St. Daniel's shoe was donated to the St. Daniel's Monastery. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

What are they asking for?

This saint of God lived and ascended 17 centuries ago in Greece, but gained great popularity among the Russian people. Through his prayers, the drought ended, rain fell, the needy received help, and sinners received admonition.

Wonderworker Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Thousands of people line up to venerate the relics of St. Spyridon. Sometimes they have to sleep all night. In their prayers to him, believers ask:

  • well-being in the family;
  • health;
  • roadside assistance;
  • solving everyday problems;
  • on real estate;
  • about repayment of debts;
  • a lot more.

More information about prayers to the saint:

  • Prayers to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous
  • Akatista in San Spyridion

Advice! Especially Spiridon of Trimifuntsky helps with everyday financial difficulties, and is a good assistant in business and commercial matters. The saint is also known as the patron saint of children. Parents offer him prayers for their health and well-being.

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, by the grace given to him by God, hears and accepts prayers from all over the Universe.

Architectural ensemble

The park site and the Temple of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky on Bagrationovskaya were included in the program of the developer ZAO Aurum Invest; the project was developed by the joint-stock company Mosproekt-2.

The exterior decoration of the building is associated with elements of Russian folk architecture; the architectural style represents a stylization and interpretation of ancient Russian heritage. Neo-Russian style is a historical direction of architectural construction. The external decoration of the church building is made according to the rules of monumental simplicity.

History of the relics

Saint Spyridon died during prayer. At that time he was already 80 years old. This happened in 348. Until the mid-7th century, his relics were kept in the city where he served as bishop - Trimifunt. Then the saint's body was transported to Constantinople due to the Arab invasion. After the city was captured by the Ottoman Turks, the relics were transported through Serbia around 1453. Corfu.

Corfu is one of the most beautiful islands in Greece, located in the northwest of the mainland. It is the only Greek territory not conquered by the Ottoman Empire. It is quite large, the local population is mainly represented by Greeks. In the capital of the island, among the complexity of narrow streets, there is a church in honor of San Spiridione, whose high bell tower is visible from all sides.

Relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky in the Corfu Temple

Any passerby will happily direct St. Spyridon to the temple. The city residents have such a tradition. Many people go to work in the morning and always try to receive a blessing from the saint. It's the same with children when they go to school. First they go to San Spiridion, and only then to lessons. Everyone does this not out of habit, but consciously.

Four times a year, religious processions take place in Corfu, in which Spyridon himself participates:

  • 11th August.
  • Palm Sunday, deliverance from the plague;
  • Sunday in November, also an escape from the plague;
  • before Easter, on Holy Saturday, help from terrible famine.

The most popular holiday takes place in Corfu on August 11, when they remember the miraculous liberation of the island's inhabitants from the Ottoman invasion. On that memorable day in the summer of 1616, when the siege of the city began from everywhere, residents fled to the temple in search of the patronage of the saint. There was no possibility of resistance, since the enemy forces were significantly superior.

Before the start of the assault, very heavy and prolonged rain fell and a storm began at sea, destroying a significant part of the Turkish ships. The ground forces, throwing their guns into the water-filled trenches, hastily retreated to the remaining ships. The Turks, having suffered such losses, without even engaging in battle, retreated from Corfu and never approached again. The memory of these events is kept in the memory of many generations; gratitude to the saint is immeasurable.

The saint repeatedly defended Corfu from enemy invasion. During World War II, when bombs fell on the island, an undeniable miracle occurred again. When enemy planes raided the city, and most of it was already destroyed, residents began to seek refuge under the roof of the Church of St. Spyridon, asking for help.

The bomb that hit the church did not explode. Thus, everyone who was hiding in the temple survived and were miraculously saved. This served as proof that the saint did not leave the island and the people living on it under his protection.

