Prayer for mice and rats in the house to go away forever

The problem of rodent infestation is relevant in many homes. Today there are a large number of chemicals and folk remedies that allow you to get rid of pests. To ensure that the deliverance does not cause harm to the people living in the apartment, and the pests quickly leave, you can look for effective conspiracies and prayers.

Features of rituals against rats and mice

Every owner can perform rituals against rats and mice.
In order to get rid of rodents indoors, you don’t have to be a psychic or a “seventh generation magician.” Rituals to expel mice and rats have been carried out in Rus' since ancient times; they can safely be classified as folk rituals, which can be performed by every owner of a house or apartment. Everything is simple - you just need to strictly follow the instructions of the ritual itself.

Operating principle

Magic rituals aimed at getting rid of rodents do not entail any adverse consequences for the person performing them. There are many rituals, and the principle of their operation is based on turning to magical powers for help with a request to rid the house of evil spirits.

In addition to rituals, prayers that have been used for many centuries, passed down from generation to generation and have long proven their effectiveness are also suitable.

Benefits of using magic

Magic rituals aimed at expelling rodents have many advantages:

  1. They do not require material investments; all the necessary items for their implementation are either already in the house or are inexpensive.
  2. Conspiracies are humane, because they are aimed at expelling, and not taking the lives of animals.
  3. You can use them anywhere.
  4. They almost always give a positive result.

How to get rid of mouse odor

In addition to the fact that pests spoil furniture and food in the house, they emit a specific unpleasant odor that is absorbed into clothes, carpets, and bed linen. The occurrence of such a stench is explained by the fact that excrement contains a large amount of ammonia, which penetrates into any material and is practically not excreted. The following instructions will help you say goodbye to the stench:

  • First of all, get rid of pests.
  • Do a general cleaning of all rooms of the apartment, sweep and throw away mouse excrement.
  • Rinse all surfaces and places where mice were located by dissolving 5-6 tablespoons of vinegar in 5 liters of water.
  • Use air fresheners and antibacterial solutions that absorb mouse excrement odors.
  • After the surface has dried from the vinegar solution, treat it with hydrogen peroxide.

dead mouse

If mice were removed from the apartment using poisons, then there is a chance that they died in their holes and emit a terrible smell. Two or three dead mice will not cause harm to a person; their smell will quickly disappear. The stench from several rodents can cause irreparable harm to humans. The smell of a corpse acts like poison on people. In order to get rid of such a stench, it is necessary to find and eliminate all rodent corpses.

Rules and recommendations for conducting rituals

In order for the ritual to give the desired result, you need, firstly, to strictly follow the instructions, and secondly, to tune in psychologically to the session. Faith in the power of the ritual will be the key to success. The ritual itself should be performed only on the waning moon and always after sunset. At the same time, complete silence must be observed in the room where the plot is being read. There should not be any unauthorized persons in it.

For the ritual to work, you need to believe in its power.

The nuances of reading slander

The main thing when reading any conspiracy is maximum visualization of your desire. When pronouncing the words of a prayer or spell, you need to imagine how the pests leave the house forever and how good it is in it without them. At the same time, it is undesirable to read the plot from a piece of paper; it is better to first learn it by heart. All phrases must be pronounced clearly, without stammering or getting confused in them.

Why is it important to make sure there are mice in your home?

Before performing rituals, you need to make sure that there are pests in the house. Rustling at night, grinding, etc. manifestations do not always mean that there are rats or mice in the home.

It is important to make sure that there are mice in the house.

We need an “evidence” base - mouse droppings, chewed vegetables and bags, a specific smell. All this is important primarily because if you read a conspiracy against mice that are not in the house, then you can damage the energy of the home itself. After this, the house will become uncomfortable, its inhabitants will feel reluctance to come there, to the point that one of their loved ones may leave it forever.

And only after the presence of pests has been confirmed, you can begin the ritual.


