What should you do for Easter 2022? Traditions and customs in Orthodoxy

When is Easter celebrated?

The date of the celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ belongs to the moving holidays. Every year it is celebrated on different days, depending on the lunar calendar. This is because the crucifixion and burial of Jesus took place during the Jewish holiday of Passover, which fell on the 14th day of the month Nisan. Since the religious calendar of the Jews is lunisolar, the date of the holiday is constantly shifting.

The earliest date for Easter for Orthodox Christians is April 4, and the latest is May 8. Other Christians - Catholics and Protestants - celebrate the holiday on other days. Typically a week or two earlier, depending on the Gregorian calendar.

But Catholic Easter , like Orthodox Easter, has its own restrictions on the time of occurrence. It cannot take place earlier than March 25 and later than April 25.

The principle by which the date of Easter is determined is enshrined in a special document called Easter. This document was adopted at the First Ecumenical Council, held back in 325. The assembled theologians decided that the Christian Easter should not take place at the same time as the Jewish one. And since then, Orthodoxy has celebrated Christ's day on the first Sunday after the first new moon, which follows the day of the vernal equinox.

The Crucifixion of Christ is the main symbol of Christianity

Easter celebrations

All 40 days - from Easter to Ascension - are considered holidays in church canons, but the first week is celebrated most solemnly. It is called Bright, like each of its days, and is celebrated “as one day.” At this time, solemn services are held daily, the Royal Doors (doors to the altar), which are closed on ordinary days, are opened, and bells ring everywhere.

The Easter solemn service begins on the night of Easter Sunday, usually around 23:00, and lasts several hours. Its first part is called the Midnight Office, during which a shroud is placed on the altar on the throne, which will remain there for 40 days, until the Ascension of the Lord.

The beginning of the holiday is announced by the ringing of bells, called the bell. Exactly at midnight the solemn early service (matins) begins. Accompanied by the ringing of bells, the clergy and parishioners make a procession around the temple three times (procession of the cross) - against the course of the Sun or counterclockwise, which symbolizes following towards the risen Christ. At the same time, the procession also symbolically repeats the procession to the tomb of Christ of the myrrh-bearing women, who were the first to learn about the miracle of the resurrection.

During the services, the Easter greeting is said and the answer to it: “Christ is risen! He is truly risen!”

Then they serve the Divine Liturgy and consecrate special bread - artos (“leavened bread” from Greek), or “whole prosphora”. It is a symbol of the bread that the apostles left on the table during meals for their invisibly present teacher. In the Orthodox tradition, artos is a tall round bread with an image of a cross and a crown of thorns, or an icon of the Resurrection of the Lord. During the services of Bright Week, the bread lies in the church on a lectern, in front of the iconostasis, and between services - in front of the open Royal Doors or the icon of Christ. During the procession of the cross, which takes place every day during Easter week, the artos is carried around the temple, then returned to its original place. On Bright Saturday, consecrated bread is divided among all participants in the service.

To perform divine services, clergy dress in special clothes. The main colors of the Easter service are white and red: the first symbolizes divine light, the second - God's love for the human race.

History of Easter

The celebration of Easter took place even before the resurrection of Christ. The Old Testament Passover , or Passover, was celebrated by the Jews as the day of deliverance from Egyptian slavery. It was then, on the fourteenth day of the month of Abib (according to the Jewish calendar), that the mass exodus of the Jews took place under the leadership of Moses.

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ happened just on the days when Passover was celebrated. After the miraculous resurrection of the son of God, the Old Testament Easter lost its meaning, and Christians all over the world began to celebrate Easter - a bright holiday and the basis of the entire Christian religion.

The meaning of Easter is that Jesus Christ, being sinless himself, took upon himself the sins of humanity, thereby opening the way for people to eternal life. And then he ascended to his God and opened the way to heaven for believers.

Painting by A. Montaigne “The Crucifixion”, 1457-59.

Church (Orthodox) traditions on Easter day

One of the interesting traditions before Easter Holy Week is the washing of feet on Maundy Thursday in churches. The bishop seats the priests and, as an example to Christ, who washed the feet of his disciples as a sign of humility, repeats the same procedure for his subordinates. On the same day, parishioners try to come to the service to confess and receive communion.

