Prayer, conspiracy, whispers so that your beloved husband does not cheat

5 prayers so that your husband does not cheat + 3 tips on how to pray correctly + 3 common reasons for male infidelity + 5 warnings for devoted wives.

One of the common causes of marriage breakdown is infidelity. Moreover, according to statistics, men cheat much more often than women.

A devoted wife has little choice - leave the womanizer, forgive him, or pretend that there is no other woman in her husband's life.

But wise wives try to prevent infidelity in marriage at all. Moreover, there are ways. One of them is a prayer so that the husband does not cheat.

The meaning of prayer in Orthodoxy

What is the meaning of prayer in Orthodoxy? And is there a prayer for a husband’s infidelity? According to the instructions of the Holy Fathers (outstanding theologians of the past), sincere and humble prayer is “conversation with God and contemplation of the invisible.” Without it, genuine Christian life is impossible.

Prayer against cheating husband

With the help of prayer, we can ask the Lord and the saints for help in saving our souls, express tearful repentance, or joyfully praise the Creator. Christians also rely on God to overcome everyday difficulties, including family feuds. External motives for prayer can be completely different. But they are all united by love for the Lord and the desire to let Him into their lives. Saint Theodore of Edessa calls genuine prayer a strong wall and a blessed refuge, the protection of virtues and the destruction of passions, the purification of the mind and the consolation of those who cry (“Philokalia”).

The Holy Venerable Ephraim the Syrian instructs:

“Be in prayer. The Lord loves the constant prayer book and shows him His bounties” (“Creations”, volume 2).

Priest Valery Dukhanin notes that it is not so important whether we receive the earthly blessings we ask for. After all, the main thing in prayer is the grace-filled connection with the Lord. St. John Climacus also speaks about this:

“Merely remaining in prayer is already an acquisition. What good is greater than this - to cleave to the Lord and remain unceasingly in union with Him” (“The Ladder”).

Is it necessary to say the name of your opponent in prayer?

This question is of interest to many women who are faced with problems in personal relationships. Prayer is not a conspiracy or any other magic spell; there are no uniform canons or rules for reading it.

A sincere prayer coming from the heart from a rival is very powerful. Read without the woman's name, it is no weaker than the text in which it is mentioned. Moreover, often upset and perplexed women simply do not know what is really happening to their spouse. And guessing who acts as a homewrecker, they are mistaken. Therefore, without having reliable information, there is no need to mention someone’s name in your prayer.

Christian view of adultery

The intimate relationship of legal spouses is blessed by God, there is nothing sinful in it. It makes husband and wife “one flesh” (Gen. 2:24), strengthening and elevating their relationship. Carnal communication contributes to the birth of new life and the fulfillment of the commandment to procreate (Gen. 1:28). The New Testament says: “Let marriage be honorable in all and the bed undefiled (Heb. 13:4). But these words continue with a warning: “But fornicators and adulterers God will judge.”

Fornication and adultery are mortal sins, that is, especially grave ones, leading an unrepentant soul to destruction. The concept of “fornication” means any depraved behavior, including carnal knowledge outside of marriage. Adultery is a prodigal sin against the family. This is adultery or sexual intercourse with a married person.

Those who need a “prayer so that the husband does not cheat” should know: the betrayal of unmarried spouses is also adultery. Yes, the Church calls on Christians to sanctify marriage with a wedding. But it also recognizes as full-fledged a union that is registered only by the state.

Prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia

Holy saints Peter and Fevronia!

I ask you to help me, help me in my relationship with my beloved husband.

Return my husband’s beloved man and the love of God’s servant (name) to me to the family.

So that he loves, misses and thinks only about me, and does not notice other women at all,

Holy spouses Peter and Fevronia, do not ignore my request.

Help save the family and revive the weakened love of my husband.

Help you find happiness and love in your marriage.

Ask Our Lord Jesus Christ for the return of my loved one to me and for the salvation of our family.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia

Consequences of adultery

The sixth Old Testament commandment speaks about the inadmissibility of adultery (Ex. 20:24). In the New Testament, Christ takes the commandment to a new level, warning even against visual and mental adultery:

“Whoever looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28).

Thanks to the Savior's atoning sacrifice, we have become sacred vessels for the Holy Spirit. Adultery defiles a person and distances him from the Lord and salvation. This is a conscious and selfish violation of a God-blessed marriage, a betrayal of the other half and children. It corrupts body and soul, destroys families and destinies. Let us quote the words of Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko:

“In the first centuries of Christianity, an adulterer was excommunicated from communion for 15 years to repent. For murder, a person was excommunicated for 20 years. From the point of view of the Church, the severity of these sins is quite comparable. By cheating, you didn’t kill anyone physically, but you killed your family, destroyed your superpersonal organism.”

