Thursday salt - what is it for, how to prepare it at home

Thursday salt is salt that can be prepared only once a year, on Maundy Thursday. Since ancient times, Christians have endowed this product with magical qualities; it was believed that it protects against the evil eye and evil spirits, and is endowed with the ability to treat many diseases.

Thursday salt has many advantages over sea or table salt, and miraculous properties are attributed to it due to the fact that it is made on a special day for Christians, Maundy Thursday during Holy Week, when a person’s soul is cleansed of all bad things.

Thursday salt is almost a sacred product among Christians

What it is

Thursday salt is salt that is prepared according to a certain method on the onset of Maundy Thursday. For many centuries, this particular salt was believed to have properties that could cleanse. Ordinary salt does not have such properties. Is this really true?

The opinion that only Thursday salt has cleansing properties is erroneous. Any salt is endowed with similar qualities. It doesn’t matter what day this product was purchased, what color it is, or what day you started preparing it.

It will not be a secret that most Christian customs came to us from Vedicism. But modern Orthodox people believe that all church traditions are in no way connected with paganism. It's up to you to decide what exactly to believe.

Ritual for Maundy Thursday to protect the house from the evil eye and damage

This ritual is performed on Maundy Thursday. This is a very powerful ritual that will help establish a family atmosphere in the house, reconcile all residents, as well as save the family from constant failures and attract prosperity. The ritual also has great power against the evil eye and damage. To do this, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Thoroughly clean the house, paying attention to every corner. It is necessary to sweep all rooms and wash the floors, wipe dust everywhere, including the most inaccessible places, and carefully put all things in closets or chests of drawers. Cleaning should touch as many items in the room as possible. You cannot leave at least part of your apartment or house uncleaned.
  2. Heat freshly prepared Thursday salt over low heat. As it heats up, it will absorb all the negativity that is present in the house.
  3. Light a candle, and while the amulet is heating up on the stove, go around the whole house, stopping in each corner and mentally imagining that the candle fire is burning all the remnants of negative energy that had previously accumulated in the house.
  4. Pour the mixture heated in a frying pan into a saucer, then place a burning candle in it. Read the “Our Father” over it three times and leave it to burn out.
  5. After the candle burns completely, you need to go outside the yard and bury the saucer along with the remains of the cinder and the amulet in a place where no one lives. It is advisable not to show yourself to anyone at this time.

Along with the attributes, all the troubles and negative energy sent to the house and family members by ill-wishers will be buried. You cannot tell anyone about the ritual performed, even after life has improved and returned to normal.

What is it for and how to use it

According to traditions, you should prepare cleansing salt once a year, with the onset of Maundy Thursday. The product also has another name - black salt, because when properly prepared it turns black. Sometimes it is not possible to achieve a bright black color; the salt turns gray, but this does not affect its cleansing properties.

You should not think that black salt is an invention of modern magicians. Our ancestors have been preparing Thursday salt for many centuries. Beliefs say that salt prepared on Maundy Thursday has powerful magical properties. There are also beliefs that in order to endow salt crystals with miraculous powers, it is enough to take them outside the night before the holiday and leave them in the open air. This way the salt will absorb the magic.

Salt could also be left near the bread or kept near the icons throughout Easter. All the miraculous power of the holiday will be absorbed into the salt. The magical qualities of salt remain throughout the next year. Therefore, its preparation should be done every year.

Black salt has special taste properties. If you want to use it in cooking, you will have to grind it using a mortar. The taste of salt may vary depending on what exactly you combine it with. The point of salt is not to add it to food for flavor; it only takes a little bit.

During cooking, the product is completely purified and absorbs energy:

  1. People have believed in the power of fire since ancient times. Fire can cleanse salt of negative energy and enhance its magical properties.
  2. Prayer plays an important role in preparation; it will give the salt special energy. During the cooking process, you should read a prayer that will help cleanse the salt.
  3. Thursday itself is of particular importance. On this day, miraculous radiations are sent throughout the world.
  4. Services held during the Easter period also have a strong recharging effect.

