Prayers when your soul is heavy and restless - which ones to read

The modern world is constantly evolving. City life is accelerating, and people must cope with this frantic pace. There are stressful situations. The nervous system begins to be tormented by minor problems, and calm disappears day after day. Therefore, today, remedies that can reduce or completely eliminate stress are worth their weight in gold. Everyone wants to find this magical tool and never be discouraged again.

READ ON THE TOPIC: Prayers for depression and despondency.

Believers are incredibly lucky. They do not need to look for any scientific achievements; they have their own way of dealing with stress - calming prayer. With its help you can enter a special meditative state.

The chosen words have a special meaning and touch the soul, eliminating all accumulated negativity. Prayer for calm can even affect water. An experiment was conducted in which a prayer was read over water. As a result, the frozen crystals became completely even in shape.

Special prayers to calm the soul and heart

In the Christian tradition there are also those that are read on special occasions when a serious condition needs to be cured. They cannot be called universal, since they are used in specific cases when sedation is necessary.

Prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice”

In addition to the fact that the sacred text is ancient and powerful, it also has an individual peculiarity. The prayer for peace of mind completely repeats part of the First Chapter of the Gospel of Luke.

It is not difficult to learn, and you can read it several times a day. The exact number is not indicated, but the holy fathers prefer to read this text 150 times. The prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice” can change the life of a believer with sincere faith and purity of heart. Our Lady will help you find the answer to the question of how to calm your soul.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

You never know exactly what prayer to read when your soul is heavy. The support of the saints helps to return peace of mind to your life when your soul is heavy. In our case, this concerns Matrona of Moscow. All the holy fathers recognized its miraculous power. Every year a large number of pilgrims come to pray at her relics.

The healing prayer itself in honor of the righteous virgin calms, eliminates stress, and heals from nervous illnesses. The text has been translated into Russian and is available to everyone.

The main rule when reading is to be open and pure before the saint. Make sure that no one will disturb you while praying. Don’t be distracted, focus on the main thing, and then the long-awaited healing will arrive along with the mercy of the Heavenly Kingdom.

Prayer to John the Baptist

John the Baptist (aka Be Baptized) is one of those few saints who got the chance to meet Jesus Christ on his life’s path. His tasks included performing the rite of baptism and initiation into the faith. Prayer from nerves to the Baptist relaxes and allows the soul to remember the splendor of the sacrament of ablution.

After all, along with water, a person throws away the negativity with which he lived. Surprisingly, those who understand this live long lives and do not become nervous. The text has been translated into Russian and optimized specifically for modern believers. Reading is recommended to be done in church. If this is not possible, you can read at home by candlelight and in a holy manner.

The Lord loves people, but sends sorrows so that people recognize their weakness, and humble themselves, and for their humility they receive the Holy Spirit, and with the Holy Spirit - everything is good, everything is joyful, everything is beautiful.

Others suffer a lot from poverty and illness, but do not humble themselves and therefore suffer without benefit. And whoever humbles himself will be satisfied with every fate, because the Lord is his wealth and joy, and all people will be amazed at the beauty of his soul.

You say: I have a lot of grief. But I’ll tell you, or, better, the Lord Himself says: humble yourself, and you will see that your troubles will turn into peace, so that you yourself will be surprised and say: “Why did I suffer and grieve so much before? But now you rejoice because you have humbled yourself and the grace of God has come; Now even if you are alone in poverty, joy will not leave you, because you have peace in your soul, about which the Lord said: My peace I give to you. Thus the Lord gives peace to every humble soul (Venerable Silouan of Athos).

Prayer of St. George the Recluse of Zadonsk

My only consolation in sorrow, my Savior! Do not let me deviate from You: accept this cry of my heart, O my joy! God of my heart! Hear my prayer, and let my cry come to You.

Prayers for the variously tempted and for the opening of spiritual eyes

(compiled by Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk)

God! Save me, I'm dying. Behold, my ship is in distress from the temptation of the waves, and is near drowning. You, as God is merciful and compassionate with our weaknesses, by Your omnipotent power, forbid the excitement of disasters that want to plunge me and bring me down into the depths of evil - and there will be silence, as if the winds and sea listen to You. Amen.

* * *

Have mercy on me. Lord, Son of God. Have mercy, Jesus, Son of God. May my eyes be opened, that I may see Your light and walk in You.

Prayer of St. Nektarios of Optina

Lord, grant me Your grace - this is how the venerable elder Nektarios taught me to pray.

And then a cloud comes towards you, and you pray: Give me grace, and the Lord will carry the cloud past,” said the reverend elder.

Prayers read for loss or loss of any property

(Reverend Arethas of Pechersk)

Lord have mercy! Lord, forgive me! Everything is Yours, I don’t regret it!

* * *

The Lord gave. The Lord took, blessed be the name of the Lord.

