How to consecrate a cross with holy water at home, the meaning and rules of the ritual

The pectoral cross is a symbol of the Orthodox Church and evidence of a person’s belonging to it. Every Christian receives it after the Sacrament of Baptism and wears it all his life, being a symbol of how a person received eternal life - the death of Jesus Christ.

The consecration of the cross began in Ancient Rus', over the entire period of its existence this small object has acquired many legends (protects from harm, saves, etc.), but the point is only that it is a symbol of the entire Christian faith and a reminder to a person at what high price it was purchased . However, it is worth remembering that without consecration in the church, the product does not have any value.

Therefore, it is necessary for every Christian to know whether and how to consecrate a cross at home.

Is the cross an amulet?

“The cross is not just a decoration. Moreover, it is not some kind of magical amulet. It is not enough to simply put on a cross and consider yourself a Christian. The cross should express what is in a person’s heart” (Hegumen Serapion Mitko).

In itself, wearing a cross does not save a person if there is no conscious confession of what the Cross of Christ symbolizes. The Lord protects those who believe in Him and trust in Him from many troubles and misfortunes. The cross as an object of decoration cannot itself protect from evil. Protection for Christians is given by the Savior, who accepted death on the cross for the salvation of all people.

“All the grace that comes from God through the holy cross, holy icons, holy water, relics, consecrated bread (artos, antidor, prosphora) and others, including the Most Holy Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, has power only for those who are worthy of this grace through prayers of repentance, repentance, humility, service to people, works of mercy and the manifestation of other Christian virtues. But if they are not there, then this grace will not save, it does not act automatically, like a talisman, and is useless for the wicked and imaginary Christians (without virtues)” (St. Theophan the Recluse, 1815-1894).

Is it possible to consecrate a cross yourself?

Very often in newspapers or on the Internet, in sections with advice, there are recommendations on how you can consecrate a cross yourself. And although this is considered possible, it is only in the case when a believer for some reason does not have access to the clergy.

This applies to those Orthodox Christians who live in remote areas or in a country where clergy are persecuted. Only in such rare cases can a person consecrate a cross on his own. But at the first opportunity, it is necessary to carry out the rite of consecration in the temple. It is very important.

In some churches, clergy have a very negative attitude towards the fact that a person himself consecrates a pectoral cross. The ritual cannot be performed by an ordinary person, even a deeply religious one. Such strict rules, which are written in the Holy Scriptures, must be respected and observed.

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Service cost

How much it costs to consecrate a vestment depends on the specific temple. As a rule, the cost of this service is minimal. In some churches there is no fixed price at all; a parishioner can give the amount that is acceptable to him. Payment is usually made to the candle shop, which is most often located near the entrance to the temple.

Reference! Initially, such a ceremony should be carried out free of charge. If the priest tells you how much the consecration of the cross will cost, but the person does not want to pay, you can try to contact another church.

Important points when purchasing a product

If you need to consecrate a cross, the price for this may vary depending on the temple. In most cases, the priest provides such a service for a small donation. But it is important to know certain points when buying a cross in a church shop or in a jewelry store:

  1. In the Orthodox tradition there is a clear distribution, which concerns the fact that one nail is nailed to the feet of Jesus on the crucifixion. This is an important detail, especially when purchasing and consecrating a cross. For Catholics it is two nails. Those unfamiliar with the Christian faith may not notice the differences, but they are significant and important. You cannot come to an Orthodox church to bless a cross of the Catholic faith.
  2. The crucifix, which is depicted on the cross, must correspond to other Orthodox attributes with the image of Jesus.
  3. If the product is made of precious metals or has precious stones, it must be of the highest quality. Please pay attention to this when purchasing. Many people don’t even think about what scammers can do.
  4. If you are buying a cross for a child, it should be small in size and must have rounded ends so that there are no sharp corners. This is very important, because it is the safety of the child. It's important that he doesn't get hurt.
  5. When choosing a children's pectoral cross, which will later be consecrated, it is important to pay special attention to the reliability and quality of the chain. For very young children, a thin rope would be the best option. This is due to the fact that most chains are made of low quality metal, which can cause a severe allergic reaction on the child’s body.

If you are buying a cross with a chain for a child’s christening, then you should not buy too expensive jewelry. It is very important that at the time of the child’s baptism, the cross and chain have already been consecrated. This is usually done before the baptism ceremony and does not take much time.

Purpose and appearance

The true purpose of the pectoral cross is an outward sign of his belonging to the Orthodox faith and a reminder that the Cross of Christ can also act as a weapon against the devil. Many today wear gold and silver crosses, but bought in a jewelry store, meaningless, as a tribute to fashion and society, not consecrated in church - this is just a decoration, not a symbol of faith.

It is very important to know and understand how to consecrate a cross in a church and why it is necessary.