More about the saint:

  • Hand of Saint Spyridon
  • Trimifuntsky Festival of Spyridon
  • Prayer for wish fulfillment

Saint Spyridon of Trimifunt (c. 270-348)

Kontakion 1

Glorified by the Lord to Saint and miracle worker Spyridon! Now we celebrate your all-honorable memory, as we are able to greatly help us in Christ who glorified you, we cry out to you touchingly: deliver us from all troubles and evils, and with thanksgiving we call to you: Rejoice, Spyridon, wonderful miracle worker!

Ikos 1

From youth, adorned with all the virtues, imitating the Angel in your life, you, Saint Spyridon, truly appeared to be a friend of Christ; We, seeing you, a heavenly man and an earthly angel, with reverence and touching cry to you: Rejoice, O mind, contemplating the mysteries of the Most Holy Trinity; Rejoice, being enriched by the Spirit with the most radiant illumination. Rejoice, many-bright lamp; Rejoice, your mind is enlightened by dispassion. Rejoice, having loved true simplicity and silence from childhood; Rejoice, ornament of chastity. Rejoice, inexhaustible stream of love; Rejoice, for you imitated Abraham’s love of homosexuality. Rejoice, for you lovingly opened the entrances of your house to everyone; Rejoice, representative of the poor. Rejoice, people revere him; Rejoice, for you are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker!

Kontakion 2

Seeing the island of Cyprus and all the Christian countries, your incorruptible relics, O saint, abundant healing flows from them, rejoicing; and we, honoring you as an abundant source of grace sent down to us from above, cry out to the Supreme Giver of Heavenly and earthly blessings: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having the Divine Mind, even if you are a shepherd of the wordless sheep, you were chosen by the will of the Chief Shepherd Christ to be the shepherd of the verbal sheep. The faithful, understanding you as a good shepherd, vigilantly caring for your flock, sang: Rejoice, bishop of the Most High God, who at your consecration abundantly received Divine grace; Rejoice, many-bright lamp, burn and shine. Rejoice, faithful worker in the city of Christ; Rejoice, shepherd, who raised his flock in the pasture of faith and piety. Rejoice, enlightening the world with the radiance of your virtues; Rejoice, you who offer the Divine Sacrifice to the Throne of Christ. Rejoice, hierarch, adorned with the understanding of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, filled with the apostolic teaching, infusing the faithful with streams of saving teaching. Rejoice, for you have illuminated the wise too; Rejoice, for you have renewed even the simple hearts. Rejoice, glory to the Orthodox and to the Church, unshakable affirmation; Rejoice, adornment of the fathers, glory and praise of the reverent priests. Rejoice, Spyridone, wonderful miracle worker.

Kontakion 3

By the power of the Most High, which overshadowed you, you appeared to Saint Spyridon to be God-wise, and, squeezing the clay in your hands, you clearly understood the trinity of Persons to everyone: even so, the false wisdom of the philosophers who gathered at the Council were horrified, but glorified God with the faith of the incomprehensible, who made you wise for salvation, crying out to Him: Hallelujah.

Ikos 3

Having you in their thoughts, all the fathers of the Council are simple, unskilled in book teaching, praying to you, Father Spyridon, not to quarrel with the ancients, who imagine themselves to be wise. But you, O saint, inflamed with zeal for God, believing that the preaching of Christ is not in the transcendental wisdom of human words, but in the manifestation of the spirit and power, you have exposed him with wisdom, enlightened him and guided him on the true path. Everyone who saw this miracle cried out: Rejoice, light of Orthodox wisdom; Rejoice, for you have put to shame those who were said to be wise interrogators. Rejoice, source of abundant grace; Rejoice, unshakable pillar, firmly supporting those who are in the faith. Rejoice, darkening the all-pernicious heresy; Rejoice, madness has been trampled under foot. Rejoice, for the dust of the earth has left the Holy Trinity in your hands; Rejoice, for you brought forth fire and water from clay to confirm the dogma of the Holy Trinity. Rejoice, for you have enlightened people to glorify the Word, truly consubstantial with the Eternal Father; Rejoice, for you have defeated the serpentine head of the destructive Aryan heresies. Rejoice, for you have sacrificed malice; Rejoice, thou who converted the unfaithful sage and interrogator to the true faith. Rejoice, Spyridone, wonderful miracle worker.

