The meaning and origin of the name Pavel is a prudent and hardworking builder of life.

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Parents, naming a child at birth and baptism, do not just name him, but predetermine the fate and character of the child. It is very important to know the meaning of the chosen name. Pavel remains one of the most popular male names in the world. The meaning of the name and when Paul’s name day according to the church calendar will be discussed below.

Saints named Paul

Holy Supreme Apostle Paul (c. 5 - 64/67)

Saul - this was the name the future saint received at circumcision. He was raised in the radical conservative Jewish tradition. The name Paul, with which the apostle entered world history, testified to his Roman citizenship, which he inherited from his father. A zealous patriot, who more than anything else wanted the restoration of Israel's independence, who received an excellent education by the standards of that time, was at first one of the most cruel persecutors of Christians. It is known that during the execution of the first martyr Stephen, the future apostle stood nearby and held the clothes of those who were throwing stones at the confessor at that time.

When, a few days later, the Sanhedrin decided to begin the first persecution of the followers of Christ, Paul led this persecution with particular enthusiasm. The future saint perceived these persecutions as a matter pleasing to God, because in his eyes Christians were violators of the Law of Moses. He even asked for permission to go on a punitive expedition to Damascus, but on the way there a miracle happened.

When Paul was already approaching the city, suddenly an extremely bright light appeared before his eyes: He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him: Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? - He said: Who are you, Lord? The Lord said: I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It's hard for you to go against the pricks (Acts 9:4–5).

Blinded by this light, the persecutor of Christians could not move forward on his own. Therefore, the people accompanying him brought Paul arm in arm to Damascus. Here he fasted for three days, reflecting on what happened to him along the way. Finally, he decided to be baptized. And as soon as he was baptized, his sight immediately returned.

From that very day he became an apostle - perhaps the most active, energetic and selfless of all who ever preached Christ. This was Paul's character. In everything that concerned the Truth, he was ultimatum and, first of all, to himself. So he was ready to change his entire way of life, even break with the Judaic tradition so dear to him, but remain faithful to God in everything.

Chapel of Saint Ananias in Damascus. Photo

It is important to say that throughout the subsequent years of his missionary service, Paul will not give up hope that his native people will accept Christ, that the Jews, like him - on the road to Damascus - will see the light. The apostle once wrote the following about this: I would like to be excommunicated from Christ for my brothers who are related to me according to the flesh (Rom. 9 :3). It is interesting that Paul will be one of the first who will decisively deny the need for baptized pagans to observe Old Testament rites. This issue turned out to be so acute for the early Church that the Apostolic Council (48) would meet to resolve it. And there, of course, with some reservations, the position of the former Pharisee will triumph.

Basilica of St. Paul in Rome

During the thirty years of his ministry, the Apostle visited the territory of modern Turkey, many islands of the Mediterranean Sea, Macedonia, Greece, modern Italy, even Spain. In total, it is customary to talk about four missionary journeys of Paul. Everywhere he preached Christ, creating Christian communities, despite dangers and sorrows, enduring beatings and arrests. Constantly moving from one city to another, the saint wrote messages to Christian communities, strengthening the hearts of converts in faith. Subsequently, these messages were included in the body of works of the New Testament and became one of the most read and commented books of the Bible.

In the 60s, the apostles Peter and Paul were captured in Rome. Then a fire broke out in the capital, and Emperor Nero blamed Christians for the disaster. Paul, as a Roman citizen, was sentenced to death by beheading. Today the relics of the great missionary are kept in the Basilica of St. Paul in Rome (San Paolo fuori le Mura).

The meaning of the season and zodiac sign

The meaning of the name enhances the qualities of the season in which Pasha was born.

What features are characteristic of Pavel depending on the season?

Born in winterIngenuity, resourcefulness, responsibility, loyalty
Born in summerPracticality, thoughtfulness, romanticism
Born in springResponsiveness, reasonableness of advice, sensitivity, tact
Born in autumnRealism, composure, determination

Pasha's character and behavior are also influenced by his zodiac sign.

