Where are the relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky located? The phenomenon of the incorruptible relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Throughout the history of Christianity, saints have shown the world miracles more than once during life and after death. Therefore, believers especially venerate the relics of saints, which are kept in various churches located in different parts of the planet. Each of the elders is famous for helping in one area or another of human life, but the clergy claim that the saints are able to answer almost any request of the sufferer. Therefore, if you do not know which icon to turn to with your trouble, then simply offer a prayer from a pure heart, and one of the saints will definitely help you. However, among the large number of canonized elders, there is one saint, whom it is customary to turn to in case of financial difficulties. The icon of Spyridon of Trimythous, unfortunately, is very rarely found in modern Orthodox churches. What this is connected with is unknown, but the saint himself and his relics have an incredible story, which is simply impossible to believe even for a deeply religious person. Today our article is dedicated to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous and the miracles that he performed and continues to perform to this day.

The beginning of the path of Spiridon Trimifuntsky

It is interesting that a lot is known about Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, despite the fact that he lived in the fourth century AD. Moreover, most of the information about him is real historical facts, supported by eyewitness accounts.

Spiridon was from Cyprus; his parents were considered very wealthy people who left their son an impressive fortune. He owned real estate, lands and had a large amount of gold. However, this did not make the young man’s heart hardened. From an early age he was distinguished by wisdom and piety. Spiridon's high social status did not make him far from ordinary people; he gladly came to their aid in difficult situations and was always ready to give advice. In the young man’s house, the doors were open around the clock for those in need, this became the reason for the great love and respect that the island’s inhabitants had for Spyridon of Trimifuntsky.

Feedback from parishioners

Believers around the world talk about the amazing events that happened in their lives after turning to the saint. Below are some testimonies of Orthodox pilgrims about the power and goodness that exude the relics of St. Spyridon of Trimythous in Moscow. Reviews from real parishioners:

  • On one of the pilgrimages to the island of Corfu, a group of believers asked permission to take oil from the lamp that burned over the relics of the saint. People took it with a syringe and poured it into pre-prepared vials. There were a lot of people, everyone was crowding together, trying to get oil faster. In the confusion, someone touched the lamp, and the remains simply spilled. Everyone was very upset by this awkwardness, but the one woman who was last in line was the most worried. She got nothing and was holding an empty bottle in her hands. Suddenly it began to fill with oil on its own. There were a lot of witnesses.
  • One married couple tried for a long time to exchange a one-room apartment for a more spacious one. The deal could not take place: they offered areas remote from the metro or too expensive options. One nun suggested that we need to order a water-blessing prayer service to St. Spiridon, which was done. A week later, the family received excellent housing at a reasonable price. The move took place on the day of remembrance of the reverend elder.
  • After fruitless attempts to have children, the couple turned to the elder for intercession. The woman came to thank the saint while she was already pregnant. The miracle was revealed when the couple visited the relics of St. Spyridon of Trimifunt in Yekaterinburg.
  • A woman, having gone to the monastery for the service of the Myrrh-Bearing Women, learned that a shrine had been brought there. Such an event seemed random, but the parishioner was very happy that she venerated the relics and prayed for the health of her family and friends. Later it turned out that an appeal to the holy elder saved the life of her son, who at that moment was in danger. The Christian believer realized that all the events were not accidental - the Lord himself brought her to the monastery.
  • The mother of the mute child took him to the relics, begging for recovery. The woman prayed so furiously that she spent several days in the temple. When she brought the child to the shrine, the child, touching the shrine with his lips, recovered. He began to speak in full and intelligible speech, as if he had not been silent all this time. Today this boy’s family honors Spiridon as their main protector and patron.

Bishop of Trimifuntsky

At the time when Spyridon lived in Cyprus, the Byzantine state was ruled by the wise and fair Emperor Constantine. He had great respect for Christianity, and the young religion literally blossomed under him.

Believers were no longer persecuted, churches were erected everywhere and the first religious canons were established. Christians became an example for ordinary people; their moral character delighted and brought many townspeople to God.

It is believed that this particular period of time gave the world a large number of saints, whose miracles are still closely studied by the scientific world. It is noteworthy that Spiridon and Nikolai Ugodnik, sacredly revered in Orthodoxy, had friendly relations. Their opinions regarding the further development and formation of the Christian religion were in many ways similar, as was the way of life that led to their holiness.

It is not surprising that in such a situation it was Spyridon who was elected bishop in Trimifuda, the rumor about whose piety went far ahead of him.

