Life and ministry of the church of the wonderworker Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Alypius about how the saint helps today in Greece and Ukraine, as well as about the main miracles of human life.

Father Themistoklis (Mourdzanos), secretary, assistant to Metropolitan Nektarios of Kerkyra, Paxia and Diapontine Islands, Greek Orthodox Church, Fr. Corfu:

Life of Saint Spyridon of Trimythous

Infancy and adolescence

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky was born on the island of Cyprus around 270 into a family of simple peasants. From an early age he did not waste time on idle amusements. His life is distinguished by unceasing service to God through prayer, work, love and help to others. Spiridon worked as a shepherd, harvesting bread.

The saint did not have wealth, but he always helped those in need, gave them shelter and food, and helped the poor with money. In the “Cheti-Menaia” of St. Dmitry of Rostov, the saint is compared with the Old Testament saints David, Jacob and Abraham. The life story is characterized by special meekness, kindness of heart and love for strangers. The pious Spyridon, by the grace of God, received the gift of clairvoyance and miracle-working.

The saint always helped the needy and the poor

Serving as a bishop

Spiridon of Trimifuntsky had a wife and daughter. But the family's life suddenly changed. Soon his wife went to the Lord, then his daughter Irina, whom her father himself baptized. The saint, who trusted in the Lord, did not despair because of his loss and continued his service to God.

At a time when the throne of the empire was occupied by Emperor Constantine the Great, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky was elected bishop. The rank he received did not change the priest. He combined pastoral service, becoming a shepherd of “verbal sheep,” with works of mercy and ordinary labor for food. Knowing the secret sins of people, the saint called on them to repent and correct themselves. The Lord punished those who neglected his words and their conscience.

In 325, the emperor ordered the First Ecumenical Council to be convened so that the fathers would determine the fundamental truths of Christianity and condemn the Arian heresy. While at the Council, the saint, who had no special education, with his own words silenced the scientists who defended Arianism, showing that human wisdom is nothing before the Wisdom of God. Then the saint showed confirmation of the unity and inseparability of the Holy Trinity. Taking a brick in his hand, he squeezed it. A flame of fire burst out from above, and water flowed from below. Only clay remained in the palm. At the same time, the father noted that just as with three elements there is one brick, so in the Holy Trinity there are Three Persons, but the Divinity is One.

People were saved from starvation by the prayers of Father Spyridon

The saint showed great concern for the flock entrusted to him by the Lord. Through his prayers, people were saved from drought, and instead of torrential destructive rains, warm, dry weather came. The sick received healing, demons trembled and were expelled from people. The biography of the saint contains numerous evidence of his miraculous help, a full description of which was outlined by Saint Dmitry of Rostov.

The end of the earthly journey

The Lord revealed to the saint the date and time of his death. The saint prepared for the transition to eternity by beginning the sacraments. Even before his departure to the Lord, the saint did not cease to instruct people in love for Christ and their neighbors. The earthly journey of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky ended around 348. He was buried in the temple in Trimifunt.

The relics of the saint are kept on the island of Corfu, the miracle of which scientists cannot explain. They remain soft and maintain the temperature of a healthy person - 36.6 ° C. Clothes and shoes on the relics gradually wear out, which is why they are periodically changed. The whole point is that the saint continues to walk the earth and help people. Sometimes the shrine containing the relics cannot be opened. This means that at this time the priest went to help the people calling on him.

Saint Spyridon (2018)


Documentary film by Arkady Mamontov.

In September, the relics of St. Spyridon are brought to Moscow from the Greek island of Corfu. Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, a contemporary and friend of Nicholas the Wonderworker, is one of the most unusual saints. He is especially revered in Rus'. According to the life of the saint, during his lifetime he performed such supernatural miracles as squeezing out water and cutting fire out of bricks. Such a miracle was necessary in order to convince the pagan philosopher of the truth of the dogma of the Holy Trinity. The saint became famous for converting pagans to the Orthodox faith, saving people from drought, healing the sick, and even raising the dead, although he himself was neither a skilled orator nor a doctor.

And after his earthly life, Saint Spyridon did not stop helping people who prayed for help. The rector of the temple in Kerkyra, on the island of Corfu, has repeatedly talked about amazing incidents that constantly happen to the relics of the saint. It often happens that the ark with relics cannot be opened, and the lock cannot be cracked by any means. It was then that the residents said that the saint went to help the suffering. Proof of this are pebbles or remains of algae in the reliquary with the relics. Every year the remains of the saint are redressed, and it was noticed that the saint’s slippers have signs of wear, they are a little worn out and worn out. Such worn-out shoes of St. Spyridon are annually divided into small pieces and sent to churches for distribution to believers. Another phenomenon of the saint’s relics is that for 17 centuries they have maintained the body temperature of a living person and weigh as much as a healthy man.