Kontakion 4

Living your life in squalor and poverty, you were a nourisher and helper to the poor and poor, and, for the sake of love for the poor, you turned the serpent into gold and gave it to those who needed your help. Marveling at this miracle, we cry out to God in gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

It was heard by everyone and everywhere that Saint Spyridon truly is the dwelling of the Holy Trinity: for God the Father, God the Word and God the Holy Spirit dwell in him. For this reason, you preached in words and deeds the incarnate true God to all Christians, crying out: Rejoice, mystical words of God; Rejoice, having understood the economy of God for the salvation of the world. Rejoice, for you taught us not to test what is beyond human reason and wisdom; Rejoice, you who have revealed the incomprehensible power of God operating in you. Rejoice, for God Himself has spoken through your lips; Rejoice, for I will listen to you all for sweetness. Rejoice, you who have dispersed the darkness of idolatry; Rejoice, for you have led many to the true faith. Rejoice, for you have struck down the heads of the invisible serpents; Rejoice, for through you the Christian faith is glorified. Rejoice, for you illuminate with light all those who please you; Rejoice, champion of the Christian faith and Orthodoxy. Rejoice, Spyridone, wonderful miracle worker.

Kontakion 5

You were filled with the Divine Spirit, Saint Spyridon, for the sake of your virtuous life; You were meek, merciful, pure in heart, patient, unforgettable, a lover of strangers: for this reason the Creator showed you in miracles. We, glorifying God, who glorified you, cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

We see the equal angel of Spyridon, the great wonderworker. The country once suffered greatly from lack of rain and drought: there was famine and plague, and many people died, but through the prayers of the saint rain came down from heaven to earth; The people, having been delivered from the disaster, cried out in gratitude: Rejoice, thou who art like the great prophet Elijah; Rejoice, for the rain, which takes away hunger and illness, brought down good times. Rejoice, having once again closed heaven with your prayers; Rejoice, for you punished the unmerciful merchant with deprivation of his property. Rejoice, for you have abundantly given food to those who need it; Rejoice, for you strive for the love of God towards people. Rejoice, take away the infirmities of the weak; Rejoice, God-gracious helper of man. Rejoice, give health to the sick; Rejoice, for whom the demons tremble. Rejoice, source of countless miracles. Rejoice, Spyridone, wonderful miracle worker.

Kontakion 6

The veil of the Old Testament tabernacle covered the Holy of Holies with the ark, manna and tablets. And your temple, to Saint Spyridon, has your reliquary, like an ark, your holy relics, like manna, your heart, like the tablets of Divine grace, on which we see the song inscribed: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The people of Cyprus were once punished by the Lord with the barrenness of the land for the increase of lawlessness, when a well-known farmer came to Saint Spyridon, asking for help, and gave him holy gold; Having passed the disaster, that farmer returned the gold again, And, lo and behold, the serpent became gold. Glorifying God, who is wondrous in His saints, we cry: Rejoice, for you imitated Moses, who miraculously cast the rod into the serpent; Rejoice, O loving shepherd, delivering the verbal sheep of your flock from troubles. Rejoice, richly enriching everyone with all blessings; Rejoice, as Elijah, who nourished the poor. Rejoice, turn the unmerciful to mercy; Rejoice, venerable example of love for people living in the world. Rejoice, consolation for the faithful and the unfaithful in troubles; Rejoice, hay-leaved tree, overshadowing the city and the country. Rejoice, glory and praise to the Corcyraeans; Rejoice, you have dominion over moisture and dryness, heat and cold, by the grace of God. Rejoice, changing the rules of the earth through prayer; Rejoice, you who are to come, as if you are the present, you who have foreseen. Rejoice, Spyridone, wonderful miracle worker.