During the sacrament of Baptism, the priest immerses the baby in water, which symbolizes cleansing and attachment to the Body of Christ, and then puts a cross on him, which is supposed to be worn at all times and not taken off even while swimming or in the bathhouse.

Child baptism in church

Usually, parents buy the jewelry, and the priest blesses it during the Baptism process so that the baby receives a real symbol, and not just a “tchotchke.”

The cross can have 4, 6 or 8 ends, with different shapes. The most common are 8-pointed ones with the inscription: “Save and preserve.” As for the material, it can be anything: silver, wood, gold, platinum, metal. The shape, appearance, metal, braid - all this is chosen by the parents or godparents and does not play a fundamental role. The main thing is to choose a comfortable option for wearing so that you don’t have to take it off, and here special attention should be paid to the braid or chain.

Important! You should not listen to any superstitions that loss is bad luck, that you cannot change it - all these are just stupid rumors that have no theological basis.

The symbol can be changed in case of loss or simply if desired, it can be given to someone in need or replaced with a new one. Before this, you just need to consecrate it in the temple.

About the pectoral cross:

  • Is it possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross?
  • Where to put the cross of a deceased person
  • What does it mean and what to do if the cross is lost

Is it necessary to consecrate a pectoral cross?

According to church canons, a pectoral cross must be consecrated. Otherwise, he will not have any power, and he will not protect a person. The entire ritual that should be followed is written in the holy book.

If a cross is sold in a church shop, then it is most likely consecrated, but a purchase in any other store will indicate that you purchased the jewelry in the first place.

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Stories from life after the consecration of the cross

All stories are valid. They describe the miraculous effect of the consecrated amulet on a person.

  1. One woman had only possessed thoughts in her head, had bad dreams, and did not want to go to church at all. Despite this, the believer prayed every evening, asking the Lord for enlightenment and deliverance from evil spirits. The woman was baptized, but did not wear a cross. Her thoughts drove her crazy every day. Realizing that it was necessary to get rid of this lifestyle, the woman decided to purchase a cross. As soon as the consecrated amulet was placed around the neck, all demonic thoughts immediately disappeared, she slept soundly, and the parishioner began to go to church very often.
  2. In one family, the baby cried a lot, was capricious all the time, could not calm down and sit for at least half an hour without screaming and crying. The parents were believers and always prayed for the little one. But every day the child’s tears flowed like hail, as if someone was terribly offending him. The family decided it was time to baptize their son. The parents bought a beautiful little children's cross and came to church. As soon as the baptism ceremony was completed, and the body amulet was on the baby’s neck, he calmed down and even began to smile. This is how the Lord God helped the boy, who now laughs, begins to speak his first words and is very rarely capricious.

Take care of yourself, be sure to listen to the church! A cross is not just an accessory that many people wear today. This is more than just a talisman. This is an inextricable connection with the Almighty. You can kiss him goodnight, and sleep at this time will be the most restful. Every believer should have such a thing around their neck. Despite the fact that the cross is very small in size and, it would seem, cannot physically protect a person, it is full of strong and unique energy that can push away all negative thoughts from the believer!

Is it possible to wear crosses with a Catholic Crucifix?

The iconography of the Orthodox Crucifixion received its final dogmatic justification in 692 in the 82nd rule of the Trull Cathedral, which approved the canon of the iconographic image of the Crucifixion. The main condition of the canon is the combination of historical realism with the realism of Divine Revelation. The figure of the Savior expresses Divine peace and greatness. It is as if it were placed on a cross and the Lord opens His arms to everyone who turns to Him.

In this iconography, the complex dogmatic task of depicting the two natures of Christ - Human and Divine - is artistically solved, showing both the death and the victory of the Savior. Catholics, having abandoned their early views, did not understand and did not accept the rules of the Council of Trull and, accordingly, the symbolic spiritual image of Jesus Christ.

Thus, in the Middle Ages, a new type of Crucifixion emerged, in which the naturalistic features of human suffering and the agony of execution on the cross became predominant: the weight of the body sagging on outstretched arms, the head crowned with a crown of thorns, the crossed feet nailed with one nail (an innovation at the end of the 13th century). The anatomical details of the Catholic depiction, while conveying the veracity of the execution itself, nevertheless hide the main thing - the triumph of the Lord, who defeated death and reveals to us eternal life, and concentrates attention on torment and death. His naturalism has only an external emotional impact, leading to the temptation of comparing our sinful sufferings with the redemptive Passion of Christ. Images of the crucified Savior, similar to Catholic ones, are also found on Orthodox crosses, especially often in the 18th–20th centuries, however, as well as iconographic images of God the Father prohibited by the Stoglavy Cathedral. Naturally, Orthodox piety requires the wearing of an Orthodox cross, and not a Catholic one, which violates the dogmatic foundations of the Christian faith.

