How to read a monastic love spell on a man without consequences at home?

In the world of magic there are special old spells that can make the right man fall in love without subordinating his will and mind. Such rituals are absolutely safe, they can be done quickly and without harm, so any woman or girl can perform them independently and at home . For centuries, monastery ministers turned prayers to the Lord, asking him for love, forgiveness, blessings, good luck, etc.



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How to read a monastic love spell at home?

Many people have never heard of monastic bewitchment , but this method is considered the safest and most reliable. This magic involves reading special parish prayers. perform a light ritual both in a church or temple, and at home.

Since bewitching with sacred texts has exclusively good purposes and is based on a person’s communication with God, it cannot cause any negative consequences. This love spell is ideal for women who have never encountered witchcraft before, are afraid of heavenly punishment and do not want to get involved with otherworldly forces.

The monastic love spell begins to work quite quickly: after 2-4 weeks. The main advantage of such magic is that it does not break a man or guy, does not rewrite his fate. The young man only receives a message to further build a relationship with the performer of the divine rite. He gradually begins to become interested in her, court her, give compliments, etc.

Monastic bewitchment differs from other bindings in that its effect on a man is very gentle and consistent. Such prayers should be read in front of the icon of the Lord or Saint to whom they want to address. It is important that a woman sincerely believes in the existence and help of higher powers, because otherwise the sacred words may not work. The performer's thoughts must be pure and good. Before performing the light ritual, it is better to visit the church and take communion.

Options for love prayers

Orthodox prayers will help improve personal relationships

Prayers - love spells are especially popular today - a person does not seem to sin, and at the same time, with the help of magic, he allows him to achieve the love and favor of a loved one. In its action, it is aimed at inciting bright feelings, but in no way suppressing the will of a man - this is how they differ from other rituals and rites.

But such Orthodox texts are used only when there are problems in the couple’s relationship, or the relationship between a man and a woman does not move beyond friendship. You should not use them out of a sense of revenge or for the sake of sporting interest, for some other reason.

1 option

The love spell prayer presented below is read every day until the desired result is obtained - how long it will take depends only on you. The principle works here - the stronger your faith and desire to be close to a specific person, the faster you will see the desired result.

At the very beginning, you should focus on the image of your loved one and specify your desire in a certain form. After this, say the following:

“Heavenly saints and angels, the powers of heaven, the Mother of God and Christ, and the Creator of this world - turn your faces to me, the servant of God ... name ..., and listen to me. Yes, I love with true and bright love the servant of God ... name..., but his heart is cold and his soul does not fly to me - help me awaken in him true and true love for me. May we be together from now on and forever.”

This is how the text sounds - it is best to memorize it and read it from memory. This is more effective than reading it from a piece of paper - this way you put your meaning and emotions into each word, but it’s not easy to automatically pronounce the memorized words.

Option 2

Love spell prayer is considered more effective and powerful. At the very beginning, also imagine the image of your loved one in front of you and then say:

“I invoke this prayer in the name of the Holy Trinity - on the great island, may there be a golden throne, on that throne may Christ sit. Let him exhort them, according to my word, to find the servant of God ... name ... and bring melancholy and sadness on him - so that without the servant of God ... name ... he will not be able to eat, be, live or drink.”

The main thing is to believe in the power of prayer and higher powers will definitely help you. But you shouldn’t make a love spell out of revenge or envy - this way the prayer will have no power.

In what cases will a monastic love spell help?

Despite the fact that white magic is proven and harmless, it can only be used in exceptional cases. Monastic bewitchment with prayer is considered to be the most powerful magic, so it must be handled very carefully and carefully. A love spell with prayer can help a woman in the following cases:

  • when a man does not reciprocate his feelings;
  • if the young man already has a lover;
  • when the husband decided to leave for his mistress.

The performer must remember that under no circumstances should she wish harm upon anyone, since in this case white magic can turn into black and cause a number of negative consequences.

What are the lapel prayers?

In addition to love spells, there are also lapel prayers, that is, those that are read in order to protect oneself from the magical influences of others. After all, magic is primarily an influence on a person’s will, and if you carefully observe yourself, you can notice the first signs of someone else’s interference in your biofield.

