The Orthodox Church on the euthanasia of animals: attitude, opinion and answers to frequently asked questions

People who have taken the path of a true Orthodox Christian ask themselves many questions, the answers to which will help them get closer to spiritual perfection, while committing fewer sins. One such problem is the euthanasia of sick pets. Due to a lack of knowledge and understanding, many people compare animals to humans, thinking that if the church condemns euthanasia by euthanizing sick pets, its position will be the same. In fact, the Bible is clear about the difference between animals and humans, and if you delve into the words of Scripture, you will be able to find a comprehensive answer to the question above.

Before my last breath

Like all living things on earth, the age of the animals living in your home is a determining factor.
They can die at an early stage, but the likelihood of death in older animals is much higher. This applies to cats, which, as a rule, live up to 16-17 years. There are extraordinary cases when cats live up to 25 years or even more, but this happens very rarely. If your furry pet has been living with you for more than 14 years, then it is quite possible that he will soon pass away. And this is quite natural, since biological laws apply to everyone. The old cat becomes weak, there is much less former joy in his life: the old cat will not play and frolic like a little kitten. At the same time, there is no need to torment and reproach yourself: your pet has lived its life and the time has come for its departure to another world. You must understand that this is quite natural, although sad.

Symptoms of death

Anticipating its demise, the cat is very attached to its owner and spends even more time with him. Even weak cats that have led a phlegmatic lifestyle throughout their lives change their behavior to the opposite at the end of their existence. There are cases when old, exhausted cats, barely moving, find the last strength to play with their owner. Why this happens remains to be fully understood, but this is one of the signs that you won’t be together for long.

Often the time of death is visible in advance:

  • cats also wear out their bodies and by old age acquire a trail of various chronic diseases;
  • when an animal realizes that its days are numbered, it becomes apathetic and sleeps almost constantly, rarely leaving its favorite place;
  • eats very little and, because of this, quickly loses weight;
  • the animal shows dissatisfaction or does not react at all when it is petted or picked up;
  • begins to lose orientation and at home, while walking, touches objects, corners and bumps into them;
  • the animal's breathing becomes heavy, the pupils are dilated and clouding of the lens of the eye is observed.

Proper owner behavior

What to do if it becomes clear that the cat is dying? Should I make a decision to euthanize her or leave everything as it is? To understand this, you should take an impartial look at the situation that has arisen.

No matter how hard the owners try to surround the old cat with special care, affection and attention, they often only prolong their suffering. Nothing can save your furry pet from suffering; it is impossible to help in this situation

The answer to this question depends on the condition of the animal. If it is healthy, it is not tormented by any pain or illness, then, of course, it should live out its life in peace and care. It’s another matter if the pet suffers or is overcome by a chronic disease. In this case, you should consult your veterinarian about euthanasia. In this case, you should not make a decision on your own.

Physical condition assessment

Before making an important decision about the fate of a sick or older pet, observe it. Analyze her physical condition.

How much does she weigh and is she eating well? Dental problems in older cats make it difficult to eat. Animals tend to refuse to eat. Refusal to eat also happens if the cat has pain in the joints or stomach. If a cat vomits after eating, it loses weight and becomes weaker. There may be many reasons for this, but still, this is a reason to think about the future fate of the animal. Can she drink? Older cats need more water. The cat should be able to independently approach its bowl. If an animal is in a lot of pain, it will not move from its place, experiencing thirst, and dehydration is fraught with health consequences. Does she go to the litter box? Cats are known for their cleanliness and suffer if they cannot clean their fur themselves. If, due to constant urinary incontinence or diarrhea, the fur loses its attractiveness and smells bad, this causes discomfort to the animal. A cat that suddenly stops going to the litter box requires the owner's attention. Is there pain at rest? Pain due to movements deprives the cat of the ability to move, but painful sensations are sometimes disturbing even at rest.

It is very important for the animal to be at rest, without pain. Otherwise, she experiences suffering and becomes more aggressive.

If your pet is constantly in pain, think about her quality of life.

Each of the signs described above is not a direct indication for euthanasia. If they are present in aggregate, this is a reason to think about the animal’s quality of life.

Answers from priests on euthanizing sick animals

If you look through the forums, this question arises quite often among pet owners. Someone's pet has become seriously and incurably ill, and his life is a complete torment - both for the dog or cat, and for the household.

