Answers No. 2. How to get rid of possessed demons and love spells.

Who are demons? How do they get into the human body and soul?

This is the name given to the angels who rejected the Lord in ancient times.
They, led by Lucifer (once the chief angel, but now Satan), fell from heaven. However, in the absence of sufficient strength to harm God, to take revenge on him, demons cause harm to his creation - man. For this reason, all kinds of evil spirits annoy people. But it belongs to the world of spirits, and therefore remains invisible to the human eye. Fallen angels are the creation of the Lord, therefore they are to some extent subordinate to him, which contradicts the popular belief that demons independently decide who to harm and how to act. Spirits can enter the body and soul of a person under one condition - the Lord allowed this. However, there is an explanation for this terrifying discovery. Thus, evil force can help pass the tests given to the soul. If, in God’s opinion, this path of healing is the best, then for the time being a person will not be able to independently expel the raging settlers. This will happen when the time comes to end the suffering of the sufferer.

Reasons for moving in

An energy vampire can attach itself to a person for various reasons.

  • Accident. Sometimes the weakened energy field of the object is sufficient for the entity. Of course, creatures from the subtle world do not surround people everywhere. However, in some places meetings occur quite often. These are, for example, cemeteries, crime scenes or magical rites, morgues. Such places should be avoided if possible.
  • Intentionally induced negativity. A vampire can be set on an object by a strong magician. The goal of such vampirism is death from exhaustion or driving to suicide. In this case, it is not always possible to determine the presence of an entity from the outside based on its characteristic features. Sometimes the victim commits suicide completely unexpectedly for those around him, so quickly the vampire takes over her will.
  • Voluntary resettlement. Some practicing magicians, especially hereditary ones, agree to a mutually beneficial deal. They feed the vampire with their energy in exchange for help in magical matters. Often such symbionts serve the family from generation to generation and do not harm the owner.

What are they

In Christianity, a demon is an angel who was cast out of heaven for his deceit and pride. The supreme demon's name was Lucifer, he wished to gain the same power and strength as God. For his envy and arrogance, Lucifer and his intermediaries were tied to the earth, and they became what we call demons, demons and devils.

The demon is weaker than the demon, but smarter and more insidious than the devil. His appearance is very similar to the devil, but he is larger. The demon can take on completely different appearances, be invisible, and pass through closed doors.

In order to manifest itself in the physical world, an evil spirit needs a human body. An evil spirit can enter a person through:

  • Fright;
  • Weakening of energy;
  • By inheritance, if a person's ancestors were warlocks.

Prayer to the Honest Cross

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear, as wax melts from the face of fire, so demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and in joy say: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our drunken Lord Jesus Christ on you, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. Oh, most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever and ever. Amen.

This is interesting: Prayer to John of Kronstadt against drunkenness - we analyze all the nuances

Signs of the presence of an energy parasite

Cases of invasion by otherworldly creatures occur everywhere. In different countries, such parasites are called differently. However, the signs of the presence of malicious creatures are the same among the victims.

  • At first, the victim quickly gets tired and feels weak.
  • Indifference appears to what previously brought joy and pleasure.
  • The victim neglects home and work responsibilities and avoids communicating with family and friends.
  • The carrier of the parasite experiences sudden attacks of fear, causeless panic attacks.
  • The victim is haunted by intrusive negative thoughts, including thoughts of suicide or harming others. Often thoughts do not seem to belong to the person himself, they feel inspired from the outside.
  • A person begins to develop a characteristic unpleasant odor from the mouth and body.
  • Over time, the appearance of the parasite carrier deteriorates. A person becomes unkempt, his skin takes on an earthy tint, and his hair becomes dull.
  • The victim noticeably loses weight.

Forced cohabitation is always destructive for the object. Powerful vampires endanger not only the health and life of the person they capture, but also those around them. If the parasite is strong, the following dangerous signs may be observed:

  • the settler begins to dictate his will to the host, the victim hears voices and suffers from hallucinations;
  • the behavior of the carrier becomes inadequate, the person literally radiates negativity, becomes aggressive, and easily becomes angry;
  • The victim often experiences convulsions and epileptic seizures.

The sooner signs of an entity entering a person are noticed, the easier it will be to get rid of the vampire on your own. Even strong parasitic creatures can be expelled until they have properly attached themselves to their victim. The period of adaptation of a vampire to his “food” can last up to several months.

Protection from demons

How to protect yourself from demons and their influence?

Evil spirits are most attracted to sin and a person’s unwillingness to live with God. If we do not let God into our soul, then other forces will certainly occupy it. As described in the Gospel, if a demon, having once left a person, returns and finds his house swept out and unoccupied, then he takes other evil spirits with him and live in the person (Matthew 12:43-45)

Therefore, in the fight against demonic forces, it is important to devote as much time as possible to the fight against sinful passions, thoughts, and desires. Strive to live with God and abide in God, so that the soul is occupied by love and mercy, and not by evil and pride

According to some saints, demons are most afraid of the sign of the cross and prayer against evil spirits.