  1. During Great Lent, everyone tries to take part in the Unction, so that before Easter they will be cleansed of sins and illnesses.
  2. On Good Friday, everyone tries not to eat until the first star, and to be present in the temple when the shroud is taken out. On this day, even the bells do not ring in churches.
  3. On Saturday, the eve of the Triumph, the descent of Christ into hell is remembered, and the souls of the righteous were brought out by him.
  4. Then everyone waits for the greatest event - the ignition of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem. After all, this means that we have all been given one more year. The end of the world will not come until next Easter. The fire is carried by plane to all the temples. And during the All-Night Vigil, everyone can light a candle from it and bring part of this fire home.

Visiting the cemetery is allowed only with the onset of Radonitsa on the first Tuesday after Easter.

Taking into account all the advice, you can correctly decide how to prepare for Easter, taking into account Orthodox traditions, what to do during Holy Week, how to celebrate, etc. This will give you the opportunity to celebrate the bright holiday according to all the canons, and get maximum benefits for the soul.

How Easter was celebrated in Rus'

In Russia, until 1917, Easter was a public holiday. The first three days of Bright Week were declared non-working. The celebration took place with all the necessary attributes:

  • Easter services;
  • religious processions;
  • family prayer services in homes;
  • festive feasts.

In the villages, Easter was celebrated especially widely. Church buildings were decorated with lanterns, and bonfires were laid around the temples. It was believed that the ember from the Easter fire would save the home from fire. To do this, coals were collected and placed under the roofs of houses.

All three days of Easter week there were festive festivities. Our ancestors devoted themselves wholeheartedly to this bright holiday. Particularly common were:

  • round dances;
  • swing rides;
  • competitions in dexterity and courage;
  • games, including those with colored eggs.

All week the Orthodox Christians visited each other. Neighbors, relatives and friends were invited. On the table that day were all the savory dishes that believers denied themselves during Lent - meat, lard, fish, poultry. The main attributes of the festive feast are eggs, Easter and Easter cakes.

THIS IS INTERESTING. The tradition of painting eggs comes from time immemorial. Mary Magdalene came to Emperor Tiberius and reported that Christ is Risen. At the same time, she handed him a chicken egg. To which Tiberius replied that he would believe it if only the egg in Magdalene’s hand turned red. And the egg immediately turned red.

V. Makovsky “Prayer for Easter”, 1887-88.

In cities, they prepared for Easter no less carefully. In St. Petersburg, which was the capital of the Russian Empire, there was even an approved ceremony. It included decorating the Peter and Paul Fortress with lights, performing orchestras, and firing cannons.

The end of Lent and the celebration of Easter gave the signal for the resumption of balls, theatrical performances, festivities in gardens and social receptions. Swings were installed in the squares, fairs were organized and various events were held. All this was accompanied by constant ringing of bells, symbolizing the arrival of the bright holiday.

After the revolution of 1917 and the “godlessness” that followed, Easter began to be celebrated on one day, on Sunday. Church services were held, but the number of parishioners was extremely small. Serious troubles awaited everyone who attended the church, from dismissal from work to arrest and accusations of political unreliability.

After 1928, there came a time of open persecution of the church. Those who visited churches and celebrated church holidays were also persecuted. Only once, in April 1942, the authorities allowed to celebrate Easter. That night, the curfew in Moscow and St. Petersburg was even lifted, and believers were allowed to come to church. However, there was a war going on then, and this was the only relief.

Until Gorbachev came to power, church holidays, including Easter , were under an unspoken ban. For visiting church you were no longer fired from your job or summoned to the authorities, but you could lose your membership in the party or Komsomol.

Blessing of Easter cakes and eggs

Easter customs of different countries

In the Christian world, Holy Sunday is a holiday beloved by the people, which children and adults look forward to. On this day, ceremonial services in churches, processions, and marches take place. Houses and streets are decorated with ribbons, flowers, and wreaths. Interesting national traditions give Easter in different countries a unique, enchanting atmosphere.

Great Britain

The British honor Easter Sunday on a par with Christmas. Easter marks a two-week holiday in schools and colleges. On Saturday night, festive services begin in churches. Traditional Easter decorations for churches and houses:

  • tree branches with budding buds;
  • fresh daffodils, crocuses, tulips;
  • eggs painted with drawings.

On Sunday, it is customary to wear new clothes - a symbol of the arrival of spring, the end of the cold and bad weather. Children receive gifts in the morning - baskets with sweets. According to legend, the Easter Bunny brings them, and he also hides the decorated eggs. Their search turns into a separate fun game. The child who finds the most trophies wins a prize. Real eggs are now more often replaced with chocolate or souvenir eggs.

