How to venerate an icon correctly? Which icons should you approach first? How to behave properly in church

History of icons

Church traditions say that the first icon was painted by the apostle and evangelist Luke. He depicted on the board from the dining table the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary with a baby in her arms. When the Mother of God saw the creation, she said that the grace of Her Son would always be with this icon. The physician and artist Luke is considered the first icon painter. With his light hand, holy images of the Mother of God, God's saints and martyrs began to be depicted everywhere. The main church holidays were also depicted on the icons. However, with the advent of the first paintings depicting saints, people still did not know how to venerate the icon correctly. Rules for the behavior of believers in front of holy images were established later.


Each icon is created in accordance with church canons. This means that the holy image on it must be recognizable and have a transcript of the image or church event. Currently, there are more than a dozen schools of iconography. Each master has his own signature style. Icon painters say that their work requires enormous dedication. After all, before the start of creation, during the painting of icons and at the end, certain prayers are read, that is, throughout the entire work of creating the holy image. Therefore, not only the creative approach is important here, but also the spirituality of the master.

Each icon must be consecrated. To do this, certain prayers are read over it, depending on the Saint depicted, and then the picture is sprinkled with holy water. Only after consecration the image becomes Holy.

Unlimited help from the saint

Orthodox believers tirelessly ask the merciful Matrona, who is the most glorious servant of the Lord, in a variety of circumstances, hoping to get what they want and find happiness. Parishioners read prayers for healing from a serious illness. Over the course of her entire life, the divine old woman brought to her feet more than a dozen unfortunate patients who had been suffering for a long time and could not find peace.

How to pray:

The blessed saint is able to restore the family by breathing the right thoughts into the consciousness of the husband or wife. In addition, Matrona can give childless couples a long-awaited child who will receive the same great love that she herself experienced.

If a person has a large family, and circumstances require a fair amount of funding, the holy oxbow is able to gift the person with work that will bring honest money.

Some people come to the relics or face of the saint to ask for admonition and strengthening of faith in the One God. Such individuals soon gain spiritual vision and begin to bring great benefit to their surroundings.

Icons and relics of the venerable saint are able to protect true believers from the influence of evil spirits, and also help to gain true trust in the works of the Lord, who always knows how to act more beneficially and fairly for his children.

Icon and relics of Saint Matrona of Moscow

Today there are several of the most popular ways that Orthodox believers use to ensure that their prayers reach the heart of the Venerable Matrona.

  • Most people strive to visit the shrine with its relics and touch the divine list. The Pokrovsky Monastery, where the remains are located, is located in Moscow at st. Taganskaya No. 58. The church complex is open seven days a week and is open from early morning until the evening.
  • She has colossal power. It is here that Matrona of Moscow was buried. The memory of this place was practically erased, but veneration resumed 30 years after the death of the blessed old woman, as she herself predicted. The relics were solemnly transferred to the Intercession Monastery, and a miraculous vessel with sand was installed at the site of the coffin, which also helps in difficult times.
  • You can write a letter to the blessed mother, which should be sent to the address of the Intercession Monastery. This petition will be placed on the relics of Matrona.
  • Often Orthodox believers turn to sacred icons depicting the venerable old woman. There is practically no church in Russia that does not have such a list. Most parishioners strive to touch the relics because they consider this gesture more direct and quick. However, one should not forget about the purity of thoughts, because the saint will refuse to fulfill evil requests that cause harm.

Rules for applying to icons

When reading a prayer in front of an icon, Orthodox Christians believe that it will be heard by the Saint immortalized on it. And indeed it is.

How to venerate an icon correctly? First, you need to cross yourself twice, then lightly touch the edge of the icon with your lips, and then your forehead. Then move away and cross yourself again. Women must learn one rule: before approaching the icon, you need to remove the lipstick from your lips.

You should not kiss the holy image several times and along the entire perimeter of the glass. Under no circumstances should you kiss the face of a saint. If the icon is “waist-length,” you need to venerate the blessing hand. When painting a full-length painting, you should touch your feet. If a believer doubts where to kiss the icon, it is better to kiss its edge.

In the icon of the miraculous image of the Savior Jesus Christ, the image of His hair should be venerated. When venerating the cross, you need to venerate the Savior’s feet.

Is it worth reading prayers in front of the relics?

The prayer request to the primate is not read directly near the shrine with the relics, as this delays the queue. They begin to read a prayer to a holy person at home or in line at the shrine. After application, the prayer is read at home in front of home images.

The Orthodox Church recognizes not only the body, but also the bones of a holy person as relics

This recommendation applies to a situation where the relics are temporarily in a locality. Pilgrims who come to venerate the relics in their place of permanent residence should follow the recommendations given by local clergy.

