Panteleimon Memorial Day - life, date of holiday, prayer

Panteleimon Memorial Day

Throughout the Christian world, the memorial day of Panteleimon is honored, the date of which falls on July 27 according to the old style (August 9 according to the new style).

The more we are exterminated, the more we increase in number. The blood of martyrs turns into the seeds of the Church (Tertullian, early Christian writer and theologian, 2nd-3rd century).

Procession on the day of memory of the healer Panteleimon (Moscow region)

Traditions and rituals

On August 9, on the day of remembrance of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, it was forbidden to carry out any work in the field. It was believed that a thunderstorm could strike and burn the crops. Housewives dedicated this day to household chores:

  • On this day we went to church and blessed the ears of corn collected from the field. In the house they were placed in the most honorable place, among the icons. It was believed that they would not allow the intruder to enter the threshold: he would go around the house;
  • This day is intended for healers to collect medicinal herbs; they have special power on this day;
  • They baked pies and pies stuffed with cabbage and treated them to neighbors and passers-by;
  • They picked up knitting, embroidery, sewing;
  • On paliya, as the people called the saint, they picked the first head of cabbage that had grown;
  • On this day, cabbage was considered endowed with healing powers; cabbage soup was prepared for patients experiencing abdominal cramps; now this dish is known as green cabbage soup;
  • Women, wanting to get pregnant, applied a cabbage leaf to their stomach and asked the Healer to give them the opportunity to have children.

The name of the Pali holiday is associated with natural phenomena that are frequent at this time. Thunderstorms and lightning caused fields with ripening crops to burn with fire. The scorched forests and fields gave rise to the name Paliy for this day.

The Life of the Holy Healer Panteleimon

Saint Panteleimon was from the city of Nicomedia (now the territory of Turkey). At birth (275) he was named Pantoleon, translated from Greek as “lion in everything.” Pantoleon's mother was a Christian and tried to raise her son in her faith. However, she died early, and the boy was given to the pagan Euphrosynus to study medicine.

Pantoleon met Presbyter Ermolai, who began to enlighten him with the true faith. One day Pantoleon saw a boy who had died from a snake bite. The young man turned to Jesus Christ with prayer and the child came to life. After this, Pantoleon believed in the true God. Then he was baptized with the name Panteleimon (translated from Greek as “All-Merciful”).

The saint decided to provide assistance in treating the sick free of charge. He treated not only with medicines, but also by turning to God in prayer.

However, he was soon reported to Emperor Maximilian (about 250 - 310), who suggested that the doctor make a sacrifice to the pagan gods. To which Panteleimon asked to invite one patient to compare the healing power of the pagan priest and him. After a futile attempt by the priest, through Panteleimon’s prayer to the true God, the patient received healing. This miracle contributed to the conversion of many to Christianity. The emperor ordered Panteleimon to be captured and put to death.

However, the saint remained alive, despite various torments. He was drowned in the sea and thrown to hungry lions. They threw into burning tin, burned with candles and tore apart with iron claws. As a result, they tied Panteleimon to a dry tree and tried to behead him. But the sword did not harm the saint’s body.

Only after the prayer to the Lord of the martyr Panteleimon were the soldiers able to carry out the order of the emperor. According to legend, milk flowed from the saint’s wound along with blood, and the dry tree blossomed and bore fruit. Panteleimon's body was thrown into the fire, but it remained unharmed. Christians buried him. The blood was collected in special vessels.

Name tree

The tree named Panteleimon is maple. It symbolizes peace, love, a sense of self-confidence and harmony. Maple collects vital energy and gives it to people who come into contact with it. It calms, gives endurance and prudence, which is important for emotional people who cannot control themselves. The tree also gives strength to complete the work started to the end.

Veneration of Saint Panteleimon

Currently, the head of the holy great martyr is the main shrine of the Russian Athos Monastery in the name of St. Panteleimon. Many churches around the world keep particles of the relics of the great martyr.

Every year, Panteleimon’s memorial day in his hometown is preceded by a solemn religious procession. People of various faiths gather for this holiday. In a special book of the Nicomedia Metropolis, more than two thousand facts of healing through the prayers of the Great Martyr Panteleimon are recorded.

In Rus', the beginning of widespread veneration of the holy healer dates back to the 12th century. In honor of the great martyr, churches and chapels were built, monasteries were opened. Interesting are the testimonies about the victories of the Russian fleet under the leadership of Peter I over the Swedes on the day of memory of St. Panteleimon. This happened in 1714 near Gangauze (Finland) and in 1720 in Guingamp (Aland Islands).

On Mount Athos, in the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery, on the eve of the day of remembrance of the great martyr, an evening service is held with the reading of a special canon to the saint.

