Saint Julia's laziness
Julia's name day (Angel Julia's Day) according to the Orthodox calendar
"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask
Architecture and shrines of the Novo-Tikhvin Convent in Yekaterinburg
History of the holy monastery In the second half of the 18th century, next to the churchyard, located on the outskirts
4 texts of prayers to read before leaving home and who to contact
Why do you need to read prayers before leaving home? Home is our fortress,
What is a prayer service and how to order it correctly in church?
In ancient times in Rus', believers sanctified every step of life with prayer. On holidays and
Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin engraving consecration 1497
Annunciation Cathedral - the oldest temple in the Moscow Kremlin
Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow is an Orthodox church built in honor of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary and bearing
Winter's tale in Belogorye
Belogorsky Monastery near Kungur: description, how to get there, photos
Mir Russia Perm region Belaya Gora village Belogorsky St. Nicholas Monastery Map is loading... {"format":"leaflet","minzoom":false,"maxzoom":false,"limit":50,"offset":0,"link" :"all","sort":[""],"order":[],"headers":"show","mainlabel":"","intro":"","outro":"", "searchlabel":"\u2026
What is the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Nizhny Novgorod
The Cathedral named after Prince Alexander Nevsky has long been part of the main tourist routes along
Route from metro station Vasileostrovskaya
Temple of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg (St. Petersburg)
Mir Russia St. Petersburg Temple of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg (St. Petersburg) Map loading in progress... {"format":"leaflet","minzoom":false,"maxzoom":false,"limit":50,"offset":0 ,"link":"all","sort":[""],"order":[],"headers":"show","mainlabel":"","intro":"","outro" :"","searchlabel":"\u2026 \u0441\u043b\u0435\u0434\u0443\u044e\u0449\u0438\u0435 \u0440\u0435\u0437\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0430\u0 442\u044b" ,"default":"","import-annotation":false,"width":"auto","height":"350px","centre":{"text":"","title":"" ,"link":"","lat":59.9633119399999969800774124450981616973876953125,"lon":30.299328890000001734961188049055635929107666015625,"icon":" "},"title":"","label":"","icon":""" lines":[],"polygons":[],"circles":[],"rectangles":[],"copycoords":false,"static":false,"zoom":8,"defzoom":14 ,"layers":["OpenStreetMap"],"image
St. Paphnutiev Borovsky Monastery - a meeting place with the soul
There are many shrines and miraculous places in our country, but the glory of the Pafnutiev-Borovsky Monastery is thundering
Prayers for a woman's love
A strong prayer for a man’s love - read and listen
Every person dreams of finding happiness, it is different for everyone, but most strive to find love.
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