A conspiracy to call someone who loves: purpose and features of use

Telephones are firmly entrenched in our lives. They connect close people and allow you to hear your own voice, even if its owner is on the other side of the world. By the will of fate, a random phone call can mark the beginning of a new relationship or, conversely, completely destroy an existing one. It is not surprising that the telephone can become a key attribute of a magical ritual - for example, to call your beloved boyfriend or man.

Simple telephone plot

This is the simplest ritual to connect with the person you are interested in. You don't need anything other than your own mobile phone.

And, of course, you must be sure that the person you are influencing knows your number - otherwise how can you get in touch?

So, to perform the ritual, take your mobile phone, place it on your left palm with the screen facing up, cover it with your right palm and read out the text written below - it’s best to learn it by heart. You need to pronounce the words of this powerful conspiracy so that the guy calls immediately after reading it, 9 times.

“Let the servant of God (boyfriend’s name) remember me, the servant of God (your name), and call me as soon as possible. Just as plants cannot live without the sun, so he cannot live without me. He will want to hear my voice and see my image. There will be only me to desire and wait for a meeting with me. As I said, so be it."

A strong conspiracy to make a guy call: your loved one will “dial” you immediately after reading

There are many short rituals on the Internet, but not all of them do not work properly, since there is a text of the conspiracy, but there are no rules for its implementation. A powerful conspiracy to have your beloved boy call immediately after reading it is described in detail, but when you try to fulfill it, you may be disappointed. In this article we will try to reveal the secrets of correctly executing a spell to call a loved one.

Home magic is no stranger to modern devices. You can subtly remind yourself of yourself using an unconventional method.

Rules of love magic

A conspiracy is not just a rhyme or a misunderstanding; in its verbal formula it is hidden, or rather “encrypted”, it leads to the subtle world. There is a lock on the gate, you need to take the key to the lock, then the command of your desire will find its string in the subtle world. The string vibrates, a magical melody spreads throughout the world, plucking other strings until the wish is fulfilled.

In order to commit conspiracies, you first need your consent:

  • First consent. Do not creak the gate unnecessarily if it is not necessary. A conspiracy is not pampering or a poem, but a prediction of the future.
  • Second consent. If there is a need for a loved one, the soul trembles, then call with your heart. The heart cannot speak to a soulless synthesizer: if it loves, then there is love in every word.
  • Third consent. Don't ring the bell about a secret skill, its power is a secret. Every time you talk to a stranger about a conspiracy, you lose an ounce of power that you will never get back.

All three points must be taken seriously and honestly observed!

The consequences of a love spell - fact or fiction?

Hello. I want to cast a love spell on my ex-husband, who left the family. While researching various rituals, I read many stories.

Is there a love spell that cannot be removed?

Good afternoon. I want to read a love spell about a boy’s love, but I’m a little confused in choosing a ritual. There are a lot of them on the net.

Ritual for a call from a new friend

This conspiracy to make a guy call is most suitable for situations of a new acquaintance, when a girl leaves a phone number for a young man and is looking forward to when he will make himself known and call for the next date.

It can be read on a photograph of the object of sympathy or on a piece of paper with his phone number.

But if you don’t have a number or a photo, don’t despair, just mentally imagine this young man in all the details and read the following words out loud:

“There is a city in Russian land, and in that city there is a stately house. My beloved lives in the house, (boyfriend’s name) he calls himself. One (guy’s name) is bored and doesn’t know happiness or fun at all. He’ll take his phone in his hand and dial my number by heart. He will invite me on a date and find happiness with me alone.”

Candle spell

This powerful spell with a candle to make a guy call immediately after reading it can be used in any situation when you urgently need to contact the person who has won your heart.

To perform the ritual, you need to buy a wax candle from the nearest church and find a photograph of your loved one - it must be printed, a digital photograph will not work.

You will also need a small piece of paper and a pen. The magical ritual is carried out as follows: in the evening before going to bed, put a photo card on the table, write your phone number on a piece of paper, fold it several times and place it on top of the photo. Then light a candle (preferably with matches) and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as a candle burns and the wax melts from its fire, so the heart of God’s servant (the man’s name) will melt. He will remember me, the servant of God (your name), and get bored. If he wants to hear my voice, he won’t be able to wait a single minute longer. A fire will blaze in his soul, and he will pick up the phone. He will dial my number and call me on a date. Amen".