At his post, he continued to help all those suffering. Very often people turned to a wealthy bishop for a cash loan. He never refused to those in need, and Spiridon did not even set a deadline for returning the money. He believed that every person would repay the debt when he had the opportunity. Surprisingly, the saint did not charge interest on the use of his funds and did not write down the names of the debtors and the amount of the loan in a special book.

Important information about Trimifunt

The city of Trimifunt in Cyprus was formed in ancient times. The most important and famous thing in it is the monastery of St. Spyridon and the life of the saint itself. Coming from the people, he led a pious, godly life. While still alive in the world, he was awarded the gift of miracles. For his good deeds and virtues, he was awarded the title of bishop of the city of Trimifunt.


Trimifunt is located north of Larnaca, on the northern side of the island, near the demarcation line. After the Turkish occupation, part of the island became the unrecognized Republic of Northern Cyprus. It is one of four settlements in the administrative region of Larnaca.


Before the Turkish occupation began, at the end of the nineteenth century, Greeks and Turks lived in the city, regardless of nationality. In the village, on the square, a temple of St. Spyridon was erected. Every year, on the day of remembrance of the saint, the church was visited by thousands of believers from different countries. The Turkish occupiers took out one hundred and fifty icons and turned the temple into a barracks for the Turkish military on the northern part of the island.

A little history

The small town of Trimifunt became famous throughout the world thanks to the Bishop of Trimifunt. A native of the Cypriot village of Askia, the righteous man was awarded the gift of miracles, the power of healing his neighbor. For his pious deeds he was appointed bishop.

First Ecumenical Council

This Council went down in the history of the Christian Church, because it was then that the religion received protection from heresy, and the main features of Christianity, called the Creed, were formed.

First of all, it is worth explaining that during the period when religion ceased to be persecuted from outside, all kinds of heresies began to penetrate into it. People weak in faith suffered from doubts, which significantly shook the foundations of Christianity. The most powerful opponent of the clergy was Arius. Because of him, a Council was convened, at which it was supposed to once and for all protect religion from the attacks of heretics.

Together with many believers, Saint Spyridon of Trimythous was also invited to the Council. However, he did not know how to speak, since he considered himself an ascetic who does good through prayer. But the Lord began to control him, and the bishop showed a miracle to all those gathered. He did not enter into a dispute, but simply picked up a brick and squeezed it. After a short prayer, a fire lit up in the hands of the priest, and everyone saw clay and water in his open fingers. Divine power decomposed the brick into its components in order to prove that God himself is one in three persons. This miracle became the most powerful argument that forever put an end to religious disputes.

History of Saint Spyridon

Today, all the monasteries of Corfu fade a little in the shadow and glory of the Cathedral of St. Spyridon. People's faith in the miraculous power of this saint is so strong that in Kerkyra the elder is considered their protector and is called nothing less than “patron of the Mediterranean.” It is all the more surprising that the island of Corfu has not been associated with the name Spyridon of Trimifunt for centuries.

As church chronicles say, Spiridon was born in the village of Askia in Cyprus. The exact date of birth has not been established, but it is assumed that it happened around 270. There is no information left in the legends about the parents, childhood and youth of the righteous man. It is only known that as a boy he tended sheep and goats, and was distinguished from his peers by his excessive obedience, piety and compassion for the troubles of others. The young man built his lifestyle in the likeness of the acts of the Old Testament righteous:

  1. He learned meekness from the prophecies and biographies of King David.
  2. Spiridon cultivated cordiality and kindness in himself, relying on the image and actions of Jacob.
  3. The acts of the Prophet Abraham taught the boy responsiveness, openness and readiness to help every wanderer.

This imitation was expressed not only in character strengthening, but also in real actions. In Spiridon's house, many people found warmth, food, shelter, mental and material support. As a reward for good deeds and the desire for righteousness, the young man received the gifts of foresight, healing and exorcism.

Later the man was gifted with great love. In his youth, he married an honest, chaste girl and the couple had a daughter. Spiridon independently baptized the girl and gave her the name Irina. But soon tragedy befell the young family: the wife died, and the man was left alone with a small child. Although Spiridon heavily mourned the loss of his wife, he still did not become despondent, but continued his service to God and people.

In the mid-320s, the righteous man was elected bishop of the small Cypriot town of Trimifunt. In this position, he performed many good deeds and always tried to be a positive example for his flock. Despite his respectful post and long years, he worked honestly, helping to herd sheep and harvest grain. At the same time, he donated a significant part of his income to help those in need, leaving himself only modest means for food.

