Orthodox prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary for every day
Prayers to the Mother of God on Monday From my unclean lips, accept prayer, O undefiled, pure one
What Orthodox prayer to read for protection from evil neighbors
"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask
Prayer of Ambrose of Milan
6 texts of prayers to Ambrose of Milan, how to read and what they ask the saint for
Prayer before the Liturgy The prayers are written down into short paragraphs for easier memorization!
Prayer Our Father
Who to pray for the health of family and friends - text of the prayer
Prayer “Our Father” Everyone should know this powerful Orthodox prayer from birth. She is considered
Nicholas the Wonderworker icon
3 texts of thanksgiving prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker and how to read them correctly
Many people turn to the Lord only when they experience some kind of need or difficulty, but often
Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall”
Description of the prayer “Unbreakable Wall” is the name of the icon and prayer. She is considered strong because
Which icon should I pray for my son to get married?
5 texts of prayers to the Tikhvin Mother of God, what they ask for and how to read correctly
For a mother, even an adult child always remains that “pedigree” that, regardless of age, needs
Prayer to quickly and successfully find a good job - for yourself and your husband
In the times when our ancestors lived, the question of work as such did not arise. People
woman dreams of prayer
Why dream of reading a prayer in a dream: the meaning and interpretation of the dream
Prayer from a bad dream to the Most Holy Theotokos To You, Most Pure Mother of God, I, the accursed one, fall
Prayer for a Husband is the most powerful prayer of a loving woman!
When a spouse is not doing well at work, the wife’s duty is to help him with affordable
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