Today, everyone prays to Saint Spyridon for the organization of household affairs; during family troubles, everyone prays - both old and young, rich and poor, believers and, paradoxically, non-believers. Every year, on December 25, in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word, which is located on Bryusov Lane in Moscow, thousands of people gather to venerate the icon with the relics of the saint.

The film will tell about the history of the saint’s earthly life, about his confrontation with heretics at the Second Ecumenical Council, about how fragments of the saint’s shoes help people from illnesses and adversities. But the most important thing, of course, is the deeds of Saint Spyridon, his heavenly patronage of all believers. The son of simple parents and himself simple-minded, humble and virtuous, he was a shepherd of sheep from childhood. Having come of age, he was legally married and had children. He led a pure, godly life, imitating David in meekness, Jacob in simplicity of heart, and Abraham in love for strangers...

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Bishop's lifetime miracles

Saint Spyridon, the Trimifuntsky Wonderworker, performed many miracles during his earthly life, a brief description of which is difficult to compile. History has preserved numerous evidence of healings and salvation from hunger. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Irina, the saint’s pious daughter, was kind and meek. One lady asked Irina to keep her jewelry. When the girl suddenly died, the owner of the treasure was worried because no one knew where Irina hid her valuables. Then Saint Spyridon called to his deceased daughter, and her answer was heard from the grave. She told us exactly where the data for storing the valuables was, and it was found there.
  2. One day there was a drought on the island of Cyprus. Plants and animals died from lack of rain, people died of hunger. Through the prayers of Father Spyridon, the Lord granted peaceful rain, and the earth gave a rich harvest.
  3. When Father Spyridon's friend was slandered out of envy, he was sentenced to death. The saint hurried to his aid. But the stream, which overflowed in a large stream, blocked Father’s path. Following the example of Joshua, the saint prayed, after which the stream stopped and opened a dry path for the priest and those walking with him. Having learned about this, the judge released the convict.
  4. Saint Spyridon saved Emperor Constantius from a fatal disease.
  5. Through the prayers of the saint, the Lord brought the dead baby back to life.

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is revered as a wonderworker

Akathist to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

D/F “Patron of the Mediterranean. Saint Spyridon, Trimifuntsky Wonderworker." The film was created by the Ukrainian Orthodox TV channel "Glas"

Video recording of the service and religious procession on August 11, 2011.

The religious procession on August 11 is held in memory of the salvation of Kerkyra from the Turkish invasion in 1716. During the religious processions, a glass-covered sarcophagus containing the relics of St. Spiridon is taken out of the silver shrine, placed in a vertical position, and then carried on a stretcher on the shoulders of four clergymen under a special gold-woven canopy. The holy relics are preceded by bishops, clergy of all ranks, a choir, military brass bands, and candle bearers in ceremonial robes, holding thick candles with a diameter of more than 15 centimeters. They are carried in special belts slung over the shoulder. The ringing of bells floats over the city, marches of brass bands and church chants sound.

Documentary film “The Hand of St. Spyridon. From Byzantium to Russia" (2010).

Documentary film “The Hand of St. Spyridon. From Byzantium to Russia" (2010). In April 2007, a particle of the relics of St. arrived from the Greek island of Kerkyra (Corfu) to Russia. Spyridona is his holy Hand (right hand). The film “The Right Hand of St.” is dedicated to this event. Spiridon. From Byzantium to Russia." It tells about numerous cases of grace-filled help through the prayers of the Saint, and shows the places of his exploits. Fragments of his life are described so vividly that it seems as if Saint Spyridon himself was invisibly accompanying the film crew. Year of release: 2010 Genre: Orthodox shrines Duration: 46 minutes Director: Maria Kravchenko

"The Secret of the Wonderworker Spyridon." TV documentary (film 9, 2010)

The relics of Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky have completely unique properties: his body has a temperature of 36.6 degrees, his hair and nails grow, and his clothes wear out. Scientists from all over the world are trying to unravel this phenomenon. Sometimes the reliquary in which the relics are kept cannot be opened. On such days, people say that Saint Spyridon went to wander around the surrounding area.

Corfu. Procession with the relics of St. Spiridon

Corfu (Kerkyra), August 11, 2012.

Saint Spyridon of Trimythos. 4-11-2012. Corfu. Greece.

Protokyryako (first resurrection) 11/4/2012 Litany (procession of the cross) with the removal of the Holy Relics of St. Spyridon of Trimifun. Corfu. Greece.