Spells to make a husband love his wife

Sometimes it happens that feelings cool down, especially in long-term relationships. If you want to renew or strengthen your spouse's love for you, use several spells.

Make a husband miss his wife

Prepare any thing - clothes, an object, anything, so that you can give it to your man, and say the following words:

“I give you the thing, I take your peace for myself. In the middle of a dark night, in the middle of a clear day, you will have no peace without me. Amen".

Salt spell for husband's love

Speak on salt and add salt to food for your husband:

“People love salt, take care of it, praise it, so let my husband (name) love me, take care of me, praise me, he can’t get enough of it, he can’t stop talking enough, he’d always hang around me, he wouldn’t be anywhere without me. Amen".

Lock spell

Talk about a new lock that has never been used. Close the lock with the key and whisper:

“A lock cannot be opened without a key, so the love of my husband (name) for me (name) does not end. Amen".

Close the lock and throw away the key so that no one finds it.

Orthodox prayer and “prayer against cheating husband”: differences

On the Internet you can find many supposedly religious texts with titles like “Prayer for a husband’s infidelity is strong.” Orthodox Christians should avoid them. Here is what Archpriest Andrei Nikolaidi says about such works:

“These are not church, divinely inspired prayers, but occult conspiracies in which complete nonsense is mixed with outright heresy.”

Orthodox prayer is imbued with reverence, humility and repentance. It implies the participation of the soul. Conspiracies and spells are aimed at mechanical pronunciation and automatic fulfillment of whims. Archpriest Pavel Velikanov notes:

“In magical consciousness the Lord is absent. He's not interesting."

Such texts may use Orthodox vocabulary, but their superstitious primitive essence does not change. Priest Viktor Nikishin instructs those who need “prayer so that the husband does not cheat and loves his wife”:

“Prayer is not a spell that is built on the correct reproduction of a certain text. This is a living conversation with the Lord.”


Below are the most effective and popular conspiracies to make a husband love his wife all his life and never cheat on her.

Ring plot

This ancient Slavic conspiracy helps to strengthen the union between husband and wife, so that the man does not walk “to the left.”

For the ritual you need:

  • tie rings with red thread;
  • put them in holy water for 3 days;
  • without wiping, place it on the candle in the temple and read the spell while the candle burns.

Conspiracy text:

Water spell

This conspiracy will discourage the husband from cheating and restore harmony in the family. Instructions for water spell:

  • pour water from a tap or spring into a cup;
  • read the plot at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the month;
  • After the ritual, be sure to wash your hands with soap;
  • Add the water over which the plot was read to your husband’s tea or coffee.

Conspiracy text:

Conspiracy based on photography

To prevent your beloved husband or boyfriend from cheating, you can use his photograph. To perform the ritual you must:

  • take a piece of red cloth;
  • light the candle that you bought in the temple;
  • looking at a photograph of your husband that was taken recently, say magic words;
  • Wrap the rest of the candle in red cloth and hide it in the house behind the icons.

Conspiracy text:

Conspiracy with the mirror

The husband will forget the way to his mistress if he performs a ritual using a mirror. Here's what you need to do for it:

  • take two round or oval mirrors;
  • put them in front of each other with reflective sides;
  • light a candle and place it between the mirrors;
  • read the plot while the candle is burning.

Conspiracy text:

Egg spell

This plot will force the husband to avoid other girls.

You will need: a bowl, a candle and 12 fresh eggs.

What should be done:

  • late in the evening, put the eggs in a bowl on the table;
  • take each egg in your hand, turning it towards you with the sharp end;
  • Hold the egg tightly in your hand, press it so that the contents of the egg flow out, while casting a spell.

Spell text:

Conspiracy with church candles

So that the husband loves his wife and does not look at other women, you can perform a ritual with candles.

To do this you need:

  • pull his hair out of her husband’s comb;
  • light two candles bought in the temple;
  • casting a spell, burn your hair in a candle flame;
  • Throw the ashes from your hair into your husband's food.

Spell text:

Spell on any thing of the husband

The more expensive the item is for the husband, the more effective the ritual will be.


  • take a thing;
  • pour holy water into the bowl;
  • read the plot;
  • Sprinkle the item with water three times.

Conspiracy text:

Is there an Orthodox prayer for a husband’s infidelity?

Genuine prayer is a humble trust in God, and not a desire to subjugate the will of another person. Therefore, in Orthodoxy there is no special text against the betrayal of a husband. In such problems, it is better to pray for the preservation of the family, the increase of love, as well as the admonition and correction of the spouse. After all, abstaining from cheating is not enough. It is necessary for a person subject to temptation to change spiritually.