But there are also such situations:

Sometimes euthanizing a terminally ill animal is the most humane thing to do.

  • moving to a new apartment,
  • non-compliance of pets with “sanitary standards”.

In the first case, the owners do not want to take the four-legged creature with them, they say, “it will not fit” into the interiors of the European-quality renovation.

In the second, no matter how the cat, in all other respects quite smart and quick-witted, is trained to use the litter box, she, as if out of spite, relieves her natural needs on the owner’s favorite chair.

How do the owners of such animals see euthanasia as a solution to the problem: a sin or not a sin?

However, it is best to find out the answer from an Orthodox priest.

Archpriest Vladimir Voskresensky, rector of the Chelyabinsk Church in the name of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious:

— If human euthanasia is an undoubted sin, then there is no clear opinion in the Church on the issue of “animal” euthanasia. Some clergy believe that this is the same sin; others believe that it all depends on the specific situation. My personal opinion is this: when a person gets sick, the illness should be regarded as a benefit for the soul, because by suffering, a person cleanses the soul. Saint John Chrysostom defined it this way: “Illness burns passion.”

What if a sick animal is subject to suffering? What to do then?

  • If there is even the slightest hope of recovery, you need to look after him with great patience.
  • If your pet is destined to die, then pray to the Lord that He will save the animal from unnecessary suffering.

I would like, of course, for this death to occur not from an injection, but naturally.

If every conceivable method has been tried and there is simply no way out, then indeed the most humane thing to do would be to take the animal to a veterinary hospital and euthanize it. This procedure, which is carried out there, is devoid of any cruelty: the sufferer is given an injection, and he falls asleep. So, in the absence of a real way out, there will be no sin in putting to sleep.

This is much better and more humane than throwing a sick pet onto the street, dooming it to even greater suffering, and often death from starvation. Moreover, in the latter case, other people are also at risk, because homeless animals are capable of not only scratching, but also biting, transmitting some kind of infection or parasites.

When is it necessary to euthanize a cat?

As a rule, cats are euthanized in the most extreme cases, such as:

  1. An injury that permanently cripples an animal, beyond the possibility of recovery. This type of injury can include spinal fractures, complete loss of several limbs at once, physical damage to internal organs (a broken bone pierced the lung, liver, heart), multiple lacerations of the esophagus due to the animal being poisoned with food containing broken glass, fish hooks or needles, etc. /d.
  2. The cat is affected by serious diseases, which must be diagnosed by a veterinarian. If a cat can infect a person with a serious disease, you must take it to a veterinarian, and if necessary, he will euthanize it, and subsequently dispose of the animal in accordance with all sanitary safety standards. Hiding an animal that is dangerous in terms of infecting others entails administrative and criminal penalties;
  3. Emergency life situations, when a person is forced to give up keeping a cat at home, and in order not to condemn it to a dangerous and hungry life in the street environment, or if, due to certain circumstances, the cat cannot be placed in a shelter, it is allowed to be euthanized.

Is it considered an Orthodox sin to euthanize a sick pet? - the priest's answer

Even animals feel God's grace. There are many striking examples that prove this. When the nightingale of a believing woman, in danger of falling into the clutches of a kite, cried out: “Lord have mercy,” And as he was burned by fire, as the force threw him aside, without touching him, he flew away. Animals even pray with their owners and don’t leave until they stop.

My parrot echoes, believe me, many times: “Lord have mercy.” Yes, it may be memorized, but even the rooster crows at the proper time allotted by God, not just the familiar to us: “Cock-a-cack,” but “Glory to God,” the cows moo, giving praise to God. Do you think it's an accident, a coincidence, or stupidity? Absolutely not.

Let every breath praise the Lord. Even flowers and trees grow somewhere “at random,” but they are drawn to God. Some unknown force pulls them along. One woman was allowed by God to see that every blade of grass, leaf, and bush glorified the Lord. Therefore, you cannot tear them, because there will be one less glorifying God.

This means that we do not trust, we do not trust Him, we do not fully rely on His Holy will. But the first people, and even the saints, are not afraid of anything, which is why the animals were disposed towards them.

Her Blob fell seriously ill, but she, having listened to the priest, did not put him to sleep, did not kill him, but gave him the opportunity to die on his own. After all, we, going for what is now beautifully designated by the word “euthanization,” are going for nothing more than murder, killing with our own tacit consent.