Easter in Great Britain is a family celebration. For lunch they cook lamb baked with vegetables and bake a special Easter cake (simnel cake). Cross-shaped buns are also served with tea. On Monday, adults treat children they meet on the street with candy and give them small toys. An old national pastime is popular among the British – the egg race. Participants launch hard-boiled multi-colored eggs from a hillock, which race to the bottom of the hill.

The game is symbolic: it recalls the stone rolled away from the Holy Sepulcher.


The holiday in the country is celebrated on a grand scale; it personifies not only Christian values, but also the arrival of spring, the triumph of light and joy.

A favorite fairy-tale character among French children is the Easter Bunny. According to legend, the pagan goddess Estra once turned a hen into a hare, which did not prevent him from laying eggs.

On a holiday morning, parents hide a basket of sweets in the house or in the garden, and children look for it. Popular chocolate souvenirs on Sunday in France:

  • roosters;
  • rabbits;
  • bells;
  • fish;
  • coins;
  • eggs.

The streets are decorated with colorful ribbons and garlands. On Easter Day, all the bells in the churches come to life. The day before, from Good Friday until Sunday morning, they are silent - this is a tribute to the suffering of the crucified Christ. The children are explained that the bells are sent at this time to the Pope for a blessing.

On Holy Saturday, churches hold services and consecration of water and fire. The French light candles from it and take it home. Believers attend the all-night vigil, which takes place on the night of Easter Sunday. On Easter, residents set a festive table and have picnics. Performances based on biblical stories are shown on the streets all week long.


Along with Easter, the Germans celebrate an ancient national holiday dedicated to the goddess of spring and fertility, Ostara. The church has traditionally tolerated the ancient pagan custom, which made it possible to unite the celebrations. In Germany, Sunday and the following Monday are considered official holidays.

The egg has long symbolized fertility; with the adoption of Christianity, it became the personification of life.

The Easter Bunny comes from ancient Germanic mythology. The morning of the holiday begins for children with a search for gifts that he hides. Notes serve as clues for searches.

Germans decorate their houses with Easter wreaths woven from fresh flowers and branches with the first blossoming leaves. The latter are consecrated in churches, supplemented with sweets and fruits, tied with ribbons and given to children. Dried branches are kept as amulets.


The traditions of celebrating Christ's Resurrection here have centuries-old roots. Easter is loved and honored in the country just like Christmas. The ancient custom of spreading the fire blessed in the church home has now grown into bright festive fireworks and pyrotechnic shows staged in city squares.

On the eve of the holiday, Italians usually do a general cleaning, put things in order, and throw away everything unnecessary.

The best dishes are traditionally prepared for Easter. Rituals and holiday delicacies differ in different regions of the country. On Easter Sunday the following is served for breakfast:

  • decorated boiled eggs;
  • fried egg fried on both sides;
  • colomba pastries in the shape of a four-leaf clover (the recipe resembles Russian Easter cake);
  • sweet pies;
  • sliced ​​meat, fish.

Italians attach great importance to the festive dinner. Lasagna, baked lamb, cakes, and pastries are put on the table. Easter masses are held in churches. In the week preceding the celebration, theatrical performances are organized dedicated to the life and deeds of the Lord. Local residents participate in them. It is customary to give each other chocolate eggs with surprises. On Good Friday, a procession of the cross takes place in Rome, symbolizing the path of Jesus to Calvary. On Christ's Sunday, the Pope blesses the faithful in the Vatican.


The main religious holiday in the country is called Semana Santa - Holy Week. Holidays begin 7 days before Easter. The Spaniards use their extra vacation for visiting and outdoor recreation. On holidays, masses and solemn processions take place. The most famous procession is in Elche: at its head is an image of Jesus, and all participants hold intricately intertwined palm branches.

On Sunday, the processions are accompanied by orchestras, and doves are released into the sky. On Good Friday it is customary to serve fish at the table. A popular holiday dish is Easter Valencian sausages.

The traditional Spanish pastry, which is prepared for the Resurrection of Christ in many provinces, is a bun with a hard-boiled egg inside. They call her mona.


In the multiethnic States, there are various rituals for celebrating Easter. But one tradition remains unchanged - the celebration is always celebrated in the family circle. Americans attend Easter morning services in church, after which they return home for a festive meal. Ham with pineapples, potatoes, fruit salads, and pastries are served at the table. In the USA, the custom of painting eggs has also been preserved. Festive processions take place in cities.