Since 1616, a glass vial containing the blood of St. Panteleimon has been kept in the Monastery of the Incarnation of the Lord in Madrid (Spain). Every year on the day of his memory, the blood of the great martyr changes from a solid state to liquid. This miracle did not happen only during the First World War (1914 - 1918). And also during the Spanish Civil War in 1936. Every year, believers come to Madrid to venerate the shrine. Since 1993, it has been prohibited to kiss it; the miracle can only be seen through television cameras.

Love for the healer Panteleimon continues unabated even today. So, in 2013, on the day of his memory, a five-meter bronze monument to the great martyr was erected in the city of Bataysk (Rostov region).


The name Panteleimon is soft and energetic. This mobility negatively affects the concentration of the owner and does not imply the presence of perseverance and firmness. A wide range of interests and inconstancy lead to the fact that he is lost and completely does not understand what he really wants. There are so many thoughts in his head that Panteley doesn’t know what to tackle first. This state of affairs forces him to simply go with the flow.

Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon: what helps

Saint John Chrysostom (about 347 - 407) said:

“A good shepherd not only drives away wolves, but also treats sick sheep with all care, for what is the benefit if the sheep, although they avoid the graze of animals, are destroyed by disease.”

These words can be attributed to the free healer Panteleimon, who with his life (and even death) led people to the true faith and healed the sick. The holy saint of God helps believers who turn to him for help in curing their bodily illnesses. Doctors consider him their heavenly patron.

Name color

The lucky color of the name Panteleimon is crimson. It gives emotionality and psychological instability. Typically, “raspberry” ones are creative individuals who are looking for themselves in different styles and directions. It is difficult for those around them to understand them. On the one hand, “crimson” people do not like to be alone, but it is also quite difficult for them to get along with someone, it’s all due to their temper and vulnerability. Such people depend on their mood: today they can pour out interesting ideas, and tomorrow they can fall into deep depression.

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon

Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and much-merciful physician, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me.

Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all, visit me with a gracious visit, do not disdain my sinful wounds, anoint me with the oil of your mercy and heal me; Yes, healthy in soul and body, I will be able to spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing God and will be worthy to receive a good end to my life. Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant me health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen.

Numerological meaning of the name

The numerological value of the name Panteleimon is “8”. Eights are purposeful and restless people. They do not know how to be content with little and are in constant pursuit of the best. People born under the influence of an 8 make plans and implement them, but lose their composure when things don't go as they imagined.

“Eights” can lead people, are not afraid of sudden changes in life, and in general, it is difficult to scare them with anything. They easily find a common language with others, but do not let others get too close. In love, they strive for stability, even if there is no passion or special love in the relationship.


We magnify you, passion-bearing saint, great martyr and healer Panteleimon, and honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.

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Tags: Panteleimon Memorial Day, Panteleimon Day, Panteleimon the Healer Day, St. Panteleimon Day, Panteleimon the Healer Memorial Day, Happy St. Panteleimon Day


Troparion, tone 3

Passion-bearing saint and healer Panteleimon,/ pray to the Merciful God,/ may forgiveness of sins// be granted to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 5

This imitator of the Merciful/ and healing grace from Him is received,/ passion-bearer and martyr of Christ God,/ with your prayers of soul healed our ailments,/ drove away the ever-wrestling temptations from those who cry out Thank you, Lord.


We magnify you, / passion-bearing saint, great martyr and healer Panteleimon, / and honor your honest suffering, / which you endured for Christ.


In his youth, the meaning of the name Panteleimon gives him the ability to look at what is happening with optimism, sociability, gentleness and kindness, for which his friends value him very much. They always turn to him for advice and help. The guy remains at ease when communicating with girls, however, he does not strive to show his feelings in any way, so the chosen one may not even know about his love.

Grown man

Panteleimon grows into a decent, responsible man who always strives to be the best in everything. Excessive seriousness makes him sensitive to failures and experience severe depression. He is reliable, knows how to understand others, has compassion and shows empathy. A good character saves him from resentment, but a man still constantly worries if quarrels arise in his environment. Frivolous people openly irritate him, although secretly Panteleimon feels a sense of envy at how easy everything is for them. Communication with him does not cause discomfort, he is always ready to listen and help, which is what girls like.

Name meaning by letter

Let's look at the name Panteleimon letter by letter and find out their meaning in character:

  • “P” - a large number of ideas in the head, the desire to look good, the desire to defend one’s opinion if necessary.
  • “A” is the desire for creation, emotional and physical comfort.
  • “N” - hard work, rebellion, the desire to get the best from what is available.
  • “T” - intuitiveness, sensitivity, creativity, desire for truth and justice.
  • “E” - extrasensory abilities, sociability, the need for self-expression and the exchange of new ideas.
  • “L” is the desire to understand one’s purpose, artistic taste, understanding of beauty and the desire to share emotions and sensations with one’s partner.
  • “Y” is sensitivity and kindness hiding behind a mask of pragmatism.
  • “M” is the desire to provide help, support and care.
  • “O” is sensuality, the ability to handle material wealth and finances; for greater realization, people with the letter “O” in their name need to understand their purpose.

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