Spiritual world
Colors of vestments and explanations for them Home » Knowledge base » Concepts and terms
General information about the sacrament of confession Every church has its own traditions, customs and
What is holiness? Modern theological encyclopedias call it “one of the fundamental concepts of Christian teaching,”
Many people believe in God, but at the same time they do not have extensive knowledge regarding religion.
If you love intellectual relaxation, then you probably do crossword puzzles or scanword puzzles in your spare time. Certainly,
How many different signs and superstitions are concentrated in our society! But we conquered long ago
Children are not only the flowers of life, but also extremely susceptible individuals. Education for believers
As in the usual age description, and in the church description, there are certain age names
Julia: Hello, Father George! I just recently started going to church and there is still so much I don’t understand... I live
The President of Russia has repeatedly stated that it is necessary to rewrite the history of the country so that it meets modern realities