How to remove the evil eye and damage using an egg at home

Removing damage with an egg: learn how to remove damage with an egg to get rid of evil and bad luck.

Removing damage with an egg can ease suffering, relieve spiritual, emotional, physical and mental blocks that affect the soul. Spiritual cleansing is used to cleanse the soul, body and mind of negative energy. Egg cleansing removes magic spells, bad luck, bad karma, fears, addiction, imbalance and confusion. Removing damage with an egg is a very powerful ritual; it eliminates spiritual illnesses and helps with health problems. However, this does not mean that you can stop visiting your doctor for regular checkups.

When is it necessary to remove spoilage with an egg?

Every person encounters different energies every day. These energies come from the people you meet and can have a good or bad effect on you. The effects may accumulate in your body and cause you harm. Removing egg damage must be done:

  • When you start having insomnia, nightmares or unexplained incidents and situations.
  • If you are in a bad mood, tired or feeling sluggish.
  • You want to start a new business or project.
  • When you lose your job or face unexpected expenses.
  • If you want to get rid of negative energy or black magic spells cast on you.
  • When you feel distant from your partner or friends for no reason.
  • If you feel your path is blocked.

Cleaning by image

Most often, the photographic method is used when it is difficult to contact the victim. The person does not believe in magical intervention, so he refuses to carry out the actions. Relatives take upon themselves salvation and cleansing.

Before removing spoilage with an egg, you need to carry out a preparatory procedure. It is necessary to fast for several days, and then stand the Sunday service. In the temple they buy a wax candle, an icon with the patron saint of the sacrifice and collect consecrated water.

Already at home, the lights near the image are lit, and a recent photo of the person is placed next to it. To tune into the patient’s energy channel, it is better to place your fingers on the image for a few minutes. It is important that no one is nearby in the photo.

You need to take a candle in your left hand, and fresh poultry product in your right hand. Rolling out a chicken egg is carried out clockwise. At the same time, the Lord's Prayer is said seven times.

The shell is broken and the contents are poured into the toilet. The patient's image is sprinkled with holy water three times. The candle is given time to burn out completely without removing the attributes of the ritual from the table. Be sure to throw away the cinder.

How to remove spoilage with an egg

Removing egg damage from yourself

To remove egg damage from yourself, you will need the following items:

  1. White candle
  2. One egg
  3. Salt one tablespoon
  4. Glass of water
  • First, light a candle and let it burn during the ritual. Do not extinguish the candle, let it burn out to the end.
  • Start the cleansing from the top of your head and say any prayer, praying that the egg inside you will remove the evil. Slowly rub the egg over your entire body from head to toe.
  • When you're done, crack the egg into a glass of water. This will allow you to see what is happening in your body and soul.
  • If you want to get rid of all the evil that has accumulated in your body and soul, just add salt and throw everything into the toilet and flush it.

Removing egg damage from a house

To remove egg damage from your home, you will need the following items:

  1. White candle
  2. One egg
  3. Salt one tablespoon
  4. Glass of water
  • Make sure you are alone in the house when you perform this ritual.
  • Before you begin, also make sure that all windows are open to release negative energy after cleansing.
  • The first thing you need to do is light a white candle and let it burn during the ritual. Do not extinguish the candle, let it burn out to the end.
  • Take the egg and walk into each room of the house, holding the egg at arm's length. While doing this, say whatever prayer you say when you ask for help to remove any evil spirits or spells cast on you.
  • Walking around the whole house. You must break an egg into a glass of water, add salt and flush the contents from the glass into the toilet.

What should an egg be like to cleanse the aura?

Before you begin cleansing your aura, you need to know the important intricacies and features of this age-old ritual.

Firstly, not every egg is suitable here. You can’t just go to the store and buy a dozen chicken eggs, come home and start cleaning your biofield. All living cells in our world have their own special energy, which can be strong or weak, good or bad. A chicken egg is one large organic, living cell. Therefore, the effect after the procedure will directly depend on its quality and its own biofield!

