Father Valerian, Petenka the big guy and tenderness

Tenderness - what is it usually caused by?

Tenderness is a very pleasant and joyful feeling. It can be so strong that it moves you to tears. It often affects sensitive, creative people who try to see the beauty in everything. They are touched by the first rays of sunlight in spring, birds sitting on a branch, and notice the touching behavior of those around them. This feeling helps to remember that there are many interesting things in the world besides material wealth. That is why people who are fixated on getting rich are rarely moved. They simply do not have the time and desire to look at the world around them, they are absorbed in the thirst for profit, they have no time to be distracted. Thus, they deprive themselves of pleasant emotions that can be obtained absolutely without effort.

You can always find a reason to be touched. It is enough to look at the world around you more carefully. Trees are reflected very beautifully in November puddles, colorful butterflies appear on a hot day, etc.

How does godly tenderness differ from godly tenderness?

Tenderness, like many other human feelings, in a moral sense can have both good and bad content.

During the Old Testament, for many representatives of Israel, due to the coarsness of their hearts, godly tenderness was something not very familiar and not very understandable.

Enlightening and educating the chosen people, reminding them of what their mission and their chosenness were, God turned them away from the temptations of paganism, allowed disasters, sent down punishments, and through this contributed (including) to arousing tenderness in them (cf.: “He showed Thou art cruel to thy people: thou hast given us to drink the wine of tenderness” (Ps. 59:5)).

Preparing Israel for the coming meeting with Christ, God promised through the prophet that with the Coming of the Messiah, He would send the spirit of grace and tenderness to the house of His servant, David. Under the influence of this gracious feeling, even many of those who participated in His execution and murder should have believed in Christ (Zech. 12:10).

During the New Testament, tenderness as a feeling based on the joy of communication with God, reverence and humility before Him as the Heavenly Lord, to one degree or another became available to all true believers Christians. However, in order to comprehend this state in depth, a lot of effort is required from the ascetic.

One of the most important means to achieve this state is cutting off the sinful will, detachment from the vanity of the world, sincere prayer, participation in the Sacraments, obedience and trust in God.

If a person does not live in accordance with the moral law, and does not even believe in God and His purifying Providence, tenderness is also possible, for example, tenderness before idols, tenderness caused by an impulse of certain passions (for example, a love passion or a passion for acquisitiveness).

Such tenderness can further alienate a person from God, cultivate in him an addiction (to the object of tenderness) or intensify an already burning passion, subordinating him to the will of evil spirits.

It is precisely this sinful form of compunction that the apostle speaks of when he says: “God has given them the spirit of compunction [the spirit of insensibility], with eyes not to see and ears not to hear, even to this day” (Rom. 11:8).

St. John Climacus speaks of the “blessed joyful sadness of tenderness.” He writes: “Reflecting on the property of tenderness, I am amazed at how crying and so-called sadness contain joy and gladness, like honey is contained in a honeycomb... Such tenderness is truly a gift of the Lord... God comforts the brokenhearted in a hidden way... In the abyss of crying is found consolation, and purity of heart receives enlightenment...”

Tenderness as a Christian virtue

The word “tenderness” has its own meaning in Orthodox Christianity. Tenderness is considered a virtue that makes an Orthodox person closer to understanding the Divine. It consists in joyful crying, a humble and sublime state. This is a very strong feeling that not everyone can achieve. Only those who understand their own imperfection in front of unlimited Divine mercy and love for mankind are able to recognize it. Tenderness in Orthodox Christianity is considered an invaluable gift from God, a special visit to the human soul by God. They give thanks for this feeling in churches, light candles and ask to prolong the peaceful state. It can fill a person’s soul with special love - for one’s neighbor and for God.

In Orthodoxy there is an icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”. They pray to her for the successful marriage of her daughters, for happiness and prosperity. There is also an Orthodox church built in honor of this icon. It is located in Nizhny Novgorod.

Those who have had the opportunity to experience Divine tenderness experience a completely special state. It becomes clear that God is all-merciful and ready to forgive the most terrible sin. A person begins to repent, purifying his soul even more. He tries to do good deeds, help loved ones, and stops judging people’s actions. He understands that everything is God’s will. And only he can decide who to execute and who to pardon. And you can only help those around you to comprehend this knowledge, but not be angry with them for misunderstanding or unwillingness to follow Divine laws.