As in a number of European countries, children here believe in the Easter Bunny. Sunday morning for them begins with gambling - searching for gifts left for them. Adults hide sweets and toy eggs with surprises in the yard or garden. The guys put the delicacies they find into baskets, then count and examine the trophies.

The egg rolling game came to the States from Great Britain and became an annual tradition. It will be held on Monday on the lawn in front of the White House. The president himself takes part in the fun along with the young guests.

Easter in Russia in 2022

In our country, Easter is now celebrated widely and openly. Easter services are broadcast on federal channels. The country's top officials attend these services and are congratulated by the Patriarch. It has become a tradition in many companies to have an extra day off on the second day of the second Easter week. This is the so-called Radonitsa - the day of remembrance of deceased relatives. This day is widely revered in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. It is believed that on this day one should visit cemeteries and bring remembrances, wreaths and flowers to deceased relatives.

We invite you to see how Orthodox Christians now celebrate Easter:

THIS IS INTERESTING. The largest Easter egg is kept in Canada, in the city of Vegreville. It is made from painted aluminum sheets according to a design by a local designer. The egg reaches 9 meters and weighs about 2.5 tons.

In 2022, Easter falls on May 2. This is the most fertile time when everything in nature blooms and rejoices. In the southern regions of our country, tulips are in full bloom and lilacs are blooming. This makes the holiday even brighter and richer. The awakening of nature from winter sleep fully corresponds to the very meaning of the holiday - the revival and renewal of all living things.

Easter procession in the city today


On Saturday, churches begin to consecrate Easter cakes, Easter cottage cheese, painted eggs and more. Easter cake is a homemade version of artos - a cylindrical bread made from butter dough. It is baked with raisins, candied fruits, dried fruits, nuts, chocolate and more. The blessed Easter cake during the Easter meal, just like artos, symbolizes for believers the presence of the Lord next to them.

Easter is made from cottage cheese in the shape of a truncated pyramid - by analogy with the tomb in which the body of Jesus lay. At the top of the Easter there should be the letters “ХВ”, meaning the greeting “Christ is Risen”, on the sides there should be images of a cross, a spear, flowers and other things, symbolizing the suffering and resurrection of the Lord.

The custom of painting eggs was widespread among the Eastern Slavs even before the birth of Christianity and is associated with spring pagan cults. The Christian tradition has put a new meaning into this: the Easter egg is a symbol of life, and the red color of the shell is the blood of Christ, shed for the salvation of people. Eggs painted in one color (“krashenki”) and painted with patterns (“pysanky”) are usually given as gifts to relatives and guests.

The tradition of blessing eggs at Easter is often associated with the parable of St. Mary Magdalene. Arriving in Rome, she presented Emperor Tiberius with a simple chicken egg. When asked what this gift meant, Mary replied that it symbolized the resurrection of Christ and the rebirth of humanity for eternal life. The emperor replied that he would believe in resurrection only if the white egg turned red. And right there, before the eyes of those present, it changed color.

According to Orthodox canons, on Easter you are not supposed to go to the cemetery and perform funeral services, since this day is considered a holiday of rebirth. The church advises visiting the graves of loved ones on the first Tuesday after Easter week, which is called Radonitsa.

Preparing for Easter

The Feast of the Resurrection of Christ is preceded by Lent. This is the time that believers should spend in prayer, repentance and various restrictions. The most important limitation is abstaining from unkind thoughts and actions, eradicating such vices as envy, slander, and ill will.

Lent lasts 7 weeks. It involves serious restrictions, including:

  1. Abstinence from fast food. These days, believers are not allowed to eat animal products, as well as some plant foods. Sunflower oil, for example, can be eaten only a few times during the entire fast.
  2. A ban is imposed on smoking and drinking alcohol. Only on major church holidays can you afford a little wine.
  3. Participation in entertainment events is prohibited. Dancing, going to the cinema, weddings and parties are inappropriate during Lent.
  4. Intimate life is also prohibited, even for married spouses. In the old days, the church did not baptize children conceived during Lent.
  5. Foul language, bad thoughts, quarrels.
  6. Envy, resentment, lies and other negative manifestations are considered a special sin during Lent.

Lent for believers is an opportunity to join in the great sacrifice that Jesus Christ made, accepting torment and terrible death for the entire human race.

Everything is ready for the blessing of products for the Easter table

What to do for Easter: traditions and modernity

So, for the holiday, or rather, on the eve of Easter Sunday, almost everyone paints eggs and buys Easter cakes. Of course, you can bake the baked goods yourself - after all, preparing for the holiday is also the holiday itself.