Kontakion 7

You appeared as an intercessor before the Lord for everyone, Saint Spyridon. For this reason, we also come running under your roof, seeking salvation, for we are all imams who help you in all your needs, during times of famine, deadly plagues and in all times of troubles and temptations. For this reason, we cry out to God with gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

We see a new miracle and it is magnificent; When you, father, were marching to deliver an innocent man condemned to death, a stormy stream blocked your path; You, in the name of Almighty God, commanded him to stand and you and your companions walked across the river, as if on dry land. The glory of this miracle spread everywhere, and everyone glorified God, crying out to you: Rejoice, as Joshua sometimes walked through the Jordan, crossing the dry river; Rejoice, river aspiration taming with your voice. Rejoice, for you have undertaken a difficult path, driven by mercy; Rejoice, for you have destroyed slander and delivered the innocent from the bonds of prison and vain death. Rejoice, hastening life according to God; Rejoice, protector of the innocently oppressed. Rejoice, changer of the statutes of the watery nature; Rejoice, for you taught the judge and saved him from murder. Rejoice, true correction of souls; Rejoice, wondrous power, holding back the streams. Rejoice, you who delight the hearts of people who come to you; Rejoice, imitator of Abraham's love for mankind. Rejoice, Spyridone, wonderful miracle worker.

Kontakion 8

You were a wanderer and a stranger on earth, like other people. Moreover, from the womb of the mother, the Omniscient One showed you the great saint and wonderworker, Saint Spyridon: you cast out demons, you healed every disease and ulcer, you saw the thoughts of people, and thus you appeared marvelous among the saints. We, sending up prayer to God, the Benefactor of all, cry out to him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The whole world will tremble with horror when it hears how death, at your voice, returns its dead from their graves, and cry out: Rejoice, your dead daughter, may he reveal the treasure entrusted to her, calling to life; Rejoice, sorrowful widow, who gave gold to save her, comforting. Rejoice, you who raised the dead from the dead; Rejoice, like his mother, who suddenly died of joy, has come to life. Rejoice, for you have become like Elijah, who restored life to the son of Sarepta’s wife through prayers; Rejoice, for you also imitated Elisha, who aroused the youth from death. Rejoice, shepherd, who sincerely loves people; Rejoice, harlot wife, who washed your nose with tears, and forgave your sins in the name of God. Rejoice, you who have acquired the holy zeal of the Supreme Apostle; Rejoice, as an unrepentant sinner, according to your verb, you will die in serious illness. Rejoice, having obtained fruitfulness from the earth through your prayers; Rejoice, immutable assurance of the resurrection of men. Rejoice, Spyridone, wonderful miracle worker.

Kontakion 9

You were illuminated by the Divine Spirit, Saint Spyridon, you had the spirit of wisdom, as you filled the fools with wise words and among the fathers you established the faith, the spirit of reason, as you illuminated the darkened minds; the spirit of the fear of God, because by making you pleasing to God you have purified your soul. Moreover, having presented yourself to the Throne of the Most High, you sing to Him with a host of Angels: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Receiving the rod of the shepherd of verbal sheep from the Chief Shepherd of the Lord Jesus, Saint Spyridon did not change his life: non-covetous, meek, enduring everything for the sake of love, not being ashamed to care for the flock of wordless sheep. All this excites us to glorify God and cry out to you: Rejoice, you who despise the glory of this world; Rejoice, thou who hast gained much in Heaven. Rejoice, red one of this world, imputed to the minds; Rejoice, vessel of heavenly blessings. Rejoice, most holy pasture of the Cypriots; Rejoice, for for your sake God is the predator of your sheep with invisible bonds. Rejoice, having taught fatherly admonition; Rejoice, by your mercy you gave them the night of the ram spent without sleep. Rejoice, by the disobedience of a goat, as if the mind of a possessor, a merchant who hid his price, denounced; Rejoice, having brought the one who hid your silver coins to repentance. Rejoice, for with your admonition you healed the passions of greed. Rejoice, Spyridone, wonderful miracle worker.