In this case, you need to read any of the prayers: to Christ the Savior, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Lord, Saint Matrona of Moscow.

While reading any of the prayers, you need to cross yourself, bow down and make a request to the saints.

Lapel prayer to the Lord God.

Features of home monastery bewitchment for love

Even light magic has its own characteristics and difficulties. Before you begin casting a love spell, a woman needs to familiarize herself with some rules for bewitching with the help of prayer:

  1. The room in which the divine ritual will take place must be prepared in advance. To do this, the room is wet cleaned and put in order.
  2. Before the ceremony, all means of communication, noise and light should be turned off.
  3. You can only pray for love in front of an icon. A girl can also use church candles, holy water or a photograph of her lover.
  4. Before starting the prayer, the woman must cover her head with a scarf or other cloth.
  5. It is necessary to read the prayer as clearly, legibly and intelligibly as possible. It's best to learn it by heart and practice a little.
  6. Under no circumstances should you perform such a love spell just out of boredom, curiosity, or any negative emotions.

After completing the binding, the performer must necessarily read the “Our Father” prayer, cross herself 3 times and bow to the ground.

Which saint do you turn to to bewitch your loved one?

A prayer to cast a love spell on a loved one must come from the heart. You should turn to the saints. A person in love independently chooses an assistant. There is no fundamental difference. The main condition for a love spell is sincerity, a kind soul, and the absence of sinful thoughts and desires. The desire of a praying girl to find the mutual love of her chosen boyfriend, and of a loving wife to return to her former sensual relationship with her husband, finds approval among the saints. For such purposes, the doors of the temple are always open.

With a request for help in matters of the heart, it is customary to appeal in prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom. During their lifetime, the couple in love became a symbol of Orthodoxy, showing sincere affection and devotion.

Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg is considered a helper in love affairs. After the death of her husband, the twenty-five-year-old girl chose the path of the holy fool.

Many love love texts are addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus Christ, and Saint Matrona. There is always a risk of not getting what you want. The main condition is to have firm faith in the sincerity of your affection.

Before going to church, you need to carefully consider how necessary the chosen one is. Sometimes the heart makes a mistake and chooses someone who is not fateful. The saints will hear the words of the prayer of the tormented soul of God’s servant, grant what they asked for, and if then they come to understand the mistake of choosing a love spell, happiness will ultimately collapse due to thoughtless consequences. Religion is not a store; you cannot return what you receive. There is no need to seek the wrath of God for rash actions or for ruining the fate of the servant of the Lord.

Difficulties that may arise when performing a love spell

When performing a magical action, a girl may encounter several difficulties. Higher powers do not always want to unite the fate of the performer with the fate of the man she has chosen. In this case, during the bewitching process, the woman will accidentally break the magical attributes, get into a funny situation, etc. God will do his best to interfere with the binding. If a girl encounters any difficulties, it is better to stop witchcraft and start again after a while.

Monastic love spell on a man without consequences at home:

To perform a love spell, a woman will need 1 church candle. The performer must wake up early in the morning, before dawn, go to the icon and light a candle. Next, before the face of the Lord or Saint, you must say the words of the church prayer:

“Lord God, our Creator Most High. The servant of God (proper name) is addressing you. I pray, forgive all the sins I have committed, forgive them and grant me goodness. I fell in love with the servant of God (name), a man, with all my heart, with all my soul. Show him the path to me, guide him and guide him. I know that we will be happy together, we will be able to start a family and go through the entire prepared path. Amen".

The prayer is read 1 time. Before performing the ritual, the woman is not allowed to drink or eat. You can only be bewitched by sacred words alone; no one should catch the magical action or hear the prayer. After performing the ritual, a woman can drink a glass of holy water and only after that have breakfast. The ritual will work immediately, it will definitely work. spell's effect lasts forever unless it is terminated independently at the request of the performer.

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Read further:

Features of texts

Prayer is a safe way to exert a love spell on the person you are interested in, to attract the attention of your loved one, and to return your husband’s love. The advantage is that you do not need to purchase paraphernalia to perform the ritual.