After your home is cleared of uninvited guests, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive maintenance of your home. Prevention may consist not only in saying prayers or conspiracies, but also in measures such as:

  • Maintaining cleanliness and order.
  • Storing food in inaccessible containers.
  • Getting a cat.
  • Seal openings through which rodents can enter your home.

Among other things, you can resort to the help of Mother Nature. If you have a private house, then in the summer you should collect elderberries and dry them. When winter comes, rodents will rush into your home. They will first choose a cellar as their place of residence, and then fill the entire house. But to prevent this from happening, place elderberry branches around the perimeter of your cellar.

On Maundy Thursday, you can also cast a spell for prevention. It’s not for nothing that this day is called that way. On this day, it is customary to get rid of everything unnecessary that clutters your home. It is worth pronouncing the spell in the morning, after opening all the windows wide open.

Collect old unnecessary things in a paper bag and say the words: “Iron sinks in water, words drown in silence. Don't come back to my house, live where you live. You forget the way to my threshold. You are not welcome here and you are not welcome here. I form my word into a lock, and I hide the key to it in a pot.”

At the end of the ritual, throw the bag with old things in the trash. On this day, do not talk to anyone about rodents in your home. Keep silent.

In the practice of spells, everything is based only on energy. Therefore, an important condition that must be observed was and is the preservation of clear, strong thoughts. Convert them into stones that will hurt your opponent, causing them to eventually abandon you. Good luck to you in your endeavors!

Options for strong conspiracies

There are many rituals that allow you to rid your home of pests. Some of them are universal and allow you to expel all parasites from your home, while others are aimed only at one type of rodent. For example, mice. For each individual case, you can always find a suitable option and quickly solve the problem.

Universal Hex

It is not always possible to determine exactly who is in the house - either mice or rats. In such cases, a universal conspiracy will help get rid of pests. To carry out the ritual, you need to find an old plate at home, or better yet, a plate with cracks. Then, in the yard, find a medium-sized oblong gray stone, take it in your hands and enter the house with your back to the entrance. Place it on a vessel, and place the latter in the place where traces of pest activity were found. Then read the text of the conspiracy:

Universal conspiracy against mice.

After this, leave the room backwards. The ritual should be repeated 5 days in a row. After this period, the parasites will leave.


A special universal prayer will also help get rid of unwanted guests. The ritual should be performed on Thursday, after dark and during the waning moon phase. You need to turn off the lights in the room, then light a candle and first read the “Our Father.” After this, cross yourself and say the words of prayer:

Prayer from mice.

Put out the candle, thank the Lord for your help and go to bed.

For a church candle

This option is suitable for those who do not want to read any conspiracies, but rely only on God’s help.

To carry out the cleansing ceremony, you need to purchase a church candle. Then in the evening, closer to night, light it and walk around all the rooms of the house or apartment, saying the words of prayer. Moreover, they can be arbitrary, the main thing is that they contain a request to the Lord for help in getting rid of pests.

For example:

The All-Merciful Lord, I ask and conjure, save the home of God’s servant (name) from the invasion of rodents. Let this race of rats leave the house and never return. Be so merciful, hear and help with the lowest request. Thank you God for your kindness. Amen.

This prayer, like any other, must come from the heart. And then help will definitely come.

Ritual for a dead man's thing

One of the most powerful rituals. It is based on the use of the energy of the afterlife. Its source is a thing belonging to a person who has gone to another world. When choosing it, one must be guided by the main requirement: it must belong only to him alone and no one has used it after him. You will also need a candle from the church for the ceremony.

After dark, you need to light a candle, put the chosen item next to it and read the words of the conspiracy:

Conspiracy on a dead man's thing.

After this, the object belonging to the dead person must be placed in the place where traces of rodents were noticed. It should lie there until the pests leave the house. It is prohibited for you or anyone in your household to touch it. As soon as it becomes clear that the rodents have left, the item must be taken outside the home and buried.

