Prayers for theft or loss of things, to find the loss

Prayer to Archangel Michael

There is a high probability of help and protection when using Orthodox prayer from theft to Archangel Michael. She has great power and will definitely be heard and help received.

O Lord Great God, King Without Beginning, send, O Lord, Thy Archangel Michael to the aid of Thy servant (name), take me away from my enemies, visible and invisible! O Lord Archangel Michael, pour out myrrh of moisture on your servant (name). O Lord Michael the Archangel, destroyer of demons! Forbid all enemies who fight against me, make them like sheep and crush them like dust before the wind. O great Lord Michael the Archangel, six-winged first prince and commander of the weightless powers, Cherub and Seraphim! O God-pleasing Archangel Michael! Be my help in everything: in insults, in sorrows, in sorrows, in deserts, at crossroads, on rivers and seas a quiet refuge! Deliver, Michael Archangel, from all the charms of the devil, when you hear me, your sinful servant (name), praying to you and calling on your holy name, hasten to my help, and hear my prayer, O Great Archangel Michael! Lead all those who oppose me with the power of the honorable life-giving cross of the Lord, with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Holy Apostles, and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Andrew the Fool and the Holy Prophet of God Elijah, and the Holy Great Martyr Nikita and Eustathius, the Reverend Father of all Saints and Martyr and all the holy heavenly powers. Amen.

Archangel Michael is considered one of the strongest protectors from danger. It is he who is usually called for help by believers and immediately receives it.

Prayer to facilitate the return of stolen property

“St. John Stratelates was sent from Julian, the godless king, to kill Christians; you helped some from your property, while others, convincing you to flee from torment by the infidels, you freed, and for this you suffered many torments and imprisonment in prison from the tormentor. After the death of the wicked king, being released from prison, you spent the rest of your life in great virtues until your death, adorning yourself with cleanliness, prayer and fasting, giving abundant alms to the poor, visiting the weak and comforting the mourning. Therefore, in all our sorrows, we have you as a helper and in all the troubles that befall us: we have you as a comforter, John the warrior: running to you, we pray to you, be the healer of our passions and the deliverer of our spiritual suffering, because you have received from God power useful for the salvation of all give, John of ever-memorable, nourisher of wanderers, liberator of captives, physician of the weak: helper of orphans! Look at us, honoring your sacred joyful memory, intercede for us before the Lord, so that we may be heirs of His kingdom. Hear and do not reject us, and hasten to intercede for us, Stratelate John, denouncing thieves and kidnappers, and the thefts they commit in secret, faithfully praying to you, revealing to you, and bringing people to joy with the return of property. Resentment and injustice are heavy for every person, everyone grieves over the loss of something stolen or missing. Hearken to those who mourn, Saint John: and help them find the stolen property, so that, having found it, they glorify the Lord for His generosity forever. Amen."

Prayer should be said in a quiet, calm atmosphere. Only by sincerely asking God and the saints will you receive intercession from thieves and criminals.

Tags: theft , work , prayers , conspiracies , thieves , punish

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

You can ask for help from the Guardian Angel, who invisibly accompanies almost every person throughout his life. He protects from wrong steps and sinful thoughts, suggests the right decisions, and protects in difficult life situations. The prayer from thieves addressed to the Guardian Angel, if pronounced with a pure heart and good intentions, is the most powerful and effective.

Holy Angel of Christ, falling to you I pray, my holy guardian, given to me for the preservation of my soul and body, a sinner from holy baptism, but through my laziness and my evil deeds We hope that you have angered your most pure lordship and driven you away from us with all your evil deeds: lies, slander , envy, condemnation, contempt, disobedience, brotherly hatred, and resentment, love of money, adultery, rage, stinginess, gluttony without satiety and drunkenness, excessive talking, evil thoughts and crafty ones, proud custom and lustful indignation, having self-desire for all carnal lust. Oh, my evil will, even the beasts do not do it without words! How can you look at me, or approach me like a stinking dog? Whose eyes, O angel of Christ, look upon me, entangled in evil in vile deeds? How can I ask for forgiveness for my bitter and evil and evil deeds, in which I fall all day and night and at every hour? But I pray to you, falling down, my guardian saint, have mercy on the flesh of your sinful and unworthy servant (name), be my helper and intercessor against the evil of my opponent, your saints through my prayers, and make me a partaker of the Kingdom of God with all the saints, always, and now and forever and ever. Amen.

