The meaning and origin of the name Emilia - fate and character

Emilia: meaning of a name for a girl: UGC Modern parents take a long time and meticulously choose a name for a child. Thanks to ultrasound, you can find out the sex of the baby even before birth. Therefore, mom and dad have enough time to figure out what to name the baby. If you're expecting a girl, you've probably come across different names. Do you want to name your daughter Emilia? The meaning of the name, the fate of the girl and other interesting facts are described in the article.

What does the name Emilia mean and its history?

Emilia: what is the originMeaning of the name EmiliaNationality
Ancient Greek or Ancient Roman“diligent”, “affectionate”, “strong”The name is popular among Muslim peoples

At the moment, there is no exact and unanimous opinion regarding the origin of the female name Emilia. There are several versions:

  • the name Emilia originated in Ancient Greece and is derived from the word “emilios”, the translation of which is “affectionate”;
  • Emilia is derived from the ancient Roman male name Aemilius, which was formed from the generic nickname “Emilius” and is translated as “strong” or “strong”.

Also in Latin, the word “Emilius” (from which the name is presumably derived) means “strong,” “diligent,” and “strong.”

Despite the debate among researchers and sociologists about the country of origin of the name, it is now popular among the Tatar and Muslim peoples - those who preach Islam. But among Russian peoples it also occurs, although not so widespread.

Various forms of name

Emilia is a beautiful and melodious female name, which is perfectly suited to such patronymics as Danilovna, Ruslanovna and Olegovna. It is considered a rather rare and unusual name, to which many patronymics are suitable. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to only the above.

It is advisable that the girl's father's name be quite short - about 5-6 letters. This is explained by the fact that short middle names are best combined with exotic names.

Emilia also has many derivative abbreviated and diminutive forms of her name.

Full name formShort nameDiminutive forms
EmiliaAmy, Emilia, Mila, EmmaMiles, Miles, Mimi, Amy

How can you affectionately call Emilia: Emily, Mili, Mil, Mila, Mimi, Amy, Emil. And this is only a small part of all the variations. Yes, the name Mil is also a derivative of Emilia.

Foreign analogues and related names

Emilia is a fairly old female name, which has several popular analogues in foreign languages.

What does the name Emilia sound like in different countries: Emma, ​​Emilia, Emilina, Emila, Omelyana, Emilie, Emily.

For example, Emily is a name that is popular in English-speaking countries. Particularly in the USA and Canada. And the name Mili is a more universal analogue in the Slavic language group.

Patron saints and angel days

Church namePatron SaintsName day
EmiliaEmilia of CaesareaJanuary 14

In Orthodoxy, a girl named Emilia is baptized as Emilia, since this is the only form of the name in the church calendar. Name days are celebrated only 1 day a year - January 14th.

Congratulations to Emilia on her name day

Emilia, I wish you wonderful, unearthly love on your beautiful day. Let there be more than one reason to celebrate the name day. I wish you warm words, gifts, keep your face, posture, brand. So that in the company of anyone you shine like a bright star.

Emilia, I wish you luck beyond measure, May you remain happy like this! So that you believe in only good omens, so that Love walks next to you! Wonderful friends, earthly happiness, but on the contrary, completely unearthly love! May all your wishes, every word, come true for you in full!

Happy name day, Emilia, congratulations! I wish you good health! May all your dreams come true, May your days be bright! May happiness await you on your life's journey, may love never fade away! I sincerely wish you kindness, so that you don’t get bored in life!

Emilia! On this day you celebrate not your birthday, but the birthday of your angel. I want to congratulate him on this date. I want to wish that you never part, that your angel is always behind you, protecting you from all troubles and misfortunes. I wish you a kind and faithful assistant who will protect you from any bad weather with his wing!

Our beloved Emilia! You are an example of a real woman: beautiful, loving, sympathetic. We wish you to meet a worthy life partner who will make you even brighter and happier. Good luck in everything! Happy Angel Day!

Talismans and name symbols in astrology

Each name has its own ruling zodiac sign and ruling planet.

Brief astrological characteristics of the female name Emilia:

  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
  • Ruling planet: Neptune.
  • name color: blue, azure, pale purple, burgundy.
  • animal: lynx, panther.
  • plant: sakura.
  • talisman stone: amethyst, chrysoprase.

Emilia is ruled by Aquarius, which makes its owner a truly cheerful, but unpredictable person. You never know what to expect from her this time. She laughs a lot, intuitively puts people at ease and quickly gets in touch with them.

