How to use the magic of a candle to get rid of illness, attract love, luck, money?

The energy of candles has a strong influence on the human biofield; each color of a candle has its own effect on the surrounding space. It is known that a candle cleanses energy, but for a more powerful effect it is recommended to choose the color of the candle correctly. Each color has its own advantages, a white candle is universal. The benefits of candles for energy have been proven; even simple observation of a candle flame brings results. Today we will talk about the energy benefits of candles. Read the next article on the pages of the magazine, and you will also learn how to cleanse a person’s energy yourself with a candle.

Candle energy

There are a large number of candles of different colors. And each of them works better in one situation, where a candle of a different color would not be as strong.

  • White candle. It is considered a universal candle for most rituals. Symbolizes comfort, tranquility, spiritual harmony.
  • Red candle. It is used very rarely for rituals. Mainly to gain material well-being and maintain existing success.
  • Pink candle. Used in romantic rituals to help bring back love.
  • Yellow and orange candles . Helps in finding spiritual harmony, opens flows of positive energy, helps to relax. Most often, church candles are of these colors. It is best to use it for negativity.
  • Purple candle . Capable of providing magical protection. However, it is recommended for use only by professionals.
  • Brown candle. Helps improve household management, help get rid of illnesses, and create comfort in the home.
  • Black candle . Such a candle can very quickly eliminate all existing negativity, however, it is recommended to use it only by specialists.

There are a large number of candles of different colors and each of them has a special power.
As you can see, the energy of candles carries different influences and serves a different color for each purpose.

Undeservedly offended color

The division into black and white, bad and good, evil and good did not come to us at all from Slavic culture. Those who have been reading our articles for a long time already guess whose influence is noticeable here. Of course, this is a Christian tradition. It is customary in it to strictly divide all phenomena in the world into those that are pleasing to the church, and those that are declared evil.

For centuries, we have absorbed this tradition and become so accustomed to it that we ourselves already talk about black and white in the meaning of “good and evil.” And what a beautiful picture it turns out when sorcerers in night-colored clothes light black candles, whisper terrible spells and thereby send misfortune to people... Wow, it’s frightening and exciting! Therefore, at least one film about the struggle between good and evil is rarely complete without such a scene.

There is some truth to this. Black color is associated with night. Since ancient times, this time has been considered scary, because without sunlight it is difficult to see the world around you and notice danger in time. But this is only one side! Nature itself tells us another vision: black tree branches in spring, which are already filled with sap and will soon be covered with leaves, black thawed patches of the earth, black embers in a warm oven. Here, in the darkness, something new and beautiful is born!

It's time to remember that Slavic myths do not tell us about the struggle between good and evil, but about the continuous circle of life. Life is everywhere, even where we don’t see it yet! The world equally needs darkness and light, black and white. Therefore, the Slavic Knowers are not afraid of the magic of black candles.

Candle cleanses energy

It is known that a candle cleanses energy. Various rites and rituals have long been used to remove negative energy - damage, the evil eye, curses, which contain cleansing with a church candle. But not everyone knows that negative energy is always removed when any candles burn out. Looking at a candle is also useful - you can cleanse your aura through your eyes. Also, with a candle you can remove negative induced effects from other people - your loved ones and relatives. When damaged, the candle turns black and crackles in the place where the human biofield is pierced by a negative energy impulse. In order to determine the location of the “holes” in the biofield, you need to hold the candle next to the body and move it along the spine.

Cleansing with a candle helps you change your life for the better. The element of fire cleanses and burns everything negative that clings to a person’s aura

The uniqueness of the effect of a candle flame on the biological field that surrounds a person is that it helps to cleanse the body of everything negative that accumulates every day. In the city it is difficult to stay in balance and keep your biofield and space clean. Therefore, candles will help for cleansing.

What is annealing?

If you follow the logic, then the prefix “from” itself denotes some kind of separation, a break, if you like. Accordingly, annealing is a certain ritual (rituals) using the Primary Element of Fire, aimed at getting rid of (or breaking) something.

Alas, it often happens that relationships become overgrown with such a mass of negativity that it becomes very difficult to continue them. They (relationships) begin to resemble old ears with a hundred kilos of dirt stuck to them. It seems like it’s not respectable to walk barefoot, but it’s difficult to move your feet in such shoes. You can't go far like that.

Something needs to be done. But what? Annealing will help.

The benefits of candles for energy

If you sit near a lit candle for a while and watch the flame fluctuate, you will notice how the candle throws a small amount of soot into space. This soot and smoke collects a person’s negative emotions, fatigue, irritation and resentment that have accumulated during the day.

If you regularly look at the flame of a candle, this process will help relieve mental and physical pain, relieve sadness, thus the disease from the form of energy will not move to the level of illness of the body, and will evaporate along with the smoke. The mental pain will dissipate and prevent the pain of the physical body. The fire and crackling of a candle will restore peace and peace of mind.

To remove layers of negative fields and programs from a loved one, you need to light a candle and stand behind him. You can take any candles - church, ordinary, magic.

