1. When cleansing the Family is necessary 2. Cleansing the Family up to the 7th generation and beyond 3. Prayer for the cleansing of the Family from sins 4. Cleansing the Family with runes
Cleansing the Family with prayer is now of interest to many. The reason for this is that people generally remembered the presence of Rod quite recently. But prayer for the cleansing of the Family would seem to be the safest option. But it's not that simple.
Therefore, today I want to raise the topic of numerous ancestral practices for cleansing the Family. Let's figure out how to cleanse the Rod so that such a question no longer arises.
Cleansing Rod up to the 7th generation
09/08/2020 at 19:30 Moscow time. Applications and payment are accepted until 18:00 09/08/2020. on whatsapp +79094037560 (write full name “Roda Ritual”). The link to the platform will be sent an hour before the meditation.
The Slavs have a very extensive pantheon of Gods!
They lived in harmony with nature, and each of its forces was subject to a specific deity.
In Vedic culture, there is a particularly revered time - from the full moon to the new moon in September. It's called Pitrou-haddock.
Why this analogy? The cultures of Vedicism and Slavism are very interconnected. In some texts you can even find such criticism of the Slavs as Vedas, Veduns (those who know or have great knowledge).
Likewise, among the Slavs, the days of the beginning of autumn were marked by the veneration of ancestors.
Why is Rod cleansing up to the 7th generation carried out in September? These days most strongly influence the relationship with the ancestors and energies of the Family. They can radically transform them into better quality. Changing our current lives and benefiting our future generations!
The results of practicing with one’s own genus these days are so strong that they can replace several years of ordinary practices carried out at other times of the year.
Changes on the subtle plane always entail changes on the physical plane. This means that everything is possible, everything is in our hands!
We are all united by blood kinship. Similar ancient national traditions and a similar view of the world. The essence of which is “Live in truth and justice. Do good things, keep body and soul pure. Stand on the side of the forces of good." This worldview of the Russian people has survived to this day, and forms the basis of the spirituality of our people, for whom “spiritual purity is more important than bodily purity.” The Slavs considered themselves descendants of their gods, whom they had to be worthy of, and were afraid of angering them.
According to the ancient scriptures, in the primordial cosmic Mind the intention to perceive sound arose, and it gave birth to space, the ether, through which sound can spread; when he had the intention to feel the touch, air appeared; the desire to see contributed to the manifestation of fire, the source of light; and the intention to taste led to the appearance of water; the desire to smell the earth manifested itself as having this quality. Thus, it was only from desire, the primary intention, that creation took place.
Fravahar family tree
It is quite simple to imagine and describe the 7 tribes of the Fravahar tree. They look like this:
1. The first generation is myself, living today. 2. The second generation is my parents of 2 people. 3. Third - my grandparents (four). 4. Fourth - great-grandparents (8). 5. Fifth - great-great-grandparents, great-great-grandmothers (16). 6. Sixth - grandfathers of great-grandfathers (32). 7. Seventh - great-grandfathers of great-grandfathers (64 persons).
Of course, now few people know all their ancestors up to the seventh generation. But for people in ancient times this knowledge was of enormous importance. It is not without reason that even in Russia in the Middle Ages and later times, people from aristocratic circles devoted so much time and effort to confirming their ancestry. This made it possible to confirm the purity of blood, as well as prove the validity of claims to family wealth.
In Ancient Persia, the compilation of the Fravahar family tree had a deeper, mystical and even religious meaning. Each generation of the clan was associated with a certain element and its energy. So the first knee(s) directly interacts with the energy of the Sun. The second (parents) - with the energy of the Moon, which affects our health, immediate environment and emotions.
The third generation - grandparents - pass on to us intellectual potential, talents and sociability. The fourth shapes the love scenario and material well-being in our lives. The fifth knee supplies us with will and assertiveness. If there was an inflection along this line, then these character traits can turn into aggressiveness.
The sixth knee affects position in society, social elevation. Perhaps the most important role is played by that very seventh generation, to which numerous great-grandfathers of great-grandfathers belong. They determine what is called fatum, or Fate. This is why it is important to know your ancestors up to the 7th generation: our present and future are written on it, like on tablets.
There is an interesting study by Italian criminologist and psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso, in which the scientist tried to recreate the family trees of famous killer maniacs. He discovered that each such individual had many criminals and people with a high level of aggression in his family. Fortunately, not only bad qualities are inherited, but also talents. This can be observed in the examples of many artistic families. And although Lombroso’s theory is considered anti-scientific in our time, there is some truth in it.
Feast of the Childbirth and Mother of God
Celebrated on September 8th is one of the most revered. If we look at history, Rod and Rozhanitsa are strong deities who stand on the defensive and protect families from troubles and bad weather.
This holiday is reflected in our days, only it is called the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.