Moreover, this must be done at the greatest possible distance from the house - for example, taken to the forest.

For the Easter candle

On the day of Easter, you need to buy a candle in the church and light it there. Wait until it burns halfway. At this time, mentally ask the holy saints to help get rid of rodents. As soon as the candle burns down to half, you need to put it out and take it with you. Arriving home, you should go backwards into the room where the pests were noticed, place it in the places where they are likely to appear and cast the spell:

Easter candle spell.

Back away, leave the room and close the door.

For junk and trash

Before the ceremony you need to prepare:

  1. Bring a large trash bag.
  2. Dig a hole at the crossroads.

The latter is easier for those who live in a private house in a rural area. It is more difficult for a city dweller to find a suitable intersection, so in this case it is better to simply prepare a shovel in advance.

Next you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. In the room where rodents were found, sweep away debris and dust from the corners.
  2. Collect old things and objects, rags in a bag.
  3. Place everything in a bag and tie it.
  4. Drive to a suitable place where there is an intersection, for example to the nearest forest plantation, and dig a hole there.
  5. Place the package in it.

After this, read the plot:

Conspiracy on old things and garbage.

Then fill the bag with soil and leave this place.

On the door

A simple but effective ritual that will not only get rid of mice and rats, but also help cleanse the energy in the house.

To carry it out you need to take a bucket of water and a rag. Then wash the front door first from the inside and then from the outside. Take the water outside and throw it out with the words: “As the water flowed away, so did the trouble disappear.” Cross yourself 3 times and return to your apartment or house. Place a bucket under the tap with cold water and, while it fills, read the Lord’s Prayer.

Pour a handful of salt into the bucket and say:

Plot on the door.

Wash the front door again in the same sequence. Then go outside and pour water on any stone, bush or under a tree. When it gets dark, rub the door handle and doorway with garlic, all the time saying: “Away from the house, all kinds of evil spirits, the evil eye and black damage.”

Enter the house, close the door, bow before it and say 3 times: “Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

On stones and church candles

To carry out this ritual, you must first count all the window and door openings and ventilation grilles in the house. If this is a private property, then you also need to take into account chimneys - that is, all those places that have access to the outside, even a hole for walking cats. After this, you will need to go to church and buy there the number of candles corresponding to the calculations. Find the same number of clean pebbles in the nearest body of water.

Returning home, attach a pebble to each candle closer to the bottom using wax. Place them near each opening. Then, as the sun sets, go around all the places, lighting each candle and reading the plot:

Spell on stones and candles.

When the candles burn out, take each pebble and hit it on the floor 4 times, and then cross it. Collect everything in a bag and throw it away at the intersection in the morning.

Begging for protection

This conspiracy does not provide for a one-time ritual, but the reading of a prayer at sunset on Thursdays and with a lit candle. The text can be read on paper, the main thing is not to stumble and believe that prayer will help:

Conspiracy begging for protection.

In case of damage

Mice do not always appear due to natural reasons. Sometimes they come to a house whose owner or the home itself has been damaged. You can get rid of it, and at the same time from rodents, by combining 2 rituals - on the door and on stones and church candles.

The first will act as a ritual of cleansing the house, and the second will protect the home and expel parasites.

Prayer of the Holy Fathers

People still believe in the power of prayers. And the main thing in them is a request to God to enlighten and find the right path in the fight against pests and the prevention of their occurrence. Anyone who sits in a dirty house in which all conditions have been created for rodents, no matter how much he prays, will not be able to get rid of them until he begins to do something. That is, you need to start with yourself. And the prayer of the holy fathers will support and help find the right path in the fight against this phenomenon.

You need to read it every day, while sincerely believing in the help of the Lord and in your own strength.


Prayer of the Holy Fathers from mice.

On the sieve

One of the simple rituals that only requires the presence of a wooden sieve. In the evening, after dark, but always on the night of the waning light of the night, you need to take a sieve, turn it upside down and start walking around the whole house or apartment with it, while reading the plot all the time:

Spell on a sieve.

