Exaltation of the Holy Cross in 2022: history and meaning of the holiday


According to legend, in 326, the mother of Emperor Constantine Helena went to Jerusalem in search of Christian shrines (one could say that the queen became the founder of biblical archeology). This is how the Cross was found, as well as the Holy Sepulcher (the cave where Christ was buried and resurrected on the third day).

Excavations were carried out at Golgotha, where Christ was crucified. Three crosses, several nails and a board with the inscription “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” were discovered underground. True, the board lay separately, and it was impossible to understand which of the three crosses was the Lord’s. According to legend, the crosses were applied to the sick person one by one, and after touching that same Cross, he was healed. And when the funeral procession passed by Golgotha, crosses were applied to the deceased, and from the touch of one of the crosses he was resurrected.

The Patriarch of Jerusalem Macarius raised (or, in other words, “erected”) the Cross so that all those present could see the acquired shrine - this was the beginning of the holiday of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

Congratulations to loved ones

What to say to your family on the important holiday of the Exaltation

And Emperor Constantine, inspired by his mother’s findings, ordered the construction of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ (also known as the Church of the Holy Sepulcher) in Jerusalem. Construction was completed only in 335. Queen Helena did not live to see this event.

On September 13, 335, the temple was consecrated, and on September 14 (27 - according to the new style) it was decided to establish the celebration of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Many bishops from all over the Roman Empire gathered for the consecration of the temple. Thanks to them, the tradition of celebrating the Exaltation of the Cross spread throughout the Christian world.

What do they ask for and what does the image help with?

A passionate prayer addressed to the icon gives miraculous relief from pain and illness, drives away incurable diseases, and gives hope to the suffering. They pray to the Cross of the Savior, its image and miraculous power. They ask for peace, strengthening, healing of wounds, recovery after difficult operations. The icon helps with toothaches, joint inflammation, and chronic migraines.

Cure from infertility

Pure, sincere prayer raised to the holy image, icon, helps women conceive a child. Even if all doctors vying with each other declare their infertility. It doesn’t matter how the person praying addresses the icon - out loud or mentally. The main thing is that it is from the heart.

Assistance during childbirth

Usually, women in labor and their relatives (mothers) traditionally offer a prayer to the Mother of God, her image on the icon. She is the protector of all women, the Mother of God. Turning to the icon of the Life-Giving Cross can be no less effective. If prayer is offered on the memorable date of the Exaltation, then strict fasting is required for all Orthodox Christians: eggs, meat, fish, animal products, and dairy products are prohibited.

Healing various diseases

The list of ailments that can be gotten rid of by praying to the icon, the Cross, is surprisingly wide. This includes both physical and mental illnesses. In general, according to pastors, any sincere prayer, regardless of who it is addressed to, works miracles. The main thing is to believe in the power of the word and turn all passion into prayer, an appeal to the holy symbol.

As an example of healing, believers cite the following case: one day, one man, who did not believe in God and miracles, had very severely inflamed gums. The pain tormented him all day long, preventing him from sleeping, eating, and simply working. On the advice of his friends, he took some oil from the lamp that stood near the icon, anointed the sore spot and turned to the image with prayer. Everything passed as if it never happened. The man believed in the power of the icon, and the next day he prayed passionately and gratefully, kneeling before it.

Giving peace of mind and balance

With the power of the word, Christ healed the mentally ill and the demoniac. The Cross of the Lord, its image, is endowed with the same power. You can pray for peace of mind both for those who are suffering and for their loved ones. In troubled times, pure, frank prayer addressed to the Cross gives peace of mind, drives away fears and uncertainty.

The fate of the Life-Giving Cross

On the day of the Exaltation of the Cross, Orthodox Christians remember another historical event. The fact is that in 614 the Life-Giving Cross was stolen by the Persians who captured Jerusalem. It was possible to return it only 14 years later. Emperor Heraclius defeated the Persians in 628 and returned the Cross of Christ to Jerusalem.

But the further fate of the Cross is little known. Most likely, it was divided into many parts and transported all over the world, which is why today there are pieces of the Life-Giving Cross in many Orthodox churches.

Folk signs

What you can and cannot do on Exaltation

Text of the prayer before the image

Typically, believers read one of the two texts below:

“Be the Honest Cross, guardian of soul and body: in your image, casting down demons, driving away enemies, exercising passions and giving us reverence, life, and strength, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and the honest prayers of the Most Pure Mother of God. Amen".

