How to remove damage at home: effective rituals

A ritual on how to remove damage will help you get rid of damage and return it to the person who did it. Ritual how to remove damage done on the waning moon. For the ritual you just need to prepare a little, namely: 1). do only on an empty stomach. 2). Read protective prayers before the ritual, or Our Father or Nicholas the Wonderworker. 3) during the ritual you will need to open the window or window a little...

How to determine damage to the cross - methods of magical diagnosis

Undoubtedly, crosses on the body, symbols of faith, have power.
And magicians use this power for their own purposes, achieving the desired result. The majority of our population is Orthodox, and therefore it is possible to punish the enemy through church paraphernalia. Believers think that Orthodox crosses are 100% protection from witchcraft, reliable objects from the evil eye and damage, but in the skillful hands of a real sorcerer, these things from the evil eye and damage become an open door through which black magic can enter. This is complete nonsense when they say that a real magician cannot cast a powerful spell on a believer who visits a temple. They get it by breaking all the defenses and weakening the victim through the same church. And if the sorcerer can’t, the demons can, or the dead man will move in. Remember, magic, as interpreted by priests, and true magic are two different things. As a Christian, he believes that the pectoral cross will protect him from damage, but a real sorcerer knows for sure that the enemy cannot escape from it.

The strongest damage done through a cross is diagnosed in the same way as any other - using prediction systems. Clear and very definite answers are given by Runes and Tarot cards. These systems are familiar to every practicing sorcerer.

And, in order not to be unfounded, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give you an example of strong black damage through a pectoral cross. This is a classic version of the lining, a powerful curse.

Here's what you need for an independent method of sending powerful damage to a person:

  • pectoral cross
  • white plate
  • black wax candle
  • simple black thread

The pectoral cross is placed in the left shoe under the insole for 3 days, and they walk. Slipping a cross under the insole, they say the words of the spell of damage:

On the fourth day, they take out the cross, place it on a white plate, light a black wax candle, and read the text of the conspiracy to cast a spell on the enemy:

They take a skein of thread, wrap it around a cross and read the text of the conspiracy to cast a spell on an evil person:

Tie the thread in a knot, drip the cross with black wax, and say the spell words:

In magic there are many ways to get rid of induced negativity. Some magical rituals can be done independently, with only basic knowledge and a little experience in witchcraft. Many effective rituals are technically simple, but have features that you should be aware of. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will show you how you can remove damage to the waning moon at home using the example of transferring it to a mirror.

The witchcraft ritual of the classical translation can be considered universal, since it is permissible to use it in different cases, as part of various complexes. By transferring you can remove a weak energy negative - the evil eye or weak, unprofessional damage, or just caused. Moreover, damage of any nature:

  • on appearance,
  • failures,
  • lack of money
  • love relationship.

When treating diseases, mirror removal of damage is also not bad. But I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, draw your attention to the fact that you need to work comprehensively. In addition, you must have a connection with Bes Asp, one of the nine Grand Dukes. Then the result from independently removing damage from a person will be good.

The ceremony is performed on the waning moon, on the river. The Bes Aspid and his assistants need a good purchase. You need to have a new mirror with you that you have not looked in. After leaving the offering, approach the water and look at your reflection in the mirror. Visualizing what you want to get rid of, what magical damage to remove on the waning moon, with your saliva you draw an equilateral cross on the mirror surface. Not an Orthodox cross, but rather a cross of Power; draw according to the usual pattern: from bottom to top, from right to left.

Answering the question on which lunar day is best to remove damage, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that from the 18th to the 28th lunar day in witchcraft you can perform magical cleansings of various types. The 29th lunar day is the most difficult of the entire lunar cycle, the day of the Black Moon. It is better for beginners not to cast spells on this day. But for an experienced magician it is a blessed day.

It is also permissible to independently remove damage from a person during the full moon. And here’s a good way to get rid of damage caused at home - to tell off during the full moon.

On the full moon, wash your face with clean water and read the plot to get rid of negativity:

They get rid of the black evil eye and everything unnecessary caused by the waning moon. However, there are situations when rituals must be undertaken immediately, for example, if there are strong magical attacks, and there is simply no time to wait for a favorable day for cleansing. In such cases, it is permissible to quickly remove the damage to the waxing moon; For such situations, there is a ritual for quickly cleansing a person from curses.

What does it mean to remove damage from a person with a return? In magic, there are independent and effective ways to remove magical damage and return it to the person who caused it. Here is an example of how to throw the negative back through a rowan cross against damage.