What else do they do for Easter? Whatever date this resurrection falls, people will come into contact with many ancient traditions. Here are the most famous of them.

Lighting eggs and Easter cake

Of course, on such a day, believers strive to get to church and attend the all-night service, which takes place on the night from Saturday to Sunday. And even if this was not possible, they come to the temple to bless the eggs and Easter cake.

The tradition of consecration allows a person to tune in to the bright waves of the holiday. It is no secret that a special atmosphere develops in a gathering of believers, which can hardly be felt at home or even while watching a service broadcast on TV.

That is why you should definitely visit the temple on such a day. And it wouldn’t be superfluous to do a favor by treating those in need with eggs and Easter cakes.


Well, at home the holiday continues - moreover, here it is in full swing. In the morning you need to try to get up early, because the Savior rose in the morning. And the rising sun itself symbolizes the beginning of the celebration.

According to tradition, all those celebrating take Easter eggs and bow to Christ - i.e. They push eggs against each other and break the shell from either end - sharp or blunt. After this, you need to kiss the cheeks three times and say the well-known words:

"Christ is risen!"

“Truly risen!”

If you follow the church canon, the phrase will sound slightly different, which does not change its meaning at all:

Traditionally, people go to visit, treat Easter dishes to relatives, friends, neighbors and just everyone who is dear to their hearts. In this sense, it is very good that Easter is always celebrated on Sunday. We have the opportunity to remember and visit everyone who may have been waiting for our attention for a long time.

Other folk customs for Easter

Easter cake and eggs are the main symbols of the holiday, therefore Easter traditions are mainly associated with them:

  1. After visiting the church, you can buy several candles and decorate the Easter cake with them. Traditionally, one candle is placed in one pasochka, after which the fire is lit so that it brings joy to everyone in the house.
  2. You can arrange a pleasant holiday for everyone at home - and of course, don’t forget about the kids. For example, let them look for colored eggs that will be previously hidden in different places in the house. Have a fun search together.
  3. You can also organize “rolling games” - whose egg will roll the farthest.
  4. Traditionally, the house is decorated with greenery and emerging tree branches. In general, it is permissible to use all symbols that represent rebirth and good changes.

Festive table for Easter

Along with the question of when Easter will be in 2022, people are often interested in what dishes will be right to put on the table. After all, the festive menu serves as a kind of culinary portrait of the celebration and allows you to enjoy the moment to the fullest.

In addition, with the onset of the holiday, Lent ends, which imposes the most stringent requirements for restrictions on food and drinks. And after such a long ordeal, the joy of the holiday only intensifies.

Traditionally, along with Easter cake, there are other baked goods on the table, as well as meat dishes:

  • boiled pork;
  • baked veal;
  • wild duck stewed in sour cream;
  • all kinds of pies, kulebyaki, sweet baked goods.

As for the holiday drink, red wine is rightfully considered to be it. It is preferable to prepare in advance and purchase a church horse. It’s even more interesting if you make red wine yourself. It can be prepared almost a year in advance, but the wait only enhances the pleasure.

Celebrating Easter - rituals and traditions

Easter celebrations begin at midnight. The arrival of the holiday is announced by the most important clergyman in Russia - the Patriarch. He usually conducts the Easter service. At 12 o'clock at night he says “Christ is Risen!” With these words, believers will greet each other all Easter days, right up to the Feast of the Ascension. The answer to these words is the phrase “He is risen indeed.”

Saying the Easter greeting, believers kiss three times, congratulating each other on the great holiday.

After the service, believers go home to break their fast. This term refers to eating foods that were prohibited during fasting. Traditionally, these are colored eggs, lard, Easter cakes and Easter.

THIS IS INTERESTING. The smallest Easter eggs are miniatures made by Omsk master Anatoly Konenko. He, following the example of the famous left-hander, made eggs only 3 mm in size. They fit completely inside a pine nut shell.

One of the main attributes of the holiday is the exchange of painted eggs. On Easter, it is customary to visit each other, give gifts, and exchange treats.

Cottage cheese Easter, rich Easter cakes and eggs are the main attributes of the holiday

Ancient Easter customs and signs in Rus'

The rituals of celebrating the Resurrection of Christ in our country are rooted in ancient pagan traditions. Before the adoption of Christianity, the Slavs celebrated a spring holiday dedicated to the goddess Zora, which marked the awakening of nature. Butter cakes and curd paskas (Easter) remind of the honor that a loaf of bread has long enjoyed. During the night Easter service, delicacies were blessed. Returning home from the temple, the believers walked around the herds and touched each animal with the blessed paska. According to legend, this protected the cattle, made them healthy and fat.