After pronouncing the words, you need to extinguish the candle flame, and put all objects (photograph, paper, candle) under the pillow. In the morning, use the flame of the same candle to burn the paper with the phone number, go outside and throw the ashes into the wind, saying the second part of the spell:

“I am sending a call to the servant of God (name of the man), I expect a call from him as soon as possible. Wind, convey my words, and you, servant of God (name of the man), call me quickly.”

Ritual with hot black pepper

To carry it out, you need a couple of black peppercorns (as many as the age of the person you are calling). Throw the pepper into a hot frying pan, then say:

“Like a pepper jumping on a hot frying pan, let it simmer until you call me!”

The person’s image should be as clear as possible, and your voice should be strong and confident. After completing the ritual, collect the peas, carefully wrap them in snow-white paper and take them to the intersection.

If everything is done correctly, then a call from your loved one will not take long. But the trick is that he will be 100% sure: he called at his own request, he did everything himself. And you will know that magic and magic work.

Girls can wait endlessly for him to write, call, leave a message. Therefore, folk wisdom has collected pearls of recipes for them that allow them to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. The most important thing when performing rituals is sincere belief in them. Every girl at heart is a sorceress who is capable of miracles and magic. Awaken the magic within yourself and learn to use it to achieve the desired result. The minimum is for him to write or call you. Maximum - to fall head over heels in love and not be able to let go for a second

Since ancient times, women have used love magic to help solve personal problems. Strong whispers for the love of a husband or boyfriend, which are short but strong, are very popular. They must be pronounced in a whisper, which allows the words to be endowed with enormous energy. There are many such spells and it makes it possible to solve many problems.

Whispers for a man's love

Many girls suffer from their loneliness, dreaming of meeting a worthy life partner. In order to bring the day of meeting with a good man closer, you should read the following magic words during the evening dawn:

“The roads wind and wind, and then converge into one. So let my fate meet another fate. What is planned will come true, what is planned will come true.”

In the event that there is a man who evokes sympathy, but he does not reciprocate, then there is another conspiracy to attract his attention. To perform a simple ritual, you need to buy a scarlet ribbon, throw it into any body of water and say the following whisper to attract love: “My ribbon floats and turns red, and (name)’s heart burns for me.”

“My ribbon floats and turns red, and (name)’s heart burns for me.”

There is a spell designed to make the other doormat yearn, so to speak, a slight drying. A whisper will not cause harm, as when performing a love spell, but its effectiveness is enormous. You can read it while being close to the object of adoration, for example, while riding on public transport, but a whisper of a man’s love from a distance is also considered strong, only in this case strong visualization is of great importance. The text of the spell is very simple:

“I don’t breathe, I cast a spell.

Exhale from me,

And a breath comes into you.

May you dry without me.”

If there are suspicions that the man you love has another, then you can get rid of your rival with a simple whisper. In order for the magic to work, you need to know the name of the competitor. Take the garlic and put it in the pocket of any clothing of your chosen one, saying the following words:

“If you throw away the garlic, you’ll throw (the name of your rival) out of your heart.”

When your loved one finds and throws away the garlic, the magic will work and they will begin to be depleted. Instead of garlic, you can use any other unnecessary item that a man will certainly throw away, but do not forget to change the text of the plot.

If the relationship has already lasted a long time and the feelings have faded, then you can use the strongest whisper for a man’s love, which will allow you to feel everything like the first time. The text of the plot is very simple:

“From body to body is a love affair.

The blood is mine, and the love is yours.

Love me more than yourself.

A twig is bending in the forest, I can feel where it will stick.”

Many representatives of the fair sex complain that their beloved man does not propose. To push him to this important step, you can enlist magical support. You need to take a crust of bread, salt it and read the following whisper:

“Let the guests gather in our house, taste bread and salt at the fair world, and at the wedding feast. Not ten years later, but this year.”

