Origin and meaning of the male name Daniel (Danil, Danila)

06/27/2018 Category: Male names Author: Hera Music

The name Daniel has quite a long history; it can be found in the Biblical scriptures. It was very popular in the twentieth century, but even today it does not lose its relevance, being one of the ten most frequently used male names in the Russian Federation.

  • Nominal forms
    Table: the name Daniel in various languages
  • Name days and patron saints
  • How does the name Daniel affect a person?
      Characteristics of Daniel as a child
  • Interests and hobbies
  • Profession and career
  • Health
  • Love and sexuality

    Table: name compatibility

  • Family and marriage
  • Table: correspondences for the name Daniel
  • Meanings of letters in the name Daniel
  • The influence of the season in which he was born on the character of Daniel
  • Table: Daniel’s personality traits depending on his Zodiac sign
  • Photo gallery: famous personalities named after Daniil (Danila)
  • Where did the name Daniel come from?

    The name Daniel has one version of its origin, which suggests that it appeared in the Hebrew language. The name is found in the Bible - its bearer was the prophet Daniel, who was a soothsayer and lived at the court of the king of Babylon. He predicted the coming of Jesus Christ six hundred years before it actually happened. The name Daniel is made up of two Hebrew words: "dan" and "el", which are translated as "judge" and "god" respectively. Therefore, the name takes on the following meanings: “God is my judge,” “God is a judge,” “God is a judge.”

    Daniel is the great biblical prophet who predicted the appearance of Christ long before his birth

    Smart, kind people will tell their enemies: “God will judge!”
    If something goes wrong, it doesn’t matter, let God judge. Since ancient times, people have been like this, and that’s why you were given a name. The ancient name will give you strength - Wise, kind - Daniel. Grosheva I.

    The first monastery in Moscow

    On the right bank of the Moscow River, the prince built a monastery and gave it the name of a saint who bore the same name as him. There is no exact date for the start of construction of the Danilov Monastery in the surviving chronicles, but historians believe that this happened in the last years of Daniel’s life. Then, when he decided to take monastic vows.

    The first Moscow monastery has survived to this day, although it was destroyed and rebuilt more than once. It first fell into disrepair in 1330, when the monks were transferred to the Kremlin. The monastery was reconstructed under Ivan the Terrible. During the Time of Troubles, the revived building was again destroyed, only to be “resurrected” in the 17th century.

    The war with Napoleon brought new ruin. Fortunately, they managed to transport the church utensils and treasury. Beginning in 1917, almshouses for elderly priests with their wives and those whose parishes were taken away functioned on the monastery lands for 13 years.

    Danilov Monastery

    Then the Bolsheviks destroyed the monastery: they destroyed the cemetery, destroyed the bell tower (the bells were saved thanks to the American Charles Crane). The building itself was turned into an isolation ward for children.

    In 1982, by decree of L.I. Brezhnev's monastery was transferred to the capital's patriarchate. The very next year, Patriarch Pimen ordered it to be restored to its original appearance in preparation for the celebration of the millennium of the baptism of Rus'.

    Now many pilgrims and tourists flock to the monastery every year. On its territory is the residence of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' and the Holy Synod. Every six months, services are held here in honor of the founder.

    Read more about the first monastery:

    “First in Moscow”: a visit to the Danilov Monastery is worth a lot

    Nominal forms

    Short versions of the name: Danya, Dan, Dan, Neil, Dani.

    Danya is the most popular abbreviation of the name Daniil.

    Affectionate addresses to Daniel: Danechka, Danilushka, Danilka, Danka, Danyusha, Danilonka, Danchik, Danisha, Danyushechka.

    The name Daniel has many related nominal forms:

    • Danil;
    • Danila;
    • Danilo;
    • Daniel;
    • Daniel;
    • Deiniol;
    • Dan;
    • Dan;
    • Danny, Daniyar.

    Female equivalent: Daniela.

    Danil - analogue of the name Daniel

    The hero of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Stone Flower” bears the name Danila. According to the plot, he is an extraordinary and difficult person. As a child, he was a weak, thin and unhappy child. In his youth, no one wanted to hire him, considering him an inattentive and useless guy. But Danila found his job - he became a stone cutter. His entire youth was spent in search of life truth and in spiritual formation. As a result, the hero chooses to work for the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and abandons all his loved ones.