Is it possible to kiss

Many doubt whether it is possible to kiss icons in church. This is how the church answers this question. In everyday life, people express their love and trust with a kiss. It's the same with icons. When a believer kisses it, he thereby expresses reverence for the image depicted on it.

However, more and more often, people who are far from Orthodoxy are trying to teach others how to behave correctly in church, and are proving that icons cannot be kissed. As an argument, they describe the results of experiments in which fingerprints were taken from icons. Scientists discovered many dangerous bacteria in them, which remained after numerous applications to the icon. However, the priests convince that a believer should not be afraid of this. The Lord protects the parishioners. But as an alternative, it is proposed to simply place your forehead on the edge of the icon as a sign of veneration and reverence for the holy image.


From 1942 to 1949, the Reverend Matrona lived with her fellow villagers - E. M. Zhdanova and her daughter Zinaida. For many years there has been a legend that was described in the book of memoirs of Zinaida Zhdanova “The Tale of Matrona”. During the Great Patriotic War, a serious threat arose that the capital would be captured by the German fascists; Stalin himself came to Matrona. She predicted the victory of the Russian people and said that he alone of all the authorities would not leave and would remain in Moscow. Unfortunately, there is no evidence of this event, but I think it happened.

From 1950 to 1952, she already lived in Skhodnya near Moscow with her distant relatives, the Kurochkins.

The holy elder Matrona predicted her death three days in advance. Being very sick, she still continued to see people. The holy mother died in the spring of May 2, 1952.

How to enter the church

People who regularly attend church know how parishioners behave in church. However, are their actions correct? Usually the clergy explain how to properly enter the church. So:

  1. Before crossing the threshold of the church, you need to cross yourself 3 times at its doors, accompanying the actions with bows from the waist.
  2. Men enter the temple without hats. Women are required to cover their heads.
  3. Parishioners buy candles and, if desired, order a prayer for health or peace.
  4. How to dress for church? Men must wear trousers and outerwear that does not expose their torso. For women, the main requirement is a skirt below the knee and also a closed top.

After these actions, believers approach the icons, light candles and listen to the prayers read during the liturgy.

Flowers for Mother Matrona

In the temple there is a special custom of bringing living bouquets to Blessed Mother Matrona. Therefore, the chapel, where the shrine with holy relics is located, is always buried in fresh flowers. And what is most interesting is that the offering of some becomes a real gift for others, since the nuns present each visitor to the relics of St. Matronushka with a flower. These flowers are consecrated directly on the relics, and therefore they are then usually dried and stored in their corner near the icons. Flowers you can bring are carnations, roses of any color, white chrysanthemums, white lilacs, red tulips.

People who have only recently come to the Faith of Christ have many questions of a formal nature regarding behavior in church. Let's try to answer some of them.

Which icons are approached first?

As soon as believers enter the main part of the temple, a lectern with an icon of the Saint whose feast day is celebrated appears before them. Next to the Holy Image there is a cross. In front of a high quadrangular table with a sloping top, you should cross yourself twice with a bow from the waist, and then venerate the icon and the cross itself.

Which icons should you approach first after the lectern? Here the choice depends on the wishes of the parishioner. For example, you can put a candle for health in front of him. It would not be a mistake if a believer approaches the image of a particular Saint with a request for health and lights a candle there. It is better to find out from the priest which saints help with what, and then approach a specific icon with prayer.

For example, in front of the icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” they ask for deliverance from drunkenness. Prayer in front of the image of the Healer Panteleimon helps get rid of serious ailments.

You need to remember the dead in front of a special icon. This place is called eve. It is located on the left side of the temple and is a table of 40 candles. You are allowed to remember the dead when leaving the church. One candle is enough for this.

Rules of conduct during worship

How to behave correctly in church? During the service, believers must stand quietly and listen to the prayer or read it together with the priest. You cannot walk around the temple, walk between the royal doors and the lectern.

How do newcomers behave in church when the service has already begun? If a believer enters a church during a service, it is better to take part in it and then light candles for the Saints. Let’s say that a parishioner does not have such an opportunity, which means that he must move around the church very carefully so as not to distract others from prayer. At the end of the service, believers leave the temple, crossing themselves 3 times with a bow from the waist.


Having the gift of God, Matrona saved many people and was very kind to them. She had a bright face and a very gentle voice. She would pat everyone on the head, console them, and give them her due, and this made people feel better in their souls, they were comforted and calmed down. Although she herself was very sick, no one heard any complaints from her.

Matrona also visited the Kronstadt Cathedral in 1899. There, the Monk John of Kronstadt, at the end of the service, asked all the parishioners to make way and let Matrona through and said: “Matronushka, come, come to me. Here comes my shift—the eighth pillar of Russia.”