ROD is the forefather, creator, the main creative force, the source of all things, the one who is outside of time and space and at the same time in both of these planes. It is believed that he gave birth to the Universe; everything in the world is the creation of his hands. The clan is one and many-sided, because the rest of the Gods were born from him, he is their ancestor. It contains the unity of light forces, such as creative energy, which gives growth to everything, and dark forces - purifying forces, eliminating interference and obstacles before a new stage (act) of the creation of the universe.
Confirmation of a single god is reflected in the chronicles of ancient chroniclers.
According to mythological writings, the god Rod resided and was revealed from the center of the cosmic universe, which was personified by an egg.
“Turn your inner gaze into the depths of your consciousness and see the bright, pure essence of the primordial creation - this is the majestic creative force - the god Rod.”
Good spirits, helpers, creator goddesses - Makosh, Lada and Lelya
LADA is the wife of the god Svarog. She was called into the world by the breath of Rod. She was the foremother and goddess of fertility. Like a mother giving life to a child, Lada breathed life into everything that exists. Therefore, she was especially revered by the Slavs. Unmarried girls turned to her with requests for a successful marriage.
She is also the goddess of love, beauty, prosperity, harmony and order, prosperity and fertility, the patroness of family unions, maintaining harmony and peace in the home. Lada leads us to unity and tries to lead us away from hostility, quarrels and conflicts.
The goddess Lada, revealed by Rod, favors those who honor their gods and ancestors.
MAKOSH is one of the spinners of the path of the human soul. As one of the birthing goddesses, she helps in childbirth and is the keeper of the hearth and connections between members of the clan. She is the patroness of the elements of water and earth and is responsible for earthly fertility.
Spinning the threads of destinies, Makosh unmistakably identifies and weaves those events into a person’s life that should happen. The word FATE itself has a direct connection with our karma. While living their current life and going through certain events, everyone commits good and unfavorable deeds. And regardless of whether you believe in the laws of karma and cause-and-effect relationships, we are all rewarded for our services both in this and in future incarnations. Good seeds bring many joyful and happy events into our lives. While those who are not good suffer severe trials.
Goddess Makosh supports those who strive to preserve peace; women working for the well-being of their families; men who spiritually enrich their family and clan.
LELYA - Life-giving stream, the harbinger of spring, awakening nature from winter sleep
She controls the daylight hours, is responsible for changing the cycles of nature, and brings awakening and flourishing everywhere. Therefore, it is a symbol of youth, beauty, tenderness and sincerity.
Goddess Lelya patronizes cheerful, optimistic people who are easy-going.
They turned to her when they had difficulties conceiving a child, asking for help and protection during pregnancy. The offering for her is flowers.
Prayer for the cleansing of the Family from sins
Prayer for the cleansing of the Family from sins is one of the most dangerous areas of cleansing of the Family.
Apparently, it was invented out of narrow-mindedness and sabotage. Sin is a purely religious concept, that is, everything is sin, including the joy of Life, because in religion you must suffer. But one of the special sins is, by the way, the family itself. Like this? Here I quote the words of Jesus, which, in fact, outline what you should do. What kind of family or help to Rod are we talking about?
“Do not think that I came to bring peace to earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword, for I came to divide a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s enemies are his own household.” (Gospel of Matthew, 10:34 – 36)
If you begin to cleanse the Rod from sins with religious prayer, you will become indebted to the religious egregor (religion) and, first of all, you will receive the bonus and consequences of such a cleansing of the Rod in the form of a break in the family (quarrels, divorce). Why? Read Jesus' words above.
What does this holiday represent?
It is based on the veneration of the god Rod, who is the intercessor and patron of the human race as a whole; he also symbolizes the unity of families and the establishment of connections from descendants to subsequent generations. The Slavs had a very developed spirit of honoring their ancestors. It was good to know the heads of your family, on the male and female sides, in order to turn to them for help and protection.
The elders, who knew a lot about the history of both their family and the history of their village, and the entire Slavic people, were also respected. Previously, all legends were passed on from mouth to mouth, and the younger generation loved to listen to these epics during holidays like this.
However, this holiday is mostly for women. After all, it is women who can bear a child, and therefore prolong the lineage of their man.
I also honor Rozhanits on this day. They help pregnant women carry a child. They arrive at the moment the baby is born. And they can tell what fate awaits him. They are close to babies, protecting and protecting them. They also look after families and are their patroness.