Yes, many priests, of course, do not prohibit or treat this reprehensibly, do not reproach or condemn those who go to the euthanasia of terminally ill animals, because they know that a cat or a dog is not a person, does not have an immortal soul, and will not inherit Eternal Life .

But most are inclined to believe that it is better to reassure a sick animal in the hands of God. He himself knows how and when is best. This is how we learn to trust God. Therefore, it is better to abstain. It's a pity for many, but you can't put everyone to sleep.

In every person, even before his birth, there is a concern for all of God’s creation.

And it doesn’t matter who suffers, a person or an animal, we feel equally sorry and hurt for him. If we treat others correctly, give them our care, affection, sympathy, then this changes us from the inside

And by “putting to sleep” we are in a hurry to quickly alleviate our torment, our suffering.

Yes, no matter how blasphemous it may sound, to make an animal continue to get sick, we give the opportunity to live and die when God decides.

Yes, everyone is free to decide for themselves what to do.

But this option helps us learn again, I repeat, hope in God

Therefore, if it is still permissible to “euthanize” animals, then it is forbidden for humans to do euthanasia by God and the church. A person’s soul can become better through suffering, but we deliberately prevent this. This is definitely a deliberate murder.

By God's design we are different from animals. The Holy Scripture says: “And God said: Let the water bring forth living things that creep.” (Gen. 1.20). That is, natural forces participated in the creation of animals. And their properties are not the same as ours: “... because the soul of the body is in the blood” (Lev. 17.11), and therefore inseparable. Therefore, when they die, their soul disappears with their body. Man, on the contrary: “And the dust will return to the earth, as it was; and the spirit will return to God, Who gave it” (Eccl. 12:7). That is, we are the likeness of God, which means that after the death of the body, the soul continues to live.

We advise you to study What is kathisma?

We are created to communicate with God, and animals are to help us, again for moral development. The main thing is to love, but not to “fall in love.” Do not put them in a row with a person or, even worse, extol him, treat them with partiality, spending too much more time than they could give to people who really need our participation and spiritual care.

Orthodox view on the issue

The Church does not give an unambiguous answer to this. Euthanasia of people is prohibited as murder, but in relation to animals it cannot be considered a sin of equal gravity.

Each case is considered separately; much depends on the opinion of the individual priest. There are priests who consider euthanizing a pet a sin in any case.

How to euthanize a cat in a veterinary clinic

The veterinarian will take you to the consultation room and if you have any questions or would like to discuss whether euthanasia is appropriate, your veterinarian will be happy to discuss this with you. You will be asked to sign a consent form giving permission for the euthanasia procedure to be performed.

The euthanasia drug is called phenobarbital. Phenobarbital is a barbiturate drug used to treat seizures. In higher doses, it causes animals to lose consciousness very quickly, and then, after they fall asleep, it shuts down their heart and brain function within a few minutes.

It is usually given intravenously (directly into your cat's bloodstream). The veterinarian will attach a piece of fur to the cat's front paw. Some veterinarians install an intravenous catheter. Alternatively, they may inject directly into your cat's vein using a needle and syringe. If your cat is feeling particularly unwell, it may not always be possible to inject into a vein as it may be too small or delicate. Instead, the injection will be given to another location (often the kidney). It is as quick and painless as an injection into a vein.

Sometimes your cat will be sedated before receiving the phenobarbital injection, especially if she is under extreme stress during her stay at the clinic. This is often injected into their muscles and relaxes them.

After the injection, your cat falls asleep and gradually her heart and breathing slow and then stop. This usually takes less than a minute, but in particularly unwell cats it may take a little longer for the medication to travel through their body. The process is quiet, peaceful and painless.

Be prepared for the fact that cats often do not close their eyes after death. They may take a few breaths or go to the toilet. The veterinarian will use a stethoscope to confirm that the cat is in cardiac arrest. Some people choose to spend some time with their cat after it dies, and if you want to stay, let your veterinarian know your wishes.

How does the modern church treat animals?

The Church does not call dogs unclean animals. But unlike cats, which are very flexible and do not bring a lot of dirt with them, dogs cannot enter a house or church purely aesthetically and hygienically. Once upon a time, if a dog entered a church, it was kicked out, and the temple was consecrated.