Spyridon was very zealous about observing church ceremonies and Holy Scripture. When this was required, the bishop also showed justified anger: greedy and greedy merchants, careless priests, as well as other people who committed unrighteous acts fell into disgrace.

The elder died in 348. According to legend, he foresaw his death and wished to die in prayer. The expression of love for God and people became the last words of the saint. The incorrupt body of the elder was buried in the Church of the Holy Apostles in Trimifunt.

In the 7th century, the Arabs attacked Crete, and the holy relics were forced to be transported to Constantinople. The remains were kept there for several centuries. And when the Turks attacked Byzantium in the 15th century, the servant of the local temple took the relic to Epirus. After staying there for a couple of years, the monk decided to move to a safer place, and so in 1456 the relics of St. Spyridon of Trimythous ended up in Corfu. And a century later, in 1589, a temple was erected on the island in honor of the righteous man, to which pilgrims and tourists flock today.

The miraculous deeds of St. Spyridon

Even during his lifetime, the righteous man was accompanied by the glory of his miraculous power. More famous than others is the case when the saint clearly proved the Unity of the Great Trinity. At that time, the Arius heresy became popular, which rejected the divine origin of Christ and the symbol of the Trinity. Saint Spyridon appeared at the council examining the case and gave a speech. In defense of the Christian symbol, he showed the crowd a brick, which immediately split into fire that came out upward, water that poured down, and clay that remained in the elder’s hands. The people were amazed and unanimously recognized the rightness of the righteous man.

The turning point of Spiridon's life

The chief assistant of the Bishop of Trimifuntsky was his wife. In the fourth century, clergy were allowed to marry and have children and still hold high positions in the Christian hierarchy.

Spiridon loved his wife very much, and with every year they lived together his feelings only grew stronger. But the couple was not destined to go together all the way to their deathbed. The bishop's wife was struck down by an unknown illness, and she died a few days later. The inconsolable husband withdrew into himself and stopped communicating with all his loved ones; grief completely changed his life and forced him to make an unusual decision.

For almost a whole year after the loss of his wife, Spiridon could not find peace of mind. He did not grumble at God and was still attentive to his flock. The bishop continued to help those in need, lend money and give wise advice, but did not open his soul to anyone.

Suddenly he started selling all his property. This amazed not only Spiridon’s relatives, but also all the townspeople. No one expected such an extraordinary act from the most respected man in the city. At the same time, the bishop forgave everyone's debts and distributed the proceeds to the poor and others in need. Having resolved all his financial issues, with a staff and in simple clothes, the clergyman left his hometown with a happy face and calm in his eyes. We can say that it was from this moment that the real story of the saint began.

Holy Elder

As soon as he began his journey around the island, Spiridon began to heal. In any village where he visited for a while, the sick were healed, the weak got out of bed, and the crippled forever forgot about crutches. The fame of the saint spread across the island with the speed of lightning, and his miracles were carefully documented, because they were witnessed by dozens of people who were ready to confirm what they saw to anyone.

But Spiridon himself was very ashamed of his fame and avoided it with all his might. He always said that he himself did nothing to perform a miracle. The Lord does this through prayer, and the bishop himself is simply a conductor of the will. Residents of Cyprus actually saw the saint laying his hand on the sick and offering prayer to God. Literally after a few minutes the disease left the sufferer’s body and did not return to him.

To escape from his glory, the bishop went to the most remote village in Cyprus and hired out to herd cattle. But even this did not hide him from people; they constantly came to Spiridon with requests, and he did not refuse help to any of those asking.

Corfu – a beautiful piece of paradise on the planet

Greece is rich in its ecclesiastical attractions. It seems that only on the island of Corfu there are several dozen, if not hundreds, of beautiful original temples. Having opened a website dedicated to this corner of the Earth, you will see numerous photos of temples located in very beautiful picturesque places. And one of the sacred places, the Corfu Monastery, is located on a tiny separate island.

Feedback from tourists suggests that it is very unusual to visit an island whose size is exactly the size of one single temple. But let's talk consistently about the island of Corfu itself. This way we will paint the most complete picture of this entire area. In order to immerse yourself in the bright, original atmosphere of Corfu, it’s worth examining its features point by point:

  1. This place is distinguished by beautiful nature, which seems to immerse you in an idealistic place from a Bounty chocolate advertisement. Corfu has a very beautiful underwater world of the sea. Reviews from tourists constantly talk about this. Also on the Internet you can see more than one video with amazing fish of all colors of the rainbow, which are hidden in the warm, fresh Ionian Sea. In addition to fish, there are starfish, crabs, octopuses and other underwater inhabitants that delight visitors and their children. On most Greek beaches you can find all this marine fauna very close to the shore. The sea inhabitants seem not to be afraid of visitors at all, and swim close to them. Visitors even noticed a certain schedule according to which the largest number of strange fish can be found near the shore. Surely they will tell you about it if you come to this beautiful island. In addition, Kerkyra (the capital of Corfu) and the entire island are rich in beautiful terrestrial nature. This island is even called the Emerald Paradise for its beautiful green gardens. Moreover, all this looks beautiful in combination with the azure waves of the Ionian Sea. The nature found on land is very diverse. Here you can find an abundance of olive and cypress trees, as well as thickets of blackberries and orange orchards, as well as fig trees and other plants and shrubs. All of them are great for saving in hot, dry weather. These gardens always have a fresh, cool atmosphere. It's nice and relaxing to relax here. In addition, we cannot fail to mention all the wonderful foods that these local fruit-bearing trees provide! Fresh juicy oranges or ripe blackberries simply melt in your mouth on a hot day. Imagine this picture: after a vacation at the seaside, you decided to arrange a family vacation in a grove near the sea. There you picked local fruits and enriched your vitamin reserves for the year ahead. Just a fairy tale;
  2. The real attraction of Corfu is the local picturesque beaches. There are several dozen of them here, and perhaps even a couple of hundred. Moreover, it is in this corner of the world that you will find completely different coastlines. There are both sandy and rocky beaches here. You can rest alternately on the warm soft sand or on the pebbles, which will massage your feet. In addition, on the Greek island there are both secluded small beaches and civilized, lively places. You can also sunbathe and swim in a completely wild place that will be difficult to find on the map. Here you can immerse yourself in a secluded bhajan with nature to the fullest. This can be the most unforgettable experience, because some of the beaches of Corfu are simply mesmerizing with their beauty. Here you can find picturesque bays and bays, as well as sea caves and wonderful grottoes. Rent a boat and sail along the coast - perhaps this is the best solution for a wanderer who finds himself in Corfu;

Corfu Island

  1. Be sure to try the local cuisine, rich in an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. The locals will happily prepare many interesting and spicy dishes for you. Their hospitality is no less impressive than the wonderful delicious Greek cuisine. It seems that hospitality and the desire to treat the guest are the hallmark of this area. In general, the cuisine is similar to Italian. People here really love pasta, rice, dough dishes, and, of course, local fruits, vegetables and herbs. Many Greeks are health conscious and are partial or complete vegetarians. Delicious local dishes can be enjoyed at your hotel or in one of the local taverns. There are a lot of them on the island, and they all offer a variety of delicious dishes to choose from. It should be noted that the prices in taverns are not high; they are quite acceptable for Russians. Especially if the tavern is located on the territory of a small family hotel. In such establishments there is a truly family and homely atmosphere;
  2. As a separate item, we would like to note the wide variety of hotels and apartments in Corfu. Here you can see both beautiful hotels, which have many stars, and small family hotels or apartments. This is probably one of the most developed family businesses in Corfu. Local residents, living on the premises of their hotels themselves, are ready to receive visitors from all over the world all year round. Here they sometimes become real friends with visitors. After all, many Greek hotel owners even invite tourists to their hospitable table full of Greek dishes. But, if you like to cook yourself, you will be offered apartments with their own kitchenette. This resort has a lot of similar solutions in hotels. A small kitchenette, with all the necessary utensils, is perfect for those who are on vacation with their families. You can make a light breakfast and also experiment with Greek ingredients for a dinner party. Speaking about hotels with stars, it is worth noting that everything in them is more or less done according to general European standards, which most of you know about;
  3. and, of course, speaking about Corfu one cannot fail to mention its wonderful cultural and historical attractions. Here you will find a huge number of original fortresses, which are wrapped in lush green thickets, which were already mentioned earlier. Such an excursion can impress with its beauty and leave vivid spiritual impressions in the mind. After all, Corfu is also the home address for many temples, churches and monasteries. In some churches, sacred services are regularly held with the relics of saints. The local liturgies are especially fascinating! Also, when you learn about the lives of the great people of Corfu's past, such as St. Spyridon of Trimythous, you become truly inspired by their lives and their wonderful, miraculous deeds. There are other attractions in Corfu, such as beautiful palaces and galleries. It is also home to one of the most beautiful squares in Greece. It is very interesting to find yourself here - you get the feeling that you are being transported to the myths of Ancient Greece. In the square you will find many statues depicting beautiful Greek girls. After exploring this unique square to your heart's content, you can relax on a bench or in one of the local taverns next to the square. It is also impossible not to mention one of the islands near Corfu, which is regularly visited by dozens of tourists. The name of this island is Mouse Island. The thing is, he's actually tiny. You can get around the island in just a couple of minutes. There is a legend that this is the ship of Odysseus, which the angry Poseidon turned into stone. Everything here seems to be covered in Greek mythology, which we all read as children.