Now let's look at how Thursday salt is used. Of course, we will delve into this issue in more detail below. Black salt can save you from illness, negative influences, the evil eye, and bring success in upcoming affairs. But first, you need to pour it into a cotton bag, carry it with you on a string, you can pour it into an amulet and store it next to regular salt.

This salt can be poured at the doorstep of your home. When you return home, the negative energy will disappear. It will also protect you from people who come to visit you with unclean thoughts.

Thursday salt, when to cook in 2021-2022?

Salt was prepared in a special way exclusively on Holy Week, on Thursday. Before starting to prepare such a seasoning, it was necessary to completely clean the house so that cleanliness and order reigned in the house. But it was impossible to delay in order to make it before sunset. That is, until the sun goes down.

Thursday salt, when to prepare in 2021-2022:

  • According to tradition, Thursday salt is prepared on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, or at least early in the morning. However, this can be problematic due to the large number of things to do on this day. After all, it is necessary to clean the house, wash the windows, and prepare the home for the bright holiday of Easter.
  • Before you start preparing salt, the house should already be clean and tidy. Accordingly, most often housewives start cooking not on Wednesday, but after lunch on Thursday, in order to make it before sunset. After this, on Saturday it is carried to the church and blessed.

Healing product

How to make Thursday salt

Previously, Thursday salt was prepared in an oven, sometimes an open fire was used for this. In modern conditions, you can use the gas stove we are used to.

Ancestors used a clay container for cooking, and sometimes a wicker bast shoe and simmered in it for several hours. Salt could be wrapped in cabbage leaves.

There is a version that a special log was used in the preparation. The logs were to be set aside one at a time throughout Lent. They used them to build a fire and prepare black salt.

When should you start cooking? The process must take place either the night before Maundy Thursday or early in the morning. Before starting to prepare, a woman must take a bath and say prayers.

Preparation involves heat treatment of the crystals. You should take coarse table salt, which is sold in packages. Finely ground sea salt will not work. If you plan to actively use salt, it is better to prepare a kilogram, it will definitely be enough for a year.

For cooking, it is better to use a cast iron frying pan with a thick bottom. Can be replaced with a cauldron with thick walls. But frying pans with a non-stick coating cannot be used.

Salt is poured into a frying pan and heated, you can mix it with additives or spices.

The salt can be left in storage until midnight, after which it should be poured into the prepared bag. You cannot keep it open until Good Friday, in which case the salt may lose all its cleansing qualities.

Black salt

What's happened

Black salt is typically edible rock salt that has been oven-heated with natural ingredients. A distinctive feature is a specific egg smell and a milder salty taste.

When heat treated, salt changes its chemical composition and physical characteristics. Black salt becomes resistant to humidity.

Russian history of black salt

Black salt is a traditional Kostroma product. It is here, perhaps since the 14th century. There was a strange, at first glance, custom of preparing black (burnt) salt. Many researchers point out that residents of the Kostroma region did not attribute miraculous properties to black salt, but ate it solely “to taste” and for the sake of taste.

Tatyana Mikhailovna Yakovleva , a researcher on the preparation of black Kostroma salt, suggests that in the XIII-XIV centuries. black salt was a very common product. It was prepared in Siberia, Ukraine, and the Caucasus, but over time the tradition was lost and forgotten. But on Kostroma land it has been preserved. Why? The reason is the salt mines with which this territory was rich. To evaporate table salt, complete sealing of all equipment was required, especially the trays with brine solution. The seams were covered with rye flour dough. Perhaps, at the end of the work, “the products of combustion, which were scraped off the walls of the tsren (baking tray) and from the cracks during the cleaning process, were not thrown away, but were crushed and used for food - after all, salt was a very expensive product.”