An animal in itself cannot be unclean. This can be a person or an angel, if he is fallen. After all, animals do not have an eternal soul. If the soul of a person lives after the death of the body, then the soul of an animal dies along with the body. And he will no longer have a second chance to live. Very often, people become so attached to dogs that they begin to love them more than people. In fact, animals should help humanity develop positive, compassionate, kind qualities.

If a person is not cruel to animals, there is a high probability that he will not be able to be cruel to people. The Lord created the dog, like any living creature. Could God create something unclean? The answer is obvious - no. The New Testament says that everything is possible for a person, of which he has no doubt. These words confirm the rethinking of the Old Testament laws.

Having a dog in the house can be beneficial for a child who is learning to love. It is clear that it is easier to love an animal than a person. Therefore, very often people begin to deify the dog. They give her a human name and dress her in clothes. This is considered a sin in the Orthodox Church. On earth and in heaven and in the whole universe there is only one Lord God, whom we must worship

It is very important not to cross the line from love to blind worship

Animals do not live long, they die and leave behind sadness and tears. Orthodoxy calls not to grieve for dead animals, because this is also part of worship and the commission of sin.

Despite the fact that it is completely undesirable to have a dog in the house, it is also not recommended to leave a stray animal to certain death. How unfair and cruel people are sometimes who first breed dogs and then throw them out into the street. It is on such seemingly trifles that a person’s character is built.

A dog in itself is not an unclean animal, but it can be made unclean by a person who is offended by it. This includes not only blind divine adoration of the animal, but also using it for the wrong purposes, instilling in it cruelty and rage towards other people.

Reasons for euthanizing a dog

Although we often want our pets to live forever, the reality is that, like people, pets are not immortal. They are susceptible to injury and illness and eventually pass away from this life with or without the help of people.

Some animals suffer from incurable diseases, are unable to lead a normal life, experience chronic pain, have organs that no longer function or are damaged beyond repair. These and many other reasons may require you to discuss with your veterinarian the possibility of euthanizing your pet to relieve suffering.

Is it a sin to euthanize pets that are terminally ill?

It contains calls to “not scold or curse your cattle”, “not to beat, not to exhaust them with exorbitant work, hunger and cold, but to have mercy on them, to protect them from all evil.” Moreover, people are encouraged to pray for livestock, as the Church does. The author of the sermon refers to Holy Scripture and calls it a direct commandment of God to be merciful to animals; he quotes the words of Scripture: “do not despise the working ox,” and also: “blessed is he who has mercy on cattle.” The author calls not only to be kind to your animal, but to stand up for other people’s livestock and dissuade the owner from beating it. I would like to end the section on world religions with this reflection from the famous animal rights activist Tom Regan: “After all that is said and done, a question involuntarily arises , why in our so-called civilized society today human cruelty to animals is increasing. Why is it so difficult to change people's attitudes towards animals? Organized religious institutions could play an important role in the education of the people. Almost 90% of the world's population professes one of the major religions. Each of these religions has a moral platform with the help of which it could influence the masses and educate them. But no one has ever heard sermons from the pulpit bringing the word of God to people about animals. The covenant “Love your neighbor” includes all neighbors and animals too.”

We advise you to study the Prayer of Thanks to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for his help

Is it possible to keep dangerous exotic animals at home?

The Apostle Paul said on this matter long ago: “Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is profitable” (1 Cor. 6:12). When I was a child, I kept a large spider at home. He fed him and took care of him. When he disappeared it was a tragedy. It turned out that his mother released him. Now I would like to have a python, but I understand that I have two small children at home, and therefore I am afraid for the health of the python. Seriously, I’ll say: you can’t risk the life of yourself or your loved ones. Dangerous animals can escape, bite, or harm in some way

But if your work involves studying the life of such animals, why not? I think this is acceptable, although we still shouldn’t forget about caution. If you bring your friends and say: “Look, I have a cobra, let me get it!” - and this cobra then gnaws at a friend’s nose, then this is definitely death, because in Ukraine there are no vaccines even for the venom of an ordinary viper. Having wild animals in the house is very difficult and responsible

Last year an eagle lived with me. My wife and I picked it up on the road. This is a dangerous animal. Those few months while we were nursing him, I was all scratched up, he pecked at my hands, I had to buy gloves for feeding. And one of my friends had piranhas in an aquarium. They seemed harmless, but one day one of them ate all the others. Here's a safe variety

Having wild animals in the house is very difficult and responsible. Last year an eagle lived with me. My wife and I picked it up on the road. This is a dangerous animal. Those few months while we were nursing him, I was all scratched up, he pecked at my hands, I had to buy gloves for feeding. And one of my friends had piranhas in an aquarium. They seemed harmless, but one day one of them ate all the others. Here's a safe variety for you.