  • 2 sprigs of rowan
  • red thread made from natural fibers
  • blank sheet of paper
  • black ink
  • flat plate

Tie the twigs with thread so that they form a cross. If you are removing black damage from yourself, lubricate the branches with your saliva. If from another person - with his saliva. On a piece of paper, draw a figurine of a person, associating it with the one who damaged you. Place the design on a flat plate, place a rowan cross on top and set it on fire.

While the branches are burning, read the plot to cross against the evil eye and damage:

Scatter the ashes in the wind, and break the plate on a stone at a pedestrian intersection.

In matters such as the presence of magical damage on a person, diagnosis is always required. Having made sure that there is a negative, and having found out exactly what area of ​​life it was done to, the magician chooses the most effective ways to remove the damage from the desired person. There are types of damage (they are very common) through the lining. The lining (the enchanted object) can be hidden by the magician where the victim is most often present, or the item can be presented as a gift. So, such carriers of damage are often jewelry. To remove damage from things, they perform magical rituals.

Strong damage through an object is a common method of work for black magicians. By contacting the enchanted object, the victim receives negative energy aimed at destruction. One way to stop the effect of magic is to destroy the object itself, the carrier of the energy of damage. But, if for objective reasons this cannot be done, they independently carry out the ritual of removing damage from the item.

There is a large category of the most common items that are used in witchcraft as protective amulets and amulets. These are so-called things from the evil eye, or amulets, which are designed to protect their wearer from damage. For example, how will a coin help against the evil eye, how will it remove the energy of magical negativity? Here is an example of how you can use coins to get rid of damage at a crossroads.

After reading a magical spell that removes severe damage from a person, throw one coin at a time in the direction you were facing. Thus, you can remove damage from coins if you have an established connection with demons. To establish contact with Dark Spirits, you need to practice demonic rituals. There are a lot of rituals in practical magic that are done for the positive. Demons help well in any matter. After cleansing the spoilage, make a diagnosis. You need to make sure that there is no negativity on the person. Otherwise, witchcraft cleansing from damage should be continued.

In our times, in certain public masses, where parapsychology and esotericism have developed, they cause damage and heal from ailments, lunar magic is known - this is an independent type of magical practice that helps to increase the mystical capabilities of the human body thanks to the powers of the Moon.

There is a misconception that only women practice lunar magic. In fact, even novice sorcerers can comprehend the magic of the moon.

This magical practice contains quite a few rituals and rituals with a variety of goals and results, this includes love spells, amulets, removal and induction of damage. In ancient times, lunar magic was used by witches and priestesses; it was this fact that gave rise to the false theory that lunar magic is used only by women. However, what a great connection the Moon has with a woman, even the length of the cycle is the same.

There is a close relationship between the phases of the moon and magical rituals. The days when the Moon crosses one phase with another (new moon, full moon, first and third quarter) are quite tense. A person is very susceptible to stress during both the waning and waxing Moon. Statistics show that during this period a large number of various incidents, road accidents and disasters occur, and the mortality rate increases.

It is a known fact that the Moon influences the water masses of the Earth, the ebb and flow of the tides, and since the human body consists of 80% water, it is difficult to overestimate its influence on a living organism.

When is the Full Moon in July 2022?

In the midst of the summer heat, the Moon will ascend to the throne of its greatness and power on Wednesday, July 17, 2022 in the zodiac sign Capricorn (exactly at 00.40 Moscow time) and at the same time a lunar eclipse will occur, which will provoke a powerful surge of energy and strengthen the connection with the other world .

The summer night when the Full Moon in July 2022 is given to people to get rid of damage, the evil eye, love spells, cleansing from old attachments, bad habits and failures in love. You should not think that this is the most dangerous day in July 2022, since with a competent approach to magic, you can remove the crown of celibacy, harmonize relationships with your loved one, remove negative programs and slander from ill-wishers.

Damage, what you need to know

Damage is best done on a waxing or full moon, and removal is best done on a waning moon. In order to damage a person, you must have some knowledge and follow certain instructions.

The waxing moon carries enormous magical energy, as does any birth of something.

All magical rituals aimed at destruction, punishment, and negativity must be performed on the waning moon (when the full moon ends). The most favorable days are Saturday and Tuesday. Your intentions to cause damage must be kept secret from everyone. Not a single living soul should see you at the time of the ceremony, otherwise the damage may not achieve its goal.

Magic rituals performed during the full moon have always been considered the most powerful and effective.

You must define a clear goal - for the enemy to be punished. The intention to do something bad must simply overwhelm you. If the desire is inactive, you may not succeed.

After the damage has been caused, there is no need to give any things or money from home, especially to the person on whom the damage was caused. With the help of these items, it is enough to simply give it back to you.