Rules of prayer

Sacred texts about protection from intruders are read twice a day - morning and evening. First you need to thank the Lord for the property acquired, for the health given to the person and his family.

It is worth remembering that God will only help a pious person who does not steal himself. For prayer to be effective, you must adhere to certain recommendations:

  • get in the right frame of mind, don’t get distracted, imbue yourself with prayer;
  • read the text slowly and consciously, from the heart;
  • have bright intentions and strong faith;
  • there should be no demanding notes or resentment in the voice;
  • do not forget to be grateful for the help provided.

Don't rely on prayer alone. A person must remember basic safety rules. You need to appreciate what you have and be vigilant everywhere. When leaving home you should say the following words:

These simple rules, together with the Lord's protection, will help protect yourself and your acquired wealth.

The prayer against theft is read to:

  • protect your property;
  • protect yourself from dishonest transactions:
  • protect yourself and your family;
  • protect your own home from troubles and troubles.

If the theft has already taken place, sacred texts can be used to return money or other property, but not to punish the fraudsters. Prayers are resorted to if a person is having a hard time or needs to make a serious decision related to finances.

Prayer to Varvara Skvorchikhinskaya

The name of Blessed Barbara is not so well known. She is a simple rural teacher, when the government came, which demanded that citizens renounce their faith, she began to lead a reclusive life. She was not afraid of poverty, she constantly prayed and fasted.

For this she was awarded the gift of insight and healing. They call on Blessed Barbara for help in order to endure temptations, as well as to prevent theft in the house and in the country. In the latter case, the following sacred text is used:

Oh, holy blessed mother Varvaro! You fought a good fight on earth, and you received in heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. Meanwhile, in the coming race of your honorable relics, we rejoice at the glorious end of your earthly life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present We will be worthy, through your intercession, to see good things on the earth of the living, glorifying the one in His saints, glorifying God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Conspiracies to punish thieves

If a misfortune has already happened in your home, then the only right choice will be to read a conspiracy or prayer to punish the criminal. Sometimes such conspiracies help to find out who committed the sin, and sometimes to catch the thief.

  1. Prayer to punish a thief. Wait until the night from Wednesday to Thursday, buy 10 candles from the nearest church and begin to recite the following prayer by heart: “Holy Lord, All-Merciful Lord! I ask you to hear my prayer and help me. The accursed thief, whose name is unknown to me, and disgusting, violated the integrity of a strong house, took away what had been acquired over the years and then drenched in sweat. Yes, direct all the forces of the seraphim and archangels in order to find and punish the scoundrel. I ask you to protect my house from theft, I only pray that you bring good luck. Amen". If the theft occurred only once, the prayer must be read 3 times, if more than one - 10.
  2. A plot to severely punish a thief. If you know the name of the person who committed the crime, the following plot will do, which will make him think about what he did. Be careful if you are not sure that you suspect the right person, because you can direct magical powers against an innocent person. Stand near the threshold and read the following words: “It was not difficult to figure out you, shameless scoundrel (name). You disturbed the order in my house, which means you will be punished for it. Heavenly forces, mighty forces, respond to the request of the servant of God (name), in whose house a terrible grief happened. I want the slave (thief’s name) to toil tirelessly every second, but never know peace. I want my valuables back, but not to evade punishment.” Such a strong and powerful conspiracy can force the thief to admit guilt and the stolen goods will return to you again.
  3. A conspiracy that will punish the thief forever. If you couldn’t find the criminal, and you want to take revenge on him in some way, the following method will do. You need to sit in the middle of the room and read three times: “I wish the one who took my valuables, took what I had acquired into the hands of sinners, to get confused and lost, to get lost and tangled like a fly in a spider’s web. Sit still, not getting up, not knowing happiness. You will suffer for a long time, you will not escape a terrible death in old age. You won’t be able to eat or drink in peace until you destroy yourself with your conscience!”