There is also such an aspect as pride, when a person acquires an exotic animal in order to attract attention that he cannot get in other ways. For example, I want a python for myself. It seems to me that this is just a desire, but in fact, this is one of the manifestations of vanity: “I have a python! Let’s go, I’ll show you!” Who else has a python and not some ordinary dog? Therefore, I think python will not be useful for my spiritual life

In any case, you need to be very attentive to these kinds of desires and understand their reasons.

It seems to me that this is just a desire, but in fact, this is one of the manifestations of vanity: “I have a python! Let’s go, I’ll show you!” Who else has a python and not some ordinary dog? Therefore, I think python will not be useful for my spiritual life. In any case, you need to be very attentive to these kinds of desires and understand their reasons.

An ethical point is also important in this question: will a wild animal be happy in the conditions in which you place them? It’s one thing to release an injured animal, and another to deprive it of its freedom for the sake of your whim. I remember a story about the Kiev Zoo, in which a polar bear banged her head against the wall, clearly wanting to kill herself. How many animals exist in terrible conditions for the profit of their owners! Man is placed by God over animals in order to look after them, take care of them, and help them. Instead, some people take care of themselves and their well-being with the help of animals. Today we think little about the preservation of nature and fauna, but if you think about what kind of world we will leave for our children and especially our grandchildren, it becomes scary. If you want to show your children animals, show them those who live around them: in a reserve or on a farm, in the forest or outside the city.

We advise you to study the Prayers before entering the temple

Animals must be treated with love

Today I would like to share with the readers of the magazine my feelings and emotions about our little brothers. Maybe someone will think that I am exaggerating, they say, domestic animals have neither mind nor feelings, only conditioned reflexes. I fundamentally disagree with this opinion. I am sure that if a person treats the inhabitants of his homestead cruelly, then there will be no results from such management.

In addition, you cannot be rude to pets, if only because they are completely dependent on us. And a good person will never use power to harm the weak. Of course, our pets do not understand the meaning of offensive words, but they perfectly feel the intonation of the owner’s voice. Calm and gentle calms them down, while rude and harsh ones scare them.

Somehow I happened to watch the following picture with horror. The owner of the animal grabbed a heavy stick, tied the unfortunate cow to a stall and severely beat her because she accidentally knocked the bucket out of her hands. Who looks like a beast in such a situation: an animal or a person? And after the cow has been stressed, do you want to get a lot of milk from her?

But a cow is an affectionate and devoted animal. How she feels sorry for her calf! And a human child can envy. If a cow calves on a pasture, she is left there. Even if you kill it, she won’t move a step away from the calf. You have to come for the offspring in a cart and lay the calf on soft hay, only then the mother cow will obediently follow. You don’t have to push it and you don’t even have to turn around to see if it got lost along the way. Only at home the cow needs to be milked. The calf is small and has not sucked all the milk from its mother’s udder. You milk her for the first time after calving, and she licks your shoulder or head. She asks that you not hurt her child.

Animals cannot speak humanly, but this does not mean that they do not communicate with each other. What a noise cows make on the first day of grazing! But you will hear a completely different moo (softer and more gentle) from them if they have fallen behind the herd or got lost in the forest. They say, respond, girlfriends. And they do not remain in debt. They stop, turn their heads and answer those who are lost: “We are here, come here.” Those same joyful ones run back to the herd.

The mother calls the calf to her quietly, drawlingly, just like singing a lullaby. And in the meadow he constantly watches the baby. And he’s usually not alone on the field, there are several more grazing. Children being children, they gather in groups, butt heads with little horns, raise their tails, and play tag.

And each cow has its own character. And they are friends with each other, like people, and they hate each other the same way. There lived a cow in my yard, her name was Zorka. And she had a faithful friend in the village herd.

We advise you to study Short congratulations on Apple Savior

Let's talk about sterilization

The second most “exciting” question is: is it considered a sin to sterilize animals in order to avoid unwanted offspring?

Sterilization is a way to reduce the growth of stray animals.

We give an explanation from Archpriest Peter Dynnikov, rector of the Church of Elijah the Prophet (Podolsk deanery).