Do not forget that the damage you inflict on the offender will not go unnoticed. If the person who was damaged finds out about this, then it is possible that he will guess who it could have been done, because he knows exactly who he offended. And he may begin to take revenge using non-magical methods, which can significantly ruin his life. They do damage that will look like an illness on the full moon. After the ceremony, leave, under no circumstances ever look back.

When working at intersections, be sure to leave some for the farm (3 or 6 coins of the same denomination), and at the cemetery - a memorial (this could be some kind of treat - candy, gingerbread, cookies). You need to imagine an image of a person every time you read his name in a conspiracy.

Damage to a gift is one of the most powerful.

Damage occurs:

  • contact (a person is given some thing, a special witchcraft ingredient is mixed in);
  • non-contact (attachment to the deceased, to tied knots, etc.);
  • on leftovers (on hair, saliva, leftover food, nails);
  • volt (victim's items, photo).

There are also spells aimed at a person and his consciousness, at the body and soul, at his descendants. What kind of damage to apply depends only on you.

How wax will help

Another common ritual that can quickly bring relief is wax casting. To perform the ceremony you need:

  • church candle;
  • transparent vessel;
  • holy water.

The candle should be melted in a water bath and the wick removed. Pour water into a vessel and hold it on the top of your head, and then, pouring wax in a thin stream, begin to read the spell.

“I pour hot wax on it and seal all the damage. I cauterize my evil tongue, I close the paths to my enemies to my threshold and soul. Don’t feed on my power anymore, don’t take my money, don’t dance over my misfortune.”

If your energy field is strong enough, it is better to carry out the ritual on a full moon, then the effect will be much more noticeable and will come faster.

At the end of all manipulations, wrap the wax in black matter and bury it in a vacant lot with words.

“I’ll bury all the evil here, it won’t get out from under the earth.”

Pour out the water at the crossroads and give the vessel to the church. You can cleanse your apartment of evil with the help of a church candle and prayer. Light a torch at the threshold, and while reading “Our Father,” slowly move in a circle counterclockwise, lingering longer in those places where the candle creaks and emits black smoke. After the cleansing ritual, the house needs additional protection in the form of house plants that carry positive energy and cleanse the walls of evil, as well as all kinds of amulets that will prevent dark entities from entering your home.

Removing damage and its visible signs

Before considering removing damage, it is necessary to determine whether it exists. Many people intuitively feel that they have been damaged, especially if this was done on a full moon, new moon, or waning moon. What you should pay attention to:

  • if, when leaving the apartment, earth, dirt, feathers or other foreign objects were found in front of the threshold;
  • a nail is driven into the doorposts;
  • In addition to feathers, foreign objects can be felt in the pillow (they need to be urgently taken out and burned away from home);
  • deterioration of health, loss of strength (not influenced by the phase of the moon);
  • sudden weight loss or gain;
  • stress, thoughts of suicide;
  • it is impossible to stay in temples, sacred places, churches;
  • lack of air and many other reasons that may alert you.

Constant stress is a manifestation of the damage imposed on the Moon

There are also some ways to determine the presence of damage done during lunar phases (full moon, new moon or waning moon). Let's consider only some phases of the Moon.

A black cat will be a great help; you can take him from acquaintances and friends if necessary, but before that he needs to live with you for a little while and get used to it. It’s enough just to sit him on your lap, if suddenly the previously calm animal begins to get nervous and struggle, it means that not everything is so pure and you should think about the ritual of removing the damage.

Removal of damage should occur on the waning moon. Immediately after the ritual, a person may experience increased blood pressure and dizziness, but this will indicate a successful deed. Soon after the ritual, which was carried out taking into account the lunar phases (full moon, new moon, waxing and waning moon), a person experiences an improvement in well-being and a lift in mood. A person’s aura begins to heal, this process occurs gradually.

Damage to health

They damage your health on the first lunar day. To do this, they charm a personal item, preferably a piece of clothing. Take the object and on the second day after the full moon, place it on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it. Looking at the month, imagine the face of the victim and evoke the most negative emotions in yourself, then begin to read the words.

“My enemies are unlucky, evil burns inside me. How to put this object (name of thing) on ​​God’s servant (mu) will lose its strength and beauty. Turn into an old hag, and I will find happiness.”

Magic rituals for the moon

As with any business, magical rituals should be approached with all seriousness. If you need to make protective amulets for the new moon.

During the waning moon, you need to fill the bath with warm water, put salt in it, the number of spoons is equal to your age.

A warm bath as a way to remove damage to the moon

Lie down in the bath. The body needs to be positioned horizontally, and an Orthodox cross should be drawn above you in the air with your finger.