The meaning of the word tenderness

Falling into an aristocratic mood, he unconditionally supports the throne and attacks the famous Whig families who treated the august monarch so poorly; on the other hand, he is full of affection for ordinary people and speaks of them with a tenderness no less cloying than the tenderness of Elliston, who burst into tears while playing the role of George IV at the Drury Lane Theater; he demands from us sympathy for Queen Anne and condemnation of the inglorious, godless and immoral memory of poor William III!

You could immediately feel that they were looking at this world with good-natured tenderness; moreover, this tenderness was shared with them by their owner.

If, as was said above, church arts are called upon to reflect the word of God in themselves, to evoke tenderness in the souls of believers, and not carnal pleasure and desire, then one can imagine what kind of tenderness a person experiences when he prays in front of the icons on which he is depicted. carnal image.

As soon as our leaders do or say something, there is immediate emotion. When the Prime Minister went to the Urals to inquire about the health of our tanks there, there is immediate emotion.

The love that gutted the mother’s thin body, even if it led to bright girlish blood, which flowed for a long time, but the mother did not make a sound, did not groan, so that, God forbid, she would not scare him, and he, that is, the husband, that is, the future dad, was shocked the fact that he had a wife - yes, this girl in a white shirt - dad bit his lips, afraid to burst into tears, because he was overwhelmed with tenderness, although before, when he stayed in bed with a woman, there was no tenderness, but only there was only rage and pride.

Having gone through the obligatory soaked floors, chewed furniture and crying at night, Alma grew up and no longer caused tenderness, but vague anxiety at the pace and limits of her growth.

Although, of course, at that time few people felt tenderness at the sight of all that we now call the word “nature”.

The miracle of the creation of the tent also did not happen because from a certain age I began to feel that things that had previously evoked in me tenderness or joyful surprise from the consciousness of their purity, like a message about endangered or disappeared animals published by an environmental organization, amazed with the numbers of individuals of the species and population decreasing every day .

It goes without saying that in this case he can use all the means that he finds suitable, as long as they do not distort the essence of the matter: he can bring you into horror or tenderness, into laughter or tears, force the author to make confessions that are unfavorable for him or drive him to the point of being unable to answer.

Ten most touching films

Any feeling must be cultivated in oneself. And if we agree that tenderness (when it is genuine, real) is a branch and form of humanity, then we cannot do without the help of art. We present the ten most touching films, the first four will make even stern men cry.

The list is designed to make the reader and potential viewer cry, then laugh, and then think about good old family values. The list did not include a large number of films that were simultaneously asked to be made on paper, but something has to be sacrificed. We did not mention in the list the work of, for example, Hayao Miyazaki, but only because the films of the famous master need to be watched, absorbed, and a person will become a little kinder and more affectionate.

I also remember Disney cartoons such as The Lion King (1994) or Beauty and the Beast (1991). Naturally, there are very, very many works of art. Because humanity will always need support and cultivation, so do not forget to be touched, but only sincerely and truly.


Ingredients of a touching moment

People feel tenderness, this is quite a common thing, but no one really thinks about what exactly touches our hearts and why. We invite you to reflect on this here. There seem to be three main conditions:

Let's talk about each point in detail. In almost any action that illustrates the meaning of the word “tenderness”, these three components can be isolated. Let's imagine a simple case. A young man gives flowers to girls on the street. Of course, every woman who receives an unexpected gift is touched. This is inevitable and immutable, like physical laws. At the same time, there was surprise, directness, and kindness in the action.

By the way, the theory also explains why, for example, monetary donations do not evoke almost any feelings. Ronaldo donated 50,000 euros to a cancer foundation, so what? It's only money. Yes, there is surprise and kindness in this act, but there is no directness of action; the football player used the services of the bank and showed nobility.

And when Johnny Depp in the image of Jack Sparrow visited a girl with cancer, everyone was touched. Do you feel the difference?


To solve the last problem, we need synonyms for the word “tenderness”. Let's consider them without delaying matters. Here is a list that will be useful to the reader in a difficult situation:

It should be admitted that there are apparently no full-fledged word replacements in the Russian language. As the reader understands, we are not delighted with the fact that we had to add the noun “cute” to the list, but without fish there is fish.


