Spiritual world
Last Supper (1495-1498). Without exaggeration, the most famous wall painting. Although it is difficult to see her live.
More and more people are realizing the importance of Lent in achieving harmony with divine spirituality. At
In the USSR there was a phrase: “Religion is the opium of the people.” Karl Marx, thanks to whom
Most people have heard about the crucifixion of Jesus. But have you ever wondered why
Moscow Goalkeeper All beings on high, but not retreating from those below, you have deigned, O Bogomati,
The biblical text divides the descendants of Adam and Eve into two branches - Cainites and Sethites,
The historical biblical account of the creation of Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:26-27) states that God
Metropolitan Peter of Polyansky Peter Fedorovich Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church. Metropolitan of Krutitsky. Glorified as New Martyrs
Orthodox Life Answered by the teacher of the Kyiv Theological Academy Andrey Muzolf. If we read the Sacred carefully
Communion is an opportunity to feel unity with the Lord. Only baptized people are allowed to visit it. Behind