In Corfu, miracles happen from the relics of St. Spyridon every day - Bishop Seraphim

Bishop Seraphim of Bobruisk and Bykhov, who together with Bishop Veniamin of Borisov led the Belarusian delegation that went to the island of Corfu to deliver the right hand of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky to Minsk, addressed a brief sermon to the numerous believers who gathered on the evening of May 9 in the Holy Spirit Cathedral, to meet the great shrine.

Lives of the Saints - St. Spyridon of Trimythous

What does a saint help with and how to ask for help

Memorial Day of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky December 12 (December 25 BC). There is an opinion that people pray to the saint for material well-being and money. Orthodox people know that they do not ask God and His saints for money. The Lord helps those in need, people receive help in solving material problems, but the love of money is a sin.

People resort to the help of the saint in various everyday needs: in case of problems at work or housing difficulties.

In financial need, people gain the opportunity to change the current situation. Father Spyridon helps everyone with any problems and illnesses.

How to pray - a person decides according to the call of his soul. You can read an akathist to the saint, prayers, sing a troparion, and at the same time talk about the current situation in your own words. The main thing is that a person asks with unfeigned faith, without pride, and what is asked is intended for a good and not an evil deed.

People resort to the help of the saint in various everyday needs

Miracles through prayers

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky saves from hunger, material need, helps solve housing problems, and heals from illnesses. The miracles performed by Saint Spyridon through the prayers of believers are even greater than the miracles performed by him during his lifetime.

  1. At the end of 1948, a woman arrived in Kerkyra with her 11-year-old son, who could not speak from birth. She dreamed that Father Spiridon would heal her child. When the shrine containing the holy relics was carried over the youth, he, by the grace of God, began to speak.
  2. In 1861, in a Greek family, an 8-year-old boy was stricken with typhoid fever. A telegram was sent to relatives in Kerkyra so that they would go to the saint’s temple and ask for the opening of the shrine with the relics. At the moment the cancer was opened, the child’s body began to convulse and he began to grow stronger and recover.
  3. In 2002 B. Elena, after many unsuccessful attempts to exchange an apartment and performing a prayer service for water, St. Spyridon managed to resolve the housing issue.

The miracle worker turns a snake into gold

The saint stops the pouring rain

Saint Spyridon resurrects his daughter

Saint Spyridon. Documentary film by Arkady Mamontov

Saint Spyridon. Documentary film by Arkady Mamontov 2022 ▶Subscribe to channel Russia 1: > ▶All doc. movies: >

In September, the relics of St. Spyridon are brought to Moscow from the Greek island of Corfu. Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, a contemporary and friend of Nicholas the Wonderworker, is one of the most unusual saints. He is especially revered in Rus'. According to the life of the saint, during his lifetime he performed such supernatural miracles as squeezing out water and cutting fire out of bricks. Such a miracle was necessary in order to convince the pagan philosopher of the truth of the dogma of the Holy Trinity. The saint became famous for converting pagans to the Orthodox faith, saving people from drought, healing the sick, and even raising the dead, although he himself was neither a skilled orator nor a doctor.

And after his earthly life, Saint Spyridon did not stop helping people who prayed for help. The rector of the temple in Kerkyra, on the island of Corfu, has repeatedly talked about amazing incidents that constantly happen to the relics of the saint. It often happens that the ark with relics cannot be opened, and the lock cannot be cracked by any means. It was then that the residents said that the saint went to help the suffering. Proof of this are pebbles or remains of algae in the reliquary with the relics. Every year the remains of the saint are redressed, and it was noticed that the saint’s slippers have signs of wear, they are a little worn out and worn out. Such worn-out shoes of St. Spyridon are annually divided into small pieces and sent to churches for distribution to believers. Another phenomenon of the saint’s relics is that for 17 centuries they have maintained the body temperature of a living person and weigh as much as a healthy man.

Today, everyone prays to Saint Spyridon for the organization of household affairs; during family troubles, everyone prays - both old and young, rich and poor, believers and, paradoxically, non-believers. Every year, on December 25, in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word, which is located on Bryusov Lane in Moscow, thousands of people gather to venerate the icon with the relics of the saint.

The film will tell about the history of the saint’s earthly life, about his confrontation with heretics at the Second Ecumenical Council, about how fragments of the saint’s shoes help people from illnesses and adversities. But the most important thing, of course, is the deeds of Saint Spyridon, his heavenly patronage of all believers. The son of simple parents and himself simple-minded, humble and virtuous, he was a shepherd of sheep from childhood. Having come of age, he was legally married and had children. He led a pure, godly life, imitating David in meekness, Jacob in simplicity of heart, and Abraham in love for strangers...

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