How to determine that annealing was successful?

The very first sign of successful work will be the “calming” of the candle flame. It will stop producing soot, the crackling noise will disappear, and the candle will stop crying.

If you focus on your internal state, then a good marker here will be a feeling of satisfaction. If it is there, then the work was done efficiently and to the end. Both the one being cleaned and the one doing the cleaning immediately understand that EVERYTHING has been done. The body itself suggests this. You just need to learn to hear him and trust him.

The color of the flame itself cannot be discounted. During operation, the flame sometimes changes color so much that a person who has recently been annealing may get scared. It can be brown, blue, green, and even unnaturally dark. So, when the color of the flame becomes normal - the same as when a candle standing on the table is simply burning, this is also a sure sign that annealing has taken place.

Cleaning energy with a candle

Clear your mind of extraneous thoughts. Start “cleaning” the person with a candle from below, from the tailbone. The hand with the candle should make a rotational movement counterclockwise.

If the candle begins to crack, this means a problematic, broken place in which a person has or will experience in the future serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. At this moment, you can notice a flash of soot. You should hold the candle near such a zone until the candle stops smoking! When the flame has become clear again, you can move along the spine up to the very top of the head. Finish cleansing with a candle by moving above your head: at a distance of 10-15 centimeters above your head.

Cleaning must be done 3 times, checking whether the candle burns evenly in the place where it previously smoked. Repeat this procedure every evening and see how much better your life has become.

Fire cleansing of a house, apartment, space

Negative energy often accumulates in residential areas for years. People, animals, and indoor plants living in them begin to get sick, waste away, experience unreasonable fear, anxiety, and fail in business. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically clean the living space, especially after guest visits from unfriendly people.

Method 9. Energy cleansing of the house

I perform this ritual as psychics recommend. Do the following:

Make a small bag out of paper into which hot wax will drip so as not to burn your hands.

Place a lit candle in it (preferably a church candle).

Cleaning a room with fire must begin behind the front door.

  1. Holding the bag in your right hand, enter the room.
  2. We walk around a house or apartment (any room) along the wall on the left side, that is, clockwise.
  3. Be sure to stop at each corner and cross it three times. Do the same with windows and doors.
  4. Finish the cleansing at the front door, leaving the apartment. Put out the candle there.

After the rituals, I definitely carry out an energetic cleansing of myself - I wash my hands, as I described above. Then I imagine a waterfall, mentally enter it and douse myself with water from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, sending the negative into the ground with the water, which I advise you to do as well.

At the same time, pronounce the spell:

Mother Earth, take all the bad and recycle it for good.

Cleanse human energy yourself with a candle

If a loved one regularly suffers setbacks or is often sick, you can help him by expelling negativity and evil spirits from him with a church candle.

The ritual takes place at sunset. A person who needs cleansing should lie down on white bed linen and tie a red ribbon on his head. A lighted candle should be passed over his body, while saying cleansing words:

“Let man not know grief and misfortune. May all that is bad go into the fire and remain there from now on and forever. Amen!"

For the best effect, the spell should be repeated every other day for a week. This is not Black magic, so this ritual is suitable even for small children. Experts in the field of bioenergy have long recognized the power of candles. You can resort to help to cleanse yourself of negativity. They will help absolutely anyone. The main thing is to follow the instructions correctly and sincerely desire the result.

We recommend reading: Candle Flame

Cleaning your energy with a candle and prayer to get rid of harmful vibrations

To destroy low harmful vibrations from your field, say:

“I ask the Heavenly forces to remove from all my reincarnations on earth and parallel worlds my fears, negative attitudes, negative energies, everything that prevents my life from becoming bright, healthy and happy. I ask you to remove this here and right now, in the quantity and speed that is most suitable for me. And let the space that becomes free be filled with renewed pure energies: love, abundance, warmth, joy.”

The energy of candles will help you find spiritual peace and tranquility.

A powerful ritual to cleanse yourself of negativity

Prepare in advance - carrying out the ritual requires a serious approach.

First, feel that you are mentally prepared to perform all the necessary actions.

Secondly, follow all recommendations exactly - any deviation can invalidate the result.

Take the following items:

  • vase or pot made of clay
  • untouched wax
  • a couple of knives (their handles must be black)
  • white fabric
  • bread
  • cup
  • river water

When starting the ceremony, you must fill a pot or vase with water from the river. Then tie a white piece of fabric around the neck and go home. Keep your peace of mind, don't talk.

Once you find yourself in a familiar environment, start processing the wax - first of all, melt it. Place both knives on the neck of the pot and hold them over the patient. Your job is to slowly drip wax onto both blades.

Say the following spell:

The procedure is done three times - the effect will be quick.

When the actions are completed, return the water to a natural source and bury the knives deeply. Also float the bread onto the water surface and say another spell:

Use a mug to wash the patient.

The fabric scrap that was used will turn into a magical one. It fights especially well against headaches and migraines.

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