How to wear a cross correctly

Few people know that a pectoral cross must be worn correctly. The priests unanimously affirm that:

  • Under no circumstances is it recommended to exchange crosses with each other
    . If you didn’t know, then this custom, strange to us today, was quite common, especially in rural areas. Men quite often exchanged crosses with each other, considering themselves close friends. People believed that in this way they “fraternized,” that is, they became brothers and relatives. However, the clergy categorically prohibit this. Each believer has his own cross, his own unique destiny, and this is precisely what must be experienced, in the literal and figurative sense;
  • Under no circumstances should the vest be removed, even before swimming. Orthodox traditions say that before accompanying a child to school or kindergarten, the mother or father must make sure that the child is wearing a cross;

Many young mothers do not put this important symbol of Christianity on their newborn child, because they are afraid that the baby may hurt itself with the rope, but this is a personal matter for everyone.

  • Only baptized people have the right to wear a pectoral cross. An unbaptized person is not considered a member of the Orthodox Church, so he cannot wear a vest even as decoration;
  • It is prohibited
    to wear an Orthodox cross for people who have
    a different religion
    (Catholics, Muslims or Buddhists);
  • before going to bed, a Christian must kiss his vest before reading prayers for the coming sleep;
  • When wearing a cross in the summer with open shirts or dresses, you need to wear it in such a way that the back side is hidden and the front side is visible;
  • You should not display your vest, even if it is a unique piece of jewelry. It is best to hide the cross from prying eyes;
  • It is imperative to dedicate a pectoral cross bought in a store or found on the street. This must be taken very seriously, because the cross accompanies a person throughout his life, from the moment of baptism until death. But the easiest way is to purchase already consecrated products. This can be done in any church shop on the territory of an Orthodox church.

How to wear it correctly

You need to wear a pectoral cross correctly. The priests unanimously assert that under no circumstances should they exchange vests with each other. Previously, this custom was quite common in rural areas. Men who considered themselves close friends exchanged crosses with each other especially often. People believed that in this way they were “fraternizing,” that is, becoming relatives. However, the clergy categorically prohibit this. Each believer has his own cross, and it is this that must be carried, literally and figuratively.

The cross has been consecrated, is it necessary to consecrate the chain?

The priests say that this is not necessary. But if the vest is already attached to its chain in advance, then the priest brings them to the altar together. The logic here is quite simple. It is much more convenient to illuminate a small cross with a chain

than without it.
The product may simply fall out of your hands and roll away somewhere. Blessing a cross with or without a chain is a personal matter for everyone.
There are no restrictions here. It is necessary to consecrate not only vests bought in a store, but also crosses found on the street

. It should be borne in mind that the product that was picked up from the ground must certainly be picked up and taken to the temple. The cross is the main shrine of Orthodoxy, and this thing cannot be allowed to be trampled under foot.

Brief information

The pectoral cross is a symbol of the Orthodox faith. It is worn by people who revere and follow the basic religious tenets. According to the Gospel: “If anyone wants to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Another, no less important meaning of the symbol is the neutralization of the forces of evil and darkness, the protection of man by the Lord.

A cross is made of metal or wood (most often cypress). Worn constantly on a chain or cord on the chest (near the heart), thereby personifying one’s complete unity with God.

How is a pectoral cross consecrated?

There is a special ritual called “The Rite of Blessing the Cross for Wearing on the Chest.” It is described in the Trebnik - a liturgical book. It is performed only by a priest, so a purchased cross cannot be sprinkled with holy water and worn, this does not comply with existing rules.

And only as a result of the sacred rite, matter - be it holy water, prosphora, or a pectoral cross - acquires special, inexplicable from the point of view of science, properties to heal, protect and help.

The consecration of the cross is carried out only once. It needs to be re-dedicated only in two cases:

  • the cross was significantly damaged and then restored, somewhat changed;
  • it came to the new owner by chance and it is unknown whether it was consecrated.

If we talk in detail, then after buying a cross in a store you need to come to the temple and ask the servants, for example, in a candle shop, how to properly deal with the cross and when it is possible to consecrate it. They will tell you a convenient time when this can and should be done. It would be better to give the cross for consecration with a chain or ribbon on which it is planned to be worn. This is more convenient, of course, for the priest during the ceremony. Moreover, it complies with the rules.

After consecration, it is worn under clothing, on the body, as close as possible to the most important part of our body - the heart, where the presence of a soul is most often physically felt.

How to properly consecrate at home

Before you start consecrating, you need to familiarize yourself with several recommendations that will help you do everything right. To carry out the ceremony, you must prepare holy water in advance with a prayer book in which prayers are collected. All this must be put before your eyes. Prayer words are said, after which the cross is lowered three times into a container of holy water. After this, the cross is put on the body.

If a person is not sure that he can perform the ceremony on his own, it is better to contact a clergyman. He will help dedicate the item and do it according to the rules.

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