For a favorable outcome of turning to spiritual forces, you must follow the rules of prayer:

  • the desire to receive the attention of the person you like must be sincere;
  • do not allow anger or envy into the soul;
  • carefully read the love spell texts of prayers related to white magic;
  • prepare to repeat sacred spells many times;
  • do not set a goal to harm your loved one;
  • At the same time, do not use black love spells to obtain reciprocity.

The clergy do not consider it shameful for a girl to want to find mutual feelings. Prayer is identical to asking. When turning to spiritual forces, a woman does not try to take possession of the soul of the object of her love. Asking for happiness is not fraught with sin.

Love spell spell

Before you begin to confidently perform a magical ritual, obsessively imagine your beloved man. Mentally lure him, endowing the emptiness with your own energy. To perform a love spell, you don’t even need to light ritual candles. You don't have to get a recent photo of a man and wait for the calendar full moon. The most important thing is to catch the moment when your despair reaches its maximum amplitude. Then perform the occult ritual, repeatedly and furiously reading the love lines:

Just as the moon and the demon live in the night, so these words reach you. You will never be able to stay with another, you will never see peaceful rest. If you crawl to me, you will be exhausted from boredom, I will send you the black torments of hell. Your masculine strength will dry up immeasurably, and your organ will suddenly go limp in bed. My appetite will disappear and anxiety will set in; only your member will rise up against me as a stronghold. Amen! Amen! Amen!

This is one of the most powerful and rare spells for a black love spell on a man. It is almost impossible to remove such a love spell. If the result does not occur within 13 days, again wait until the moment when your love takes on the character of demonic possession.

Magic and faith are incompatible concepts, however, they are successfully combined among the people. After all, people still believe that good is higher than evil, which means that a sincere prayer against a love spell can defeat evil witchcraft spells.

A love spell is a magical effect aimed at mastering a person’s soul for selfish purposes. When they say: “I will bewitch him because I love him!” - Don’t believe me, there’s no smell of love here. Because the bewitched does not love, but lusts, and not consciously. Is it love to control a person like a puppet?

A person who uses magic in love affairs not only destroys himself, but also forever (if the necessary actions are not taken in time) dooms someone else’s soul, which does not belong to him, to endless ordeals and torment as a result of an artificially imposed feeling.

A love spell, especially a strong one (using black magic), is very difficult to remove without consequences. Not every magician and psychic will undertake to film a love spell or a real zombie (Voodoo love spell). Prayer, unfortunately, is also not always a panacea. But if the black influence has just begun to manifest itself, and a loved one (husband, son), who has fallen into captivity of love, is a sincere believer, then it is simply necessary to try to save him with prayers!

Signs of a love spell

If a person has become apathetic, lost interest in life and suddenly, completely unreasonably, began to feel sympathy for another woman, there is every reason to worry.

Women usually bewitch men in the following cases:

  • when they want to take away someone else's husband;
  • when they want to return the departed husband to the family;
  • with nothing to do (naive young “fools” who are not aware of all the consequences of using magic);
  • when they purposefully want to subjugate a man, destroy his will and make him a slave.

Previously unusual behavior for a husband (son) in relationships with loved ones - poorly controlled aggression, apathy, depression, rushing from corner to corner as if he had lost something. Constant thoughts, conversations about the same person (indicates the one who bewitched).

Cooling (in spouses) in intimate relationships. If the person being bewitched is a young guy, his cooling towards the female sex in general is noticed. The victim of a love spell suffers from insomnia or poor intermittent sleep with nightmares and unconscious conversations.

There is poor appetite, changes in appearance - circles under the eyes, weight loss.

Types of prayers for love spells and reading rules

If all the signs are present, then the man is truly bewitched. The person on whom the spell is cast is unlikely to listen to the words that he is cursed (conspiracy). Therefore, his closest relative will have to pray (for the son - for the mother, for the husband - for the wife).

The strongest, of course, is “Our Father.” It is read many times: in the morning (on an empty stomach), before meals, in the evening (before bed). Be sure to go to church, light wax candles for the health of your man. While reading the prayer text, mentally imagine the image of the bewitched person and seem to wash him in your imagination.