Name horoscope:

  • Pavel-Cancer - distrust, sensitivity, suspicion;
  • Pavel-Gemini - achieving the goal by any available means, prudence;
  • Pavel-Taurus - slowness in business, actions according to plan, smooth career advancement;
  • Pavel-Aries - avoids dependence on others, seeks recognition from others;
  • Pavel-Scorpio - secrecy, insight, condemnation;
  • Pavel-Libra - eloquence, aversion to noisy companies, sensitivity to jokes;
  • Pavel-Virgo - rigor, rationality, discipline;
  • Pavel-Lev - extravagance of actions, confidence;
  • Pavel-Sagittarius - restraint, integrity, objectivity;
  • Pavel-Pisces - good nature, selflessness, responsiveness;
  • Pavel-Aquarius - responsibility for one’s destiny, eradication of obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • Pavel-Capricorn - observation, modesty, inability to express feelings.

A person can read in a horoscope about the character flaws that are inherent to him according to his zodiac sign. They must be eradicated so that fate can provide opportunities for a better life.

Other famous saints named Paul:

The Monk Paul of Thebes (died in 341) - one of the first Christian ascetics, was born into a prosperous and pious family. After the death of his parents, the saint withdrew into the desert. Here, in complete solitude, the ascetic lived for 91 years, constantly praying to God, eating dates and bread, which ravens brought him every day. Already at the end of his life, the saint was visited by Anthony the Great, to whom Paul told about his life in the desert. And a few days later, Anthony buried the great righteous man with tears. Remembrance Day takes place on January 28 .

The Monk Paul the Simple (died in 339) was a saint especially famous for the virtue of kindness and simple-heartedness. While in the world, he married one woman. However, after some time, his wife cheated on him. This tragedy forced Paul to leave everything and retire to a monastery. He went to Anthony the Great, who for a long time refused to accept the monk, testing the firmness of his decision. When the saint passed all the tests with dignity, he became one of the greatest ascetics of the monastery. Remembrance Day is celebrated on March 20 and October 17 .

Hieromartyr Pavel Fokin (1883–1918) - one of the first new martyrs of the 20th century, having graduated from the Perm Theological Seminary, initially served in the Perm diocese. Then he was transferred to a rural church in Verkhoturye district. Local residents treated the zealous and reliable priest with special love and respect. After the October Revolution of 1917, the changing local authorities began to put pressure on Father Pavel, trying to interfere with his pastoral activities. When the men from the village refused to join the Red Army, a punitive detachment arrived there and arrested Father Pavel. On the night of September 9, the martyr was shot not far from the Alapaevsk railway station. Remembrance Day takes place on September 9 .

Spelling out the name

The meaning of the name Pavel is encrypted in the names of the letters of the Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic alphabet.

Decoding according to the Slavic initial letter:

  • peace (P) - calmness, balance;
  • az (A) - I, beginning;
  • lead (B) - I know, I know, I own;
  • is or are (E) - I exist, I represent myself;
  • people (L) - I do to people/for people.

The secret meaning of the name Paul according to the Old Slavonic worldview: I correspond to peace and pass on my skills to people. Pashas bring good with their actions.

Modern meanings of the letters in the name:

  • P - gives Pavel intuition, diligence, the desire to create good deeds, perseverance;
  • A - gives determination, impulse for new beginnings, activity;
  • B - imparts peacefulness, sincerity, responsiveness, sociability;
  • E - gives fidelity to one’s values, firmness of convictions, perseverance, perseverance;
  • L - gives ingenuity, flexibility of thinking, absence of stereotypes.

The secret of the name: Pavel is passionate and capable of unreasonable acts. He can devote his whole life to the implementation of one thing. Tries to gain the approval of others. Appreciates neatness. Knows how to empathize. In love he gives his whole soul.