A strong ritual for calling a loved one from a photograph

A strong conspiracy to make a loved one call can also be read from the photograph. The process itself almost completely repeats the previous ritual, only you do not need to light a candle in the evening. We write our phone number on a piece of paper, place the sheet of paper on the printed photograph so that the numbers are in the area of ​​the man’s head, and then mentally imagine the image of our loved one in all the details, after which we say the magic words:

“My clear falcon, my long-awaited, my beautiful! Remember how good it was for us, open your heart and soul. Quickly remember my number, make a date soon!”

We leave the enchanted photograph to lie on the table all night, and in the morning we burn the photograph with an ordinary candle or matches, collect the ashes and release it through the window or from the balcony.

How to pray correctly to get what you want

After prayer, the man will definitely begin to feel very bored and sad.
Before you start reading the prayer, you must follow some rules:

  1. Do not read prayer texts in a bad mood or during illness, because they will not have any effect. To perform this ritual you need a lot of energy, which is always not enough if you feel unwell.
  2. Do not resort to ritual with the aim of harming or taking revenge on someone, as this is a great sin.
  3. Learn the prayers by heart. Do not read them from paper or electronic media.
  4. 7 days before the ritual, observe strict fasting (do not eat fatty, spicy foods, meat, flour or sweets).
  5. While reading, discard all negative thoughts and focus on the process.
  6. Believe in the effectiveness of the treatment. Don't resort to it out of curiosity.
  7. Experience sincere and strong feelings while saying prayer.

Ritual for any chosen item

This plot to make your loved one call must be read on any object that belongs to the object of your sympathy, or on the thing that he touched. This could be clothing, any personal item, a gift that the man gave you personally, or one of the items that he came into contact with while visiting you.

There are two versions of the conspiracy itself - choose the one you like best.

Option 1:

“My dear (boyfriend’s name), why don’t you call, why don’t you write, why don’t you talk to me? I am beautiful, I am pleasant, I am the best and prettiest, for you I am amiable and the most interesting. Quickly take your phone and dial my number, and when you hear my voice, peace will appear in your heart, joy in your soul, sweetness in your body.”

Option 2:

(Guy’s name), I’m interested in you, I like you, but why don’t you call, why don’t you talk to me? I am stately, pleasant, unusual, pretty, kind to you, interesting to you. Take the phone and dial my (your name) number. My voice on the phone will respond, and your heart will fill with joy.”


The video explains how the ringing rituals work. Filmed by the channel “Magic of life Ligeia”.

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Conspiracy to call a person from the past

This simple magical ritual is used in cases where you have not communicated with a person for a long time, but still feel sympathy for him and really want him to somehow make himself known. This plot is necessary for your loved one to call, read out the window or from the balcony. The time for the ritual is after midnight.

It is better if the weather is windy - then you need to stand so that the gusts of wind blow in your face.

Say the following words out loud:

“In an open field, in an open expanse, there are four oak trees, four whirlwinds. Four oaks, four whirlwinds, go find the servant of God (man’s name), put sadness and melancholy in his heart so that he will grieve for me, the servant of God (your name). I’ll lock my strong spells with forty locks, I’ll give the keys to the pike fish so that she won’t tell anyone.”

After reading the plot, you need to immediately go to bed, imagining this person, as well as your future conversation, before going to bed. Imagine how you will hear his voice on the phone, what words he will say, what you will answer him. The ritual must be repeated three nights in a row.

Are such rituals dangerous?

Any rituals that actually influence a person’s subconscious and suppress his will are dangerous and may be accompanied by failures (karmic rejection). However, such rituals are the safest, since they belong to white magic. In addition, their duration is short (a few days), after which they lose their potency. Therefore, they cannot harm any of the participants in the ritual. To perform a magic ritual, you must use the same symbols as in the magic ritual.

It should be noted that such rituals have nothing in common with love rituals. They do not enslave a person, do not force him to fall in love or experience other strong feelings towards the performer.

They do not form a loving attachment or any other psychological connection. Their goal is to make a person think about another person, to awaken a desire to communicate in the present moment.

Hence, there is no need to worry about the possible dire consequences of such rituals. However, for white magic to work, certain rules must be followed.

Ritual with a candle for a man's call

To read this plot so that a man will call, you will need a red cloth, a candle of the same color, as well as a candlestick or saucer on which to place it.

