Melania (Pakhomova), recluse of the Eletsky Znamensky Monastery Melania (Pakhomova) (1759 - 1836), recluse of the Eletsky Znamensky Monastery
Mir Russia Tver region Gorbasyevo village Temple of the Georgian Icon of the Mother of God (Gorbasyevo) Loading
Christians often turn to the Lord for help and this is normal. After all, this is our lover
Bible Questions and Answers Published June 20, 2013 I'm wondering how Christianity and horoscopes fit together? Is
The passing of a person is a very difficult loss. At such moments it can support
It’s not difficult to create an Orthodox amulet with your own hands, but the protection with which it will surround you will be eternal.
Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in the city of Murom. Now I will tell you with great pleasure about this saint
In each specific case, the church makes a decision individually, but if the reason for the breakup is trivial (not
The beginning of the church renovationist movement Approximate reading time: 4 minutes. March 7, 1917 in
No. 24 (921) / June 27 '17 Conversations with the priest In this topic: Conversations with