Spiritual world
Usually children are baptized at a very tender age, and taking this into account, one has to choose
Hieroconfessor Sergius (Pravdolyubov) - archpriest in the Solovetsky concentration camp Testament of the Solovetsky prisoner and confessor “Life
The angelic army is the support of the Creator. Angels and archangels help fulfill God's providence in the world
Any religion needs a scripture that would concisely set out the basic principles of religion.
Myth No. 1. The pectoral cross cannot be removed under any circumstances. The cross really cannot be removed.
About their customs I have been interested in China since childhood. And one of the first people
Holy images of our Almighty are present in almost all Christian homes, because these icons are
Do you want the people who offended you to sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness? Our article has included
History According to the four Gospels, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ occurred on the Jewish holiday of Passover. In that
What is an icon? An icon is a graphic image that embodies the face of a celestial being or a sacred event. But