Each Kostroma family had its own recipe for black salt. Coarse rock salt could be mixed with eggs, flour, kvass wort, rye bread, cabbage leaves or sauerkraut. The kneaded mass was packed in canvas and baked in a Russian oven. In the oven, the mass was heated and turned into a hard black lump. There was almost nothing left in it except salt, since all the additives burned, giving the salt its taste. The black lump was broken into small pieces, ground and sifted.

IMPORTANT: when buying black Kostroma salt, pay attention to the composition. It should contain table rock salt first, and then several natural ingredients, for example, peeled rye flour, white cabbage leaves, and kvass grounds. And, of course, the main sign of the quality of black salt is its eggy smell and milder taste (salty, not salty). This is difficult to fake.

How to prepare black salt

There are many recipes for making black salt, but almost all of them involve edible rock salt, bread in a variety of variations (from flour to baked loaves), natural fabric, a Russian stove and birch firewood.

The first recipe, “grandmother’s”. Mix coarse salt in equal proportions with rye flour in a 1:1 ratio. Soak a little and stir until smooth. Wrap the mixture in linen cloth and put it in the oven along with the firewood. The bundle with salt should be surrounded by them on all sides. Light the wood and, closing the damper, bake until the wood is completely burned and turns into coals.

The second recipe is an old one. Moisten coarse salt with water and stir. Add dry bread crumbs (breadcrumbs). Place the prepared mass on a damp cloth, wrap tightly and place in a birch bast shoe. Bury the bast shoes in the coals and bake in the residual heat for 4 hours.

The third recipe, with rolled oats. Mix rolled oats with water and stir. Add salt in a 1:1 ratio relative to the oatmeal mixture. Sprinkle with water and stir until a mass similar to sea sand is formed. Place onto the canvas in a rectangular mound. Wrap tightly in canvas, wrap with natural twine and leave for a couple of hours. Remove the twine and unfold the canvas. Place the resulting workpiece on the edge of the fabric, cover it with the free side and roll it several times, forming a thick rope. Pack again in canvas, tie tightly with twine. Bury the package in hot coals and bake in the residual heat, with the damper closed, until the morning. Carefully remove the hard black lump, break it into smaller pieces with a hammer and crush it.

The fourth recipe, with a loaf of bread. Cut a loaf of rye or Borodino bread (“brick”) in half. Select the crumb, fill its place with salt, and “seal” the crumb on top. Pack half the bread tightly in canvas, tie it with twine and place it in the oven with coals. Bake on residual heat for 8 hours.


  • The ash content of black salt can be changed. For example, the more flour used, the darker the salt as it burns and turns into small particles of coal.
  • Salt can be sifted after grinding, but many do not do this. The ash is left in because the spice has a milder taste and you definitely can’t over-salt it.

Foreign black salt

Our Kostroma salt is not the only black salt in the world. There are several other similar products. Let's talk about three of them. The first two are also on sale here, and the third is not sold in Russia, but is very original.

Hawaiian black salt

Black lava salt is not the most expensive sea salt mixed with activated carbon. The product has an earthy taste and can be found most often in Hawaii, but sometimes in Cyprus too. Typically, this spice is used at the end of cooking, just before serving the dish.

Hawaiian black salt

Kala namak, Himalayan black salt

Kala namak is rock salt fired in a kiln. The product is known as “black Himalayan salt”, Suleman namak, bit-lobon, kala-gagar; made from salts mined in the regions surrounding the Himalayas. Widely used in Pakistan, India and other Asian countries.

Himalayan pink salt is baked and then mixed with Indian spices and herbs, including triphala, an Ayurvedic herbal supplement. Salt has a distinctive taste due to its sulfur content, which can be compared to a hard-boiled egg yolk. Experts describe it as an umami taste.

Kala namak, Himalayan black salt next to pink Himalayan salt

El Sod salt from Southern Ethiopia

El Sod salt is a salt mined by residents of the village of the same name, located on the edge of an extinct volcano with a salt lake in the crater.

