Almost everyone wonders what the meaning of their life is, but not only this
What is sin? Sin is a word of Greek origin and is literally translated as “to miss”, “to miss”
SHOULD ORTHODOXY BE MODERN? Estimated reading time: 8 minutes. Evgeny Mironov, People's Artist
I am an Orthodox Christian, and my husband adheres to Islam. In this regard, both of us
Answer: With bows in our churches, this is exactly the situation: who knows what.
The most famous prayer to the Holy Trinity - text in Russian, video Holy Trinity -
Having gone through the sacrament of the birth of the Son of God, the Virgin Mary became the Mother of God. Ascending to heaven after
The second commandment of God - do not make for yourself an idol: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and
God Himself created the family, and the wife was made from the rib of Adam. In the very
Psalm instead of prayer Reverend Arseny of Cappadocia (1840 - 1924), a Greek who lived in Turkey,