Miracles of the Saint

It is difficult to list all the miraculous deeds of the saint; there are very many of them. However, most of them are inscribed in the history of Cyprus, and therefore are not subject to doubt. Many believers consider the resurrection of mother and daughter to be the most incredible act of Spiridon during his lifetime. After all, raising a person from the dead was not possible for every one of the currently revered saints.

The wonderful story goes like this. One day, a grief-stricken woman came to the shepherd and brought him the corpse of her daughter. The girl drowned a few days ago, her lips and skin turned blue, and her body itself was already numb. The woman fell to her knees and begged the saint to help her. Spiridon tried to calm his mother down and promised to do everything possible. The woman left, and the saint began to pray fervently near the girl’s body. After some time, her skin turned pink, she began to breathe and opened her eyes. A few minutes later, a completely healthy baby was already playing in the meadow.

However, the girl’s mother, not really believing in the miracle, did not receive good news and died of a broken heart. Then Spiridon raised the woman from the dead, watching with a smile the happy family reunion.

The holy shepherd was known for his wisdom and generosity. He was famous for the fact that he never refused to those in need, but he always said that they could take from him as much as they needed. Many people asking for grain or money from Spiridon were convinced of this; their fingers simply released an extra coin or grain.

The holy elder lived to be seventy-eight years old and left this world on December twelfth.

Relics of the Saint

Probably, our reader is already interested in where the relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky are located. Therefore, we are ready to move on to a new section of our story about the saint.

After his death, he was buried in Cyprus; for many decades his grave was practically forgotten. However, God prepared a completely different fate for the incorruptible relics of Spyridon of Trimifunt. One of the Byzantine emperors remembered the saint and the miracles he performed during his lifetime. He ordered the bishop's body to be dug up and reburied in Constantinople.

By order of the emperor, the remains were removed, and the body of the old man, absolutely unchanged over the decades, appeared before the amazed diggers. His skin was clear, his hair, nails and teeth were in almost perfect condition. And the saint’s facial features were recognizable. This shocked the emperor, who ordered the remains of the elder to be transported with great respect to Constantinople.

Almost immediately, a shrine with the relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky was installed in the temple. Rumors about the saint instantly spread throughout cities and countries, especially since he began to perform miracles that amazed the minds and hearts of the suffering. Mass pilgrimages to the relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky continued for many decades. Believers said that it was enough to touch the cancer and pray to receive a complete cure for any disease.

If you think that the shrine with relics is still in the same city, then we hasten to upset you. The remains of the saint were transported to another place due to the tragic events for Constantinople. Where are the relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky today? Now we will tell you about it.

Visits to Russia

Particles of the relics of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky can now be found in several Russian Orthodox churches. For example, in the Moscow Church of the Resurrection of the Word on the Assumption Vrazhek.

In 2022, the right hand of St. Spyridon of Trimythous was brought to Russia for veneration. Many believers perceived this as the mercy of God. There were so many people who wanted to venerate the relics that believers had to stand in line for many hours.

“Not everyone can visit the holy place where the relics of St. Spyridon reside, so he himself comes to us. The question is not the number of particles or their size, but the fact that certain events in the spiritual life of Orthodox Christians mark the connection between us and the saints. And the bringing of relics expresses closeness to this saint and his actual presence in our lives” (Hegumen Serapion Mitko).

Patron of the Island

An attack by the Turks or Constantinople threatened the complete destruction of Christian shrines. This is exactly what the conquerors did in the captured cities, so it was decided to transport the reliquary with relics to the island of Corfu. In what city did the relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky end up as a result of this rescue operation? Take your time, this story does not tolerate fuss.

Initially, the inhabitants of the island did not even suspect what kind of jewelry fell into their hands. But, having learned about this, they praised God and began building a temple for the shrine. On the island of Corfu, the temple of Spyridon of Trimythous still exists, and it is here that pilgrims come who need the help of the holy elder. It is noteworthy that the inhabitants of the island themselves made him their patron, who protected them from any conquerors.

