How to treat erysipelas on the leg at home with spells

How to make a face on your leg at home, by making a conspiracy and without harming yourself, was known back in ancient Rus'. These rituals were passed down from generation to generation without losing their power. There are a number of existing rituals, ceremonies and incantations that anyone can use without special training. To do this, it is enough just to know certain prayers (therefore, a prayer book should be at hand) and a few wax candles. Conspiracies for erysipelas can relieve the symptoms of the disease. But before that, you should turn to drug therapy.

Most often, erysipelas occurs on the leg

Description of the disease: erysipelas

Erysipelas (translated from French as “red”) is an infectious disease caused by streptococci. It most often spreads in places where there is hair (legs, arms), as well as on the surface of the mucous membrane (eyelids, ear canals).

On a note! This disease often affects people who, due to their occupation, often receive minor injuries. Cuts, calluses, and boils become contaminated as a result of untimely disinfection and can cause tissue inflammation.

Erysipelas appears on parts of the body with hair, such as the lower leg.

Getting rid of this disease is not painful, but it takes a fairly long period of time. Timely contact with specialists and the prescription of complex drug treatment can alleviate the condition, and then completely eradicate the disease. You can also add folk methods (alternative medicine) to the general treatment, which includes a spell for erysipelas.

How to beat a sore face

Wrap a new red cloth around a knife bought at the market and read the conspiracy against mug:

For the ritual of making a face you will need chalk and paper

For another ritual you need to buy chalk and blue paper. While reading magic words, draw crosses on a sheet of paper with chalk. The plot goes like this:

After this, tie the paper to the part of the body on which the mug appeared and say the “Our Father” to God.

Rules and recommendations for conducting rituals

To make treatment more effective and safe, certain rules should be followed. In any healing activity, there is an order and requirements for the preparation of the ritual.

There are certain days of the week that are suitable exclusively for men or women. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are the days on which a man can perform the ceremony. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are given to women for carrying out conspiracies. Sunday is considered the day of saints, and divination on this day is prohibited, and performing rituals is equated to a terrible sin.

Conducting rituals during great church holidays and fasts is not recommended, the only exception being when the prayer is addressed to saints.

Important! According to the lunar calendar, getting rid of this disease with the help of a conspiracy is possible only during the waning moon. If you perform the ritual on the waxing Moon, the condition of the sick person will sharply worsen, that is, it will have the opposite effect.

When performing erysipelas spells, candles, salt and red cloth are often used.

To carry out a conspiracy, you may need salt, cereal, natural fabric (red) or other available attributes. After the conspiracy, all used elements must be destroyed. The salt used during the ritual should be replaced several times, as it absorbs all negative energy.

Preventive actions

By adhering to certain rules, the risk of such a disease can be minimized:

  1. Exercising will boost your immunity.
  2. Getting enough sleep and a healthy diet will improve your overall health.
  3. Periodically take tests for the presence of streptococcus in the blood.
  4. Avoid contact with an already infected person.
  5. Instant treatment of any damage to the skin with an antiseptic.
  6. Carry out frequent hygiene procedures, especially on the feet.
  7. Carefully monitor the functioning of the venous system.
  8. Avoid sudden changes in temperature.
  9. Don't put yourself under stress.
  10. Cure chronic diseases.

Determining the location for conspiracies

Before performing the ritual, you should accurately determine the location of the skin infection. The most common manifestation of this disease is the legs and arms. In more rare cases, it appears along the neck, moving to the face.

Blue erysipelas is a more severe form of the disease

Particular attention should be paid to the color of the affected area. Red erysipelas is a milder form, and to cure it, it is enough to perform a simple ritual or read a prayer. The same cannot be said about the blue one. For a more severe illness, you should use conspiracies that carry strong energy; when carrying them out, you need to be extremely careful and strictly follow the sequence of actions.

Features of the problem

Erysipelas is a dermatological disease. Its main symptoms are a sharp increase in body temperature, headaches, muscle spasms and chills. The main symptom of the disease is skin inflammation. They can appear 2–3 hours after infection, and several days later. These are usually red or blue spots on the skin.

Erysipelas is carried by bacteria that can enter your body through airborne droplets.

Some people believe that such a disease manifests itself as a result of the evil eye or damage, but a strong conspiracy against erysipelas will help to cope with the infection.

Erysipelas on the leg: conspiracies and prayers

Before treating erysipelas on your leg at home, you can make up your own conspiracies based on the prayers described in the Bible. But if there is no general idea about this, then you can take ready-made and proven folk rituals.

A strong three-day ritual for erysipelas

Conspiracies and prayers for erysipelas on the leg help equally well, only everyone can read the prayer, but only a trained and knowledgeable person can make a conspiracy. To carry out the three-day ritual you will need:

  • a small piece of red fabric made of natural material (preferably wool);
  • wax candle;
  • rewritten plot.

The ritual should be carried out for three days with a lit candle, passing a red cloth over the inflamed area and reciting the following spell:

The text of a three-day ritual helps to get rid of erysipelas

After reading the plot, you need to spit over your left shoulder and repeat this three times. After the third time, the ritual should be completed with the following prayer:

With the help of this prayer, a three-day spell is completed

This ritual is carried out for three days, three times a day.