Father organized a shelter for abandoned pets in his parish and knows firsthand about this problem and its scale, as well as how believers should approach such an operation.

- I do not take upon myself to express the point of view of the entire Russian Orthodox Church on the issue of sterilization of animals, but I can express my personal opinion - they must be sterilized! By doing this, we will do a much better deed than leaving everything as it is.

In our “homeless” shelter, we sterilize our pets because they breed continuously and in large quantities. After all, how often does this happen? One person with the best intentions gives an animal to another person - perhaps even fulfilling the desire of that person, but after some time this gift gets boring, becomes unnecessary, and, figuratively speaking, it is thrown into the trash heap, so he becomes homeless.

And after some time, another two dozen unwanted, often sick, animals are born. Or, it happens, when owners leave their dacha in the fall, they leave a cat or dog there... Isn’t such behavior a sin?

We sterilize abandoned animals, of course, with heartache, but we must understand: this is simply a vital necessity. One of our parishioners became acquainted with similar programs abroad. It was he who brought us this practice and told us that in the Czech Republic, England and even in Germany there are special centers for sterilization of animals. This is the most harmless and humane method of reducing the number of homeless “our little brothers.”

In general, the number of homeless, ownerless pets is on the conscience of their former owners, who need to remember: since you have tamed the animal, then be kind and be responsible for both it and its future offspring.

There is a point of view that in this way we interfere in the affairs of the Lord God. Perhaps, from this position, this act is not the most merciful, but it is the most merciful from the position of humanity and care for urban homeless animals. If they reproduce uncontrollably, then their offspring are doomed to suffering and often death.

One of the basic biblical commandments is: “Thou shalt not kill.”

But if a newly born kitten or puppy is thrown out into the street or drowned, this is murder in its purest form.

In this situation, we, in particular, choose the lesser of two evils. Perhaps, as a result of this, God’s creation will live on earth for some year less, but this life will, so to speak, be of high quality - happy and well-fed, and there will be fewer “unnecessary” animals on the streets.

Whether or not to euthanize a pet depends on the circumstances. If a person is simply tired of dealing with it and wants to get rid of a completely healthy pet in such an inhumane way, then we can clearly talk about the sinfulness of such a decision. But many people who sincerely love their cats and dogs are faced with this question when the animal becomes terminally ill and suffers.

From a humanitarian point of view, it would be better to end the torture by putting him to sleep and thus showing compassion. It makes approximately the same sense to think about the issue of sterilization: what awaits the future of babies born and obviously no longer needed by anyone?

In what cases is euthanasia necessary?

Sometimes euthanasia becomes the only option for the owner and dog, but in some cases its use is unlawful.

There are two types of reasons for euthanasia:

  1. According to veterinary indications.
  2. For social and domestic needs.

The first type includes various types of body damage:

  • Numerous injuries incompatible with life, for example after an accident.
  • Incurable diseases - malignant neoplasms (cancer with metastases of various locations), inoperable formations of various etiologies (cysts, polyps that cannot be removed or treated conservatively, i.e. with negative dynamics), massive internal bleeding that cannot be stopped, systemic non-contagious diseases, untreatable and with a poor prognosis.
  • Congenital pathologies that exclude the normal functioning of the body.
  • Intoxication with poisons that have no antidote.
  • Infections with highly contagious infections dangerous to humans (zooanthroponoses), for example, carnivore rabies virus.

But it is strictly forbidden to euthanize:

  • An animal that has a disability, but is in consistently good health.
  • An animal that has a malignant tumor, but with a high probability of a favorable outcome.
  • An animal with an infectious disease and a favorable prognosis for it, unless the infection is dangerous to humans.
  • An animal with any disease that has a favorable prognosis.

When the question of euthanasia for veterinary reasons arises, the owner needs to fully examine the dog, consult with a veterinarian and find out the further prognosis of the outcome of the disease.

If there is a really high probability of death, the veterinarian will confirm the presence of indications for euthanasia.

The second type of reasons for euthanizing dogs includes:

  • The extreme old age of the dog and the associated need for specific care. Sometimes a dog has a lot of chronic diseases associated with age-related changes. They may not cause true suffering to the animal, but require large financial costs or the constant presence of the owner. Few average owners can afford this kind of care for an old dog. When this is not possible, people decide on euthanasia.
  • Excessive aggression, uncontrollability, mental disorders, dangerous to humans. If a dog constantly shows pronounced active aggression towards people or other animals, and cannot be trained or corrected in behavior, this is an indication for euthanasia.