The Monk Paisiy Svyatogorets speaks on this topic:

Demons do not tolerate prayer and pronouncing the name of God. Therefore, in cases where evil spirits have entered a person and taken possession of his body and mind (the person has become possessed), prayer from demons is used as a last resort in the fight against demons. In other words - a lecture.

But as a preventive measure (as a necessary element of spiritual life), you need to regularly prepare for the sacraments of Confession and Communion, then demons will bypass you, because Christ Himself will protect you (consult your confessor or a priest you know).

How to protect yourself and loved ones

The weaker the energy of a person, the greater the chance that sooner or later an otherworldly creature may attach itself to it. To avoid this, you should strengthen your defenses.

For Orthodox Christians, the best way to protect themselves from hostile entities is to regularly visit church and read prayers for themselves and their families. Unbaptized babies are the least protected from parasites, so you should not take them out of the house or show them to strangers unless absolutely necessary.

Below are some of these prayers.

Psalm 90

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov

Special protective amulets are also effective. You can buy them in magic goods stores or make them yourself.

What demons look like

The Monk Paisius the Svyatogorets repeatedly encountered demons “directly” and had spiritual experience in fighting them. They prevented him from praying. And once, after an all-night vigil, they staged a real “concert” on the roof of his cell.

Therefore, when asked what evil spirits look like, the saint answered:

Indeed, evil spirits do not appear to worldly people in their real form. Most often they try to deceive people by pretending to be angels or saints. They even make a person feel something pleasant, vaguely similar to spiritual joy. This is how demons seduce people. They inspire a person that he has achieved a certain holiness since he can see angels and communicate with saints.

However, a humble person, according to St. Paisius the Holy Mountain, is able to distinguish demons from real angels, since

Exorcism ritual

Jesus Christ was also an exorcist.

A ritual that casts out demons and everything unclean with the help of sacred prayers is called Exorcism.

It appeared around the first centuries AD, when there was persecution of Christians. Many church ministers hid in the catacombs; adherents who suffered for the sake of their faith could perform miracles and cast out evil spirits.

In the beginning, only Jesus Christ could cast out evil spirits; later the apostles acquired such a gift. At the founding of the church, this gift passed to the priests

In the Middle Ages, the number of healers who could exorcise demons decreased significantly. The church servants repeatedly committed grave sins and were unable to help the possessed man, but were confident in their strength. They justified their failures by saying that the demon was very strong and additional rituals were needed.

Cruel rituals were performed on the unfortunate people, they were fumigated with disgusting odors, they were not given food and water, and their bodies were burned with hot metal. It was believed that evil spirits could not withstand such torture and would soon leave the body, but the patient himself could not stand the cruel torture. The scammers claimed that the deceased was left by a demon, and his death was justified.

Requirements for an exorcist

Casting out a demon is a difficult and dangerous job; the person reading the prayer over the possessed must follow certain rules, otherwise he himself will get sick:

  • He must be older than the demoniac;
  • There should not be a zero in his date of birth;
  • The person reporting must wear a cross and fast;
  • He should not seek fame and take money for his help;
  • In the room where the prayer will be read, remove sharp objects, and it is advisable to tie the possessed person to a chair; When the demon comes out, a person may not control himself.
  • In the week when the sedum is performed, there should be no birthdays, weddings or births of children;
  • A woman with her period should not be present in the house where the ceremony is being held;
  • When reading a prayer, you should not make mistakes or skip words.


Sedum is an Orthodox exorcism. (It is worth understanding that believers of other faiths have their own similar rituals.) Sedum is used on people in whom a demon has settled; it is a request for help from God through prayer.

People of any religion have similar rituals.

Prayer to cast out demons from a person:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We put on the one Christ and the word of God.

Fear the devil, get away from the servant of God (name).

Christ is risen by His will, by His power I cast you out,

The terrible and unclean devil, by the power of the Most High God, the Invisible Father.

Christ was buried quickly; Christ is risen, run,

The devil, through the victory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and forever and ever. Amen.

The cross is on me, on God’s servant (name), the cross is on God’s servant (name).

I curse and drive out the devil with the cross.

Depart, demon and devil and unclean spirit, from me, servant of God (name).

Depart from the one in whom you are sitting, from the servant of God (name).

Retreat, step away from these doors, here sit angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim,

Here are the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Ever-Virgin, the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven,

Who gave birth to the Creator in the flesh, Jesus Christ, our God, the King of Heaven.

By the power of Christ, be the devil and the unclean spirit cursed by all seven councils, now, forever, and forever.

Amen. The cross is the guardian of the entire Universe, the cross is the beauty of the church,

The cross is a power for kings, the cross is for driving away the devils from the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to remove damage yourself?