Extracting this salt is extremely difficult and hazardous to health. Most of the time, salt miners are completely naked, since the salt water is so aggressive that it destroys both clothes and shoes. Miners try to protect their noses and ears with soil plugs wrapped in plastic bags. The eyes are more difficult to protect, which is why many miners suffer from blindness.

For centuries, men from the local Borana tribe have been diving into the waters of the lake to collect salt and then sell it to traders. El Sod salt is distributed throughout Ethiopia, reaching Somalia and Kenya. Outsiders are not allowed near the lake salt!

Local salt is conventionally called black salt, since there are different types of salt in the lake. The cheapest is black and small, the most expensive is large and almost transparent crystals.

Black salt "El Sod"

Black salt, how to use, a chef's view

In India and other Asian countries surrounding the Himalayas, black salt is used for chutneys, spicy raita sauces and salads, including fruit salads. It is sprinkled on popcorn, chips and not only potatoes, but also any other vegetables (beets, cabbage, carrots). Quiches and frittatas will gain additional flavor if you add a pinch of black salt at the very end of cooking—already when serving. If you're making French toast, seasoning it with black salt will give it a richer flavor.

Vegans value black salt because it adds eggy flavor and aroma to egg-free dishes. If black salt is added to a tofu omelette, it will indeed resemble a classic scrambled egg.

Maxim Rybakov, chef of the Gostiny Dvor restaurant, Suzdal, Vladimir region:

“I became acquainted with black salt about 15 years ago, when I first visited Kostroma. I had already heard a lot about her before, so the acquaintance was expected and pleasant. Subsequently, having studied the preparation technology, I began to make black salt in my restaurants.

I use black salt wherever it is appropriate - for cold appetizers and salads, often for decorating dishes. I recommend not using it when cooking, that is, not adding salt to foods when they are fried, stewed or baked. Black salt is great for adding a final shine.

It seems to me that baked potatoes with melted butter, white milk mushrooms and sour cream are the best company for black salt.”

Another option for using black salt from Maxim Rybakov. Lard, horseradish, grain mustard, green onions and black salt.

Benefits of black salt

The benefits of black salt include a large number of microelements useful for the human body. It contains: calcium, potassium, magnesium.

  • Black salt does not retain water in the body and relieves stress on the liver and digestive system, since it contains approximately 10 times less metals.
  • Black salt is useful for people suffering from high blood pressure, obesity, osteochondrosis, and intestinal diseases.
  • Black salt helps get rid of constipation and gas, increases appetite.

What can I add?

Ready black salt can be poured into a jar, flask or bag for storage.

The following can be used as additives:

  • cabbage leaves;
  • Rye bread;
  • cereals;
  • bran;
  • kvass grounds;
  • herbs;
  • spices.

Mint, bay leaf, dill, coriander, cumin and basil can be used as spices or herbs. Wormwood is best suited. This herb contains great magical properties. Our ancestors used wormwood as protection against damage and the evil eye. Bunches were placed in houses, hung in the corners of rooms, thus creating protection from evil spirits and diverting lightning from the house.

For magical protection, in addition to wormwood, you can add:

  • nettle;
  • St. John's wort;
  • yarrow;
  • tansy;
  • whine;
  • immortelle.

Combined with wormwood, all seven herbs will create the strongest protection. Such salt will absorb all negativity and protect from enemies. Where can I get such herbs? It is highly likely that they can be purchased from herbalists, and they are also available for sale in pharmacies. And, of course, you can start collecting them yourself.

Conspiracy to attract money

Rituals to attract money are carried out when there are constant failures in financial matters. This simple ritual will help restore financial flows and attract money to your home and clients to your business.

The Thursday salt prepared in advance must be sprinkled onto the banknotes that are stored in the house and the following words must be said:

“With the help of God I call for gold. Like the stars in the sky, so is the money in your pocket.”