Secondly, the place where the egg was born will also have an important and definite meaning. Ideally, it is necessary to choose such devices for cleaning the biofield in sectors where people privately raise livestock, where chickens are kept in order to feed their own family. In this case, chicken eggs will be of the highest quality and natural, since none of the village residents will feed the birds with antibiotics or stuff them with chemicals.

This is very important, since store-bought eggs often already have “dead” energy; they are laid by chickens that regularly take substances of inorganic origin and strong medications. Antibiotics in chicken and eggs can also destroy the biological field, undermine its integrity, even lead to energy pathologies, and in this case, using such an egg will not only be ineffective, but even dangerous!

A natural homemade chicken egg from a healthy and well-groomed bird cannot have negative energy or be bad, and therefore it should be chosen for the cleaning session.

It should also be taken into account that white eggs have greater cleaning power than, for example, brown eggs.

This is due to the fact that the white color itself has neutral, uncharged, completely sterile energy. Such an egg, when in contact with the skin, will more actively absorb negative energy from your body, and therefore the cleansing session will give a more noticeable result.

Children, often with mild forms of disorders and non-severe illnesses, only need one session. But an adult whose negative field has already completely clogged his own aura will need at least three to five procedures, and sometimes much more! Therefore, accordingly, a larger number of chicken eggs will be required. But do not stock up on them for future use, since a living cell quickly loses its strength and becomes dead, especially if it is stored in the refrigerator.

Therefore, eggs for rolling out the evil eye or spoilage should always be fresh, even better - in the morning, as housewives say, “straight from under the chicken.” It is this material that retains all its properties and has the most pronounced effect.

Under no circumstances should you use quail, ostrich, duck, etc. eggs to cleanse the aura. To cleanse the biofield of negative energy or damage, only a chicken egg and nothing else is suitable!

Naturally, these eggs cannot be reused after the session; it is strictly forbidden to eat them or even just keep them in your home.

Interpretation of the meaning of removing damage from eggs

1. When you crack an egg and the yolk comes out with bubbles surrounding it or shooting up, it is a sign that there is too much negative energy around you, which means you are very tired. This may be the reason why you don't have the strength to do anything. There are people who even feel dizzy or have a headache.

2. When you see a figure that looks like an animal or a person in the yolk, you should be concerned. If it is a person, the interpretation of this image is that he or she is jealous of you. If it is an animal or object, you must remember whether you have dreamed about it or whether it is a problem in your life at the moment.

3. When you break an egg and see pointed images in the shape of needles or nails, it means that there are people who have cast black magic spells on you, that is, they do not want you to succeed.

4. If you break an egg and the yolk is covered with wool, it means that someone is always bothering you and causing you to get angry.

5. When you see red or black spots on the yolk after breaking an egg, you should pay attention to the warnings. This is a sign that you have a disease in your body.

6. When the yolk is black or gray, this is a bad sign, meaning that magic spells are casting a spell on you.

7. If you see downward-facing spikes on the yolk, it means you have a lot of anger that you are not letting go of.

8. If you see numbers curled up in the egg yolk, this is a bad sign warning you that you may be sick and you need to get tested immediately.

9. When you break a normal egg, the yolk always goes down. However, if the yolk stays in the middle or goes up, it is a bad sign meaning that someone is sending evil to you using magic spells.

Ritual with icons

How to remove any damage from an egg for yourself or a stranger? Healers recommend carrying out actions on the waning moon during the week. The number seven is sacred in Christianity, therefore it is most often used in number of repetitions.

You can independently remove magical interference with the help of the images of the Virgin Mary and Panteleimon the Healer. You will also need a container of blessed water. For each day of the ceremony you will need one new candle and two fresh eggs.

Treatment consists of early and evening manipulations. Cleansing begins after waking up at sunrise. They sit down on the floor, turning their faces towards the rising luminary.

Then the icon of Panteleimon is fixed on the table, and a candle is lit opposite. The egg is placed on the patient's head with the right hand. While holding the object, you need to say a prayer to the Healer. The attribute is filled with the patient’s illnesses and failures. After the fire has burned down to half, it is extinguished, and the oval element is buried far from the home.