If you believe the reviews, such a conspiracy helps you find out who stole your things, or choose the method you need to find the criminal.

Prayer to John the Warrior

During his earthly life, John the Warrior defended ordinary people and exposed their enemies. Now they pray to him to find the stolen property and return it. The prayer to the Great Martyr to catch a thief is the most effective.

Oh, martyr of Christ, John the warrior! Thou art brave in battle, and a chaser of the enemy, and an intercessor to the offended, to all Orthodox Christians. Oh, great intercessor and servant of Christ, John the warrior! Have mercy on us, sinners and unworthy, and intercede in troubles and sorrows, and in sorrows and in every evil adversity, and from every evil and offending person, for you have been given such grace from God, e Let us pray for us sinners in troubles and the misfortune of those who suffer evil. Deliver us from those who offend and hate, and be a strong champion for us against all our visible and invisible enemies. Oh, great champion of John the warrior! Do not forget us, who always pray to you, asking for your help and your endless mercy, and grant us, sinners and unworthy, to receive from God the ineffable goodness that is prepared for those who love Him. For due Him is all glory, honor and worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

The same prayer can be read to protect against shoplifting, regardless of who commits the thefts - visitors or employees.

Conspiracies against any theft

A conspiracy, along with prayers from thieves, will help protect you from troubles. Its implementation does not contradict Orthodox laws. Performing the ritual is not difficult. The main thing is to adhere to these rules:

  • learn words by heart;
  • pronounce them clearly, the specified number of times;
  • carry out the ritual in the evening - it is better from 10 pm to 1 am;
  • perform actions in private, so that there are no distractions;
  • do not tell anyone about your intentions.

The ritual can be performed on all days of the week except Tuesday - it is considered a thieves' day.

They take several keys according to the number of doors in the house. They are put on a red ribbon. Then they walk around the housing clockwise, touching each door with a bunch and saying:

When the ritual is completed, the bundle is hung to the right of the front door. This amulet will protect the house from enemies.

To punish scammers

To ensure that the criminal is punished, 10 candles are purchased. They are lit on Thursday night and said:

In the case where the theft occurred once, the prayer is read three times. If the case is repeated - 10 times.

From theft at the dacha

A country house often becomes a target for theft in the absence of the owners. To protect the dacha from theft, they perform a ritual with special attributes:

  • you will need to find elderberries, garlic flowers, a juniper branch, caraway seeds, a piece of aspen bark;
  • crush and mix all ingredients;
  • put in a blue bag;
  • 3 pins and 3 nails are also placed in it.

The resulting amulet is hung over the front door of a country house and the following words are spoken:

Prayer to the Great Martyr Polyeuctus

The life of this saint was divided into two parts, in the first of which he was an idolater, but over time he became imbued with the Christian faith and, despite numerous threats, joyfully accepted it. The pagan torturers could not break his desire to serve God, and he accepted martyrdom with a smile on his lips. People turn to Saint Polyeuctus in prayer to protect themselves from scammers.

Holy Martyr Polyeucte! Look down from the heavenly palace on those who require your help and do not reject our petitions, but, as our constant benefactor and intercessor, pray to Christ God, that He who loves mankind and is abundantly merciful will save us from every cruel situation: from cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasions of foreigners and internecine warfare. May he not condemn us sinners for our iniquity, and may we not turn the good things given to us from the All-Bounteous God into evil, but into the glory of His holy name and into the glorification of your strong intercession. May the Lord, through your prayers, give us peace of mind, abstinence from harmful passions and all defilement, and may He strengthen throughout the world His One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which He has acquired with His honest Blood. Pray diligently, holy martyr, may Christ God bless the power, may He establish in His holy Orthodox Church the living spirit of right faith and piety, so that all its members, clean from wisdom and superstition, worship Him in spirit and truth and diligently care about keeping His commandments, May we all live in peace and piety in this present world and achieve blessed eternal life in heaven, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him belongs all glory, honor and power, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to help expose and punish a robber

In cases where it is very necessary to punish the offender, conspiracies will be an excellent help.

