Communication spell: how to get a guy to call

It is very important for every person to have a true boyfriend or girlfriend. But sometimes relationships with friends worsen or are completely destroyed. Someone suffers from a lack of friends, cannot find a true friend who will always support in difficult times and rejoice in success. A friendship plot will be an excellent assistant in finding such a person or in restoring a broken relationship.

A friendship ceremony will be an excellent option for gaining strong ties.

When can friendship spells help?

When you can’t establish contact, you can resort to magic.
Conspiracies of this kind belong to white magic, the main principle of which is not to harm the person on whom its action is directed. The desire to suppress the will of another person and subordinate it to one’s selfish desires makes the ritual useless.

Fortune telling will succeed only if it benefits the person asking and the object of his attention.

You can approach magical sacraments with a pure soul and good thoughts. A person will be punished by higher powers if he resorts to them for base purposes.

Possible consequences of magic

All of the above rituals do not pose any danger. Conspiracies do not influence a person’s will and do not force him to do something that would be contrary to his desires. All rituals are aimed not at making a guy fall in love with a girl, but at getting him in touch with her.

Any of the rituals presented is a great way to independently and unobtrusively remind yourself and continue communication with an attractive representative of the stronger sex. That is why you can safely choose one of the rituals.

It is clear that all the rituals were invented recently, because just a few decades ago they knew nothing about mobile phones. Moreover, absolutely all the presented conspiracies have been repeatedly verified. The girls note that they are effective, and after a short period of time, what they want comes true.

Types of rituals and conspiracies for friendship

Magic associated with influencing friendly relationships is aimed at:

  1. Normalization of relations with old friends. Annoying disagreements are eliminated and the severity of conflicts is reduced. Sincerity and warmth of communication return and deepen.
  2. Replacing the negative prejudice of acquaintances with sympathy and friendly disposition.
  3. Finding friends. Friendly relationships arise with people in a new place: in the yard, at school or college, when changing jobs.

Rules for reading friendship conspiracies

Magic to attract friendship requires the following conditions to be met to achieve a positive result:

  1. The moon should be in its waxing phase. This period is characterized by the highest level of concentration of magical energy.
  2. The ritual must be carried out in a private setting without witnesses. You can't tell anyone about him.
  3. Texts should be spoken clearly. If during the session you sneezed, coughed or stumbled, you need to spit over your left shoulder three times and start reading again.
  4. If the candle goes out during the spell, the procedure must be stopped immediately. A second attempt is possible no earlier than 3 days later.
  5. Magic sessions should begin no earlier than 1 hour after eating.
  6. You can't cast a spell on strangers. This ban also applies to media idols, whose acquaintance is only virtual.
  7. It is not recommended to bewitch eternal friendship, because the object of adoration may change over time and further relationships will become burdensome.

How to remove the spell

The lapel ritual is used by people who are sure that their spouse has been bewitched by their mistress, or by those who are disappointed in their relationship with a magically attached partner. There are also wives who are unable to finally leave their tyrant husband or girls who suffer from their spouse’s alcohol addiction, but cannot leave him on their own.

The lapel may also have undesirable consequences:

  • if the ceremony was performed from a truly loved one, and not from a previously bewitched person, his partner may begin to feel melancholy and his health may deteriorate;
  • Divorce for a married couple or a couple who have lived for more than 12 years can result in illnesses for the client.

It is quite possible to carry out a love spell made in blood on your loved one yourself. To do this, you need to take a piece of young meat, say a special text and throw it for the dogs to eat.

Lapel on a piece of meat

If you decide to turn to the help of magic, you should remember that all rituals should be carried out only for the good, trying to harm other people is unacceptable both from a moral and ethical point of view, and because of the irreversible consequences that can ruin the lives of both the customer of the ritual, as well as its object.

Options for conspiracies

In white magic, there are many variants of a plot for strong friendship, which differ in the purpose of the spell and the methodology used.

Many of them are available to perform at home.

To have more friends

For some people, having 1-2 friends is not enough to communicate. They require a wide range of friendships.

To tie a large number of people closer to you, they perform a flower ritual:

  1. Purchase a bouquet of 12 buds of any variety. It is important that their shade is not too variegated and bright.
  2. In the church, in front of the icon “Softening Evil Hearts,” a prayer is read three times.
  3. Flowers are left under the face as a thank you.

Ritual with flowers.
The church ceremony is repeated every other month.

For your own attractiveness

Sometimes a person feels that others do not value him enough and do not notice his inherent positive qualities. He wants everyone around him to approve of his appearance, character, and actions.