Despite skeptics who do not believe in saints, historians have recorded several facts that are quite difficult to explain logically. For example, everyone knows that the Turks never managed to conquer Corfu. Although they made several attempts to capture the picturesque island. It is known that for the first time a huge old man appeared on the shore, turning towards the Turks with a threatening look. In fear they left the waters of Corfu.

The second time, the Turks decided to approach the issue differently: they planned to destroy the temple so that the saint would leave the inhabitants forever. But he appeared on the streets of the island and told about the plans of the invaders. The temple was saved thanks to the efforts of the local population.

Moscow churches

Since ancient times, Saint Spyridon of Trimythous has been revered in Rus'. The reigning persons did a lot to glorify the Cypriot bishop. In the name of the saint, in the middle of the 15th century, Ivan the Terrible, celebrating the capture of Kazan, built a temple. Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich erected the Spiridonov Church on the Goat Swamp in Moscow, mentioned in the patriarchal gazettes of 1627.

Emperor Paul instructs Admiral F. F. Ushakov to liberate the Greek island of Corfu, where the remains of Saint Spyridon of Trimythous were buried, from the French invaders. In February 1799, the naval commander brilliantly carried out a landing operation. In the 19th century, temples and churches built were often consecrated in the name of the saint.

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Orthodox parishioners and pilgrims ask for the intercession of the heavenly patron in the churches where the holy relics of Spyridon of Trimythous are located in Moscow.

Temple of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky in Koptevo project

Church in Bryusov Lane

The temple on Uspensky Vrazhek has been known since 1548. Residents called it that because of the ravine, which received its name from the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary located here. The Moscow fire of 1629 destroyed the wooden structure. Five years later, a stone church is erected on the same site.

After the expulsion of the French occupiers from Moscow, a bell tower and a refectory with oval corners, which had two side chapels, were added to the church. At the end of the 19th century, restoration work and reconstruction of the temple bell tower were carried out, caused by the installation of a large bell weighing 5357 kilograms.

This is interesting! During the period of Bolshevik persecution of Orthodoxy, the church was not closed due to numerous requests from famous figures of Soviet art.

The temple remained the closest functioning religious institution to the Kremlin. However, the church bells were removed so that the gospel would not attract people's attention and would not distract government officials from their work.

In the central part of the church, not far from the face of the Savior Not Made by Hands, there is a miraculous icon of the saint. The right side of the icon is occupied by a full-length figure of the saint. In the upper left corner is the Mother of God with the Savior. Mounted underneath is a reliquary decorated with precious stones containing the relics of the saint, which is locked with a key.

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Other shrines are also kept in the temple:

  • excerpt from the image “Recovery of the Lost”;
  • list of the face of the Mother of God “Passionate”;
  • image of St. Nicholas of Mozhaisky from the 16th century;
  • icons of the holy prophets Elijah and Elisha, the martyr Justin, dating back to the 17th century.

Church address: Bryusov lane, house 15/2. From the Okhotny Ryad metro station, walk 500 meters towards Pushkinskaya Square along Tverskaya Street. From the Pushkinskaya or Tverskaya station to Bryusov Lane towards the Kremlin - 630 meters. From the intersection of Tverskaya Street and Bryusov Lane to the church 250 meters.

Temple on the Assumption Vrazhek

holy slipper

The oldest monastery was built by the will of Grand Duke Daniel in 1282. The founder of the monastery, consecrated in the name of St. Daniel the Stylite, found eternal rest here in 1303. Before his death, the organizer of the monastic community became a monk.

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In the XIV-XV centuries. the monastery is falling into disrepair. The revival began during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. At this time, the stone church of the monastery was built. Miracles happen at the grave of Prince Daniel. The Church canonized the blessed ruler, whose incorruptible relics were found on September 12, 1652.

More than once the temple became a participant in historical events. The monks repelled the invasion of the Crimean Khan Kazy-Girey. The rebels of Ivan Bolotnikov were defeated at the monastery walls. The Lavra was burned in 1612 by Poles fleeing Moscow and 200 years later by the French army retreating from the Russian capital. Each time, by God's providence, the monastery was restored.

In 1930, the communists set up warehouses on the monastery territory, and then opened a colony for children whose parents were subjected to repression. The first Russian monastery was and was the first to be returned to the fold of Russian Orthodoxy after the end of the era of Bolshevism. By 1988, the restoration of all churches was completed.

Danilov Monastery is famous for its relics:

  • Reliquary with the relics of Saint Prince Daniel.
  • Relic guardians of Nicholas the Pleasant, Spiridon of Trimifuntsky, Alexander Nevsky.
  • Icons with pieces of the relics of Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, St. Panteleimon.
  • Revered images of the Mother of God “Vladimirskaya”, “Kazanskaya”, “Three-handed”.