Kulich was baked in a Russian oven. The shape for it was the size of a bucket. The decoration was snow-white glaze, which covered the top, multi-colored millet, and chopped nuts.

It was not customary to eat the whole Easter cake. Several slices were cut from it, which were carefully stored until the Ascension of the Lord. The consecrated baked goods were credited with healing properties.

The peasants also believed in the magical power of colored and blessed eggs. There was a belief that they save a house in case of fire, help find lost cattle, and drive away evil spirits.

To break the fast, tables were set, on which in wealthy houses there were 48 types of treats - according to the number of days of Great Lent. Before starting the meal, candles were lit and prayers were read. The holiday dinner always started with colored eggs. On Bright Week it was customary to give alms and help poor families, orphans, and the elderly. The gentlemen congratulated and treated the servants, gave them Easter cakes, Easter cakes, and eggs. These days, the boundaries between classes were partially erased.

The Russian people associated various signs and beliefs with Easter:

  • water drawn from a well on Bright Sunday cleanses the house of sins, bad thoughts, and slander;
  • girls of marriageable age will soon get married if they whisper during the Easter service: “Resurrection of Christ, send me a single groom!”;
  • if you roll the first egg laid by a chicken on a holy day around the corners of the yard, any evil spirits will disappear;
  • Good luck and health await babies born on the festive Week.

Easter treats

For Easter there are three main dishes that are on every table:

  1. Painted eggs. Eggs are painted both the old fashioned way, using onion skins, and using modern technologies - with the addition of mother-of-pearl, patterns and holiday stickers.
  2. Easter. This is a sweet dish made from cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, butter and vanilla.
  3. Easter cakes. Easter cakes are rich holiday pastries with raisins, dried apricots, almonds, decorated with whipped egg whites and sugar. Traditionally, the letters “ХВ” are placed on the top of the Easter cake, which means “Christ is Risen.”

It is customary to prepare all these treats in advance, even in the last week of Lent. Festive food is being prepared on Maundy Thursday. And during the Saturday service, on the eve of Easter, all prepared treats are blessed in the church. In addition to Easter cakes and eggs, lard, boiled pork, apples and other products are brought to the blessing.

Easter in Russia is considered one of the main holidays. Many believers are in favor of making it a public holiday, like in pre-revolutionary Russia.

All about the symbols of the holiday - colored eggs and Easter cake

Of course, the immutable symbols of the holiday are colored eggs and Easter cake. And it seems that everything is known about these two traditions. But this simplicity lies only on the surface, and in general we should not forget that the amazing is nearby.

Why are eggs painted for Easter?

Indeed, why will we be dyeing eggs again for Easter in 2022?

The most common legend says that when Mary Magdalene learned that Christ had risen from the dead, she hastened to tell the whole area about it. And of course, she went to the Roman Emperor Tiberius, who in those years ruled the occupied territories of Israel.

Of course, her preaching about the resurrection was not taken seriously. Therefore, when Mary said to Tiberius: “Christ is risen!”, he took an ordinary chicken egg and answered: “The dead do not rise, just as eggs do not turn red.” And at the same moment, the egg in his hand turned bright red, which probably left the ruler speechless for some time. However, he did not deny the obvious and said: “Truly he is risen!”

Interestingly, this story also has its own symbolism. Essentially, it shows society's attitude towards miracles. Some are ready to wholeheartedly believe that they happen. And even without evidence. Other people, who are often called rational, pragmatic (and more recently they were more often called materialists), require an objective basis for any statement.

It is noteworthy that neither Mary Magdalene nor Tiberius enter into the discussion. And the higher power itself shows the incredulous emperor that miracles do happen.

And even if we know everything about life and a little more, this does not mean that we can do without faith. After all, it is precisely this that is a kind of prototype of a positive future, aspiration forward, a certain project of our destiny. By the way, the word project itself is translated as “forward-looking.”


Since the egg is painted in bright red shades, it is necessary that this color be one of the predominant colors on the Easter table. Of course, the harmony of the palette and taste preferences of the owners are respected, but red eggs must certainly be present as a symbol of the holiday.