However, sometimes he behaves slightly eccentrically and thoughtlessly. Her mood changes in a second: at first she behaves like a flirt, but a second passes and Emily has turned into an adult and serious girl who is ready to discuss business plans and tasks. And such tricks in her behavior are not uncommon.

Emilia is patronized by Neptune, who makes her ward a spiritual, dreamy and creative person. She boasts a developed imagination, fantasy and creativity. I’m ready to come up with any exciting story, joke or story right away.

From the outside it may seem that Emilia lives somewhere in her dreams and fantasies. And this is indeed partly true. Throughout her life, she seeks ways of creative self-expression and development, so at times she may seem out of this world.

Her creativity is most clearly manifested in the selection of clothes and composition of her wardrobe. She perfectly combines colors and shades of clothing, which allows her to always look amazing. She definitely has a great sense of style.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Emilia is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio, that is, from October 24 to November 22. This sign is similar to Emilia in its straightforwardness, love for an active and extreme life, the ability to get out of any life situations, fearlessness in making decisions and defending one’s own interests. Scorpio will complement these character traits of Emilia with loyalty in matters of family and friendship, decency and integrity, which will make the character of the owner of this name complex, but morally correct.

Horoscope of the owner of the name Emilia

Meaning of the female name Emilia by zodiac sign:

  1. Aries: passionate, ardent, romantic.
  2. Taurus: reasonable, wise, calm.
  3. Gemini: sociable, witty, fickle.
  4. Cancer: emotional, empathetic, sensitive.
  5. Leo: ambitious, bright, energetic.
  6. Virgo: demanding, strict, neat.
  7. Libra: sensual, creative, fashionable.
  8. Scorpio: charismatic, aggressive, charming.
  9. Sagittarius: straightforward, cheerful, kind.
  10. Capricorn: persuasive, hardworking, enterprising.
  11. Aquarius: unusual, eccentric, extraordinary.
  12. Pisces: dreamy, quiet, modest.

The time of year in which Emilia was born also matters.

WinterWinter brings about the birth of hardworking, inventive and dreamy individuals.
SpringIn spring, romantic, tender and amorous natures are born
SummerEnergetic, ambitious and emotional people are born in summer
AutumnIn autumn, sensitive, creative and charming personalities appear

Pros and cons of the name Emilia

What are the pros and cons of the name Emilia? Its rarity, tenderness and beauty speak positively about it, as well as the good sound of this name in combination with Russian surnames and patronymics. In addition, you can choose many cute abbreviations and diminutive options for the name Emilia, for example, Amy, Milya, Elya, Mila, Mimi, Liya, Milika. But the complex nature of most Emilias can slightly negatively affect the perception of this name as a whole.


Emilia’s health is not bad, but she should take care of her digestive tract throughout her life, monitor her diet, and also prevent excess weight, which can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system in old age.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Emilia is rarely truly happy. Perhaps the point is that the owner of this name is overly demanding of her chosen one, so for her to live together, a strong, intelligent, stately, and self-confident man will suit her. Emilia will make a good housewife and caring mother.

Professional area

In the professional field, medicine and work that requires analysis are most suitable for her. She can also become a police officer, an employee of the tax service, a bank, a diplomatic mission, customs, or a political party.

Celebrities named Emilia

  1. Emilia of Caesarea - Venerable.
  2. Emilia Spivak is a Russian film and theater actress.
  3. Emilia Shanks is the first female painter.
  4. Emilia Fadini is an Italian musicologist and harpsichordist.
  5. Emilia Pardo Basan is a Spanish writer.
  6. Emilia Uggla is a Swedish pianist, aristocrat, and singer.
  7. Emilia Lileeva is an opera singer with a lyric-dramatic soprano voice.
  8. Emilia Rydberg is a pop singer of Swedish origin.
  9. Emilia Tourey is a handball player from Russia who plays in the national team as a forward.
  10. Emilia Milton is an actress.
  11. Emilia Plater is a countess who took part in the November uprising.
  12. Emilia Flöge is a fashion designer from Australia.
  13. Emilia Fox is a British theater and film actress.
  14. Emilia Heim is an Austrian-born singer with a soprano voice.
  15. Emilia Chegrintseva is a Russian poetess.
  16. Emilia Shtina – algologist, professor, doctor of biological sciences.