There are three churches in the Church of the Holy Fathers. The top floor is occupied by the churches of the blessed Daniel and the martyrs princes Boris and Gleb. The ground floor is occupied by the Church of the Intercession .

This is interesting! The shoe of God's saint, which was brought from Corfu in 2007, is preserved here.

Thousands of people visited the Danilov Monastery when the relic was delivered to Moscow. A photo of a queue of many kilometers of adults and children wanting to touch the shrine testifies to faith in heavenly help. Every year on December 25, on the day of Spyridon, a religious procession is held with an icon of the saint.

In 2010, a Greek delegation of priests arrived in the Russian capital with the right hand of the saint. A crowd of parishioners and pilgrims waited for the Orthodox relic to be brought to the territory of the Danilov Monastery.

You can get to the monastery by metro to the Tulskaya station. Coming out to the Tulsky shopping and business complex, they head through the square to the chapel, from which they walk along the pedestrian path to the street. Danilovsky Val. After 200 meters the monastery wall begins. After another 140 meters there is the main entrance.

Danilov Monastery

Reliquary guardians in Moscow:

  1. The Novospassky Stavropegic Monastery houses the relics of ecumenical and Russian saints. In the large ark, along with dozens of fragments of the relics of God's saints, there are also particles of the incorruptible body of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. The men's monastery is located at: Peasant Square, building 10.
  2. The Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery on Petrovka Street, building 28/2 preserves the relics of St. Spyridon along with particles of other saints in a large shrine in the church in the name of Sergius of Radonezh. Another fragment of the relics is fixed in the icon of the Bishop of Trimifunt.
  3. In the main church of the Conception Convent, located at 2nd Zachatyevsky Lane, building 2, a revered icon with a particle of the incorruptible relics of St. Spyridon is preserved.

The phenomenon of the incorruptible relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

I would like to talk about this topic in more detail, because belief in miracles always has supporters and opponents. You already know where the relics of Spyridon Trimifuntsky are located, but what exactly is their phenomenon? Let's figure it out together.

First of all, scientists and parishioners who come to Corfu for prayer are struck by the safety of the saint’s remains. In the shrine, which is almost completely covered with gold and silver items donated by believers, there is a small glass window. Through it, Spiridon’s face is clearly visible, which has practically not succumbed to decomposition over the centuries. The only thing that confuses the clergy is the darkening of the saint’s skin, which occurred approximately in the seventeenth century, after Nikon’s reform.

The temperature of the relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is kept at 36.6 degrees. The clergy who care for the cancer claim that the old man’s hair and nails are still growing. Even more surprising is that almost once every six months the clothes in which the saint lies fall into disrepair. Despite the fact that the elder does not leave the shrine, his things and shoes look as if he is constantly wandering. The church ministers themselves say that sometimes, despite their great desire, they cannot open the lock of the shrine in order to carry out certain manipulations with the body. Usually at such moments they say that the saint wanders around the island and helps those in need.

The miracles of the relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky were studied even by proactive scientific groups who have still not been able to unravel this phenomenon. Physicists, biologists and specialists in other fields simply shrug their shoulders when faced with this miracle. Otherwise, they do not dare to name the remains of the saint.

Significant places associated with the name of Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky in Moscow

The majestic temple of Spyridon Trimifuntsky

Saint Spyridon enjoyed special veneration in Moscow. In honor of the saint, a temple was erected in this city in 1633. In 1930, the Majestic Church of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, which was located on Spiridonovka Street, at house 24, was demolished.

Built in the 17th century, it was loved and revered by parishioners. This was the only temple in Moscow consecrated in honor of the saint, who suffered a difficult fate.

His existence did not turn out to be a blessed one:

  • when there was a war with the French, the temple was badly damaged;
  • then the temple became objectionable to the residents of the nearby house and the workers of the nearby Technological Institute;
  • in the thirties it was demolished and the building of the Teplobeton trust was built on this site.

All that remains of the temple is the name of the street, entries in old books and memories. Now it can only be seen in black and white photos.

Today in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary the throne of the saint has been revived. To visit it you need to come to Prechistenka, Bolshoy Vasilyevsky Lane.

Moscow Cathedral of the Resurrection of the Word

Particles of relics and two miraculous icons since 1629 have been in the Moscow Cathedral of the Resurrection of the Word.

They can be found at the back of the church. The Ark is in the center of the icon. This parish is one of those that was able to survive the looting and remained active.