    Danila is the main character of P. P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Stone Flower”

    To write a poem for Daniel, you can apply the following rhymes to his name: awarded, endowed, won, saved, objected.

    Church version of the name: Daniel.

    The ecclesiastical and secular names of Daniel are similar to each other

    Patronymic names that will be given to Daniil's children: Danilovna, Daniilovich (colloquial - Danilych); from the names Danil and Danila the following patronymics are formed: Danilovna, Danilovich.

    The spelling of the name Daniil (Danil, Danila) in the passport: DANIIL (DANIL, DANILA).

    What middle names go well with the name Daniil: Andreevich, Borisovich, Viktorovich, Gennadievich, Danilovich, Dmitrievich, Egorovich, Ivanovich, Zakharovich, Kirillovich, Lvovich, Maksimovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Yuryevich.

    Daniel is one of the nickname options for social networks

    Possible nicknames for social networks: Daniil, Daniel, Danil, Danila, Dan, Den, Danya, Nil.

    Table: the name Daniel in various languages

    EnglishDaniel, Dan, DannyDaniel, Dan, Danny
    FrenchDaniel, Dani, DanisDaniel, Dani, Danis


    “To the Church of Christ, high praise, to the invincible wall of the city of Moscow, to the Divine affirmation of the Russian powers, Reverend Daniel. Flowing to the race of your relics, we fervently pray to you: look upon us, who sing your memory and come running with faith under the shelter of your prayers. Pour out your warm petition to the Savior of all, so that he may establish peace in our country, its cities and towns, and may this monastery preserve goodness, planting piety and love in your people, while eradicating anger, civil strife and corruption of morals; Grant to all of us all that is good for temporary life and eternal salvation through your prayers, so that we glorify the wondrous Christ our God in His saints forever and ever. Amen".

    If you need help selling your home:

    Name days and patron saints

    The name Daniel appears in the Orthodox calendar more than fifteen times. The most famous Saint Daniels are:

    1. Prophet Daniel. Born into a noble Jewish family. In 607 BC he was captured by the Babylonian peoples. Daniel received his education and went to serve in the court of King Nebuchadnezzar. Biblical legends say that the saint had the gift of clairvoyance and was able to unravel the mysteries of dreams.

      The Lord Jesus Christ twice referred to the prophecies of Daniel in conversations with the Jews

    2. Daniel the Stylite. He was born in 410 in Mesopotamia, in the village of Vifara. He got his name in honor of the prophet Daniel. At the age of twelve the boy became a novice of the monastery. One day, seeing Simeon the Stylite laboring on a high pillar, Daniel decided to do the same. The saint went to the ruins of a pagan sanctuary, erected a pillar and lived there for a long time (more than thirty years), leading a spiritual life.

      The Venerable Daniel the Stylite spent 33 years on the pillar

    3. Prince Daniil of Moscow. He is the son of Alexander Nevsky. The saint was born in 1261 and led a pious, meek and peaceful life. As the ruler of Moscow, he erected a monastery on the Moscow River, which was named Danilovsky. In this monastery, Daniel took monastic vows and died peacefully in 1303.

      Daniil of Moscow was the fourth son of the Holy Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky

    Daniel celebrates his name day on one of the following dates:

    • January 2;
    • January 12;
    • March 1;
    • March, 6;
    • March 17;
    • March 31;
    • 20 April;
    • June 4;
    • June 5;
    • June 26;
    • July 23;
    • 12-th of September;
    • September 25;
    • The 4th of October;
    • November 25;
    • 9th December;
    • December 11th;
    • 12 December;
    • December 24;
    • December 30th.

    What Daniil of Moscow did for Rus'

    Prince Daniel was one of the most influential princes of his time and played an important role in the history of our country. Thanks to him:

    • The Moscow principality grew stronger, became richer and larger;
    • the city turned into a hub of trade routes when the Great Horde Road was built;
    • crafts, construction and agriculture developed;
    • strong church structures were erected from stone,
    • An archimandrite was established in the Danilovsky Monastery, which in the near future led to the concentration of spiritual power in Moscow.

    How does the name Daniel affect a person?