After this, hide the money and do not lend it to anyone for a week.

How to cook

First of all, you should remember that during cooking, smog and a characteristic odor will be released, so before the process, turn on the hood and open the windows for ventilation. You can also remember the sign associated with salt. If during calcination it begins to crack, it means that the owner of the house is damaged.

How can you prepare salt?

  1. Salt can be pierced in a cast iron frying pan. You should stir it with a spoon or wooden spatula. Stir it until it turns black.
  2. You can also prepare Thursday salt in the oven. Pour it into the cauldron. It will take several hours to fry.
  3. You can finely crumble the rye bread and mix it with table salt. The mixture is poured into the duckling pan and placed in the oven until darkened. Bread and salt should be mixed in proportions of 1 to 4.
  4. In a clean cast iron frying pan, you can mix salt and rye flour. One kilogram of salt will require ten tablespoons. You should read the prayer over the mixture three times and stir-fry.
  5. Salt is mixed with oatmeal. The mixture can be fried in a frying pan or placed in the oven until darkened.
  6. The mixture can also be made with cabbage. To do this, its leaves should be cut into thin strips. One hundred grams of cabbage is used for half a kilogram of salt. All this is laid out in a frying pan and dried.

An important preparation note! Be sure to stir the salt clockwise.

When cooking is complete, you may notice lumps in the salt; they should be crushed. After this, the salt is poured into a bag or container. Sign the date of manufacture. After the salt has cooled, it can be sifted so that large crystals can be used for amulets, and fine crystals can be added to food.

Bonus! A recipe for a delicious snack, which is so perfect to serve, seasoned with black salt.

Herring forshmak with Borodino bread

Herring forshmak with Borodino bread

To prepare 2 servings you need:

  • 200-250 g fillet of lightly salted herring
  • 150 g wheat bread crumb
  • 30 g onion
  • 50-80 ml milk
  • 20-25 g butter

To submit:

  • 200 g Borodino bread
  • 4–5 arrows of green onions
  • 2–3 lemon slices
  • black salt
  1. Pass all the mincemeat ingredients through a meat grinder and mix.
  2. Cut Borodino bread into thin slices and dry in an oven preheated to 200°C for 7-10 minutes until lightly crunchy.
  3. Place the forshmak on slightly warm bread. Sprinkle with finely chopped onion (optional) and season with black salt. Sprinkle with lemon juice.

Prayers for salt

Before you start cooking, be sure to focus on the desired mood and get rid of all negative thoughts. When preparing salt, your soul should be filled with faith and pure thoughts.

Another important point is reading a prayer. In the prayer book, find a prayer called “Before starting any business.” It would not be amiss to read “Our Father.” This should be done at least three times.

Before you start piercing the salt or putting it in the oven, you can say the following prayer:

While preparing black salt, various prayers can be read, not just the Our Father. You can use this example:

During the cooking process, be sure to imagine what result you want to get and for what purpose you are doing this.

After cooking, the salt will be hot, wait until it cools down completely, and only then start transferring it into prepared containers or bags. After this, it is advisable to hide the salt from prying eyes; use it if necessary. It would be a good idea to take the salt to church on Easter and bless it there.

What is Thursday salt and where to get it

On Maundy Thursday, on the eve of the Great Easter holiday, in Rus' they always prepared “black salt” or, as it was also called “Thursday salt”. Black salt was blessed in the church along with Thursday bread, Easter cakes and eggs. This salt is considered unique medicinal.

This salt differs from ordinary salt even in its appearance - it is black. Such salt was prepared in the oven - from coarse rock salt, leaven grounds, herbs and cabbage leaves.

Thursday salt was tasty and healthy because after burning it contained such useful substances as potassium, phosphorus, iodine, chromium, magnesium, in addition, black salt gave the products a special aroma.

In addition to its taste benefits and the presence of a large number of elements beneficial to the body, Thursday salt was considered magical and healers and sorcerers resorted to its healing and magical properties.