See what “TOUCHING” is in other dictionaries:

tenderness - See the delight of melting with tenderness.
Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. tenderness delight, touching, touching Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Dictionary of synonyms TOUCHING - TOUCHING, tenderness, many. no, cf. A tender, pleasant feeling excited by something touching. “Tears of tenderness flowed down his cheeks.” Goncharov. “He kisses Anna Vasilievna’s hands with tenderness.” A. Turgenev. “I shed tears for her in a difficult hour for my heart,... ... Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary

tenderness - Silent, reverent, benevolent (obsolete), inspired, deep, sad, wondrous, thoughtful, affectionate, kind, gentle, respectful, affable, welcoming (obsolete), pleasant, joyful, welcoming, radiant, sweet, sweet, sugary ... Dictionary of epithets

Tenderness - Types of icons of the Mother of God Oranta Eleusa Hodegetria Agiosoritissa Eleusa. Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God (XII century). Eleusa (Greek... Wikipedia

Tenderness is a feeling of calm, sweet pity, humility, contrition, spiritual, welcoming participation, goodwill. Wed. to be touched, to have mercy, dear, to touch, touched. Typical reaction - can be mistaken for sentimentality and tearfulness, for... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

TOUCHING - I; Wed 1. A tender, warm feeling, excited by something. touching. Experience A feeling of sad tenderness. Tears of tenderness. Speak with emotion. 2. About the human condition caused by such a feeling. Come to u. Bring someone in u. To be in... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

tenderness - • deep tenderness ... Dictionary of Russian idioms

tenderness - TOUCHING, I, Wed A tender, warm feeling of slight admiration for someone, excited by something. touching. ... Every time, recalling Olesya’s face and voice, I felt such tender tenderness that I wanted to cry (Kupr.) ... Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Nouns

tenderness - tenderness (Zech. 12:10; Acts 2:37) arousal of tender feelings, mercy, love. The translation in both cases is unsuccessful. In the original, in the first case this word has the meaning of “plea”, and in the second “sharp pain in the heart”... The Bible. Old and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Biblical encyclopedia arch. Nikifor.

Tenderness - cf. Iconographic type of the Mother of God. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova



Tenderness – 1) Christian virtue, heartfelt contrition associated with regret for sins and humility (Ps. 59:5); 2) a tender, joyful, warm feeling of reverence for God, His saints or shrines; the internal state caused by the manifestation of this feeling; 3) pity.

Tenderness is a gift of God, a special Divine visit to the human soul, filling it with contrition and ineffable love for God and neighbor.



See what “TOUCHING” is in other dictionaries:

tenderness - See the delight of melting with tenderness. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. tenderness, delight, touching, touching Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Dictionary of synonyms

Tenderness - Tenderness, tenderness, plural. no, cf. A tender, pleasant feeling excited by something touching. “Tears of tenderness flowed down his cheeks.” Goncharov. “He kisses Anna Vasilievna’s hands with tenderness.” A. Turgenev. “I shed tears for her in a difficult hour for my heart,... ... Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary

Tenderness - Tenderness, I, cf. A tender feeling excited by something. touching. Look at the child with tenderness. Tears of tenderness. Come to u. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

tenderness - Silent, reverent, benevolent (obsolete), inspired, deep, sad, wondrous, thoughtful, affectionate, kind, gentle, respectful, affable, welcoming (obsolete), pleasant, joyful, welcoming, radiant, sweet, sweet, sugary ... Dictionary of epithets

What is this feeling

Aggressive affection is false physical aggression that occurs when looking at something small and cute. At the same time, feelings are maximally aggravated, and a release is urgently required. Our body is not designed for such an attack of happiness hormones, so it quickly produces antipodes. This is the reason why aggression and tenderness when looking at something cute go hand in hand.

By the way, aggressive tenderness is one of the forms of dimorphic expression. This condition can be expressed in other ways.

For example, the famous actress Kristen Bell goes crazy with happiness when she sees sloths. Knowing her love for these animals, her husband gave Kristen a real sloth for her 31st birthday. When she looked at him, the woman felt such joy that it bordered on panic.

Other examples of dimorphic expression are tears of happiness at a child’s graduation, the wedding of loved ones, or a concert of a favorite band. And the most common form of expression of dimorphic expression is an irresistible desire to bite a loved one.

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