Prayer of the Persecuted

(compiled by Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov)

How to pray for your own salvation, for the gift of love for God:

I thank You, Lord and my God, for everything that has happened to me! I thank You for all the sorrows and temptations that You sent me to cleanse those defiled by sins, to heal my soul and body, ulcerated by sins! Have mercy and save those instruments that You used to heal me: those people who insulted me. Bless them in this age and the next! Credit to them as virtue what they did for me! Give them abundant rewards from your eternal treasures.

What did I bring to You? What are acceptable sacrifices? I brought only sins, only violations of Your most Divine commandments. I'm sorry. Lord, forgive the guilty before You and before men! Forgive the unrequited! Grant me to be convinced and sincerely admit that I am a sinner! Grant me to reject crafty excuses! Grant me repentance! Grant me contrition of heart! Grant me meekness and humility! Grant love to my neighbors, immaculate love, the same to everyone, both those who console me and those who grieve me! Grant me patience in all my sorrows! Die me to the world! Take away my sinful will from me and plant Your holy will in my heart, so that I may do it alone in deeds, words, thoughts, and feelings. Glory is due to you for everything! To you alone belongs the glory! My only asset is the shame of my face and the silence of my lips. Standing before Your Last Judgment in my wretched prayer, I do not find anything in myself. not a single good deed, not a single dignity, and I stand, only enveloped from everywhere by the countless multitude of my sins, as if by a thick cloud and mist, with only one consolation in my soul: with hope in Thy unlimited mercy and goodness. Amen.

Prayer of Elder Theophan of Novoezersk

Sovereign God, Father Almighty! Lord, only begotten Son Jesus Christ and Holy Soul, one Divinity, one Power, have mercy on me, a sinner, and save me through your destinies! My Lady, Most Holy Theotokos, save me, a sinner!

Repeat constantly:

Lord have mercy! Lord, don't leave me! Lord, give me a good thought! Take away all evil thoughts from me!

Throughout the day, read the prayer:

Remember us, Lord, when you come to Your Kingdom!

Remember us, Master, when you come to Your Kingdom!

Remember us, Holy One, when you come to Your Kingdom!

Prayers of Saint Righteous John of Kronstadt

God! I am a miracle of Your goodness, wisdom, omnipotence, since You brought me from non-existence into existence, since I am preserved by You in existence until now, since I have, by the goodness, generosity and love of Your only begotten Son, to inherit eternal life, if I remain faithful to You, since by a terrible sacred act sacrificing Myself by Your Son, I am raised from a terrible fall, redeemed from eternal destruction. I praise Your goodness, Your infinite power. Your wisdom! But perform miracles of Your goodness, omnipotence and wisdom over me, the accursed one, and with your own destinies save me, Your unworthy servant, and bring me into Your eternal Kingdom, making me worthy of an ageless life, an unfading day.

Elder Zosima said: Whoever desires the Kingdom of Heaven desires the riches of God, and not yet loves God Himself.

* * *

God! Your name is love: do not reject me, a misguided person. Your name is Strength: strengthen me, who is exhausted and falling! Your name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions. Your name is Peace: pacify my restless soul. Your name is Mercy: do not cease to have mercy on me!

Prayers of St. Dmitry of Rostov

God! Let all my desire and sighing be in You. May all my desire and zeal be in You alone, my Savior! Let all my will and my thoughts deepen in You, and let all my bones say: “Lord, Lord! Who is like You, who can compare with Your strength, grace and wisdom? “Thou hast arranged all things wisely, righteously, and kindly for us.”

* * *

Let nothing separate me, let nothing separate me from Thy Divine love, O my God! May he cut through nothing, neither fire, nor sword, nor famine, nor persecution, nor depth, nor height, nor present, nor future, but let this alone abide in my soul. May I desire nothing else in this world, O Lord, but day and night may I seek You, my Lord: and may I find, receive eternal treasure, and may acquire wealth, and may I be worthy of all blessings.

Prayers of St. Silouan of Athos

Lord, let me love You alone. You created me, You enlightened me with holy baptism, You forgive me my sins and give me to partake of Your Most Pure Body and Blood; give me the strength to always abide in You. Lord, give us Adam’s repentance and Your holy humility. Grant, Lord, to all Your people to understand Your love and the sweetness of the Holy Spirit, may people forget the sorrows of the earth, and may they leave behind everything bad and cling to You with love, and may they live in peace, doing Your will for Your glory.

O Lord, grant us the gift of the Holy Spirit, so that we may understand Your glory and live on earth in peace and love, may there be no malice, no wars, no enemies, but may love alone reign, and no army or prison will be needed , and life will be easy for everyone on earth.

* * *

Lord, as You Yourself prayed for our enemies, so teach us by Your Holy Spirit to love our enemies.