Exactly at midnight, cover any flat surface with a red cloth, place a saucer or candlestick with a red candle on it, and place your mobile phone next to it, screen up.

Light a candle with matches and, looking at your phone, say the following miraculous words out loud three times:

“Any voice, dear, I want to hear you. You stole my heart and sank into my soul. Dial my number urgently (speak clearly and slowly the digits of your number one at a time), because this is important to me!”

After pronouncing the spell, take the candle in your hand and drip a little wax from it into your palm. Roll a small ball out of it, say the above words over it again, and then place the wax ball in the case of your phone or the pocket of the bag in which you carry it.

It is important that the mobile phone lies next to this ball. Do not throw away this enchanted item until you receive a call from the person of interest.

And if you want to evoke loving feelings in this man, when you meet, throw this wax ball into his pocket or bag, or better yet, under the insole of his left shoe, then your loved one will call you more and more often.

Conspiracy prayer for your beloved man to call right now

If you have a quarrel with your loved one, you can get out of the situation with the help of strong faith. There is a prayer for a loved one to call now, at this time, or in the near future and speak the necessary words of reconciliation. Of course, prayer does not affect his words, but, of course, the forces of the Universe will make him think about who is suffering, and the desire to call will be inevitable. The asking price is a little patience and a strong desire.

Important Rules

Absolutely any conspiracy - for a call from a loved one, for reconciliation, or something else - is, first of all, a magical ritual performed in an unknown world, hidden from ordinary people. You cannot take this issue lightly and with ridicule.

We need to focus and understand how responsible this action is:

  • conspiracy is real magic that cannot be used for entertainment;
  • you need to put your feelings, thoughts, love into every word of prayer;
  • the ability to bewitch is a secret that cannot be revealed to any living person.

Only by realizing these shades can you gain greater strength, thanks to which you will develop special skills that allow you to manage any situation. You must open your heart, feel the call of nature, use its power for good!

It's time to prepare for the conspiracy so that your loved one responds as soon as possible. The following rules apply for this:

  1. Conspiracy only with pure intentions, not for fun, but with a clear purpose.
  2. Get rid of doubts about fulfilling your plans.
  3. Before you there is clearly an image of a boy who is the subject of palmistry.
  4. It will be necessary to read the plot out loud, in a low and slightly sing-song voice.
  5. Each word must be pronounced clearly and clearly, with confidence that it will work.

Each conspiracy will tell you how to call a person right now. It is important to carefully study all recommendations and be sure to follow them.

Simple conspiracy

This fortune teller is very easy to perform, you just need to draw all your imagination. You need to imagine the person as if you were standing next to him, he was material and you could touch him. To describe the full picture: what he is wearing, what he is doing, where he is, also imagine his feelings, even if he is bored, sad and picks up the phone. Having seen all this clearly, say the following words:

“Dear, beloved (name), have you really forgotten me? Why haven't you talked to me for so long? You love me, I know you miss me, remembering me. Call me as soon as possible, I will answer you right away. You will be happy as soon as I answer the call. Amen".

It is better to read the words with your eyes closed and patiently wait for your loved one to call. If it doesn't work, then something is wrong. You need to reconfigure and try again.

Call when you want attention

This ritual is carried out when a woman longs for her beloved, but does not want to call earlier, and if the relationship improves, everything in it pleases, but there is not enough attention from the man. This is a very common situation, and you can get out of it very simply by reading the spell to get a man to call within half an hour at most.

Words to read:

Salt and water spell

You will need: a candle, a white (without pictures) handkerchief, a red cord, a glass of water and a salt shaker.

Sequence of the ritual:

  1. Light a candle and place it in front of you;
  2. Place a handkerchief between the candle and you on the table;
  3. Using a lace, draw a circle on the scarf. If the lace is long, then make a circle of several turns. The more turns, the better.
  4. Place a glass of water in the center of the circle;
  5. Take the salt shaker in your hand and imagine how a young man dials your phone number and calls you. Put the salt shaker back in place.
  6. Place your palms around a glass of water and imagine your lover impatiently calling you. Put the glass back in place.
  7. Take a pinch of salt from the salt shaker and, without raising your hand, immediately shake the salt into the salt shaker, do this twice. And the third time we throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and, while reading the plot, watch how the salt dissolves.