Kontakion 10

Saving the souls of the flock, entrusted to you by God, you, Saint Spyridon, by the will of God, were called to show your glory, especially the glory of the true God, and to other countries, so that everywhere they glorify the name of God, crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

A quick helper and intercessor in all needs and sorrows, Saint Spyridon, at the command of the Tsar, like other shepherds, came to the city of Antioch, where Tsar Constantine was overcome by illness; Saint I will touch his head and make him healthy. Marveling at this miracle, we cry out to you: Rejoice, who in a dream vision showed the Angel like a healer to the king; Rejoice, Divine Ones who, for the sake of love, have accepted the difficult path in old age. Rejoice, the king's servant, who struck you on the cheek, according to the commandment of the Savior, substituted another; Rejoice, pillar of humility. Rejoice, having granted health to the Tsar through your prayers; Rejoice, for through your humiliation you taught the servant and changed his unmerciful disposition. Rejoice, for you taught the king piety and mercy; Rejoice, for you hated earthly treasures, you rejected the king’s gold. Rejoice, for you turned your disciple Trifillia away from addiction to earthly goods and made him a vessel of God’s grace; Rejoice, for I have come to you in Alexandria with the idols of the fallen. Rejoice, even demons obey him; Rejoice, for you have turned many away from idolatry. Rejoice, Spyridone, wonderful miracle worker.

Kontakion 11

There was an angelic singing when you offered Thy evening prayers to St. Spyridon in the temple, and those who served with you were not mad. The inhabitants of the city, having heard the wondrous singing, entered the temple and, seeing no one, sang with the Heavenly Powers: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The luminous sun of the world, you were the interlocutor of the Angels on earth, Saint Spyridon; Having betrayed your spirit into the hand of God, you moved into a mountain village, praying for peace before the Throne of the Lord. We, who live on earth, cry out to you: Rejoice, as I am still alive, co-servant with the Angels; Rejoice, hearing the psalmody of the Archangels. Rejoice, visible image of our transfiguration; Rejoice, for if I lacked oil in the temple, God for your sake fill the lamp with abundance. Rejoice, lamp of Divine radiance; Rejoice, vessel of God's grace, richly like the oil that fills your soul. Rejoice, inexhaustible source, ever flowing currents of grace to everyone; Rejoice, the Angels are amazed at him. Rejoice, you punished the deacon's audition in the temple; Rejoice, you who were vainglorious with your voice and lost your voice and tongue. Rejoice, for during the heat, dew suddenly descended from above, your sacred head of coolness; Rejoice, in this sign you foresaw the nearness of your repose. Rejoice, Spyridone, wonderful miracle worker.

Kontakion 12

The cover and refuge of all the faithful who came to you even in your life, you, O saint, did not leave us orphans even after your dormition; God, conqueror of the order of nature, keep your holy relics incorruptible to strengthen the Orthodox faith and piety, as a sign of immortality, glorifying Him, we cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

We sing praises to you, O saint of God, for you have surprised the world with miracles flowing from your holy relics. All who come with faith and kiss them receive all the good things they ask for. And we, who gave you strength, who crowned you with the crown of incorruption and who through you glorifies God, cry out to you: Rejoice, you who appeared as a shipbuilder during the famine and ordered food to be delivered; Rejoice, you who have given sight to the blind, who have flown with faith to your holy relics. Rejoice, you who healed the youth from the incurable illness; Rejoice, you who cast out the demon from your wife and created health. Rejoice, chosen governor of Kerkyra; Rejoice, for you drove out the hordes of the evil Hagarians and sank their ships into the abyss. Rejoice, for you saw him surrounded by a host of Angels, holding a sword in his right hand and causing his enemies to tremble; Rejoice, build yourself a temple in which to celebrate the Liturgy on unleavened bread, forbidden by the governor. Rejoice, having struck down the Latin governor with cruel death; Rejoice, you who burned his image in a house in Venice with lightning. Rejoice, you who have put to shame the apostasy and false wisdom of the West; Rejoice, having established the one Orthodox faith to be true and saving for people. Rejoice, Spiridon, wonderful miracle worker!