Conspiracy of Scarlet Cloth

For this ritual you will need a new piece of natural red fabric and a new knife.

Important! The main thing is that these ritual attributes have not been previously used in everyday life.

First you need to wrap the knife in a cloth and say the following words:

This text is read when performing a five-day ritual with a knife and scarlet cloth

After reading the prayer, the cloth must be removed from the knife and passed over all affected areas on the body. This plot is read for 5 days.

Natalya Stepanova's conspiracy for erysipelas on her leg

Natalya Stepanova is a Siberian hereditary healer, known for her spells that can cure many diseases. One of her prayers is aimed at healing erysipelas on her leg. The ritual takes place early in the morning, at dawn. During sunrise, you need to go out onto the balcony or porch and say the following words loudly:

The text of Natalia Stepanova's conspiracy must be read at dawn

If after three days the infection does not subside, the spell should be repeated.

When will the result appear and why the magic didn’t work?

There are no exact dates in magic. The time to recover from erysipelas depends on the general condition of the body, the severity of the disease, and the strength of the witch. The first improvements - the disappearance of itching, pain, burning - occur the very first time. Full recovery usually takes 1-2 weeks. Periodically update rituals and re-cast incantations.

The lack of results is often caused by errors in the ritual, lack of power of the sorceress, or an incorrectly selected plot.

Diagnostics with Tarot cards and Elder Futhark runes will help you choose a magical text.

If you lack personal strength, use the energy of the elements to eliminate erysipelas. Light candles, ask the spirits of fire to assist in the magical action. You cannot turn to pagan gods or demons for help when reading Christian prayers - a conflict of forces will arise that will worsen the patient’s condition. It is impossible to talk about the method of curing erysipelas - if you disrupt the effect of the conspiracy, the forces will turn away or demand a stiff payment. Magic loves silence.

Possible consequences

Conspiracies for erysipelas can also bring negative consequences if treated incorrectly or if certain prayers are used. For example, materials that were not destroyed can lead to disaster and cause even greater tissue inflammation.

Note! Compliance with the order of the ritual and the consistent execution of actions will not result in any negative reaction and will allow the patient to be healed. If you neglect the simplest rules, the condition of the infected person can even worsen significantly.

Before you begin rituals and reading conspiracies, you should be examined by a doctor and begin comprehensive treatment. Rituals do not guarantee a complete cure, they only help in healing. Prayer can attune the patient to the necessary energy of restoration, with the help of which his body will get rid of the disease.

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Today it is quite difficult to defeat many bacterial infections. The thing is that they very quickly get used to modern medications. And what happens in the end? Some kind of vicious circle. Pharmacology produces more and more powerful drugs to fight infections, and the latter are constantly adapting to them. In this case, a prayer for the treatment of erysipelas will help you get rid of one of them.

This has always been the case - where traditional medicine is powerless, faith in the Lord will help. You should never lose hope.

Strong prayers for erysipelas

Strong prayers will help you get rid of the disease faster. A prayer is read before the icon of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God:

“Our Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of God, I ask you - help. Itchy erysipelas, prickly erysipelas, go away, come out from the servant of God (the name of the sick person) from the relics, from the bones, go to the swamp, there you will burn, there you will get pain and redness.

I'm telling you: Go away. And here, with the servant of God (the name of the sick person), never burn or give in to pain. Amen".

You need to read this plot 3 times a day for 5 days.

If you are suffering from erysipelas, in addition to strictly following the doctor’s recommendations, be sure to read strong prayers to the Archangel Raphael, the “All-Tsarina” for erysipelas. This way your recovery will go faster. It is necessary to remember that erysipelas is an insidious disease and can recur, therefore, in order to reduce the risk of recurrence of erysipelas, you should: reduce the risk of overheating or hypothermia, observe all necessary measures for the treatment of even small microdamages on the skin, and carry out all possible prevention of diaper rash.

Contacting and praying to Panteleimon the Healer will help you get rid of erysipelas in a short time. A magical action is carried out during the waning moon.

Exactly at 12 o'clock at night, a church candle made of wax is lit over the sick person, and an icon of Panteleimon the Healer is placed next to it. You should light a candle and move it over the patient’s body, repeating the prayer:

“O great servant of Christ, passion-bearer and merciful physician, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the Heavenly, Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all.

Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint me with the oil of your mercy and heal me: yes, healthy in soul and body, I can spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing God and will be worthy to receive the good end of my life. Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant me health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen".

When the text is read, the doctor should, continuing to move the candle over the affected area, begin to pronounce other words (it is important to repeat them 3 times):

“I beg, I drive out from the Servant of God (name) the earthy, watery, natural, invented, ridiculous, judgmental, painful, seething, creeping, flowing, alien face.

Face you, with a low bow, a humble word: no, you (name) should not stand, should not break bones, should not dry the blood, and should not bow his head. I will send Your face across the blue sea. On that blue sea there lies a blue stone, on that stone the throne stands.

On that throne there are three full boxes, behind that throne the Lord himself stands, holding a prayer book, reading that book from his servant (name), begging his face. Erysipelas, go away, my body is getting rid of you. Strong prayers help, I become healthy. Amen"

The ritual is carried out for only 3 days in a row. The more sincere your intentions are, the more these prayers for erysipelas will help, and the result will not be long in coming.

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