Why Easter must have colored eggs

Along with the story of Marina Magdalene and Emperor Tiberius, there are several more assumptions why colored eggs should certainly be present at Easter:

  1. First of all, the egg is considered a symbol of the Universe, a symbol of life itself. This is one of the cultural archetypes along with the image of water, fire and other iconic symbols. The egg seems to stand above all religions, nationalities and cultures. And this privileged position is recognized by almost everyone. If you think about it, an egg is not what gives life. This is life itself. This small prototype of an organism contains everything necessary for the emergence of a new living being. In appearance, it is no different from a pebble or other inanimate object. But under the shell, various processes intensively occur, thanks to which procreation occurs. Using the achievements of modern science, we can see everything with our own eyes, as if the shell did not exist. But ancient people had to comprehend the world mostly through their faith. What did not stop them from living, rejoicing and loving.
  2. The image of an egg was considered sacred by the Egyptians, Persians and Romans. Interestingly, the Romans ate a baked egg before any festive meal. It was believed that this was a good symbol of a successful undertaking of any business. By the way, these peoples always celebrated the coming of spring. And boiled eggs were always present on the table as an image of the revival of nature and good changes.
  3. Interestingly, on the birthday of another Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius, which happened 2 centuries after the resurrection of Christ, a chicken laid an egg with red specks, and this was considered a lucky sign. Since then, it was customary for the Romans to send colored eggs to each other on the occasion of any holiday.
  4. And another version is particularly original. It is believed that the stone that blocked the entrance to the Holy Sepulcher resembled the shape of an egg.

It can be noted that none of the versions contradicts the other. Therefore, they all equally have the right to exist. Moreover, different assumptions only complement each other.

It is natural to imagine that people of ancient times also exchanged their cultural experiences, just like modern society. And although for obvious reasons the traditions spread more slowly then, they were still preserved and even survived to this day.

Thus, the custom of dyeing eggs lives on as long as Christianity exists. Eras passed, entire states and peoples disappeared, but the memory of the bright resurrection lived and lives among a huge number of people.

It turns out that everyone who paints eggs comes into contact with ancient history, which dates back at least 20 centuries. If you think about it for just a second, you can immediately feel the atmosphere of a real holiday. And these bright thoughts will certainly put anyone who wants to get into the Easter spirit into a positive mood.

What does the Orthodox Easter cake symbolize?

When we wonder what date Easter will be in 2022, we certainly remember not only the date of the bright holiday itself, but also about Easter cake. Delicious, aromatic pastries, a symbol of the holiday, which, if the correct recipe is followed, can last in the house for at least the entire Bright Week (the week after Easter Sunday).

There are several dozen varieties of this holiday dish. Traditionally it is baked from a dough based on milk, butter and chicken eggs.

It is customary to decorate Easter cake with sprinkles, pieces of fruit or berries, glaze - in a word, in this creative matter, every cook can give complete freedom to his imagination.

Why did the tradition of baking Easter cakes begin? Unlike eggs, there is no exact answer to this question.

However, what is certain is that this tradition is ancient. She has been living since time immemorial. As you know, Christ himself broke bread and poured wine during the Last Supper exactly three days before his resurrection.

Any type of bread has sacred significance for all peoples of the earth. Even today, when hunger in many countries has been completely defeated, it is considered bad manners to play with pieces of bread, throw them away, or speak unflatteringly about this truly national product without exaggeration.

In this sense, Easter cake can be considered as a symbol of fertility, satiety, and prosperity in the home. And given the tradition of breaking bread, which was established during the Last Supper, we can say that bread is a symbol of the body of Christ.

Therefore, baking and eating Easter cake is another opportunity to get in touch with the holiday and feel the magical atmosphere that reigns annually throughout the planet for 2 thousand years.

But here is the information, as they say, first hand. Hieromonk Job Gumerov answers the question of why the tradition of preparing Easter cake appeared.

Holy Week

The last week before Easter is considered Holy. This week is also called Holy Week.

However, it is worth remembering that Holy Week at different times had many other names - Red, Red, Great, Holy Week.

It is Holy Week that is considered the time preceding the crucifixion of Christ. This is a week of active preparation for the holiday of Holy Easter. Housewives begin to decorate their homes with original decor, get the most interesting recipes for dishes and, of course, actively bake Easter cakes.

Each of the seven days of the week before Easter is of particular importance for believers. On each of these days, certain traditions were observed in Rus'.

First of all, it is worth noting that you must continue to fast throughout Holy Week. This means not eating meat, fish or dairy products. Eggs and butter are also included in the food ban.