Conspiracies using prayer will help get rid of love spells.

For example: take an empty frying pan and put it on fire. Add a pinch of salt (it must be white and clean). While the salt is heating, read a prayer.

Read the words until the salt darkens and a crackling sound appears. Then carefully pour the salt crystals onto a flat plate, which you place on the photo of the bewitched man (guy). After 2-3 hours, take the photo and sprinkle a little salt on it, repeating the spell. Perform the operation with the photograph the next day, and the day after. Then throw away the salt.

And so that the love spell does not affect a person, it is better to read a daily prayer against the evil eye and damage to Cyprian the Martyr and Justinia the Martyr. After all, preventing a spell is much easier than removing it later.

Increasingly, people are resorting to unconventional methods to attract the attention of the opposite sex, using magic. If suddenly your husband is bewitched by another woman, we will tell you how to remove a love spell from a man with prayer.

How to find out that a person has been bewitched:

  • general behavior changes for which there is no logical explanation;
  • the person has become irritable;
  • sudden interest in another woman (man);
  • alcohol abuse.

Independent rituals

Love spells in the photo are easy to do on your own. They are quite powerful, some of them will be impossible to remove. Therefore, before performing it, make sure that it is impossible to achieve a person’s favor without a ritual.

With fern and rowan

It is easy to carry out the ceremony yourself with branches of rowan and fern. In addition, you will need oil and matches. The ceremony must be carried out outdoors, as you will need to light a fire. Throw a photo of the person you are bewitching into the flame, saying:

Divide the ashes that remain from the fire into 2 parts. One should be added to your loved one’s food, and the other should be placed in a bag. You should always carry it with you.

Cemetery ritual

One of the most powerful dryers, performed in the graveyard. Beginners in magic should not use this ritual. The consequences can be very negative if you make even one mistake. The day before the ceremony, it is important to visit the graveyard to find the grave of your loved one’s namesake.

You need to return to it at night at midnight. Be sure to take with you:

  • two photographs – your own and the one being bewitched;
  • 2 red candles.

To pay off, stock up on a handful of coins. Before performing the ceremony, ask the deceased for forgiveness for disturbing you. Light the wicks of the candles and place them at the head of the grave. Connect the photos facing each other, say:

To bind another person to you, put the photos in a white envelope. Use a candle to seal it. The envelope must be hidden in clothing, close to the body. Leave quickly without looking back. When you come home, hide the envelope carefully.

Blood (black love spell)

Blood witchcraft is considered one of the most powerful, and should be used in extreme cases. The effect after it is almost immediate. For the black love spell in the photo you will need a needle and a wax candle. Light the wick and place a photo of your loved one next to it. Prick one of your fingers with a needle and drip blood onto the image. Concentrate on the image of your lover, imagine happy years of life together. Move the candles around the photo and say:

Distance is not a hindrance to love

This version of the prayer request for love will help those who, for some reason, are far from their loved one. The way to attract love is especially relevant now, when acquaintances are made on the Internet, and the lover and the object of his interest are sometimes separated by enormous distances. A prerequisite for this method to work is the presence of at least minimal reciprocal sympathy.

This version of the prayer text is also effective for couples who live apart for a long time due to work or business trips. At this time, many temptations await people. The words of a love spell will strengthen the connection and protect loved ones from temptations.

How to avoid consequences?

In order to avoid the consequences of casting a love spell on your loved one with prayers, you need to make a ransom and pray in church for the well-being of your loved one. You should pray at the icons of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Pleasant and Matrona of Moscow.

If, during a love ritual, the performer turned to black magic for help, then it is necessary to make a ransom. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Go to a morning church service. On the way, give alms to those in need.
  2. After the prayer, go to the river, taking with you a wax candle and a few coins.
  3. Having arrived at the place, take a lit candle in your right hand, and a handful of small change in your left and say:

    “The candle burns, it burns all sins. Frees the soul from a heavy burden. I will pay the ransom, I will save my soul from the evil one. Let it be this way and not otherwise.”