Like salt in water, a thought about me

Dissolves in you. The banks are high,

There is water among them, I am the only one

You need. The circle closes

Cute smiles Phone in hand -

Calling me! Amen…

After the spell, pour one half of the water into a pot with a flower with a masculine name, and the remaining water into a pot with a flower with a feminine name.

To the wind

If your husband doesn't answer his calls and you're exhausted from worrying about him, calm down! Magic will help you!

There is one very strong conspiracy for the husband to call urgently. Read it and your husband will immediately dial your number!

  1. Climb to the roof of your house. If this is not possible, go to a vacant lot. The main thing is that the place is well blown by all winds!
  2. Don't take your phone with you! Take any of your husband's things that you don't mind throwing away.
  3. Stand facing east, let your hair down, spread your arms to the sides and close your eyes. Feel the wind, speak it:

“The wind is violent, the wind is mighty! Accept the message and take it to my dear! Tell him about my melancholy! About my burning tears, about my black thoughts! If you know what happened, help me, brother, find out about it! Do not abandon my falcon and in his misfortune, Help him in righteous deeds, Stop him from starting unjust things, Drive away the bald devil from him, Do not let him eat sweet dishes, Do not order him to drink intoxicating wines, Do not let him look at girls, Before me (your name) ), legal wife, bring him back! Teach him, wild wind, how to send his voice to his wife! I will not forget about your service, I will remember forever, I will thank you! Key. Language. Lock".

The wind will find your husband and convey the news. This is how they sent messages to loved ones in the old days when they could not contact them.

Give your husband's thing to the wind. Throw it into the wind with all your might!

Go home - your husband will soon find a way to contact you!

This plot will be incredibly powerful if there is already some kind of relationship between you and your lover.

But even if you are just friends, don’t despair! Remember: strong magic can make any man fall in love with you.

Short slander so that the darling remembers

Sometimes a few words, colored with emotion and spoken with deep confidence in a positive result, can be much more effective than complex rituals and conspiracies. Such short phrases are called whispers. They must be pronounced quickly, like a tongue twister, and in a low voice.

  • If the husband is away and his wife cannot reach him, a simple ritual can help. You need to take something that belongs to your husband with your left hand, and the phone should be in the other hand. Mentally imagine how your loved one takes a mobile phone and dials their home number. In this case, you need to say a short whisper three times: “(Husband’s name), call!” This conspiracy is the safest of all known.
  • So that the lover remembers and calls. For this action, you can use a written version of whispering. You need to sit comfortably, take your phone, compose a message of three words: “(Male’s name), call quickly,” dial the recipient’s number, then close your eyes and mentally imagine how the call button is pressed and the SMS in the form of a letter flies to your loved one. Put down your cell phone and wait for a call. The result depends on the strength of the girl’s desire to talk to her chosen one. It usually takes from a few minutes to a couple of hours.
  • The strongest ritual for a quick call. For it you will need a large paraffin candle, the color of which must be red, an unlined white sheet of paper and a pen with black ink. Write the full name of your loved one on paper, light a candle and bring the piece of paper with the name to its fire. While the paper is burning, you need to whisper three times: “Your body and soul are burning until you call me.”
  • How to speak water to make a new friend call. In the evening, pour clean water into a glass and whisper the words over it: “You are pure water, let me drink so that my dear (name) can love me. On a dark night he does not sleep, sadness and melancholy torments him. He’ll quickly pick up the phone and dial my number.” Place the glass on the windowsill so that the moon illuminates it with its light. The water should not sit for long; you should drink it before bed and go to bed. In the morning the guy will call and during the conversation he will want to ask the girl out on a date. This is a strong conspiracy and it will definitely work if the young people really like each other.

Carrying out the ritual on your own begins with visualizing the image of your loved one and fully concentrating on him and your desire.

To a whisper

If you really want something, whisper about it quietly. The universe is tired of noise and loud screams. Experienced witches and sorcerers know that now higher powers can better hear the quiet whisper coming straight from the heart.

This plot to have your lover call you urgently is read in a whisper.