To the blackroot

Rodents are sensitive to the aromas of certain plants, one of which is black root. Its popular name is rat racer. It can be used in any form - fresh and dried grass is often laid out near holes or in places where rodents are most likely to appear and live: in the attic, underground, closets, and poison for mice and rats is prepared from the powder.

Blackroot is a poisonous plant that both repels and kills parasites when it enters the stomach. If you decide to fight them using this herb, then to consolidate the effect, you can supplement the procedure with one of the suitable spells. The option is chosen independently, according to your case.

Blackroot conspiracy.

On Maundy Thursday

For all Orthodox Christians, this day is associated with cleaning the house on the eve of Easter. But this does not mean that you just need to wash the windows and floors. On such a day, people get rid of everything old - unnecessary and useless trash first. On the one hand, general cleaning, simply based on simple sanitary standards, contributes to cleanliness in the house and the destruction of conditions for the normal functioning of rodents. On the other hand, a process supported by ritual will allow you to forget about pests forever.

To carry out the ceremony, you need to dig a hole at the intersection of 4 roads. Then put rodent-damaged items and products that have traces of their teeth into a linen bag. Send the bag into a hole and bury it, while reading the plot:

Plot on Maundy Thursday.

On the last Friday of Lent

This ritual is considered effective, but has one drawback - the ritual can only be performed once a year, on the last Friday day of Lent.

On Friday early in the morning you need to go to church and buy a candle there. Then in the evening put it on the table and light it. Wait until it burns halfway. Put it out, pick it up and go with it to the room where mice were most often found. It is recommended to enter it backwards. Then you need to put a candle in the corner from which parasites are most likely coming out. Read the plot:

Conspiracy on the last Friday of Lent.

Leave the candle, then leave the room the same way you entered - with your back forward.

For elderberry

Elderberry root contains a strong poison - hydrocyanic acid. Protecting your hands with gloves, the root of the plant must be crushed and then scattered around the house, in the attic, and in utility rooms. This option is suitable for processing a private home. In an apartment, you need to sprinkle the product in the kitchen and in the bathrooms - in the places where the sewer pipes exit. However, if there are pets or children in the house, it is not recommended to use poison.

Elderberry spell.

All actions can be combined with rituals to get rid of mice and rats.

For peppermint

This plant also belongs to the category of those whose smell mice cannot tolerate. The grass is dried and then hung or laid out where rodents have been observed. Reading the herbalist’s plot will help enhance the effect:

Spell for peppermint.

To the wormwood

Wormwood is another plant that will help keep pests away. It can be used in the same way as mint. In addition, many people scatter grass throughout the garden to prevent mice from destroying the crop. At the same time, you can also read the words of the herbalist’s spell.

Wormwood spell.

For vinegar

Vinegar is also one of the folk remedies for rodent control. It is mixed in equal proportions with ammonia, after which bay leaves are soaked in the composition and laid out in the corners of the house and outside along the perimeter. Any of the suitable rituals to get rid of parasites will help enhance the effect.

Vinegar spell.

Tryphon's Spell

The prayer to the martyr Tryphon helps to get rid of not only mice, but also many other pests. Its text is:

Tryphon's spell against mice.

It should be read with a lit candle late in the evening. But at the same time, take into account one important thing: the prayer lists many types of different pests, but when pronouncing the text, you must mention only mice and rats, otherwise all insects and animals may die. Including those that at this moment do not cause any harm to humans (for example, bees in a hive on the site, etc.).

What to do to prevent mice from ever appearing

Fighting rodents can be very difficult, especially if you live in a private home. As a rule, home owners encounter mice attacks in the winter, when rodents are looking for sources of food and warmth. They reproduce extremely quickly, and the larger the population becomes, the more difficult it is to fight them.