Afterwards, get out of the bath and say three times:

On the new moon, you will need to take banknotes of different denominations, divide them around your home in different places so that no one sees them. After three days, collect the banknotes and spend them on purchasing goods or products for household use.

Ritual for attracting and increasing money with the help of the Moon

Already on the next new moon they should return doubly.

It is performed on the new moon, three times in a row (3 months on the new moon). Needed: cross, milk, holy water, rose aromatic oil.

Fill the bath with hot water, then lower the cross into it, then pour in milk, holy water (1 glass each), and a couple of drops of rose oil.

You need to lie down in the water, relax your body, close your eyelids, read the words:

It is read into salt, then it is scattered at the place of trade or simply after.

Most rituals do not require special preparation or the use of special paraphernalia; together with a positive attitude, you can achieve your goals.

In this article I want to talk about how to remove strong damage with magic, i.e. using various occult techniques and methods that give a person relief, cleansing and, ultimately, recovery after an induced and partially worked out destructive program.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to carry out the ritual of removing damage on their own for free. I will answer this question this way: getting rid of negativity for free implies self-healing, i.e. a person independently carries out a certain activity to remove negativity. Someone close to you can do this too.

It is believed that removing damage on your own is a useless exercise; you can harm yourself even more. I would not say this categorically, but my opinion is this: a specialist will provide much more effective treatment than the patient who has suffered from witchcraft will do.

In addition, in complex or advanced cases, you cannot help yourself. However, it may be possible to ward off an everyday occult blow. In general, a lot depends on the specific situation.

How to understand the success of a report

It is quite simple to verify the effectiveness of the sacrament. The victim reacts almost instantly.

During cleansing the following happens:

  1. Sudden change of mood. Laughter, tears, hysteria.
  2. Nausea, vomiting.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. Temperature increase.
  5. Stomach pain.
  6. Sometimes my head hurts.
  7. Intense yawning, hiccups.

Afterwards the sick person will want to sleep. It's better not to bother you for a while. Sleep will restore your strength.

Later signs of complete liberation are no longer so obvious:

  1. Recovery occurs within one to two weeks. Slowly his behavior returns to normal (as it was before the attack).
  2. The former victim perceives the world more clearly and learns again to enjoy the little things.
  3. Diseases go away (you need to continue traditional treatment).
  4. The craving for alcohol and smoking decreases.
  5. Fate is improving.

Important: to prevent the disease from returning, you must definitely buy a talisman. A repeated attack is quite likely, the enemies are not asleep. The amulet will repel an attack and warn the owner about the attack.

How to remove strong damage with the power of words and return it to the enemy

The method of removing damage is free, i.e. independently, getting rid of the destructive influence of black witchcraft, which I want to offer you, is based on the power of the word and the power of the vibrations that the life-giving word emits.

All these steps must be repeated exactly at every meal. All signs of damage, all its bad consequences will soon disappear, and relief can be observed the very next morning.

This way you can remove strong damage with black magic, but not with black witchcraft of destruction and suppression, but with white healing magic.

It has long been known that salt is one of the worst enemies of evil spirits. To carry out this free ritual of removing damage from a person, you will need a glass of clean water, a little salt, a pinch of ash, a wax candle and red wine.

Then you need to wash your face with water from a glass, do not wipe with a towel, the water should dry on its own. After this ritual to remove very strong damage with magic, the damage caused to the disease will disappear within 2-3 days.

Prayer for corruption

You will need a church candle. Memorize the Lord's Prayer. Light a candle daily and move it along your body, while repeating the words of the prayer. At the end of the ritual, make the sign of the cross over yourself with a candle and put it out.

Important : pay attention to which areas of the body the candle flame will flutter especially strongly - they need to be “worked out” especially carefully.

Watch the video about how to remove fire damage:

How to use a lunar eclipse

At the moment of a lunar eclipse, a person receives from nature the opportunity to get rid of something unnecessary that breaks life and psyche, bad character traits, bad habits, to reprogram himself and his destructive sides of character and ways of interacting with the outside world to others, positive emotions and reactions.

The energy of the lunar eclipse and Full Moon on the night of July 16-17, 2019 can be transformed into positive energy if you make a vow to the Universe to quit smoking, drinking alcohol, or getting involved in gambling or computer games. Just as it is almost impossible to mend all broken relationships during a lunar eclipse, bad habits will disappear from your life forever. For another two weeks after the lunar eclipse, negativity will gradually disappear from your life, and new positive events will take its place. This time is best devoted to getting rid of accumulated fatigue, relaxing, traveling, and building a new, happier life.

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