To achieve this, you need to ask higher powers in the morning for 7 days to bestow the attention and favor of people.

Wishes are written down on a piece of paper and buried in the ground along with the seed of any flower. Instead of the latter, you can plant a sprouted plant in a flower pot. As it develops, friendship and goodwill on the part of the team will grow stronger.

For friendship with a certain person

Before attracting the attention of the person you like, it is useful to observe him for some time. It may turn out that the first enthusiastic impression turned out to be wrong. Make sure you need such a life partner. If this is so, it makes sense to bewitch for the sake of a closer rapprochement with the object of sympathy.

To achieve the friendship of the person you are interested in, you need to:

  • buy a nice gift suitable for him (the item should not be too expensive);
  • read a friendship plot over an item;

Ritual for a gift.
Give it to a person with mental wishes of friendship.

To improve relationships

To improve a bad relationship, you can resort to the help of nature:

  • at dawn, go far into the forest;
  • walk barefoot through the dew and, turning to the sky, sun and wind, ask them to give vitality to renew a faded relationship with a friend or girlfriend.

At home, you can bewitch a person with a photo or personal item, communication with whom requires positive changes.

During the new moon period, say the words of prayer:

We read the prayer 9 times.

Your virtuous qualities will be noticed. Your friend will gain respect and trust in you. But this cannot be abused, otherwise the spell will weaken.

To restore relationships

It happens that established strong friendships are suddenly tested: disagreements and conflicts arise.

To restore friendship, you can do this:

  • take a coin or small banknote and whisper over it the words of a conspiracy to restore friendship;
  • go to the church and give the charmed money as alms.

We repeat the words of the ritual 9 times.
To eliminate the reasons that interfere with friendship, use fortune telling with a sheet of paper. To do this you need to do this:

  • on a full moon shortly before midnight, write your name and the name of a friend on a piece of paper;
  • describe in detail all the circumstances that harm your spiritual connection;
  • exactly at midnight, go out onto the road and, lifting the leaf up, cover the disk of the moon with it;
  • set the note on fire and hold it until the flame reaches your hand;
  • Do not pick up burnt paper remains;
  • return home and not tell anyone about what has been done.

Weekly conspiracies

This ritual consists of pronouncing each new spell in turn in accordance with the day of the week. Reading aloud should begin at dawn on Sunday. The moon should be in its waxing phase. Weekly readings are a powerful magical remedy.

Effective rituals for gaining friendship

In the magical practice of attracting friendly feelings, there are many effective rituals. They differ in the content of the divination texts, location and set of accessories necessary to carry out the chosen procedure.

Ritual for a personal item

To attract the attention of the person you are interested in, you need to do the following:

  • get a thing that he uses;
  • after sunset, retire indoors;
  • stand by the window and, holding in your hands an object related to the subject of your interest, whisper the words of a love spell for friendship.

We repeat love words 13 times.
The ritual will work, but you cannot disappoint your friend with your ill-considered actions, otherwise the spell will break.

With a treat

The process of getting someone's attention is simple:

  1. Whisper the words of the spell over a person’s favorite delicacy.
  2. Give him a treat, and he will reciprocate your feelings.

Ritual with food.
Magic acts selectively, so if someone else accidentally tries the enchanted product, nothing will happen.

On a photograph of a person

A magical procedure with a photograph of your chosen spiritual partner can be performed at home:

  1. Cover the table with a dark green cloth.
  2. Place a photograph in the middle of the table next to a burning candle, mentally imagining yourself together with the object of your desires.
  3. Take the candle in your right hand.
  4. Say love words 9 times: “May joy illuminate your face (name of goal), may it cleanse your bright soul (name of object), may it enlighten your sharp mind. Let all unnecessary quarrels turn into light, evil dashing and stupid insults. My will will illuminate your life, I give you faithful, uninterrupted friendship. Let it be so".
  5. While reading the love spell, circle the photo with a candle three times clockwise.
  6. Put out the candle and pick up the card.
  7. Speak:

Ritual with a photo.
Wrap the photo card in cloth and hide it in a secret place. This procedure must be performed at least 4 times a year.

Ritual with flowers

When you want to get the attention of someone, you need to do this:

  1. Buy a bouquet of flowers.
  2. Go to church.
  3. Buy and light a candle.
  4. Before the icon “Softening Evil Hearts,” read a prayer.
  5. Place flowers under the icon and return home, dreaming of meeting this or that person.

Ritual with flowers and candles.
Try again after a month if you didn’t achieve what you wanted the first time.