Great and famous people with the name Pavel:

Pavel Tretyakov (1832–1898) - merchant-entrepreneur, one of the most famous philanthropists in Russia. In the 1850s, Tretyakov began amassing a collection of Russian art, and in 1874 a gallery was built to house the acquired paintings. Subsequently, the building was transferred by the philanthropist to Moscow, and Tretyakov himself received the title of honorary citizen of Moscow. The creator of the Tretyakov Gallery is buried at the Danilovsky cemetery.

Pavel Florensky (1882–1937) - a famous scientist, theologian, philosopher and poet, graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University, and then from the Moscow Theological Academy (during his studies he wrote his famous work “The Pillar and Ground of Truth”), where he later taught. In 1911 he accepted the priesthood. After the revolution, he worked as a scientific secretary in the Commission for the Protection of Monuments of Art and Antiquities, and later was the editor of the Technical Encyclopedia, for which he wrote many scientific articles. He was actively involved in physics, mathematics, and art history. Father Pavel was arrested in 1933 and sent to the Solovetsky special purpose camp, where he was later shot.

Pavel Lungin (born in 1949) is a film director, screenwriter and producer. Lungin made his first film at the age of 40. In 1990, he won the Best Director award at the Cannes Film Festival for Taxi Blues. In 2006, Pavel Lungin released the famous film “The Island”. A few years later, the director invited him to play Ivan the Terrible in the film “Tsar”. The director plans to make a film about the Gulag forced labor camps.

Photo by Vladimir Eshtokin

Name in other languages

  • English - Paul (Paul).
  • Chinese - 帕维尔 (Paveier).
  • Korean - 폴 (Gender).
  • Japanese - ポール (Poru).
  • German, Danish - Paul (Paul).
  • French - Paul (Paul).
  • Spanish - Pablo (Pablo).
  • Italian - Paolo (Paolo).
  • Swedish, Norwegian - Pål (Paul).
  • Dutch - Paul (Paul).
  • Finnish - Paavali, Pauli (Paavali, Pauli).
  • Greek - Παύλος (Pavlos).
  • Serbian - Pavle (Paul).
  • Polish - Paweł (Paul).
  • Romanian, Moldavian, Czech - Pavel (Pavel).
  • Hungarian - Pál (Pal).
  • Ukrainian - Pavlo.

Interesting Facts


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Interpretation in numerology

The number of the name Pavel is “4”. Calculation: 8 (p) + 1 (a) + 3 (c) + 6 (e) + 4 (l) = 22 = 2 + 2 = 4. In numerology, a four with the combination “2 + 2” means reliability and practicality.

Reflection of the name number 4 (2 + 2) in Paul’s self-expression:

  • smart;
  • inspires the trust of others;
  • appreciates loved ones;
  • continuously analyze what is happening;
  • practical in actions and thinking;
  • selective;
  • has a hard time with failure;
  • strives for ideal;
  • improves himself in everything.

The secret side of the name Pasha is called pride. This is a neutral character quality. Thanks to him, Pavel achieves success in self-realization. But if it is combined with selfishness, the relationship does not bring happiness either in friendship, or in love, or in a career.

Numerologists advise studying all your numbers. The set of characteristics will more succinctly show the prospects and weaknesses of a person.

Have you already calculated your name, soul, destiny, personality, heart and transition numbers?


The adult Pavel is respectable and eloquent. Always defends justice and protects the weaker. Friendly, calculating, persistent and purposeful. At the same time, he loves excitement. He has the talent to achieve almost all his goals.

Self-confident, efficient, active. Able to quickly make important decisions. Thanks to his own determination, he builds a successful career. He has strong willpower and a steely character. He endures all problems with fortitude. Prefers to solve issues independently, without resorting to someone else's help.


Pavel is distinguished by his lack of the necessary strength of character. He does not have a core that helps him cope with problems and withstand difficulties. He is a homebody and family man, not seeking adventure or life's battles. However, Paul is an unusually kind person, striking with his sincerity and desire to support his neighbor. If the owner of this name falls in love, his feelings are always passionate and very bright. For him, the opinion of society is of great importance, therefore, for fear of being misunderstood, he often gives up his desires and goals. However, those around him often perceive Pavel as a rather confident person, who has a special opinion, but is distinguished by some constraint and narrow-mindedness. Paul knows this and is in no hurry to convince him otherwise.