Good day. Recommend a strong ritual to remove the damage yourself. My neighbor at the dacha and I have been fighting for more than one year.


“How the sharing happens” Mother Maria through Selena “How the sharing happens” Mother Maria through Selena I AM Mary, Mother of Light, from the Galactic Family of Light, and again I am addressing you, People of the Earth, and we are starting a new topic today, and we will call it “How does settlement happen?” The fact is that not only you are now under attack, but half the population of your country, and many people feel it, literally, as they say, falling asleep on the go, yes this is so, and it means that they have fallen under the zombie, or the sharing of some - these are entities that cannot do anything to you on the physical plane, but influence your consciousness, and then put into action their own manipulations that they need - which acts like a chip inserted into many.

And in order for you to free yourself from it, or the so-called “adoption of entities” (usually these are Entities from the Lower Astral), you need to read the “Our Father” prayer at least three times a day and put up protection. So, when you feel that everything is falling out of your hands, as they say, that you are walking around half asleep, that you are irritated both with and without reason, that you are going to “pounce” on your interlocutor if he said something or did something wrong, as you wanted; that everything happens the other way around from your plans, that is, if you feel that no matter what you do, you are accompanied by irritation and great dissatisfaction with the work done, and you want to yell at your child, and you have problems with your husband, and boss, to whom you previously obeyed unquestioningly, suddenly disobedience goes against your will... and so on, and so on...

Those actions, as you yourself understand, are all low vibration, and sensitive people feel it all very well, and understand that they are no longer in control of their emotions, and this naturally scares them. Basically, those Dark Entities feed on such fears, causing you to have explosive emotions, such as: quarrels, scandals, anger, irritation and tears, and so on... THE RECIPE FOR DISCONNECTING FROM THIS IMPLEMENTATION You write it down, and learn it well, and You will repeat it three times a day, and you can apply it in various life situations: at work, in a team, on the street or in transport, in your family between households, and in a store... in short, wherever you are, whatever you come into contact with daily life. So we dictate: LORD, our ONLY LORD, Hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, Give us our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, for we are sinners from birth, and forgive us our debts, as AND WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS, AND LEAD NOT INTO TEMPTATION, BUT SAVE FROM THE Evil One, FOR ALL THINGS ARE YOUR WILL. IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, AMEN! This is the so-called old prayer. Now let’s write down a new prayer given by the Lord through His messenger Maslov L.I. So write, yes, I know that you know, but I assure you that many people are ignorant, and there are still plenty of them, they haven’t even heard of it, and they don’t even know the old one, so let us remind you of it: HEAVENLY FATHER! I accept your faith - it is my path, I adopt your eternal laws, with love for you and your deeds, I ask you, Lord, give hope for the salvation of my soul, and share your wisdom, for eternal life on earth, and in eternity . LET IT BE SO. AMEN! So, read these prayers one after another three times a day, and you can do more, depending on the situation, if you feel that you need it. And place a candle near you on the left side when you are at home - let it burn and protect you with its light. This is the simplest thing we can advise you. But if this does not help you, we provide protection from zombies, write it down, memorize it, and apply it, depending on the situation. So, we give the words we spell or protect your zombies: wherever I am, wherever I am, I ask you, Lord, to merge over my soul, and help to free yourself, from the spells of my people who are immersed to my consciousness, and I ask for your mercy, for your mercy, MY BEHAVIOR IS IRRUDENT, FOR THE FACT THAT EVIL FORCES ALLOWED ME TO TAKE INTO ME WITH THEIR UNJUSTICE THOUGHTS, AND TO CONNECT TO MY CONSCIOUSNESS, I ASK YOU, CREATOR OF ALL THINGS, I ASK YOU TO LEAVE SO THAT MY SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, ALL ENTITIES OF THE ASTRAL ARE NOT WELL, AND NEVER AGAIN, UNDER WHATEVER THE CIRCUMSTANCES WE CAN'T CROSS THIS CURSE, AND IT WILL BE AN INCURABLE BARRIER FOR ALL LOW VIBRATION ENTITIES, ALL ENTITIES OF THE DARK WORLD. AND MY WORD IS STRONG! LET IT BE SO! AND SO IT IS! AMEN! Read at least three times a day, and at any time of the day or night, if necessary. And stock up on candles - let the candle burn, and its light is a particle of our light from the Central Sun. Let it be so! And I ask you, people, by your worthy behavior, both thoughts and thought forms, DO NOT ALLOW ENTITIES FROM THE DARK WORLD ANY MORE TO YOURSELF AND CLOSE, NOT THAT IN YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS, which is not safe for your body, your physical and mental state, and understand you owe it, People of the Earth! This is where we stop our short report, and Selena is with us again - our correspondent, and we will give short reports on different topics every day. And, as always, Mother Mary was with you, and tomorrow we will meet again.

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