But often owners demand that a healthy animal be euthanized simply to please their desires. This is unacceptable and prohibited by law. No veterinary clinic will provide such a service.

The Orthodox Church on the euthanasia of animals: attitude, opinion and answers to frequently asked questions

Good afternoon. The main argument that is given “against” hypnosis is that a person is deprived of his free will and cannot control what happens to him. In a state of hypnosis, you can suggest almost anything, and these things are not always good and useful. Regarding hypnotherapy for depression - yes, such a method exists and is used quite successfully. However, there are also other methods of treatment - these include taking specially selected drugs (the harm from which is not commensurate with the therapeutic effect), psychotherapy, and various physical practices. In most cases, a competent combination of such methods helps to cope with depression.

It is very important to find a good and qualified psychiatrist who can choose the right method of therapy

As for worship in the temple, its purpose is not at all to put a person into a trance. People who regularly go to church and know the order of the service, listen carefully to everything that is sung and read, and listen to the words. Worship is not at all perceived as monotonous background singing without meaning, like a mantra. It is completely unacceptable to compare church prayer and trance; these are things of a different order. Prayer is living, real communication with God as a Person, turning to Him. Those. prayer is an act that comes from outside of man and is directed towards the person of God. Trance, meditation and similar spiritual practices have a completely different direction - they go inside a person, immerse him in himself. Therefore, talking about “equally hypnotic states” is completely wrong.

The help of the church and faith in God in treating depression is not that the person relaxes, relieves spasms and feels relief. To do this, one could get by with massage, gymnastics and similar practices. Orthodoxy gives a person disproportionately more - healing of the soul. By struggling with his passions, cleansing his soul of everything evil and unrighteous, a person is healed first spiritually, and then often physically. And there is plenty of evidence of this in our church.

We recommend studying Psalm 95

Of course, God “wouldn’t mind” us all being healthy and happy. But the catch is that it is not the evil God who creates illnesses and misfortunes, but people themselves. The Lord is Absolute Love, and He did not create anything bad or evil. But man, through his sinful life, through his falling away from Christ, creates suffering for himself. It’s like sitting down on a hot frying pan without permission and reproaching God for what’s burning you. Answer

Euthanasia of animals: legal or not in Russia

Despite the widespread practice of animal euthanasia, there is no specific legislation on this issue in our country yet. The main guideline in medical practice is the European Convention for the Protection of Domestic Animals No. 125. However, Russia has not yet joined it. However, you can find the text of the document on the Internet and familiarize yourself with the main provisions.

Interesting fact. We have attempted to develop our own law on the protection of pets, which, among other things, would describe the procedure for euthanasia. Officials even prepared a draft federal law “On the Protection of Animals from Cruelty.” It was adopted in the State Duma and approved by the Federation Council, but, unfortunately, the president has not yet signed it. Meanwhile, Article 16 establishes a list of cases in which killing of animals is possible and describes the requirements for the procedure.

Is it possible to keep a dog at home: the priest’s answer

If the issue with the temple is clear, then what should a believer do with keeping dogs at home? Priests are often asked whether it is possible to keep a dog in an apartment or to consecrate a home. Some ordinary people consider a pet to be a bad omen - evil spirits act through it. Heated discussions on this issue are taking place in communal apartments. There, dog lovers and haters of the “unclean” live under one roof.

Can dogs have milk: why not?

Hieromonk Seraphim (Kalugin) from Astrakhan answers this question, and why a dog is an unclean animal in Orthodoxy. In his open letter to one of the parishioners, he reminds that the dog is God’s creation. However, there is a legend according to which dogs are considered unclean. Hence the opinion that they should not be in rooms with holy icons.

Further, the hieromonk refers to the Old Testament, which divides animals into clean and unclean. But he emphasizes that this was of a ritual-ceremonial nature.

Fact! In this division there was a kind of pedagogical lesson, the purpose of which was to separate God’s chosen people from the idolaters.

The uncleanness of a dog, says the priest, is not of nature. It manifests itself when a pet becomes an idol, an adored object. Why can't you keep dogs in the house if they show it its rightful place? On the doormat you can - there is no “uncleanness”, the priest claims.