What clothes to choose for the temple

Previously, men came to services in formal suits, and women in long dresses. Now, more and more often, parishioners come to the House of God in informal clothing, for example, men allow themselves to wear shorts, and women wear short skirts and trousers.

Modern youth believes that the main thing is not appearance, but what is inside a person.

How to dress for church? How does God want us to be in his home? The first pages of the Bible say that clothing should cover a person's nakedness. The Holy Scriptures teach people to dress godly. If parishioners come to the service in open clothes, they thereby show their disrespect for the shrine. It distracts from prayer. People just start looking at each other's bodies. Provocative and bright things are also unacceptable for the church, as they distract parishioners from worship. Clive Lewis wrote that fashion diverts a person's attention from true values. Even these words are enough to understand that you need to dress modestly in church. Congregants' bodies should be covered, and women should avoid wearing trousers during the service.


In November 1881, a girl was born into an ordinary Nikonov family in the village of Sebino, in the Tula province, who was named Matrona. She became the fourth child in the family, as she already had two brothers and a sister. Poor Matronushka was born blind, and they already wanted to leave her in an orphanage. However, the mother had a prophetic dream: she saw a beautiful white bird that sat on her chest, which had no eyes. The parents guessed that Matrona would become God's chosen child by the beneficial cloud of smoke at the moment of her birth. Already at the age of eight, she was strong and soon discovered the gift of a wise seer. Crowds of people began to come to her for help and healing. Matronushka became a real breadwinner in her family. And at the age of 18 her legs became paralyzed.

Icons in the house

Even in ancient times, people had a tradition of bringing icons into their homes, usually two - the image of the Most Holy Theotokos and Jesus Christ. They were often supplemented with icons of saints whose names were borne by the owners of the house.

In the modern world, this custom has been preserved. Priests recommend setting up a prayer corner at home. There you can place icons and a small lamp in front of them. It is not advisable to purchase many icons, because these are not paintings and each image will have to be prayed for. If a home icon has faded, it must be set on fire. The holy image to which one prays must always be clear. Therefore, you cannot pray to icons distorted by age.

How to venerate an icon at home correctly, and is it necessary to do so? Here the actions of the believer are similar to church rules. This is how we express respect for the Saint whose image is depicted. Therefore, after prayer you can kiss the icon. It is recommended to have icons in the house with holy images of the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker, martyrs Guria, Samon and Aviv, prayer to which helps to find family well-being.

Petitions for help from Saint Matronushka

Ordinary lay people do not have spiritual vision and make big mistakes, so they often need divine intervention. Saints, who are mediators between God's will and humanity, are able to correct troubles if people sincerely repent and ask for help.

Many Orthodox believe that Saint Matrona is capable of performing miracles

Matronushka is one of those who with great love fulfills the noble requests of honest people. Her life was an example of righteous worship, and after death the blessed saint does not tire

  • Before turning to the venerable old woman, you should read a prayer to the Most High Lord, the Most Pure Virgin and Jesus Christ. The place of appeal is not particularly important: everyone can ask for help in their own home, temple or at the grave of Matrona. However, many pilgrims say that the most effective way is to turn to the remains located in the Intercession Monastery.
  • In the same place where the shrine with the relics of the saint is located, there are also two of her sacred images, which crowds of religious people want to touch every day.
  • Matrona had a special relationship with water; it was through it that Mother most often healed illnesses. Therefore, parishioners who visit venerate the holy spring, filling their bodies with the purest and most blessed substance.
  • So that the saint can listen to prayers and intercede with the Almighty Father, Orthodox believers are obliged to open their hearts in conversation with her. One must discard useless thoughts about empty objects of the material world. One should focus on the purity of the request, which comes from a good intention.
  • The reverend saint very quickly responds to prayers addressed to her. If your goals are not achieved the first time, you need to correct your own train of thought, not lose faith in the Lord, and continue to pray. Thus, the saint corrects inclinations towards a sinful worldview and teaches us to rely not only on ourselves.
  • They often come to Matrona of Moscow with flowers and other gifts to express their gratitude. A person should not only ask for help, but also thank him for the fact that God’s great servant bestows bliss, because only by turning to the saint does a simple layman find peace.
  • Therefore, the aisle where the shrine with the remains of Matrona is located is always strewn with flower arrangements. The bouquets are blessed with the blessing of the church and distributed to parishioners, who take them home, dry them and place them on the home iconostasis. The saint was extremely fond of lilacs, chrysanthemums, tulips and roses.

There is no strict framework for addressing the holy saint; she is ready to listen to prayers at any time and under any circumstances. It is important to show respect for those around you and try to uproot from your own consciousness sinful inclinations that bring only suffering to the individual and those around him. It is recommended to give alms and provide assistance to anyone who really needs it. The holy saint knows how to listen to prayers and knows about our good deeds, which increase the chances of people’s requests being fulfilled.

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