“O great martyr of Christ John, champion of the Orthodox, chaser of enemies and intercessor of the offended! Hear us, in troubles and sorrows, praying to you, as if grace from God was given to you quickly to console the sad, to help the weak, to deliver the innocent from vain death, and to pray for all those who suffer evil. Be therefore a strong champion for us against all our visible and invisible enemies, for with your help and fight all those who show us evil will be put to shame. Pray to our Lord to grant us, His sinful and unworthy servants (names), to receive from Him the ineffable good that is prepared for those who love Him, in the Trinity of the Holy Ones, glorifying God, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

Thief detection method

Conspiracies can not only find the criminal, but also reveal the secret of who exactly committed the crime against someone else’s property.

In order to find out who stole your things, you need to find 3 sunflowers and place them under the pillow. The stronger your sleep, the more clearly you will see your attacker. The next day, leaving the house, you need to take a broom by the blunt end and hit it three times on the floor, saying the following words:

“The house is locked, locked, no one will find anything in it. No one will take someone else’s property with their own hands, no one will take away my property.”

If conspiracies could not help you find out who stole your valuables, then fortune telling will be appropriate, which often point to a person, telling about the details of his appearance. Protecting your home is not an easy task, but it is certainly within the power of every person. Conspiracies and prayers can simplify this task by providing security to the home. Read the spell for protection from malicious thieves, and there will be peace in your home.

Prayers from shoplifters – Lawyers

When leaving the house, put a regular glass and salt on the kitchen table and say: “The thief will come, I’ll give you salt, but I won’t pour you water.” For the next ritual you will need old keys. There should be as many of them as there are total door locks.

Touching the locks with each key in turn, you need to say: “I lock with the key, I lock with words, I hide from dashing people, all the doors, all the goods, everything is mine.” These keys are tied with a red ribbon and kept at home. They will be a talisman for the home.

In the same way, you can protect your car from theft by touching the key to the door lock. To protect the house, you will need as many old keys as there are door locks. Another conspiracy involves pronouncing the following words: “The thief, go around my house, pass by.

And if you go in, you’ll stay here. In my words, the key and the lock. Amen". They are spoken softly above the castle.

  • A conspiracy will help against thieves;
  • Ancient conspiracies to preserve property;
  • Advice from a practitioner of village magic.

If you store valuables at home, or simply want to protect yourself from illegal entry by a thief, try the most proven method.

The only thing better than a safe and a surveillance camera is a conspiracy against thieves.


They all relate to the village magic of old times.

Many of the conspiracies turn to Orthodox saints for help and protection.


Be sure to use these conspiracies, because this method has been saving you from robbery, theft and home attacks for hundreds of years.

Be calm, conspiracies will not harm you or your family.

They protect only from those who want to profit dishonestly.

Confidence in your home is the most important thing. Anyone can do these rituals - they contain the good magic of Justice.

Orthodox prayer from thieves

If conspiracies could not help you find out who stole your valuables, then fortune telling will be appropriate, which often point to a person, telling about the details of his appearance.

Protecting your home is not an easy task, but it is certainly within the power of every person.

Conspiracies and prayers can simplify this task by providing security to the home. Read the spell for protection from malicious thieves, and there will be peace in your home.


Whoever comes to my house in one of the twelve months will step on his heart, crush and break his soul, and send his soul to hell. My word is strong, my deed is moldable. Amen".

It is best to do it in winter, when the frost is the most severe.

Advice from a practitioner of village magic If you have something really valuable at home: money, antique jewelry, paintings, then you need to know this.

Firstly, the energy of jewelry attracts thieves.

This is the other side of wealth. It so happens that gold has very strong energy.

The more gold, the more powerful it is. Precious stones and expensive things work the same way.