First of all, Thursday salt can cope with any black energy, cleanse not only a thing or room, but also a person’s aura. Magic salt was used in ancient rituals to scare away dark forces and protect a person from damage from the evil eye, etc.

Unfortunately, many recipes for making Thursday salt have been lost, but several proven cooking methods have survived to this day.

Despite the fact that black salt was prepared in ovens, it can be cooked in the oven, over an open fire, or in a frying pan over low heat.

At Easter, it is always advisable to prepare black (Thursday) salt for Easter eggs.

Thursday salt can be bought at the church store, but you can prepare it at home. First of all, such salt is a powerful purifier of a person’s aura, capable of healing from strong negative influences.

Likewise, Thursday salt has the ability to cleanse inanimate objects from the charge of dark energies.

Application in Orthodoxy

Black salt can be poured near the threshold. Step outside it, starting with your right foot, walk around the house clockwise and say:

This is the strongest protection for your home. It builds a shield against people who enter your home with evil intentions. You can also read the following prayer:

Or this text:

You can dilute black salt in water and do a general cleaning of the house. It can be used to treat floors and furniture. All corners in the house are also treated with salt; just sprinkle a small pinch.

Today, Thursday salt is used for:

  1. Treatments. Salt can give strength and restore health. For this purpose, baths and rubdowns are used.
  2. Attracting love. It is enough to write on the sheet the name of the other half, what qualities and character he should have. All this is put in an envelope and salt is poured in.
  3. Success. Salt will help attract work and money. Various spells and rituals are added to salt. After they are carried out, the salt is poured into a bag and stored where they cannot be seen.
  4. Thursday salt is used to protect against the evil eye. Here you can also add various conspiracies and rituals.
  5. Recovery from alcohol addiction, drug abuse, gaming addiction. When combined with spells, salt gains greater power.

The miraculous properties of Thursday salt make many wonder where it can be purchased. You can prepare it yourself, and some even prepare it for sale. You can also turn to psychics or magicians, but it is better to make it yourself, because this way you will put your soul and energy into it.

Thursday salt is a cure for internal diseases. Video

Of course, such salt can be cooked not only on Thursday and not only in a Russian oven, but simply over a large fire.
And instead of leaven grounds and malt, which modern people have never even heard of, you can take oatmeal. Nevertheless, this salt will also have healing properties. Salt as a cleansing and disinfecting substance is mentioned in the Old Testament. The prophet Elisha used it to cleanse the bitterness of the water source in Jericho, which still exists. He prayed to God and threw salt into the water. After this the water became sweet. Therefore, since ancient times in the Orthodox Church there has been a prayer for the consecration of salt. It is precisely this event that is remembered in it. “God our Savior, who came to Jericho under Elisha the prophet and healed the harmful waters with salt, bless this salt and offer it as a sacrifice of joy...”

In the New Testament, the Savior uses the word “salt” in a spiritual sense, speaking about his followers, Christians. “You are the salt of the earth. If the salt loses its strength, what will you use to make it salty? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out to be trampled underfoot by people” (Matthew 5:13). Here we are talking about the righteous who bring the gospel message, the truth of Christ, cleansing immortal souls from sinful filth, darkness and error, to the whole world - “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14).

Salt, like bread, wheat, wine, oil, Easter, Easter cakes, eggs and other food, is sanctified so that it is not only for bodily benefit, but also for spiritual benefit - “a sacrifice of joy.” Therefore, an Orthodox priest can bless salt on any day by reading a prayer over it and sprinkling it with holy water.

Thursday salt is called because, according to a long-standing folk, but not church tradition, on Great Thursday of Holy Week, also called Maundy Thursday, it is prepared in a special way (fried until black), consecrated and stored until Bright Week, and then used as a healing agent. remedy for people and animals.

Unfortunately, pagan roots still live in the popular consciousness, and even being Christians, people sometimes treat holy or consecrated objects as magical, possessing some kind of supernatural mystical power.