    Daniel is a fair, calm, balanced and restrained person. He almost never breaks down or yells at people, and is not prone to harshness or aggressiveness. People around him respect this person for his ability to control himself in any situation. Even the most crucial and exciting moment will not deprive a guy of composure. Sometimes it seems that he is deep inside himself and is completely unaware of the surrounding reality. In disputes, he puts pressure on his opponent, gives objective arguments and arguments, and methodically defends his opinion. He expresses his point of view simply and convincingly.

    It is unlikely that you will ever see Daniel shouting, harsh or aggressive

    Daniel has rare character qualities that are not characteristic of a modern man. So, there is no envy or rancor in him. The guy is open and kind, does not try to find something bad in people. This is an honest and strong-willed person who is focused on his goals. Any of his endeavors ends in success. Danya analyzes every situation, looks for explanations for her failures, draws conclusions and changes for the better.

    Everyone around him loves Danila for his intelligence, patience and strength.
    He opened his home to his friends and is always ready to help with everything. On the hand - an ax and a pitchfork... “I can do whatever I want!” In a word, it’s clear: for Danila, everything in the world is within his reach! unknown

    Daniil analyzes all the situations that happen in his life.
    Daniil is slightly constrained, embarrassed to come into contact with strangers. He is afraid of looking funny or stupid. A man constantly looks for flaws in himself and is extremely demanding of himself. Assertiveness and aggressiveness are not qualities that this person has. This can be considered both a plus and a minus. The only thing that can make a guy angry is his girlfriend flirting with another person. Only jealousy provokes a man into combative behavior; at such moments he easily gets into arguments and even fights.

    Characteristics of Daniel as a child

    Little Danya has a calm, gentle and affectionate character. He is friendly, gets along easily with other kids, can’t stand lies, and there is always a smile on this child’s face. He never cheats or deceives. Although the baby has a gentle disposition, he cannot be called quiet or reserved. He is always happy to take part in active games, loves to play sports, prefers tennis, football, gymnastics and martial arts. The boy does not dream of first places, does not try to break records, he simply enjoys the activities that he likes. Danil has creative potential, sings, dances well, plays musical instruments, but parents will have to make a lot of effort so that all the child’s abilities are fully revealed.

    Daniil is very smiling and gets along well with children

    Danya was walking in the kindergarten, Danya was collecting leaves.
    Yellow, red, brown leaves fall from the trees. Here's a beautiful one, here's another... He's ready to collect everything, try to carry it away, to present it to Mom. Kersten T.

    Danya is an inquisitive person, so she copes with her studies easily. If one of the teachers manages to captivate the boy with any school discipline, then he will completely devote himself to studying it and, most likely, will connect his future with a profession based on this subject. When a child does not find proper contact with the teacher, then interest in his subject completely disappears.

    If Danil is lucky and meets a bright, talented teacher, he will be able to ignite in the boy a true love for his subject.

    In his youth, Daniel is still calm, gentle and kind. In addition, impressionability is added to his character, thanks to which the guy is very worried when experiencing his first crush or any troubles and disappointments. Parents and close friends should be more attentive to the teenager during this time. But, despite this trait, the guy rarely gives himself any slack and shows emotions. In any difficult situation, the boy shows concentration and mobilization. And his penchant for prudence and good intuition allow Daniil to cope with any difficulties.

    Interests and hobbies

    Daniil goes in for sports to improve his health. The greatest preference is given to football and tennis. A man will not chase records and victories; it is much more important for him to enjoy his hobby. He will never give up outdoor recreation and loves to go fishing.

    Daniil plays sports for pleasure, not for the sake of records

    In addition, the guy is a big fan of art and literature. He loves to read, visits theaters and exhibitions. Wouldn't mind playing chess or another intellectual game. Danya does not like to talk about her hobbies, believing that this is everyone’s private matter.

    Profession and career

    Daniil dreams of realizing himself in the creative field or the field of discovery. But he often stops at the professions of engineer, builder, architect, geologist or programmer. This guy will also become a talented doctor, lawyer or theologian. The career of a businessman will also be successful. This person is better off opening his own restaurant or winery. The guy knows how to make important decisions, thinks everything over carefully, does not rush to conclusions, so he rarely makes mistakes. Danya devotes herself entirely to her business, but does not know how to save money.