In order to minimize the consequences of the spread of mice in a private home, everything must be done to avoid their appearance. To do this, you must follow the following rules.

  1. Try to keep your home perfectly clean. Rodents appear where there are deposits of garbage, in which they look for food. If there are no such places, then mice will never appear in your life.
  2. As a protective means to combat mice, you can dig a fine metal mesh around the foundation of the house. It should be noted that the mesh must be buried quite deeply, at a distance of at least 1 m.
  3. Avoid huge amounts of food waste. If your trash can is constantly replenished with food waste, then you should not dump the garbage near your house. The trash is an excellent bait for rodents, and they will prefer to settle next to it, that is, in your house.
  4. Around your home you need to plant plants that rodents do not like because of their pungent and specific aroma. These include peppermint and tansy.
  5. If cracks or holes begin to appear in your home, you need to seal them with foam, and this should be done as quickly as possible, otherwise mice may enter your home.

Making a talisman from a toy

A homemade amulet from a toy will help protect your home from the appearance or re-invasion of rodents. It works on the principle of reflection. To make it, you need to use a shiny pastel-colored Christmas tree ball, but without a pattern or other decorations.

As soon as a suitable specimen is found, you need to pour dill seeds and finely chopped colored threads inside. After this, clean the house, perform a ritual to expel rodents from the door, and then hang a talisman over the entrance to the house.

Now you can be absolutely sure that negative energy will not penetrate your home, and rodents will leave and never return. The main thing is to monitor the condition of the ball, wiping it as often as possible. It should shine all the time and reflect the “protected” space.

Begging for protection

Unlike a universal conspiracy, begging for protection from rodents involves periodically reading a prayer. It can be written down on a piece of paper or printed, a prerequisite is a strong belief in the power of words.

“I, servant of God (name), will pray to all the saints, yes to the Lord God. Help me, O merciful Lord, protect my house from this day until Holy Saturday. The Poganini Tsar had as many as twelve wives, and from twelve there became eleven, from eleven - ten, from ten - nine, from nine - eight, from eight - seven, from seven - six, from six - five, from five - four, from four - three, three - two, two - one, and one wife - none

All the king’s wives were gone, all the wives disappeared. So for me, the servant of God (name), by the grace of the Lord God, all rats and mice will disappear from the house, they will leave on their own, and whoever does not leave will find his death. May everything that is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The prayer is read at sunset on Thursday, with a lit church candle.

Fortune telling on a dead person's thing

This option is the strongest, most powerful, since it attracts the energy of the world of the deceased. The source of magical power is an object that was previously in the possession of a deceased person. It does not matter who he was performing the magical passes, but it is important to choose an item that no one has used since the deceased owner. If you pick up the wrong thing, the magic will not have an effect, since there will not be enough energy for magical passes. The second attribute of the ritual is a church candle.

They turn to magic as soon as the sun goes down. Telling fortunes in an empty room. It is important to be completely alone, turn off the phone, TV and doorbell so that nothing distracts from the process. Maximum concentration on what is happening is the key to success. Having created a suitable environment, the sorceress places the selected item on the table, places a lit candle next to it and says, without taking her eyes off the flame:

The servant of God (name of the deceased) left home, left his native home, and will never return to it. Also, the mice keep moving away from my house; they can’t find their way back. They run faster than the fastest, their legs carry them away. If anyone does not leave, he will find his destruction. My words are locked with a key, buried in the ground. A worm will not eat a steel key, nor will a rodent chew it off. Let it be so.

Having completed the magical passes, they take the enchanted thing out of the room and place it in that part of the house where rodent activity is highest. They leave it there so that no one touches it, even by accident. Do not touch the object until the mice leave the home. As soon as the result is achieved, the sorceress takes the enchanted thing, takes it away from home and inhabited regions, and buries it in the ground. The best option is a forest, the shore of a reservoir. Everything possible should be done to prevent this item from falling into the hands of a living person in the future.

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