As the sun sets, the remaining candles are lit at the icon of the Mother of God. The steps with the chicken product are repeated. During the ceremony, the words of the Mother of God are read. When the flame burns out completely, the cinder is wrapped in a new scarf with an egg and buried away from the house. The actions are repeated for seven days, and in case of interruption, the ritual must be started again.


10. When you see eyes in an egg yolk, it means that someone is jealous of you and is watching you. That's why you feel discomfort and your path is blocked.

11. If you see geometric shapes in the yolk, they have different meanings. Triangles are an interpretation of the lies you told, and you now feel guilty about it. Squares tell you that you need to move forward and forget the past.

12. White halos surrounding the yolk mean you are making decisions too quickly and need to slow down to get back on track.

13. If the egg yolk is hot, looks cooked, and the white appears extremely white, this is a sign that there is negative energy around you. This means that black magic spells have been cast on you. You must do another egg cleansing ritual to remove them.

14. Clouds or swirling numbers in the yolk indicate that you have emotional problems that are affecting your relationships with other people.

15. If the egg yolk has many strings, it means that gossip is interfering with your life and there are people who want to see you unhappy. You must do another egg cleansing ritual to clear your path.

16. Silhouettes in the egg yolk are signs to look out for. This means that the spirits around you want to give you a message.

17. Web shapes in the yolk mean that many people are jealous of you and want you to fail, such as in a business, project or promotion.

18. When you break an egg and see flowers in the yolk, it's a good sign. This means that negative energies are leaving and good times are coming your way.

19. If there is blood or smell in the egg yolk water, it is a sign that there are evil spirits around you and you need to repeat the ritual.

20. If you break an egg and see an eye in the yolk, this is a sign of the evil eye watching over you. You must get rid of it through spiritual cleansing.

More interpretations:

21. When you find that the water is clear after breaking an egg, it means that nothing bad is happening and there are no evil spirits around you.

22. If you see the shape of a man in an egg yolk, it is a sign that you have an enemy. A slender face means the enemy is a man, while a round face means a woman.

23. If the egg yolk has a bird symbol such as a vulture, owl or crow, it means that a magic spell has been cast on you and you need to do another egg cleansing to free yourself from it.

24. Egg white is also important when it comes to meanings and interpretations. If you crack an egg and the white turns dark, it means you are scared and need more confidence.

25. When you crack an egg and find a lot of bubbles surrounding the yolk, it means you are being watched by spirits.

26. If you find large balloons in the water, this is a sign of a cage. This means that you are trapped in a situation and will not be able to get out of it quickly.

27. If you accidentally break an egg while cleaning, it is a sign that evil spirits are trying to stop you from cleaning yourself. You need to cleanse yourself again to get rid of evil spirits.

Simple method

You can get rid of the mildest damage and the evil eye yourself with the help of the prayer of John of Kronstadt. During his lifetime, the holy elder treated those possessed by demons and those affected by witch spells, which is why his experience is still used today. His words have enormous power: they are read both before treatment and during the ritual.

For the ritual of rolling out an egg, you will need consecrated water, a chicken element and the image of John of Kronstadt. Before the event, wash your face and hands with the liquid and take three sips. The oval attribute is applied to the forehead and rotational movements begin.

If you perform the ritual correctly, after a few minutes you will feel heaviness in your hand. Then you need to wash your face and break the egg over a bowl of water. The resulting product is poured into the toilet, and the shells must be buried in a place where a person has rarely set foot. Three sessions are enough for complete liberation.

Here are some tips that can help you effectively remove egg spoilage:

  • The best time to remove egg damage is on Sunday or Monday. This will help you start the week with more energy. You can also do this at the beginning of the month or new year.
  • Cleansing can be performed at any time of the day.
  • Cleansing can be done at any lunar phase, but the best time for this is when the moon is waning.
  • You can do the cleansing in any room you want to cleanse, but make sure the room has a window to remove any negative energy.
  • You should have all the ingredients needed for the cleanse.
  • Be sure to cleanse when you are alone.
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