Kontakion 13

O most wonderful saint of Christ, Father Spyridon! Our current prayer is accepted, deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes, strengthen our country against our enemies, grant us forgiveness of sins and save from eternal death all those who cry out to God about you: Hallelujah! This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1


O Great and wonderful saint of Christ and wonderworker Spyridon, Kerkyra praise, bright luminary of the whole universe, warm prayer book to God and quick intercessor to all who come running to you and pray with faith! You gloriously expounded the Orthodox faith at the Nicene Council among the Fathers, you showed the unity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power, and you completely put the heretics to shame. Hear us sinners, the saint of Christ, praying to you, and through your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from every evil situation: from famine, flood, fire and deadly plagues. For in your temporal life you delivered your people from all these disasters: you saved your country from the invasion of the Hagarians and from famine, you delivered the king from an incurable illness and brought many sinners to repentance, you gloriously raised the dead, and for the holiness of your life the angels invisibly in the church you had those singing and serving with you. Sitsa, therefore, glorify you, His faithful servant, Lord Christ, for you are given the gift of understanding all the secret human deeds and convicting those who live unrighteously. You zealously helped many living in poverty and lack, you nourished the poor people abundantly during famine, and you created many other signs by the power of the living Spirit of God in you. Do not forsake us either, Saint of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future. to us, may we always send glory and thanksgiving to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion, tone 1

At the First Council, you appeared as a champion and wonderworker, God-bearing Spyridon, Our Father. In the same way, you cried out to the dead in the tomb, and you turned the serpent into gold, and you always sang holy prayers to you, you had angels co-serving with you, most sacred one. Glory to Him who gave you strength, glory to Him who crowned you, glory to Him who heals you all.

Kontakion, tone 2

Having been wounded by the love of Christ, O most sacred one, having fixed your mind on the dawn of the Spirit, through your diligent vision you have found, O God-pleasing altar, the Divine altar, asking for the Divine radiance to all.

Saint's shoes

Examining the sarcophagus with the relics, in addition to the vestments, we see velvet shoes decorated with gold embroidery at the foot of the saint. According to legend, in them the saint tirelessly travels around the world in search of those who need his help. Gifts of gratitude to St. Spyridon hang above the reliquary with the relics. Among other things, there are many ships and boats on which are written the names of those who received the miraculous help of the saint in response to their prayer.

Shoe of Spiridon of Trimifuntsky

The incorrupt relics of the saint rest in a shrine. His head lies on the pillow and is slightly tilted: the saint seems to have fallen asleep for a short time. You can see facial features, nose, lips, closed eyes. Despite the fact that these relics are seventeen centuries old, they maintain a constant temperature of the human body. If you touch it, a dent remains, which gradually disappears. And you begin to understand that this body is incorruptible.

The sarcophagus is opened twice a day for worship by the faithful, but sometimes it fails, the lid seems to resist. Believers believe that the saint is absent from cancer at this time. Go out somewhere and help those who need comfort and protection. During the religious procession, the saint walks through the streets of the city, blessing everyone he meets along the way.

On the eve of the saint, accompanied by prayer songs, representatives of the clergy carefully carry them to a special vertical sanctuary. During the procession of St. Spyridon, it is clear that he seems to be leaning on his feet. Before the immortal relics are transferred back to the sanctuary, they are first carried through the temple three times. Saint Spyridon, so to speak, finally blesses those praying.

The grace coming from the saint goes to every believer. And in these shoes he goes to those who need his help. Slippers are changed every year. The ancients give to people, they give temples erected in honor of San Spiridione. And since there are not enough shoes for everyone, 2-3 meters of the burgundy (red) material from which they are made are placed in the saint’s sanctuary.

And then they divide it into thousands, millions of little pieces and give it to everyone for free. They are called "filahto" in Greek. Packaged in white envelopes, on the reverse side of which the face of St. Spyridon is depicted framed by Greek inscriptions in blue.