Although they have one power - Divine grace, which helps a person, first of all, to strengthen his faith and cleanse himself of sinful filth. Therefore, information about the same Thursday salt can often be found on occult sites that advertise it as a magical remedy for curing diseases, protecting against the evil eye and damage, etc.

Of course, Orthodoxy under no circumstances can accept such an understanding of the properties of Thursday salt. If you treat it as a disinfecting and cleansing substance that adds flavor to food and, after consecration with prayer and holy water, acquires a beneficial property, then with faith you can use it for the benefit of the soul and body.

Black salt against damage and the evil eye

Many people are interested in the question of whether Thursday salt helps against damage and the evil eye. It is safe to say that this is a reliable talisman against any negative influence. If you carry such a talisman with you in a bag, then you will not be afraid of any negative energy. With its help you will protect both yourself and your home.

To protect your home, you should pour salt into the amulet and place a small salt shaker on the table. This way you will give your loved ones health. You cannot eat salt standing on the table; it is believed that it absorbs negative energy. There was a belief that if you ask three wealthy houses for salt and make black salt from it, you will have good luck.

And if you feel a negative energetic influence, you can dilute black salt in water and wash your face with it. This will remove all the negativity. Of course, do not forget to wash off any remaining salt from your body to avoid itching. For a whole bath, a small pinch of salt is enough. Then you won’t need to wash anything off.

If a person is sick, he needs to add a little salt to his food, and he will soon recover. Salt was also used on the farm; it was poured into a bucket of water.

Black salt is made at a time when positive Orthodox waves were radiating throughout the world. This is how she absorbed good energy and momentum.

Recipe. How to prepare black Thursday salt at home?

This procedure for preparing Thursday salt can be done at home. Prada, the conditions for preparing it are not entirely suitable, but it is possible. Buy salt and roast it with herbs or black bread. But at home it is better to prepare salt without additives, otherwise the whole kitchen will smoke!

The simplest way to prepare Thursday salt at home is to take it and heat it in a frying pan, preferably cast iron. Again, you will need to use coarse salt without any additives! True, after calcination it will remain light. Don't forget to say a prayer before you start cooking.

Calcination of salt, in addition to its ritual meaning, has a very important practical meaning. At high temperatures: 250 - 280 degrees, salt destroys some of the most harmful chlorine compounds associated with sodium, which, even with a slight overdose in the body, disrupt the potassium-sodium balance. After all, potassium deficiency significantly affects the functioning of the human cardiovascular system. Here, in Thursday salt, the amount of potassium increases, as well as selenium, calcium and other trace elements that increase its nutritional, dietary and health value. Black salt is much less able to retain water in the body, therefore increasing the weight loss effect. The harmful effects on hypertensive patients and people suffering from kidney disease are reduced. Also, this salt does not harm people suffering from chronic diseases. And it’s simply delicious!

Application of Thursday salt

What to do with Thursday salt? You can carry salt with you in your pocket, bag, or pour it into your amulet. Then you can be sure that you are protected.

The purpose of using Thursday salt is to:

  • to protect yourself from evil influences;
  • for recovery from illness;
  • if troubles began to appear in the house;
  • in case of regular family quarrels, salt is placed under the spouse’s pillow;
  • when a person is absent for a long time, salt is thrown into the fire;
  • to raise a beautiful and smart child, he is bathed in water with the addition of a pinch of salt;
  • so that there is prosperity in the house, salt is poured into a wooden salt shaker and placed in the center of the table;
  • added to food for guests to find an ill-wisher;
  • if there was an ill-wisher in the house, his traces were sprinkled with salt;
  • To attract peace and happiness in the family, black salt is sprinkled at the head of each bed.

Protection with Thursday salt will only work if you believe in goodness when preparing it. This way you can be confident in the complete protection of your home and family. It remains to find out what benefits black salt brings and whether there is any harm from it.