    Daniil feels most comfortable in the position of an engineer, builder or programmer


    As a child, Danya rarely complains about her health. Vacation trips and proper nutrition help the boy avoid serious illnesses. In his youth, a guy’s main problem is weight. It can be either excessive or insufficient. To get rid of this problem, you should watch your diet and exercise. At an older age, Daniel should also not forget about his diet, as there is a risk of developing abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, a man is predisposed to mental disorders, the cause of which is frequent overwork. This person definitely needs to relax, preferably near the sea or ocean.

    Daniel definitely needs to recuperate near the sea

    Love and sexuality

    In his youth, Daniil was prone to frequent changes of partners. He does this not to assert himself at the expense of the girls or to brag about his adventures to his friends. This person prefers to keep his personal life secret from everyone. A man knows how to experience sincere feelings. He treats women with respect and does not like vulgar and vulgar ladies. The guy prefers girls who are inexperienced, well-mannered, moral and modest.

    In relationships, he is attentive, it is difficult to deceive him, the guy remembers all the insults inflicted on him, but rarely reminds his chosen one of them. In intimacy, he tries to achieve not only the unity of bodies, but also souls, and always listens to the girl’s desires. Does not like to discuss sexual issues.

    Table: name compatibility

    Good compatibilityAda, Anastasia, Antonina, Angelina, Anna, Bronislava, Glafira, Juliet, Lina, Love, Lyudmila, Melania, Mirra, Nika, Nina, Olesya, Olga, Polina, Snezhana, Suzanna, Tamara, Tatyana, Frida, Elvira, Jadviga
    Average compatibilityAlevtina, Bella, Gloria, Elena, Lilia, Nelly, Praskovya, Edita, Julia
    Poor compatibilityAngelina, Dina, Elizaveta, Irina, Clara, Ksenia, Roxana, Serafima, Tamila

    Family and marriage

    Daniel is not one of those who gets married very early. This applies to both age and duration of the relationship. The guy looks for that same girl for a long time, and having found it, he doesn’t propose to her for a long time, testing his and her feelings in every possible way. It is important for this man that his chosen one completely conquers his heart and gives him hers. Then a happy life awaits the lovers. Danya becomes a wonderful husband, and later a father.

    Daniel is a wonderful husband and father

    The man takes on the role of breadwinner and protector of the family, becomes madly attached to the children, and endures all their whims. He will never forgive deception and betrayal. If Daniel's wife cheats on him, the guy will immediately file for divorce. He will have great difficulty leaving his family and will maintain relationships with his children throughout his life.

    If the wife deceives Daniel or takes a lover, the man will no longer hold on to the marriage and, most likely, with pain in his soul, will file for divorce

    Danilushka-Master, Let the mountains of stones In sparkling delight with the dance of lights, Make me a “living” flower from a stone And I will become your mistress, wife.
    Danila Krasnov


    “O servant of God, holy noble prince Daniel, the fragrant flower of the garden of Christ, the gentle star of the church sky, the heavenly mind of our earth, the wise creator of the city of Moscow and our power.
    Warm to God, quick to help, merciful in need, we fall to you and pray to you: be our vigilant representative before the Throne of God’s glory. Gather us together, so that everyone can share in the sorrows of their neighbor with unfeigned love. Heavenly our minds, yes, having rejected the heavy yoke of earthly cares, let us love the light burden of Christ's Gospel. Open our eyes, so that we may see the imperishable beauty of the Lord and may we not be alienated from the life of God. May the quietness of the Spirit of God guard our hearts. May the spring of repentance brighten our affairs.

    Merciful and generous prince, save our country, your city and those who pray to you here from all misfortunes, from enemies visible and invisible, from destruction and famine, from internecine strife and sudden death. Open to us the doors of God's mercy and deliver us from all evil. Taking refuge under the strong cover of your goodness, we pray: give us a quiet refuge in sorrow. Cover us with your prayers.

    Keep us from the falls of sin and error, so that with a contrite heart, a humble spirit in sorrow and joy, we cry: Lord, through the intercession of Thy Reverend One, have mercy on us. Amen".

    It is recommended to read the Troparion until the employment contract is signed

    or before an interview.