Lord, all nations are the creation of Your hands; turn them from enmity and malice to repentance, so that everyone may know Your love.

Lord, You commanded to love our enemies, but it is difficult for us sinners if Your grace is not with us.

Lord, pour out Your grace on the earth; let all the peoples of the earth know Your love, know that You love us like a mother, and more than a mother, because even a mother can forget her child, but You never forget, for You love Your creation immensely, and love cannot forget.

Merciful Lord, wealth; By Thy mercy save all nations.

* * *

Lord, forgive me.

And do not think that the Lord will not forgive: His mercy cannot help but forgive, and He immediately forgives and sanctifies. This is how the Holy Spirit teaches in our Church.

How to pray to the Lord for forgiveness of sins

Having admitted your ingratitude and sins, fall with humility before the merciful eyes of God and cry out to Him from the depths of your heart: “Those who have sinned, Lord, have mercy on me! Receive me, the lost sheep, and count me among Your chosen flock! Give me a heart, God who knows the heart, that honors You, fears You, loves You, and follows Your will! Guide me on Your path, and I will walk in Your truth! Look upon me and have mercy on me, according to the judgment of those who love Your name! Lord God of strength! Turn us and make Your face shine, and we will be saved.”

Prayer of Elder Kirik

As soon as you notice in yourself (in the light of conscience and the Law of God) the sin of mind, word, thought, or some sinful passion or habit that struggles with you at all times and places, repent to God this very minute (even if only mentally): Lord , forgive and help!

(That is, forgive me for offending You, and help me not to offend Your greatness.)

These three words - Lord, forgive and help! - should be said slowly and several times, or rather, until you take a breath; this. Sighing means the coming of the grace of the Holy Spirit, who has forgiven us this sin. When the day has turned to evening and night comes, before going to bed you need to think about how you spent your day? Remember where you were, what you saw, what you said and what bad things you did: against God, against your neighbor and against your conscience, and if you see anything sinful, then repent to God for the whole day, and if you don’t see or remember anything, then this does not mean that nothing happened, but it means that due to the distraction of thoughts, everything was forgotten. Then we must repent to God and for forgetting God itself, saying: I have forgotten You, Lord! Don't forget me. Lord, who forgets You!

And these words must be expressed (even if mentally) several times in a drawn-out tone, because with such a tone, and not with a tongue twister, the heart becomes contrite and humble; then a sigh will result, as a sign of the coming to us of the grace of the Holy Spirit, without Whom man himself is nothing!..

The evening habit of repentance before God will lead further to the middle of the day, and then you will catch yourself in the act of falling into sin in small things.


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Appeal to the Guardian Angel to calm the soul

Orthodox Christians have a special Guardian Angel on their side. From birth, the Lord assigns him to us so that he monitors our lives and reports everything to the Almighty. We can turn to our guardian and ask him for healing. He will definitely help us because he loves us and doesn’t want to lose.

WE RECOMMEND: A strong prayer for a man’s love.

The prayer for mental pain is small and easy to learn. But words have great power, so you shouldn’t just throw them around. Ask your Guardian Angel only in cases where you really need help or consolation. But don't forget to thank him.

Remember that selfishness is not encouraged. Waiting for the results of prayer requires patience.

WE RECOMMEND: Psalm 53 for despondency and despair.

Questions for the priest

My husband is an atheist.
He's been having a bad time at work lately. The management was constantly dissatisfied with something and the team became angry. Although he works conscientiously, and there is no reason for that. But stress accumulates, and illnesses appear against its background. He flatly refuses to read prayers or go to church. Help, how to fix this? If your husband does not want to pray, you can ask the saints for mercy on his behalf. The main thing is that you open your heart and be honest with your desires. Then your prayer will be heard, and positive changes will begin to occur in your life. The main thing is not to rush things and arrange everything so that they take their course. Sooner or later your request will be fulfilled. Peace to you and your husband!

How to regain the will to live? This stress is eating away at all my nerves. The other day I quarreled with my relatives and work colleagues. I understand that I am guilty, but sometimes anger just begs to be released, and I don’t know what to do. Please advise a way out of this situation!

You cannot offend your loved ones. You definitely need to ask them for forgiveness. And pure and sincere Orthodox prayer can help with accumulated negativity. Imagine a bright and serene Heavenly Kingdom and the Lord in front of you. Believe me, visualization will help you get rid of anger and dissatisfaction. The main thing is to choose for yourself the appropriate channel of communication with the Almighty and then life will improve.

Prayer for despondency to Saint Tikhon

“Our Father Tikhon! God's grace was given to you for your angelic life on earth, so help us in our salvation. Free us from melancholy, may your mercy descend on our sinful souls. Save our hearts from fossilization, crush our sins. Grant us peace and silence, health and salvation, a bright life, deliver us from eternal torment. In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

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  • Prayer that changes fate to Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which is read for 40 days.

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