Candle Ritual

The ritual for friendship is repeated for a week. Every morning, starting from Sunday, you need to light a candle after waking up and whisper wishes until it burns out.

Ritual on a candle flame.

The next morning everything is repeated in the same way. If even one day is missed, you will have to start all over again.

To reconcile with an old friend

If the reason for the breakup with an old friend was a quarrel or resentment and there is a desire to forget the past conflict and reconcile, you need to do this:

  1. Retire and sit in front of a mirror indoors.
  2. Light 3 candles.
  3. Looking at the flame, say:

We say the text three times.
Wrap the mirror and burnt out candles in a piece of cloth and hide from prying eyes.

If people don't like you

There are people who are no worse than others, and often even better, but others do not like them. No matter what they do, they cannot achieve friendship and approval. If you are such a person, then this magical ritual will suit you.

To carry out the ceremony, buy 12 of any fresh flowers and take them to the nearest church. There, place the bouquet next to the icon to tame the hearts of the evil and pray. When leaving the church, read the magic plot:

“The tongues of serpents sting everyone, but let them sting me and let their poison pass, let the people have mercy on me, let them love me. Whoever has the name of God's servant (name) on his tongue will remember him with a kind word and say good things about him to others. Lord, bless, God, help. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Love spells for friendship

Love spells and conspiracies have a lot in common. The difference lies in the strength of the impact and the durability of the influence on the object of the magical procedure.

To perform this sacrament, a more extensive set of paraphernalia is required. This ritual has much greater power compared to the conspiracy.

Often love spells invade the realm of black magic.

What is the difference between the male and female versions of the ritual?

In magic there is a division into men's and women's days. This is explained by the difference in the energy of the sexes. The same actions taken on the wrong day can lead to opposite consequences.

For performing love spells, the following days of the week are considered masculine:

  • Monday;
  • Tuesday;
  • Thursday.

Magical procedures for women are favorable on the following days:

  • environment;
  • Friday;
  • Saturday.

On Sunday, regardless of gender, only white magic rituals are allowed, during which communication with the Forces of Light occurs.

Ritual with black magic

Turning to dark forces is associated with a great risk of causing irreparable harm to yourself and others. It is not recommended to intrude into the sphere of influence of otherworldly elements.

Under no circumstances should such rituals be performed without sufficient knowledge and experience in performing them. A black love spell for friendship is used only in extreme cases, when other options for divination have proven powerless.

To achieve a person’s interest, a black magic session is performed on him:

  1. After midnight, 2 candles are placed on the table.
  2. Between them they put something edible from what they plan to treat the object of witchcraft with.
  3. The person is treated to the enchanted food, and he finds himself under the spell of the one who cast the spell on him.

Black ritual.

On the trail of a man

A love spell on the trail is carried out if it is possible to walk some distance behind the desired object.

Collect some of the soil his foot has stepped on into an opaque bag. When you return home, prepare the accessories necessary for the session:

  • red candle;
  • a piece of white (without pictures) material;
  • red silk ribbon.

Carry out the procedure in this order:

  1. Clear the table of anything unnecessary and spread a cloth on it.
  2. Pour the soil from the bag you brought into the center of the table.
  3. Light a candle and hold it in your right hand so that drops of melted wax fall to the ground.
  4. Repeat the love spell text 7 times loudly:

A rite of passage for a loved one.
Hide the candle stub in a secluded place so that no one can see it. Wrap the earth in the cloth removed from the table and tie it with a red ribbon.

Put the resulting bag away until you notice that the magic has begun to bring results. After this, take the bag out of the house and bury it.

If you recently had a fight

Reconciliation after a recent quarrel is complicated by the fact that passions have not yet subsided and irritation is fresh. A reconciliation plot will help eliminate the consequences of such discord.

For 12 candles.

It must be read aloud at 12 church candles. The ritual is repeated morning and evening for 3 days. Under no circumstances should the procedure be interrupted, even if the relationship begins to improve little by little.

In case of a long quarrel

If the quarrel between friends has dragged on and it is not possible to improve relations, it is necessary to conduct a ceremony of reconciliation, preparing candles of different colors for this:

  • pink;
  • red;
  • white.

Perform the following ritual:

  1. At night, in a locked dark room, place pink, red and white candles from left to right.
  2. Light them up and imagine reconciliation with your friend.
  3. Read the plot and blow out the flame at once. Repeat the procedure for 9 days.
  4. At the end of the 9th session, wait until the candles burn out completely.

We repeat the words 7 times.

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