    Table: correspondences for the name Daniel

    Zodiac signTwins
    YearYear of the Pig
    Day of the weekWednesday
    Significant years in life26, 53

    Troparion, kontakion, magnification

    “Having put aside the glory of your reign, illuminated by Divine grace, God-wise Prince Daniel, you unswervingly placed all the mind in your heart from this vanity world to the Creator and, like a star on the rising At the same time, you shone through the Russian state, and through chastity and your life as equal to the angels, fulfilling the good course, you kept the faith You are blameless, so even after death God glorify you in miracles, as you flow with healing faithfully to those who flow to your honest race: for this reason, today we celebrate your dormition, your people.
    You, as you have boldness towards Christ, pray to save your fatherland and be more peaceful to our state.” Prince Daniel is the founder of the family of Moscow sovereigns. During his time, wooden churches became white stone. His icons attune the soul to a peaceful mood, which helps preserve family and home comfort. And the consecrated faces have been protecting Orthodoxy from false teachings and schism for centuries.

    Victor Glebov

    Meanings of letters in the name Daniel

    Interpretation of the meanings of each letter in the name Daniel:

    1. Letter D. A man strives for success in society. He is thoughtful, responsible, self-sufficient, responsive, and always keeps his word. This is a handsome and successful person, but prone to pride and boasting. May have the gift of telepathy or clairvoyance.
    2. Letter A. An active young man, striving for endeavors, wanting to achieve happiness in life and comfort in everyday life. He is strong in spirit, independent, endowed with a bright appearance and leadership qualities. A man does not adapt to anyone, he acts only as he sees fit.
    3. Letter N. Internally strong, persistent in spirit, witty. A person is not prone to indiscriminateness and compliance, and does not agree to compromise. A diligent, efficient and responsible worker who does not accept useless tasks. He is very demanding of his chosen one.
    4. Letter I. The guy has a rich imagination, insight, practicality and intelligence. He is attentive to detail, tries to achieve spiritual harmony, and is endowed with an excellent sense of humor. A man is always honest and straightforward. It takes a long time to find an ideal life partner.
    5. Letter L. A creative personality with an aesthetic view of the world. It is always pleasant and interesting to talk with this young man; he knows how to win over his interlocutor, easily gives in and adapts to his surroundings. The young man loves surprises and unusual situations. In love, faithful and honest.

    Daniel is a self-sufficient, creative and strong-willed person

    How does the Lord help through the prayers of a saint?

    People turn to Saint Daniel first if they encounter problems when buying or selling real estate, including when obtaining or closing a mortgage. Some state the request in their own words, but the church recommends using a prayer book.

    All the details in the article:

    They pray to Daniil of Moscow for work and help in purchasing housing.

    You can pray for help in purchasing an apartment like this:

    The influence of the season in which he was born on the character of Daniel

    Winter gives Daniel's character emotionality and hot temper. But at the same time, there is prudence and pragmatism in him. The guy loves to be at home and values ​​family connections. The most important things in life are your spouse, children and parents. Such a person chooses his life partner very carefully and meticulously.

    Spring Daniel is a creative person. A person strives to find love and find happiness, and that is why he exists in this world. He is prone to vulnerability and touchiness, so he often spends time alone, disappointed in the people around him.

    Spring Daniel is prone to loneliness and disappointment in the human race

    In the summer months, Daniel is born with a light and good-natured character. This is a calm, unambitious and uninitiative guy. This guy needs a girl who will have absolutely opposite qualities, and who will also become his muse and beloved woman, and not just a housewife and wife.

    Autumn reveals in Daniel such qualities as narcissism and selfishness. The man is not inclined to communicate, but appreciates kind and sincere people. He is used to realizing all his goals, as he has a strong and strong-willed character.

    Burial place of Daniil of Moscow

    There are two places where its first prince could have been buried in the current capital:

    • In the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin, as stated in the Trinity Chronicle. During Napoleon's invasion it burned down, but a passage about the death of Daniel, who became a monk, was preserved, rewritten by N. M. Karamzin;
    • In the cemetery of the Danilov Monastery, as reported by the Degree Book.

    The first chronicle is earlier, and therefore some historians consider it more reliable. On the other hand, the mention of the Kremlin Cathedral may be a later editorial note, based not on facts, but on the tradition of burying Moscow rulers there.

