prayer, you can offer praise to the Lord our God, His only begotten Son, the Blessed Virgin Mary or the Saints.

About health, candles should be lit for any reason

It is customary in the Church to light candles sequentially in thanksgiving to our Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos, or for different occasions. Thanksgiving candles to Christ and the Mother of God are placed in front of any of their images in the Temple, accompanied by words of gratitude.

They pray to the Mother of God for the health of the sick person, after reading a prayer for his recovery; It is right to ask the Intercessor for God’s mercy for children. In addition to the Most Holy Theotokos, many Saints, who were healers during their lifetime, will help your sick and infirm at the request.

It is good to light a candle in church to your Guardian Angel, whose name you bear; he will accept prayer for the health of the person praying. You just need to remember to thank your Angel for the fact that he tirelessly cares about your well-being.

Ways to protect yourself from negative energy

  • When you come home, wash your hands and wash your face.
  • Do wet cleaning more often - water washes away negative vibrations.
  • Don't let unkind people into your home.
  • Breeding cacti - all the negativity will be broken on their thorns.
  • Leave work squabbles and worries at the door.
  • Discard dishes and mirrors with cracks immediately.
  • Throw away unnecessary, broken items.

Is it possible to light candles for the health of an unbaptized person?

It is not forbidden for the unbaptized to enter a Christian church. The sale of candles is also carried out without checking whether the person professes Christianity. An unbaptized person, without violating any rules, can freely visit church and light a candle for the health of anyone he wishes.

Often, believing elderly people ask their children and grandchildren, who may be atheists or profess other religions, to do this. Don’t be afraid to provide this service - no one will catch you in the temple, you won’t cause any trouble to the priest.

The main thing is, before going to church, find out which icon you should light a candle for health at, and don’t forget to wish health to the person for whom you are doing this - it is not necessary to memorize a special prayer.

You can light candles and pray yourself for those who have not been baptized, but church prayer for them is impossible: you can submit notes in church for the Liturgy, prayer services and memorial services only for Orthodox Christians.

Why can't you throw it away or keep it?

It is prohibited to keep items brought from the cemetery, especially those that were used during funerals and funeral services. They contain negative energy. You should not touch them. Dead energy can cause harm to the deceased. In this case, there is a risk of developing diseases, and sometimes death can occur. The outcome depends on the duration of contact with cinders.

Wax has the ability to accumulate information, so it can have both neutral, beneficial or negative effects.

Insult to faith

If you throw away candles after a funeral service in church for the deceased, this can also have consequences for the believer. Christians have a special attitude towards ritual attributes. The wax used during the funeral service of the deceased is blessed. This means that it moves into another category of objects: from ordinary it turns into a shrine. Derogatory treatment of sacred objects is a sin tantamount to blasphemy against God.

If there is no suitable place to hide cinders, you should visit the temple, where there is a container for them.

Magic rituals of necromancers

Things from the cemetery have absorbed negative energy, they can negatively affect living people, so it is not recommended to take flowers or objects from graves. In addition, products that touched the deceased can help create a connection with the other world. This explains why necromancers often use them during rituals to harm the living. One of the common ways to use cinders left after a burial is to spoil them.

Is it possible to light candles for the health of enemies?

A candle placed for the health of one’s enemy is the best confirmation that a person has forgiven his offender and does not wish him harm.
A candle is placed near an icon for a reason, but in prayer to God and the saints. You cannot ask for obviously sinful things, for things that can bring trouble to other people, for everyday little things.

Believers know why they need to light candles for the health of their enemies. The Lord himself taught this in his time. He said: Pray for those who offend and persecute you.

Church ministers note that a candle lit for the health of one’s enemy is the best confirmation that a person has forgiven his offender and does not wish him harm.

In addition, a burning candle will help a person let go of the situation and bring him relief. She will turn the ill-wisher to God so that he will repent and not commit more vile acts.

A candle is not a means of fighting enemies. This is an expression of a person’s sincere desire to return a person who has gone astray to the true path, to Christian virtues. You can light candles for the health of your ill-wishers for three days in a row, or carry out this ritual three after three days.

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Is it possible to light candles for your own health?

You can have your guardian angel at the icon, but you need to do it sincerely and with all your heart.
One of the most common questions is whether you can light a candle for your health. Yes, you can have your own guardian angel at the icon, but you need to do this sincerely and with all your heart. They also give credit for the health and needs of the Savior, the Mother of God and those saints who are endowed by God with a special gift to heal illnesses and help in human troubles.