  4. The coins and cinder must be buried next to the river under a massive tree.

Potential consequences of a love spell

Magic allows the fortuneteller to turn to powerful higher powers. Thoughts turn into strong sound vibrations, which are accompanied by certain ritual actions and form an energy channel. Due to this, it is possible to send a request to the Universe.

You manage to create a mental connection with the subtle plane and reach the spirits and deities who catch your message and begin to realize your desire. A love spell on a married man is famous for its effectiveness, but you must understand that you are interfering in someone else’s fate and breaking the family connection, which will result in a negative setback for you and your loved ones.

For example, after leaving his wife and children, the mysterious person risks losing his job, facing poverty and health problems. You can expect:

  • diseases (new or exacerbation of chronic ones);
  • bad habits (alcohol, gambling, cigarettes, drugs);
  • mental problems (aggressive behavior, nightmares, depression);

It may also be that you want to part with the bewitched person. He will return to the family, but nothing will stick together for them. Just remember that you are taking on enormous responsibility for the destinies of others. And your actions will affect the karma of your children and grandchildren. Therefore, always remember the risk and do not rush to use strong magical rituals.

How to increase the power of words and speed up results

In order for the prayer to be heard as quickly as possible, it is recommended to begin daily readings after fasting. It does not have to coincide with the church calendar.

Fasting is a voluntary renunciation of worldly and carnal joys; it will allow you to abandon the vain and focus on what is truly important. Everyone determines the timing of fasting for themselves. You can do without fasting, but then the effect of prayers will come later.

Those who are fasting should give up sweets, meat dishes, bad habits, and refrain from smoking and alcohol. You cannot attend entertainment events. The church will need to be visited at least twice, at the beginning and end of Lent. You should confess and take communion, and also light candles for health for yourself and the object of interest.

Sorokoust saves from betrayal

For those who doubt the church’s attitude towards love prayers and avoid any magical influences, there is an even simpler way to turn away. For him, it is enough to order Sorokoust, but not in one temple, but in at least four. In addition, you should regularly visit the temple and light candles for yourself and your partner.

This method can also help in cases where a frank conversation with the bewitched person does not produce results. However, the effect of such an appeal to patron saints “through intermediaries” is somewhat slower than with a personal request. The best option is when love spell prayer, lapel prayer, church prayers and fasting are combined. Love requires sacrifices, but accepts them only when they are voluntary and dictated by sincere feeling.

Subtleties and recommendations

To make love spells based on photos work as effectively as possible, follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Learn the text by heart - this will allow you to avoid mistakes during the ritual.
  2. Perform rituals only when you are alone.
  3. Keep the ritual secret.
  4. Do not practice witchcraft in the presence of children or pets.
  5. Carry out drying in the growing phase.
  6. The best time for love magic is from midnight to 3 am. Unless otherwise specified in the ritual.
  7. Do not be interrupted by calls or messages during the ritual.

Have you ever used magic to start a relationship? Tell us about your experience in the comments!

When will it work?

The impact of a love spell prayer depends on factors such as:

  1. The complexity of the chosen ritual option. If it was a powerful ritual using blood, then the result can be expected within 5-7 days. The sacrament performed using photographs begins to work in 10-15 days. Love spell prayer on candles begins to work 15-20 days after reading.
  2. The reserve of energy forces of the performer of a love ritual. The higher the energy level, the faster the result will appear. If the customer of the ritual had little energy, then the effect of the love spell will have to wait 20-35 days.
  3. From the state of health of the person being bewitched. If the victim suffers from any diseases, then the magical effect will appear earlier (15-28 days).
  4. The distance between the participants in the love sacrament. The shorter the distance, the faster a person will fall under magical influence.

Prayer to protect a partner from foreign magic

When sending a loved one on a long journey, or leaving him alone for a long time, you can pray to Matrona of Moscow to protect your partner from someone else’s divination. In the second case, it would be a good idea to sprinkle the corners of the bedroom and the threshold of the house with holy water: this will provide additional protection. They also pray to Matronushka during separation, thereby maintaining the protective effect of the initial appeal.

After the couple is reunited, it is necessary to visit the temple and thank the holy protector and light a candle for her.

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