The meaning of the name Emilia for a girl briefly

Tens of hundreds of years ago, people were especially sensitive to choosing a name for their descendants, because it was believed that too much in the child’s life depended on their correct decision. Character traits, unpleasant incidents or joyful surprises from life, marriage or even the choice of work - only a name could influence all these features. That is why, before christening the baby, the secret meaning inherent in the name initially, and all the details that could somehow influence the fate, were carefully studied. One should not abandon the thousand-year experience of ancestors even today - a careful study of ancient sources will certainly help to cope with the difficulties in raising a child and give him a cloudless future.

Emilia, the meaning of the name, character and fate - how to correctly understand these features and what can be changed in advance? The first thing adults who like this particular name should pay attention to is its meaning; there are often several of them at once. Another rule that needs to be followed is to study all the character traits associated with this name, events that can happen after some time. This will help you respond to unwanted features in a timely manner and correct them in a timely manner.

The meaning of the name Emilia for a girl is brief, as ancient Roman sources testify - “strong”, “zealous”, “rival”. We can conclude that she will have a strong character and will stop at nothing in love - there will be no barriers for her.

Talents, profession, career

Choice of profession:

As a rule, those with the name Emilia are quite successful in the field of sports, science, and art. And most often, the person with the name chooses some kind of hobby, which becomes a kind of outlet. A break from “real” life is of particular importance to her. This is especially true for the adult Emilia, for whom the world must be bright, but the “prose of life” puts everything in its place and forces her to look for a way to escape from everyday life.


It is very important that, given her talents, Amy uses them correctly. And it’s good if, at the moment when a woman bearing this name makes some important decision for herself, there was an authoritative and experienced person next to her who would help Amy with advice. This may prevent Emilia from moving to a new level with high development and great success.

Although it is worth saying that she does not need to get rid of her natural lightness. A girl with this name loves to surround herself with new people and make her life bright, and this is the key to happiness.

Angel Emilia Day:

The name Emilia celebrates name days several times a year:

  • January 14
  • June 17
  • 24 August
  • 23 September

Character of a girl named Emilia

What positive traits or shortcomings will the character of a girl named Emilia abound in? The baby will certainly please her family even in childhood, because there will be many advantages that will begin to appear at this age. Among them:

  1. activity;
  2. talent;
  3. sociability;
  4. wit;
  5. optimism;
  6. ability to adapt to any conditions;
  7. success;
  8. hard work.

Another wonderful quality that will also appear in childhood is that the baby happily takes on any work, even the most difficult and uninteresting. Mom can safely ask her to help around the house - the girl will do it quickly and efficiently, without asking many questions.

There are few negative qualities, and one of them is the inability to make important decisions independently. She will certainly need to be pushed and given a lot of arguments and arguments in order for her to decide to take any important step.

Angel Amelia Day according to the church calendar

It is known that the name Amelie (Amalia) is not in the Orthodox calendar. The Orthodox and Catholic name day calendars differ greatly in the names of the saints, since after the church schism of 1054, each church canonized only its own saints.

The name Amalia (Amelia) is not in the Orthodox calendar. But among Catholics, Saint Amalburga (Amalberga, Amelberga, Amalia, Amelia), a widow and patroness of the Belgian city of Ghent, is revered. For the name Amalia, the Catholic name day will be indicated.

At baptism, the female name Amelia is changed to any other name from the list of calendars, since there is no saint with that name in the Christian calendar. Amelia celebrates her name day twice: in the summer - July 10, in the fall - September 19.

The fate of a girl named Emilia

How can the fate of a girl named Emilia turn out very soon? Relatives should definitely remember her main drawback - her inability to make decisions, so she will have to get a little help with choosing a specialty. I can recommend the following professions to her:

  1. teacher;
  2. secretary;
  3. cook;
  4. public figure;
  5. doctor;
  6. manager;
  7. consultant.

The girl has been sociable since childhood, so she can safely go to work in a field where she will have to deal with a lot of people - she will certainly not only like it, but will also allow her to quickly climb the career ladder. She will receive only honor and respect from her colleagues, and her superiors will value a responsible and hardworking subordinate.

How might Emilia’s family life turn out? She will not rush to get married, but if the opportunity arises, she will definitely take it. The husband will certainly appreciate the merits of the young wife - the ability to cook, maintain order in the house, and raise children. There will be no leader in the house - all important decisions, including purchases, will be discussed together, and even the smallest family members will be listened to carefully.

Emilia, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for girls - even if adults have only one small chance to correct the future, using this information, there is no need to miss it. There is more useful and interesting information on this topic on the forum; we invite you to share here your opinion or experience on this matter, which may be useful to readers in the topic name Emilia, reviews .

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