    Table: Daniel’s personality traits depending on his Zodiac sign

    AriesDaniel, under the influence of the Aries sign, is intelligent and inquisitive. The guy has a good sense of humor and an optimistic attitude. He loves to have fun, is endowed with sociability and charm. This person is admired by everyone around him. No wonder it is popular with women. He himself prefers feminine and gentle girls.
    TaurusThe sign of Taurus rewards Daniel with the ability to adapt to circumstances. A man takes life changes easily and calmly overcomes all the difficulties along the way. He loves communication and noisy companies. He values ​​naturalness and charm in girls.
    TwinsThe nature is calm and peaceful. Daniel-Gemini loves to be alone with himself, but is not afraid of large groups of people. A man loves girls, loves to have bright, passionate, but short-term romances.
    CancerThis man is responsive, attentive, sincere and good-natured. He can be called a man with a capital M, because he is endowed with the best qualities. This one achieves success in all his endeavors. Daniel-Cancer is loved by women for his tenderness and care. He will choose the girl who will support him in all situations.
    a lionDaniel Leo has a complex character. He is prone to diplomacy, aesthetics and excessive correctness, but at any moment he can turn into an adventurous, reckless, deceitful person. You never know when he is sincere and when he is playing. He chooses girls based only on external data.
    VirgoUnder the auspices of the sign of Virgo, Daniel is born, prone to observation. This guy is more of a theorist than a practitioner - his words never turn into actions. He constantly plans something, argues, but never brings what he wants into life. He loves gentle, affectionate women who can envelop him with their body.
    ScalesDaniel, who was influenced by the sign of Libra, has a romantic nature. A man will do anything for love, but everyday difficulties quickly lead him astray. Such a person needs a “educator” who can protect him from all adversity and guide him in the right direction.
    ScorpionThe person loves logic and thinking. He is talented both in theory and practice. Daniel-Scorpio changes quickly under the influence of circumstances, so that most do not have time to follow these changes. Either he is an affectionate and gentle young man, or he is a cruel and aggressive person. This guy has been looking for a true friend all his life, because he needs a comrade who will listen to his stories.
    SagittariusDaniel-Sagittarius cannot stand loneliness and monotonous life. He does not want to get married and set up a family nest. This man is attracted to an active life, adventures and adventures. The guy often dreams and makes up stories. Treats girls like prey.
    CapricornDanya is born under the sign of Capricorn, prone to planning. He makes plans for all spectrums of life. His entire existence is scheduled minute by minute, every action is performed according to a strict pattern. Sometimes a man turns into a merry fellow who knows no limits to his fun. Being in a relationship with a woman, he turns into a dictator and jealous. Such a person cannot say anything against his words.
    AquariusThis young man is endowed with sentimentality and sensitivity. He is not used to idleness, strives for self-improvement, and constantly moves forward. Among the shortcomings, one can note excessive selfishness - all of his positive qualities are used by Daniel-Aquarius for the sake of self-affirmation and benefit. He is admired by women, but a man does not know how to truly love.
    FishDanya-Pisces is attractive, beautiful in appearance, and knows his worth. He is a true gentleman, charming and gallant. This is an erudite and courteous person who loves to rule and manipulate others, showing them his superiority. It's hard for women to be in a relationship with this guy.

    Where are the relics located?

    When the incorrupt remains were found and washed, they were placed in the reliquary of the Church of the Holy Ecumenical Councils. The French invaders, when they ravaged the capital in 1812, removed the frame made of silver, and a new storage facility for the relics was built 5 years later.

    The reliquary with particles of the relics of St. Daniel of Moscow resides in the Church of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils of the St. Daniel Monastery.

    At the beginning of the 20th century they were in excellent condition. In August 1917, they were transferred with honors to the Trinity Cathedral under the leadership of the future Patriarch Tikhon, and in 1929 they were taken back. 1930 - a new move, and 2 years later someone took them in the middle of the night in an unknown direction.

    It was possible to return only particles of the relics. They are in two icons of the Church of the Intercession; in front of the large face, tonsure as a monk takes place. The reliquaries with the relics of the prince are kept in the churches of the Danilovsky Monastery.

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