As a child, Pavel is a problem-free child. He obeys his parents and tries not to upset them with pranks or whims. He is also not interested in active games, since he prefers more calm and intellectual activities. Little Pavel is an unusually friendly child and his circle of friends is also significant. But, as a rule, he fails to achieve the respect and recognition of his comrades. He is a merry fellow and an entertainer, but has no leadership qualities.

In childhood and adolescence, Pavel is quite a romantic person. He may be interested in poetry, music, drawing and other creative activities. Studying gives Pavel great pleasure, but he almost never succeeds in becoming an excellent student, because Pasha does not know how to present himself and is pathologically shy. Parents should actively help Pasha develop character strengths. These include the ability to work, set specific goals and direct all efforts to achieve them, as well as learn to understand people.

Growing up, Pavel understands the importance of money in this world. He tries to earn enough money, because he believes in the omnipotence of material security. When choosing a profession, Pavel never tries to gain recognition or position in society. It is much more important for him to find a job that brings a good income. Highlighting his main abilities, Pavel will embody the most promising talents that can bring constant income and success. So Pavel can calmly work as a driver or bank clerk, knowing that the work is easy for him and the profit meets his expectations. Usually, colleagues and management value Pavel as an employee, because he knows his job well and treats it responsibly. Advancing up the career ladder usually takes several years, but this does not prevent Pavel from gradually approaching his goal.

Most often, Pavel makes decisions in life, guided by the main principles laid down by his parents. So, he can be a skilled programmer, understanding the most complex programs and algorithms, a fraudster seeking to make a profit in every possible way, a director trying to prove his authority to his subordinates and others, and so on. It is soft, like plasticine, so parents can invest in it from childhood the hobbies and qualities that will guide it throughout life. Whatever path Paul chooses, he will try to achieve his goal, using his existing experience and knowledge.

Pavel has seriously inflated self-esteem, but has no willpower. Selfishness and fear of great responsibility usually distance him significantly from the director's chair. He is an eternal deputy, desperately wanting to take the director's chair. If Paul is faced with responsibility, his weak character and unprincipled behavior constantly interfere with his work and move him away from his goal. The most comfortable environment for him is ordinary idleness. He likes to sit at home, realizing the stability of his position and the opportunity to refuse any changes. More often than not, Paul is far from greedy. He knows no envy, and he almost immediately forgives and forgets all insults. Pasha strives with all his might to start a family, but it is a mere formality, because the main thing is the presence of a strong and strong-willed woman, capable of commanding Pasha and leading him through life. Such a woman should also have striking external characteristics, because Pavel will feel uncomfortable with an unsexy and unattractive lady.

The owner of such a name always tries to look stylish and fashionable. He trains his manners so that he can charm and seduce the fair sex without any problems. When starting an affair with women, he shows generosity, and also acts as a rather affectionate and passionate lover. With the help of his natural instinct, Pavel perfectly distinguishes between women and can single out those who will not reject him. However, love for him is only an additional goal that pales in comparison to the desire to achieve career success. Being a terrible jealous person, Pavel almost never shows his feelings, experiencing all the torment within himself. If he finds out about his wife’s infidelity, he will not hesitate to break all ties, even if he has to face loneliness. In marriage, he is often lacking initiative, so he obeys his wife in everything.

As a youth, Pavel strives for sexual success, but sometimes faces disappointments, like all men. But Pasha experiences such failures incredibly strongly and painfully. Being unusually vulnerable, Pavel often experiences sexual dysfunction due to neuroses. Therefore, he feels comfortable only with a woman who knows how to understand him perfectly and reciprocate.

Pavel is a rather sick and weakened person. He has had poor health and low immunity since childhood. In order not to encounter serious problems and diseases in adulthood, you need to constantly prevent various ailments and strengthen the body's defenses. Pavel especially needs to take care of his throat, lungs and nervous system, since these organs are most susceptible to disease. Pasha often suffers from sore throats, catches colds, and also suffers from overexertion, nervous exhaustion, and depression.