The Orthodox tradition considers the holy faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom to be the patrons of marriage and marital fidelity. But you can ask for help in family problems from any other righteous people and, of course, from the Lord and the Mother of God. The Monk Arsenius of Cappadocia advised Christians in such sorrows to resort to Psalms 10 and 43.

How to pray to Paraskeva Friday?

Saint Paraskeva, who lived in the 3rd century in the city of Iconium, never disregards prayers addressed to her. Traditionally, young girls who have not yet managed to marry their chosen one ask her for help in matters of the heart.

Example prayer text:

“Martyr of the Lord, Saint Paraskeva! Help me, servant (proper name), comfort me in my sorrows. Take the trouble away from me, don’t let another woman take my happiness. Give her some sense and direct her to a different path, where she will find what is hers, and let her leave what is mine now. Cleanse, Saint Paraskeva, the mind of my betrothed (name of the man), do not let sins and temptations cloud his thoughts. Help me, martyr of the Lord!”

Of course, one should pray to Paraskeva only with a pure heart, without hidden intentions and without holding grudges in the soul.

Prayers to strengthen the family

Prayer for the increase of love and the eradication of hatred and all malice

Troparion, tone 4

Thy apostles, O Christ, have bound Thy apostles together with a union of love, and we, Thy faithful servants, have been firmly bound to Thyself, keep Thy commandments and love one another unhypocritically, pray ami of the Mother of God, One Lover of Mankind.

Kontakion, tone 5

Our hearts have kindled with a flame of love for You, O Christ God, so that with our heart, mind and soul, and with all our strength, we will love You, and our sincere self, and Your commandments. We carefully glorify Thee, the Giver of all blessings.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the family

Most Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the hearts of my husband and our children peace, love and intransigence to all that is good; Do not allow anyone from my family to experience separation and difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance. And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves’ attacks, all evil circumstances, various types of insurance and diabolical obsession. Yes, and we, individually and separately, openly and secretly, will glorify Your Holy Name always, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Translation: Most Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the heart of my husband and our children peace, love and non-controversy to all that is good; Do not allow anyone from my family to experience separation and a difficult parting, to a premature and unexpected death without repentance. And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves’ attacks, all evil circumstances, various intimidation and devilish obsession. Yes, together and separately, openly and secretly, we will glorify Your Holy Name always, now and always, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos for the return of her husband to the family

Have mercy, Most Holy Theotokos, intercede for us sinners, be merciful, cover our sinners with your incorruptible robe: your servant (husband’s name) and your servant (wife’s name).

Give, Mother of God, love between them and advice to live in love and harmony. So that they may live in council both in the days and in the nights and in stormy hours. Just as a powerful river flows and never ends, so the husband (name) and wife (name) will live in harmony forever and ever.

And after turning to the Most Holy Theotokos, do not forget to thank the Lord God with these words:

Having thanked and glorified my Lord, the One God of the Orthodox Jesus Christ for His beneficence, I appeal to you, holy angel of Christ, Divine warrior.

I appeal with a prayer of gratitude, I thank you for your mercy towards me and for your intercession for me before the face of the Lord. Be glorified in the Lord, angel!

What to do if conspiracies and prayers do not work

Prayers and spells often don't work if you have made serious mistakes, don't believe in their power, or if you simply want revenge on your opponent.

For rituals to be more effective, you should memorize the words of the spell rather than reading them off a page. Also, you should not use black magic rituals - in such cases you will face serious consequences.

If even after this the plot does not work out and your husband continues to cheat on you, seek help from an experienced professional magician.

Rituals for the holidays

Conspiracies on religious holidays are especially powerful and belong to white magic, so they do not have negative consequences.

Before the ceremony, you need to read the “Our Father”, and a week before the ceremony you need to give up alcohol, sexual contact and eating spicy, fatty and salty foods.

At Christmas

They place an icon of the Mother of God in front of them, and make one from 2 thin candles. Exactly at midnight they whisper a prayer 12 times:

We repeat the prayer 12 times.

Another ritual is performed on Christmas Day 5 minutes before midnight. You need to go outside and, looking at the month, say:

We repeat the words three times.

For Epiphany

This conspiracy will make the husband fall in love with his wife very much and will not be able to look at anyone else. On Epiphany night, from January 18 to 19, you need to light a church candle and, without releasing it from your palm, place a glass on the table and pour some holy water into it with your right hand. With the same hand they take the cup and say:

Epiphany ritual.

Drip wax from the candle into the glass 3 times. The flame is extinguished by dipping the end of the cinder into water and throwing the liquid over the threshold. The candle is taken to the church.

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