If your home has a stove or fireplace, read the plot into an open damper. If not, through the window:

“Hear, dear friend (man’s name), my heartfelt call! Remember me, your dear, (your name). Remember and come to me, If you don’t show up, send a voice! Send me your sadness and melancholy, Tell me about your affairs, I will console you, beautiful young man, with a kind word, a sincere word. Don’t forget me, a stranger on the sidelines, I’m waiting for news in my native land. Hear my song of invitation, Do not torment, dear friend, the girl’s hearts! In my opinion, be like God! Amen".

  1. Close the door. Now you can move on to other things.
  2. Force yourself not to think about the call, switch your thoughts to something else. Remember the law: as soon as you stop waiting, your loved one will call you!
  3. Use this knowledge, but don’t tell anyone about it!

The whisper spell can be repeated no more than once a year, otherwise it will stop working.

This conspiracy affects a man softly and smoothly. The feeling in your loved one will grow gradually.

On fire

The spell to get a man to call you urgently can be strengthened with the help of wax church candles.

Candles carry enormous energy power. Direct it to fulfill your desire. At the same time, you can remove negativity from the relationship.

  1. Buy 12 candles from the church shop. Leave a generous donation to charity.
  2. At home, retire to your room. Turn off the lights, close the windows with curtains.
  3. Place the candles in front of the mirror and light the first with matches, the second candle with the first, the third with the second, and so on.

Read the plot while looking at the reflection of the candles in the mirror:

“Burn, fire-light! Burn 12 candles with a hot flame! Kindle the fire, the heat of love in the heart of my dear (man’s name)! As 12 candles cry with wax, So your soul will shed tears and be exhausted Without me, the servant of God (your name), Without my clear eyes, without my affectionate voice, Without crystal laughter, without spiritual conversation, As the candles go out every single one, So and you, (man’s name), can’t stand a single minute without me. Burn candles so that (the man’s name) loves me until the end of my days, So that bitter separation inflames our love even more! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen".

Don't put out the candles. Use this time to think about your relationship with your man.

Make plans for your future together. What do you want to do with him first?

When the last candle goes out, you will hear the phone ringing!

On the water

Do you want a young man to call you urgently? Read the spell over water.

Water has an amazing magical ability to remember and transfer energy. Water transmission can have an instant effect if your magical abilities are strong enough.


  • photograph of a loved one;
  • glass jug;
  • deep white plate;
  • neroli essential oil;
  • red candle;
  • a new white towel made of pure linen or cotton;
  • three pins.
  1. At sunset, take a jug and go to the spring for water.
  2. You need to go on foot. All the way, read any prayer mentally and don’t talk to anyone!
  3. Get some water and bring it home. After dark, lay out all the magical attributes on the table.
  4. Light a candle. Pour spring water into a plate.
  5. Place the photo face up in the water. Add three drops of neroli essential oil.

Say the spell:

“The Servant of God (the man’s name) will get up before dawn - early, wash himself with spring water, and wipe himself with a snow-white towel. He will wipe himself off and become sad, he will go around the world looking for a white dove, a red maiden, and when he enters the bright room and sees the Servant of God (your name), he will rejoice. Love will flare up in his heart and never go out. My dear one will ask about me every day, listen to my voice, admire my soul! My word is strong. Amen".

  1. Take out the photo, place it on a towel, wrap it and pin it in the corners with pins.
  2. At midnight, wash your face with the enchanted water, and take the rest back to where you brought it from.
  3. Don't take your phone with you! When you return, you will have a missed call from your loved one!

If you know the phone number

It happens that a girl knows the phone number of the guy she likes, but does not dare to call, she herself is waiting for the call, she cannot wait. A simple conspiracy helps in this situation:

You need to take a personal item, clothing or photograph of the young man. If there are no such things, then it is enough to write your lover’s phone number on a piece of paper.

On a full moon, holding an object, the girl says:

Having uttered the spell, the girl immediately goes to bed, putting the charmed object under the pillow.

You can also pronounce another conspiracy:

When pronouncing the text, it is important to clearly visualize the image of your lover. Not just his face, but the way he presses the number, presses the phone to his ear, and starts talking.

To attract the guy you like, the following plot is suitable:

The text is read by holding the phone in the left palm with the screen facing up, and closing it with the right hand.

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