If there are people in your environment who make a living by stealing, then they will be drawn to your house like a magnet. Therefore, it is better to store things in a bank, safe deposit box, or storage facility. It’s safer this way, and if anything happens, the bank will be responsible for your deposit. Secondly, don't tempt fate.

Prayer from thieves

Do not forsake us either, Saint of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future. us, may we always send glory and thanksgiving to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for the protection of the family from thieves and robbers Most Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection, instill in the hearts of my husband (my wife) and our children peace, love and indisputability to all that is good, do not allow anyone from my family to experience separation and hardship separation, to incurable illnesses and premature and sudden death.

And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves’ attacks, all evil of the situation, and insurance, and the devil’s obsession.

Protection prayers from thieves

There is no road to my threshold, it is guarded by angels, formidable angels, archangels of God, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Jehudiel.

They stand on all four sides and do not let anyone in, neither the evil nor the dashing, nor the thief, nor the villain. Just as they will stand forever, not die, and glorify God, so will my house stand forever. I said, I wrote on tablets of stone, the righteous word of God. Amen.

Amen. Amen". Punish thieves There is a simple way to punish thieves.

Conspiracies and Orthodox prayers to saints against theft

If the theft has already occurred, read the prayers of St. Arefa of Pechersk:

  • "Lord have mercy! Lord, forgive me! Everything is Yours, I don’t regret it!”
  • “The Lord gave. The Lord took it. Blessed be the name of the Lord."

You need to pray to your guardian angel to protect yourself from deceivers, scammers and thieves. How to read prayers. Such prayers should be read at least twice a day (morning and evening), and thank Jesus Christ for every day you live, for your existing wealth, the health of children and parents. .

They can be read when a person feels bad or difficult, before making serious decisions related to money. When reading, you cannot be distracted by extraneous thoughts, you need to concentrate and be imbued with prayer. You need to stand with your back straight.

Features of a conspiracy from attackers A conspiracy, along with prayer, will help get rid of troubles. Anyone can carry it out.

Prayer from shoplifters

Take an old knife in each hand. You need to say three times, waving the knives over the object that you want to protect from thieves: “Like at sea, on the river, in a forged chest, Seven damask knives, seven brother guards. I open that chest, I take out those knives, I direct them to work.

Come, knives, to this and that To the one who committed evil, laid hands on my good, Chop him lengthwise and crosswise So that he turns back the theft, does not hide anything. My words are true, my deed is quick, Everything is spoken, everything is done.” When you're done, cross yourself.

To prevent a child from stealing Although we try to provide you with the most complete information about rites and rituals, sometimes the question is too individual or you are simply not sure that you can handle it.

In this case, a EXTRASENSE CONSULTATION will help you.

Don't worry, it's completely free. A very common occurrence among children is petty theft.

Other people's toys, coins, trinkets.

Prayers from shoplifters

Whenever a kid wants to steal, he will only condescend to attack him. The hand will not dare to take it away; the body will begin to shake violently. This is not a disease or an epileptic disease, let your seething conscience wake up.

Amen! Amen! Amen! A powerful protective magic spell against shoplifting.

Read it before going to work. Once a thief enters a store, he cannot be left alone.

If he doesn’t put the goods in his pockets, let him drop the damn fat.

I protect the store from the thief, let it die, damn it, from pestilence. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen! There are only 3 protective spells against theft that do not need to be learned by heart. Read them at least 13 times in a row. They will protect your apartment, property and goods of any store.

Prayer from thieves and attacks The case of robbery of an apartment or dacha is, of course, unpleasant, but an even more unpleasant, and often deadly, version of robbery is when a person is robbed.

Robbers can severely beat, injure or even kill an unwanted witness.

It happens that the price of a person’s life becomes a couple of thousand rubles.

A robber, when committing a crime, is potentially ready to do anything.

Therefore, with a Christian prayer against thieves, ask God to protect you from attack.

If possible, meet your family when they return late. Make it a rule to tell your loved ones where you are and when you will be back. While in the car, do not forget to lock the side doors and do not leave valuables inside the car.


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