In addition, any kind of recreational activity is prohibited during Holy Week. This week you should not sing, dance, it is best to attend church services. This way you cleanse your soul as much as possible before the onset of Easter.

Remember that the last week before the holiday is the most important period.

To celebrate Easter with dignity, you need to avoid committing bad deeds and prevent the emergence of negative thoughts and desires. Try to control yourself so as not to even think about something bad. Envy, indifference, anger and vanity - all these feelings can corrode our soul, thereby bringing us great harm.

As mentioned above, it is advisable to avoid noisy entertainment events. Avoid parties and holidays, as well as laughing too loudly. It should be remembered that Holy Week is a period of great tribulation.

Palm Sunday

Let's start with Palm Sunday.

Surely, all believers know that Palm Sunday is considered the moment of Jesus Christ’s entry into the city of Jerusalem.

This day is celebrated exactly a week before Easter. Therefore, as for Easter, the date of Palm Sunday will be different every year.

On this day, it is customary for believers to bring into the house the symbol of this holiday - willow branches. They became the main attribute of Palm Sunday.

While attending a church service, willow branches are blessed, after which they are taken into the house and also given to relatives and friends. Blessed willow branches replace the palm branches with which the crowd greeted Christ's entry into Jerusalem on the eve of his crucifixion.

According to the biblical story, Jesus rode into the city on a donkey and was met there by people holding palm branches (in those days they were associated with healing).

It should be noted that this day is very important for Catholics.

They have such a holiday called Palm Sunday. As mentioned above, in the Orthodox religion the palm tree was replaced by the willow. However, that same ancient symbolism has been preserved. Indeed, in our culture, it is this willow that is credited with healing properties and magical powers.

Believers know that the consecrated willow has special magic: it protects the home from various natural disasters, for example, fires and floods, and protects all family members from illnesses and various troubles.

However, of course, the branch itself will not work. It is also important to remember a number of rules that must be followed.

Folk signs for Easter

  • As with most religious holidays, there are several signs associated with Easter.
  • If it rains on Easter, then according to popular belief, the whole spring will be rainy.
  • A cloudy sky without rain on a bright holiday promises a cold summer.
  • If there is heavy rain on Easter, then the year will be fruitful for various herbs.
  • A thunderstorm on Easter foreshadows a warm late autumn.
  • And if there were no thunderstorms throughout Easter week, then autumn will be cold and rainy.
  • If all the snow melts by Easter, it means the year will be fruitful.
  • If it snows on Easter, the year will be very successful.
  • Clear weather means a rainy summer and a rich harvest.
  • The sky is covered with clouds - you should expect a cold summer.

On Easter Day you cannot sew, knit, clean, use foul language or swear. We need to glorify the name of Christ and have fun.

What to do on Palm Sunday

But in order to forget about headaches forever, there is a wonderful remedy that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers resorted to: you need to comb your hair, then immerse 2-3 hairs or the comb itself in water.

On a holiday, the willow should be watered with this water. At the same time, do not forget to pronounce the following magic words: “Water, pour on the ground along with the headache.”

So, as already mentioned, the main event on Palm Sunday is the blessing of willow branches.

Then, after the morning church service, the branches are brought into the house so that they protect your home, as well as all household members, from various potential troubles and possible dangers.

There is another very interesting tradition: you need to lightly hit each other with blessed branches and at the same time pronounce the phrase out loud: “I’m not hitting, it’s the willow that’s hitting!” The willow whips - it hits you to tears!”

It is believed that if a twig touches you, it will certainly protect you from damage and the evil eye.

Even the buds of consecrated willow have a special healing effect. Since ancient times, kidneys have found excellent use in folk medicine.

According to traditional healers, willow buds help increase male potency. They also treat female infertility and also promote rapid pregnancy.

A child was also bathed in the decoction if he showed signs of illness, and sick pets were treated with the same decoction.

This is a remedy that is widely used in modern medicine.

So, it is recommended to spend Palm Sunday with your family. Believers bless willow twigs. Custom requires that the branches be picked early that day before the sun rises.

As for the dishes on the festive table, you need to remember that now is the time of Lent, and, based on this, it is worth considering the menu.

But on Palm Sunday, you can still make an exception to the rules and introduce fish dishes, and also allow yourself to drink a little red wine.

In addition, on this day it is possible and even recommended to replant home flowers. If you believe folk omens, a houseplant transplanted on Palm Sunday will grow and bloom, and household members will soon experience financial well-being.

But if the plant dries out and its leaves fall off, financial difficulties are most likely just around the corner.

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