Knowing which icons to light candles for health, and when lighting the fire, you need to pray for your need, be sure to name the name of the saint in front of whom the candle is placed. It is advisable to know the biography of the saint in front of whom the candle is placed.

For health or any need, candles are usually lit for the Savior, the Mother of God, the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, as well as those saints to whom the Lord has given special grace to heal illnesses and provide help in various needs. When praying for yourself or for the health and well-being of your loved ones, after lighting the candle, you must definitely invoke the name of the saint or saint in front of whose icons you place the candles.

Working with a candle

When performing a ritual with a candle, you should protect yourself and the room. The wax, melting, absorbs all the evil vibrations of the surrounding space. Therefore, it should not get on your hands or floor. The candle can be placed on a saucer. Or cut out a circle from whatman paper and put it on a candle - this way the wax will drip onto the paper. After the ritual, all attributes must be removed from the premises.

If the ritual is carried out with salt, it will help to “seal” negative energy. After cleaning the house, you should also get rid of it. All attributes can be thrown into a trash container or buried. But under no circumstances should you leave them at home (even in the trash can).

When “burning” a negative, you should definitely pay attention to the smoke and color of the wax. If a church candle smokes, an accumulation of negative energy has been detected at home or in an apartment. After the ritual, be sure to wash and rinse your hands with running water. This way the energetic dirt will be washed away.

Is it possible to light candles for health at home?

According to the established tradition in Orthodoxy, it is possible and even necessary to store and light church candles at home.
Not only can and should you use church candles in churches, this must also be done at home. According to the established tradition in Orthodoxy, it is possible and even necessary to store and light church candles at home.

Candles at home are lit during prayer, in particular when a person fulfills the morning or evening rule. This also applies to prayers throughout the day and even at night, if a person performs night prayer. As a rule, in all these and other cases, candles are lit in the “red corner,” that is, where the icons are located.

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Candles, as well as lamps, are lit in any vital situation, when a person prays in front of the images for health, for healing, for choosing a life partner or profession, for deliverance from grief and sadness, etc. And, of course, a lit candle is appropriate when praying for protection from dark, evil spirits.



Preparing for the ritual

How to clean an apartment using a church candle? First of all, you should free yourself from negative energy. Sometimes magicians advise fasting for 2-3 days before the ritual. But you can just take a shower and wash away the negativity. To enhance the effect, rub the body with salt (lightly so as not to injure the skin) and rinse with running water.

You should first remove chains, rings, bracelets, and earrings. Metal also accumulates negativity, so all jewelry can be kept in water.

Wear comfortable clothes (without numerous buttons, zippers, fasteners) - such that they do not restrict movement. Open the windows and doors (if it is a private house) - this is done so that energy can circulate freely throughout the home.

Before cleaning the house with a church candle, you should wipe all reflective surfaces (especially mirrors) with a damp cloth. Every object in the house is a carrier of one energy or another. Water will help neutralize negative vibrations.

You need to throw away trash, old shoes, and unnecessary things from your home. There should be no broken dishes or broken pieces of furniture left in the room - positive energy leaks through such defects.

No one forbade you to work

Parents' Saturday is considered a day of mourning, since we must remember the dead, but work is not physically prohibited. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to clean up a little on and around the graves. We are not talking about general cleaning, but rather about touching up the appearance: you may need to remove weeds or replace wilted flowers.

It is recommended to do a lot of tidying up in advance so that on parent’s day you can devote time to prayers and thoughts about your deceased loved ones. As a rule, people restore order to the cemetery after winter, as soon as the snow has melted and the ground has dried out. Then by parent’s day there will no longer be a need to do a large amount of work.

This day can also be dedicated to creative activities. In particular, it is allowed to do such work as mowing the lawn if it is planted, whitewashing trees or planting seedlings.

These flowers are most often planted near graves.

bulbouscrocuses, hyacinths, daffodils;
annualsmarigolds, zinnias, salvias, mallows, geraniums;

Bulbous flowers are good for the cemetery because they are unpretentious and beautiful. Their disadvantages include the fact that they bloom mainly in spring and early summer. And also in the fall they must be dug up in order to be replanted next spring. It will be much easier with unpretentious annuals, such as marigolds, or with chrysanthemums and other perennials that do not require special care. The only condition: choose low-growing varieties of flowers so that they do not obscure the tombstone and monument. On Parents' Day, it is also allowed to tint the fence and adjust the cross, if necessary.

But what you absolutely cannot do in a cemetery is leave trash behind. This shows disrespect not only for the dead, but also for the living who come there to visit their deceased relatives. And such a strict rule applies not only to parenting days.

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