What prayers are read for protective salt?

When preparing Thursday salt on Maundy Thursday, you can read the Lord’s Prayer or repeat spell words. There are a lot of options for the latter. You can use the following spells:

  1. If this salt becomes pure, and evil spirits do not stick to it, then neither adversity nor shame will stick to my house. Amen.
  2. God our Savior, who appeared through the prophet Elisha in Jericho and thus made healthy harmful water through salt! You yourself bless this salt and make it an offering of joy. For you are our God and to you we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
  3. St Nicholas! You destroy stones, destroy grief, witchcraft, envy, hatred, deals, the evil eye from bad moments, not for an hour or two, but for the rest of your life. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.
  4. From now on, this salt is unusual, from now on, this salt is black, protected and purified, there is a great and powerful force in it, invincible by anyone, and unbreakable by anyone forever and ever. Amen.
  5. Holy Thursday! Free me from all reptiles and illnesses and protect me for all time!


When using Thursday salt, you also need to read conspiracies. During rituals, you can recite certain words:

  1. So that there are no quarrels and disputes: Thursday's Salt, take off the veils of anger, take them to the graveyard. Peace will increase for us. Amen!
  2. From diseases: Like salt heated with fire, so that the body of (the name of the sick person) was filled with health. Amen!

To perform the ritual, salt must first be dissolved in water, and then the incantation must be recited.

A ritual that will help get rid of damage:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Take a pack of salt and pour it into the water.
  3. The words of the conspiracy are read: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Evil corruption, retreat from God’s servant(s) (your name) into the dark forests, where people do not walk, and animals do not roam, and birds do not fly.

Is there any harm from black salt?

Any product from a health point of view should be considered as one that can cause harm. When consuming any product, you should know when to stop.

What beneficial qualities can be identified from black salt:

  • can be used as a sorbent;
  • fills the body with microelements necessary for life (including calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, fluorine);
  • restores energy, eliminates fatigue when added when taking baths;
  • brings peace of mind during moral torment;
  • protects housing during accumulation of negative energy;
  • cures most ailments;
  • helps create a prosperous environment at home;
  • attracts wealth and good luck;
  • promotes a rich harvest, protects livestock from diseases;
  • can be used as a cosmetic health-improving product.

However, do not forget that any product has a measure. Black salt should also be consumed with caution. This is especially true for people suffering from kidney failure and gout.

Attracting love

It can be difficult for a person to arrange his personal life - and even more difficult if the chosen one does not reciprocate his love. The following ritual will help to open his eyes and make him like him.

  1. On a blank piece of paper you need to write the name of your loved one. If you haven’t met him yet, you can simply indicate: “My beloved / beloved.” To this you can add the character traits or inclinations of the intended chosen one.
  2. Carefully pour Thursday salt onto the sheet, then fold the paper so that not a single grain of the amulet spills out.
  3. Seal the folded sheet in a new mailing envelope, then place it under the pillow on which you are going to sleep.
  4. The next morning, take out the envelope and place it in the closet or chest of drawers where your personal clothes or belongings are stored. It is advisable that no one else touches it.

This ritual will help you quickly meet the expected love or strengthen mutual understanding with the person you like.

Recipe for Thursday salt by the monks of Holy Mount Athos

You will need:

  1. Rye sourdough dough 200-300 g;
  2. Red malt 10-15 g;
  3. Kvass wort 100 ml;
  4. Coarse sea salt 500 gr;
  5. A piece of linen fabric.

All ingredients are mixed with a wooden spatula, while a prayer is read to consecrate the salt. Then, the mass is kneaded by hand, after which oblong sausages are formed. Can be formed into flat cakes, but are more difficult to sew into canvas. The blanks are wrapped in linen fabric and sewn up with thread. After all, the salt is buried in the coals that burned in the oven, where it remains for about twelve hours. The cooled salt is broken and crushed.

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