Little Pavel is constantly on the move. He is filled with energy. Likes to get a little naughty. Very popular among his peers. Makes new friends quickly. He spends all his time playing in the yard with the children. Incredibly active and energetic. But it doesn’t bring any particular problems to parents.

The boy is determined and active. Eloquent, has a cheerful disposition. Self-sufficient and smart. Able to find a way out of a difficult situation. He loves freedom, which he demonstrates quite clearly in childhood.

Basic qualities of temperament

QualityValue (1 to 5)Decoding
Self-esteem5A person who is always sure that he is doing the right thing and cannot make a mistake. He ignores the criticism of others, firmly insisting on his own.
Hard work4A person who strives to work hard diligently completes assigned tasks. However, he knows how to differentiate between rest and work.
Sense of humor2Prefers to joke only among close friends or family. Prefers appropriate and original jokes from others.
Sociability2Such a person prefers to spend time alone than in company. In large companies he feels withdrawn and awkward.
Activity2A person who does not seek to take responsibility for completing any tasks. The performance of such people is weak, although they can appear to be vigorously active.
Sensitivity2A person whom you simply cannot understand with words. Such people are said to have a “hard heart.”
Curiosity3A person who is interested in gaining new knowledge, but often cannot find free time for it. Therefore, others get the impression that he is an indifferent person.
Goodwill5A person who sees only the good in everyone is always ready to help friends and strangers. He never criticizes outsiders.
Friendliness5A person who is kind and welcoming to strangers. Sometimes this manifests itself in strong obsession, which looks scary to others.


Your attitude to the name
Beautiful name
50% (1 vote)
No, not beautiful
50% (1 vote)
Successful for life
0% (0 votes)
No, not successful
100% (1 vote)
50% (1 vote)
50% (1 vote)
Sounds nice
50% (1 vote)
50% (1 vote)


As a teenager, Pavel still remains energetic and active. He loves risk and always finds something new for himself. Very sensitive and receptive. Eloquent, sometimes even too talkative. But it is precisely thanks to this quality that he always has many friends and like-minded people around him.

He studies well, but it is difficult for him to concentrate on any specific activity. We have to fight hard against this disadvantage. Pavel must begin to develop in himself such qualities as constancy, commitment, diligence and stability.


Out of a thousand newborns, parents will name 12-14 boys Pavli. Statistics suggest: this name is among the 15 most popular names in Russia, occupying 14th place. The name is ranked 24th in the world rankings. Approximately 1.7% of Russian men proudly bear the name Pavel. Parents prefer to give their sons this name because it is both simple and noble. The name Pavel is always associated with a serious person who, during relaxation, can be a perky, cheerful Pashka.

My popular name is Pavel

In Moscow, 3000-4000 Pavlovs are born annually, in small provincial towns 500-800. The popularity of this name periodically decreases, but after a long break there is a boom again.


Pavel is very romantic, gentle and good-natured. He is in dire need of women's love and attention. Popular among women. Always polite and courteous in communication. Draws attention to smart, understanding and attentive girls.

The chosen one must accept him with all his shortcomings. He gets married as an adult when he achieves some success in life. He considers himself the boss in the family. But he always listens to his wife’s advice and requests.

To build a happy relationship, Pavel must pay more attention to his chosen one, and not to his career.

Talents, profession, career

Choice of profession:

The name Pavel makes grandiose plans, sets himself lofty, noble goals that even have universal significance. He works hard, consciously, almost always achieves recognition and success in his chosen field, and can become rich. Recognition of Pavel's talent in art and science is possible. Another professional field of activity is industrial production. He makes a good business executive.


The guy Pavel is successful in business and entrepreneurship. His balance and decency ensure smooth conduct of business, eliminate failures, unexpected ups and hard falls. Pavlik is emotional, charming, not very talkative, although you can’t call him silent. He does not refuse additional income, unless this requires Pavel to violate his regular way of life.

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