Important! Receiving filahto is a special benefit for every person. And when this shrine is nearby, it serves as protection for the believer. Filahto can also be purchased online, paying only the shipping costs according to the tariffs of the country to which the sacred gift will be sent.

Who is Spiridon

Spyridon is the most revered saint on the island of Corfu, where his relics are now kept.
It is believed that he saved the island from imminent destruction at least four times: once from hunger, twice from plague and once again from Turkish troops. Spyridon was a contemporary of Saint Nicholas , but they did not know each other. Spyridon was born around 270 in Cyprus, not far from the settlement of Trimifunta, which, by the way, still exists. From the place of his birth he later received the name Trimifuntsky Wonderworker. His parents were simple peasants who, of course, could not give him an education. Since childhood, he herded goats and sheep, which is why on many icons he is depicted wearing a shepherd’s hat woven from willow branches. Unlike most saints, Spyridon was married and had children. Having become a widower, he decided to devote himself completely to God. Later he was elected bishop of Trimifunt, but even in such a high rank he continued to do good deeds. He sold his property, distributed money to the needy, and lived by tending flocks for hire. For his kindness, he received from God the gift of clairvoyance and the ability to perform miracles.

Sunday School

The opening of the Sunday school took place in 2012, classes are designed for 3 age categories in the disciplines: Church Slavonic language, God's Law, church choral singing, artistic painting, applied art. Sunday school pupils take part in exhibitions, fairs, excursions, trips, and charity work.




The most famous miracles

During his lifetime, Spyridon had power over the forces of nature. Through his prayer, it rained during a drought or, conversely, the downpours that threatened floods stopped.

Once a friend of Spiridon was slandered and sentenced to death. He set off on a journey to save a loved one, but on the way he encountered a stream of water. Spyridon, believing in God's help, ordered the flow to stop. And the stream obeyed, opening the way for the saint. The people who saw the miracle hurried ahead of Spyridon to the city and told about the unusual phenomenon. The judge, having heard about the arrival of the saint, invited him to his table and immediately released his friend.

Spiridon revived his dead daughter so that she would tell where she hid the jewelry given to her for safekeeping. Having given the answer, the girl’s soul left her body again. The saint returned the jewelry to the owners.

Through the prayer of the mother, the saint resurrected an infant child, and then his mother, who fell dead at the sight of this miracle.

At the congress of bishops in 325, wanting to prove that Jesus is God, the saint took a brick in his hands and began to squeeze it in his palms. Before the eyes of the astonished people, the brick began to crumple, a moment later tongues of flame shot up from it and water began to flow. The saint said: “Look, there seem to be three elements - clay, water and fire. But there is still only one brick! So in the Most Holy Trinity there are Three Persons, but the Divinity is One!”

To this day, on icons and paintings, Spiridon is depicted with a lump of clay in his hand, from which a flame shoots up and water flows down.

How to get there

The Church of the Resurrection of the Word is located at the address: Moscow, Uspensky Vrazhek, Bryusova Lane, No. 15/2.

It is convenient to get there by metro. It is better to get off at Okhotny Ryad station. Coming out of the metro onto the street. Tverskaya, you need to walk a few hundred meters. In this case, the Kremlin will remain behind. Walking along Tverskaya, you can explore local attractions along the way. Many famous people lived on this street, as evidenced by memorial plaques.

The Holy Danilov Monastery is located on Danilovsky Val Street, house 22.

Interior decoration

The interweaving of spirituality and modernity can be seen in the use of the latest technologies in the construction of the Church of the Saint:

  • the use of frescoes with floral patterns;
  • interpretation of the motifs of ancient Russian masters;
  • reproduction of folk religious art on the walls;
  • the use of creative stylization in creating the iconostasis;
  • combination of religion and philosophy;
  • combination of modernity and antiquity in icon painting;
  • the use of Byzantine painting on the ceiling;

  • placement of icons on the side walls according to the regalia and status of the holy saints of God;
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