Throwing an animal into the street or giving it to a slaughterhouse is not Christian. You can convince relatives not to take a dog into the house, but the motives must be justified, and not as a reference to church prohibitions.

Holy Fathers with animals

Euthanasia at home

At home, it is advisable to use the method of medical euthanasia. The medicine used for the purpose of euthanasia may vary. Veterinarians may recommend the following medications:

  • propofol;
  • thiopental;
  • gilded;
  • lidocaine;
  • ditilin.

Each of the above drugs is potent, so they must be used with caution so that your pet does not suffer more than necessary. The dosage of the drug indicated in the instructions for use cannot be changed. For large animals they can be doubled, but a cat is not one of them, even if it is a fairly large breed.

For large animals they can be doubled, but a cat is not one of them, even if it is a fairly large breed.

Ideally, the dosage should be calculated by a veterinarian; you can call him and ask for advice if you cannot bring the animal to the clinic yourself. The calculations must take into account body proportions, age and disease that led to the need for euthanasia.

Before using potent drugs, the animal must be put into deep sleep. This is done in order not to cause him unnecessary suffering. Carrying out the procedure without prior anesthesia is considered a crime and is punishable according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Is it a sin to euthanize an animal?

If a pet becomes sick and cannot be cured, the owner begins to think about euthanizing it. However, some owners cannot make a definite decision to euthanize their pet due to the moral aspect of this decision. Many people wonder whether putting animals to sleep is a sin in the eyes of the church.

This question cannot have a definite answer, since even the Bible is read differently by different people and they see different things in it. And yet we will try to reason logically and derive some general rules.

What is considered a sin in the eyes of the church is a complex question, since people speak on behalf of the church. After all, clergy are people too, albeit suitably educated ones. And their opinions differ. However, most argue that animals are lower than people in the Christian hierarchy; Christians are not prohibited from eating meat. Therefore, under certain conditions, putting animals to sleep will not be a sin.

There are also cases when it is impossible to do without euthanasia of animals - if they pose a mortal danger to people, for example, due to rabies. An animal with rabies will die in any case, only if naturally, then in terrible agony, and at the same time such an animal can bite and thereby infect a person.

Whether euthanizing animals is justified depends on the person's motive. If a person wants to help an animal, to save it from suffering, then there will be no sin in putting it to sleep. If a person wants to get rid of the unwanted offspring of his animal in this way, or if he no longer needs his animal, and he is too lazy to look for new owners for it, such an act, even from the point of view of a person far from religion, is very bad and is a sin. It is a sin to euthanize an animal just because it, for example, craps in the house, despite all the punishments and suggestions. Animals have different thought processes; you cannot demand the same from animals as from people. You can contact training specialists and animal psychologists. As a last resort, you can always find a new home for the animal, new owners who will take care of the re-education for you.

If the owner wants to euthanize an animal because of his own health problems or because he cannot support it, this is a sin. Even if a person is completely unable to find a new family for a pet, it is better to simply put it out on the street. But it is better to ask other people to place the animal. Even if a person doesn’t know any animal lovers, there are many volunteers; they sincerely love animals, and if you explain to them a difficult life situation, they will certainly cooperate and the animal will be saved.

Everything that protects the interests and is designed to relieve the animal from pain and alleviate the situation is not a sin.

Why can't a person decide for himself when to die?

From a purely secular point of view - because the line between “a decision that a person himself made” and “a decision to which he was brought” is extremely fuzzy. There have been several known cases of suicide by cancer patients who, for various reasons, were unable to receive pain relief. Was their decision completely voluntary? If they were offered to legally kill them, they would apparently sign all the required papers, but would their consent be completely voluntary?

Moreover, not only purely physical, but also psychological pressure can greatly influence a person’s decision - and when he is completely at the mercy of others, it is not difficult for them to convince him to consent to euthanasia.

The “right to die” naturally turns into the “duty to die.” As British philosopher Baroness Warnock, for example, says, people with dementia are “obligated to die” because they are “wasting the resources of their families and the health system.” We are talking about dementia - that is, a disease that is not accompanied by excruciating pain. A person “must die” not because he himself suffers, but because he burdens others.

Euthanasia, therefore, inevitably creates a certain psychological pressure that pushes a person to take advantage of the solution offered to him, and the appeal to personal autonomy - a person, they say, is free to decide for himself - easily turns into mockery. He decides in conditions when the state - and, possibly, those close to him - are interested in his speedy death.

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