“O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! In ancient times you were a shameful instrument of execution, but now you are a sign of our salvation, ever revered and glorified! How worthily can I, the unworthy, sing to You and how dare I bend the knees of my heart before my Redeemer, confessing my sins! But the mercy and ineffable love for mankind of the humble Boldness crucified upon you gives me, so that I may open my mouth to glorify You; For this reason I cry out to You: Rejoice, Cross, the Church of Christ is the beauty and foundation, the whole universe is the affirmation, all Christians are the hope, kings are the power, the faithful are refuge, Angels are glory and praise, demons are fear, destruction and driving away, the wicked and infidels - shame, the righteous - delight, the burdened - weakness, the overwhelmed - refuge, the lost - a mentor, those possessed by passions - repentance, the poor - enrichment, those floating - a helmsman, the weak - strength, in battle - victory and conquest, the orphans - faithful protection, widows - intercessor, virgins - protection of chastity, hopeless - hope, sick - a doctor and the dead - resurrection! You, typified by the miraculous rod of Moses, are a life-giving source, watering those thirsty for spiritual life and delighting our sorrows; You are the bed on which the Risen Conqueror of Hell rested royally for three days. For this reason, morning, evening, and noon, I glorify Thee, blessed Tree, and I pray by the will of the One who has been crucified on Thee, may He enlighten and strengthen my mind with You, may He open in my heart a source of more perfect love, and may all my deeds and paths be overshadowed by You. May I take out and magnify Him who is Nailed to You, for my sin, the Lord my Savior. Amen".

Rituals of the Eastern Slavs on this ethnic-religious holiday

From this very day, our ancestors began chopping cabbage. They say that this ritual lasts for two whole weeks.

In order to save their home from dark forces and various troubles, people painted crosses over the doors; it was a bright sign that would not allow dark forces into your home. Also, our ancestors not only defended their homes, but also expressed words of gratitude to the Lord for his protection. The fields from which the harvest was harvested must be walked around with a sacred image in hand, raising a request to the Lord to send daily bread for the next year. Sometimes people made a religious procession around an entire village so that the Messiah would help protect it from adversity and various troubles.

Liturgical features

A distinctive feature of the festive service is that the priest brings the Cross from the altar into the church so that people can venerate it. This is done at Small Vespers, and if it is not served, as happens in some churches, then the removal takes place before Great Vespers. The cross is decorated with fresh flowers. During the singing of the doxology and troparion, the shrine is worshiped.

The priest brings the Cross from the altar into the temple

The antiphons are changed to festive ones, the Trisagion hymn is not sung. At the end of the liturgy, all priests go to the temple to worship and bow to the ground along with the parishioners. The Exaltation of the Cross is the only twelfth holiday during the celebration of which bows to the ground are required. The cross is not taken to the altar and is left in the church until it is given away on October 4.

The full rite of raising the Cross is carried out in most cases only in cathedral churches.

What you can do on Exaltation on September 27

  • It is believed that on this day the forces of good and evil enter into a fierce struggle, therefore the symbol of the holiday is a cross, which will help drive out the dark forces. Christians wear a cross on this day and attend church.
  • On the night of September 26-27, believers went to the temple for an all-night vigil.
  • The cross on this day is endowed with special powers. Church candles were used to baptize the corners of the house while reciting the “Our Father” prayer. Crosses were drawn with chalk on doors and in corners. Homemade crosses were placed in pens to protect livestock. A cross drawn on this day will protect the house from all troubles.
  • A gold or silver cross purchased for the Exaltation will protect its bearer, even if he forgets it at home.
  • They finished work in the fields and protected the plants from frost.
  • On September 27, people were busy harvesting cabbage in the garden and making preparations for the winter from it. Often this happened together at cabbage parties, which were accompanied by jokes and pleasant conversations. It was salted and pickled. It is on this day that it turns out to be the most delicious and healthy.

In the evening, the girls invited the boys. They played together, danced in circles and looked closely at each other. By the way, it was from such gatherings that the word “cabbage show” came from, which is usually used to describe theatrical productions in schools.

Folk signs for the Exaltation on September 27

Our ancestors said that this day is associated with the end of Indian summer. People welcomed the real autumn and began preparations for the winter period. This celebration received another name “Shift”, which means that autumn is beginning to shift.

  • If it was cold that day, it will be winter.
  • How many birds I saw in the sky today - so many warm days there will be this year.
  • The north wind has blown - expect a warm summer next year.
  • Frosts came on this sacred date - expect early winter.
  • Yesterday it was warm, but today it suddenly became cold, early spring is coming.
  • It’s warm on this day—exactly the same weather will happen right up to Intercession.
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