How can a layman be saved? I advise you to read more diligently the Divine Scripture and the teachings of the saints and
A godfather is chosen once and for life. He can be “demoted” in only one respect
Author: A. Reutsky Almost a year ago, the Council of Bishops adopted a document devoted to measures to preserve
Literature[ | ] Vvedensky A. M. Life of the Varangian martyrs: chronicle and prologue // Ancient Rus'.
Text of the Creed 1. I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,
At what age should you go to confession? Traditionally, the moment of a child’s first confession is determined in the Church by age
There are countless icons of the Mother of God. And each one was revealed precisely at that time, in
Holy Martyr Christina of Caesarea (Cappadocia), memorial date: February 19. Her life is inextricably linked with
Mch. Alexander of Rome Alexander of Rome (+ 284-305), warrior, martyr Memory May 13 [1], 14