The temple has three shrines:

  • ancient icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • a miraculous icon called “Seeking the Lost,” with the image of St. Justin, an ancient philosopher;
  • miracle-working image of the holy elder Spyridon of Trimifuntsky with incorruptible relics.

The image of Spiridon is unusual. It is an ark with enclosed holy relics and a small metal door. There is evidence that the door opens on its own during prayer and also closes on its own.

This icon is well prayed for, and help when turning to the face does not keep you waiting. With its help, many miracles happen. There was even a documentary filmed about this, which can be watched on the Orthodox website.

The temple is located at the address: Moscow, Uspensky Vrazhek, Bryusovsky Lane, number 15/2.

St. Danilovsky Monastery

The monastery is located on Danilovsky Val street, 22.

A shoe, relics and an ancient icon are kept here, where people often pray to the saint for help.

A few words about the icon

The icon of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky also stands out from the general mass of Christian images. Usually saints are depicted with a bare head or a halo over it. And Bishop Spyridon is depicted wearing a woolen cap, which was once worn by simple shepherds.

Most often, his right hand is raised in blessing, and the elder holds the holy book with his left. There are known images in which Spiridon tightly clutches in his hand the very brick that once decided the outcome of the Ecumenical Council.

We have already mentioned that for some reason this icon is not found in all Orthodox churches. Therefore, if you want to ask for help from a saint, but do not see his icon, then turn to Spyridon in front of the image of All Saints. Church servants claim that your request will definitely be heard, and the elder will not refuse to help you.

How to get there

The church can be reached by land public transport, by sea transport and by rented car.

By public transport

Corfu Airport is located approximately 3 km from Kerkyra. From here you can take bus number 15 to the city center and then walk to the place.

Blue buses ply around the city and surrounding areas; their routes can be viewed on the carrier’s website.

Green buses carry you from other cities to Kerkyra; routes and prices are indicated on the carrier’s website.

By sea transport

From Central and Northern Greece you can take a ferry to Corfu, but first you need to take a bus to the port of Igoumenitsa. Tickets can be viewed on the website of the carrier company KTEL.

You can also drive a rental car to the port and take the ferry to the island. The ticket price for a passenger is 11 euros, transporting a car will cost 40 euros. The ferry schedule can be viewed on this website.

From Athens you can get to Corfu either by plane or by direct bus to Kerkyra, which is loaded onto the ferry.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for money and well-being

Of course, the Orthodox Church calls on parishioners to take care first of all of their souls. We must pray to the Lord for this every day. But in these works it is impossible to forget about our daily bread. Each of us lives in a world where money is needed. Therefore, anyone can face a situation where financial problems lead to complete collapse. What to do in this case? Which saint should I contact?

Many people don’t even know that in Orthodoxy there are special prayers for well-being. Below we present a prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for money and well-being. However, you need to ask for finance only with a pure heart and without self-interest. Remember that during his lifetime the elder provided people with financial assistance in the amount that they really needed.

How to ask for help from the relics of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky or from his icon? This question worries many believers, because every conversion must be correct. Church ministers advise praying in front of the image in the evening, and you should ask every day until the financial problem is resolved.

If you are lucky enough to be in Kerkyra, in the temple of St. Spyridon, then be sure to touch the relics and mentally voice your request. There is a lot of evidence on the Internet of how the elder helped people get out of seemingly hopeless situations with the least possible losses. Many stories seem to be real miracles, which Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is very generous with.

What does Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky help with?

Saint Spyridon, being an ordinary layman until adulthood, was well acquainted with various everyday and family concerns. Therefore, believers turn to the saint with their everyday needs as a saint who understands and is close to them. Through prayers to him, many receive resolution of housing and financial problems, and mutual understanding is established in the family. Often those who ask receive healing from illnesses.

However, we must not forget that the sent benefits are not given personally by Saint Spyridon of Trimythous at his own request. The Gracious Lord completely rules over the world, Who helps us through the prayers of the holy saints. In this case, such a heavenly petitioner and intercessor is St. Spyridon of Trimythous.

“The saints are our prayer books and patrons in heaven and therefore living and active members of the militant, earthly Church. Their grace-filled presence in the Church, externally manifested in their icons and relics, surrounds us as if with a prayer cloud of the glory of God. It does not separate us from Christ, but brings us closer to Him, unites us with Him. These are not mediators between God and people who would remove the One Mediator Christ. They are our companions in prayer, friends and helpers in our service to Christ and our communication with Him” (Priest Dionisy Svechnikov).

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