Rod cleaning technique
Each of us is connected with our Family, with our Ancestors. Almost all traditions claim that our life and destiny are closely determined by the program of the Family. Any doctor today will tell you that 80% of your health depends on heredity. What your ancestors were sick with, the more you can get sick, but if your ancestors were healthy and strong people, then the safety margin of your health is very significant. In fact, not only health, but also many lines of fate are determined by ancestors. It is believed that the seven tribes of your Family directly influence you, so it is very important to establish a relationship with them, so to speak, to clear the “channels of communication.” It is important to realize that 126 people over the course of approximately 200 past years lived, met, loved only for you to be born here. This also gives a certain burden of responsibility - after all, you need not to let your Family down, to be a worthy person, so that your ancestors in Heaven can be proud of you. Also, with your life you will lay down a certain program for your future descendants, the continuation of your Family. Thus, one should live with dignity, according to conscience, walking the path of Good and Light for oneself, for the sake of ancestors and for the sake of descendants. A very good image is a family tree. Its roots go back to the distant past, to the very dawn of humanity. Human DNA has stored a colossal layer of information since these times. We ourselves are now the top of this tree, connected by many lines of communication with the previous closest branches - the ancestors of the seven tribes. Then, the tree will grow further and new branches will develop from us - our descendants. Many of our problems (70-80% of fate) are associated with the Family and therefore we should change not only our way of thinking, life, pray for ourselves, but also for our Family, our ancestors. Although many ancestors are long gone, their essences are immortal and they are closely interconnected with us. This is what determines our fate and the success of this practice.
Therefore, we suggest that you perform a technique conventionally called “cleaning the family.” It is very simple, logical and understandable.
Description of the “Roda Cleansing” technique.
Each person experiences the burden of birth up to the seventh generation and is responsible for his ancestors. In turn, ancestors can and should help a person energetically and informationally solve important life problems. If the genus is sufficiently pure, then its intervention in the fate of the individual will be of a powerful positive nature. If the genus is desecrated, then in addition to working off ancestral karmic debts, a person will not be able to receive the effective help he is entitled to from the “other” side and, on the contrary, will face the problems of his ancestors. Desecration of the race occurs every time a person commits a grave sin that is incompatible with the integrity of the energy structures of the soul. In other words, the soul of the individual receives a deep breakdown in the energy structures. This happens during curses, love spells, violent death, suicide, betrayal and other powerful negative events. In such cases, our family tree begins to “rot,” passing this negativity from generation to generation. It is difficult to cleanse the race, but it is possible. To do this, you need to realize the seriousness of your intentions, draw up a diagram of your family tree up to the seventh generation, choose the right days to perform the technique and be sure that you are starting a very (!) important and necessary task, and that no one except you will do. The diagram of the family tree is a kind of Christmas tree (by the way, it is not by chance that the spruce became a symbol of the world tree), at the top of which you yourself will be, at the bottom your parents, then their parents, our grandparents, etc. The last seventh tribe will consist of 64 people. The male part of the gender is drawn on the left, the female on the right. (see picture)
In itself, drawing your tree is already a kind of sacred magical act that allows you to tune in to your Family. It is advisable to prepare properly, learn as much as possible about your ancestors (what they did, how their lives turned out). To do this, ask your parents and grandparents. All the information collected will be useful to you and your descendants. First you need to choose the right days on which the technique will be performed. To do this, the cycles of two luminaries are taken into account - the Sun and the Moon, which are closely related to genetics, Rod. Cleansing of the genus is done three times - on the new moon (1st, 2nd lunar day - after the moment of the new moon), on the full moon (14,15,16th lunar day) and in any quarter of the lunar cycle (7th or 23rd lunar day). It is better for men to start on the new moon associated with the masculine principle, and for women on the full moon associated with the feminine principle. It is not recommended to cleanse the genus for the first time during the square of the Moon (7th or 23rd lunar day). It is better to clean without interruption for three weeks in a row. If this did not work out for some reason, don’t worry, cleaning can be continued through the lunar month at the desired phase of the Moon. Moon phase dates can be found in the astronomical calendar or on an astronomical website (for example, here https://www.astrogalaxy.ru/445.html
) To perform the technique, you must choose a time so that no one or anything interferes with you. The time of day is not important. It is important that nothing distracts you or interrupts your work. Therefore, before you begin, make sure that all electrical appliances are turned off, the soup is not boiling on the stove, no extra electric light is on... To work in you will need 2-3 church candles, drinking water, a family tree diagram, a pencil or pen, a piece of paper with text and 1.5 – 2 hours. Judging by the time it takes to complete the technique, one candle will not be enough. If the first candle burns out, then the next one is lit from it. Since you will have to read the text aloud, for each ancestor separately (remember that there are only 126 ancestors), you will need water so that your throat does not sore or dry out (any energy work, and cleaning the family is just that, dehydrates the body). You will need a pencil at the moment when you need to take a break from cleaning your clan (anything can happen), and in order not to lose the order of reprimanding the next ancestor, its square can be marked with some conventional sign.
So, having chosen a place and time for work, you, sitting facing north, light a candle and hold it in your left hand throughout the cleaning. In front of you, place a sheet of paper with a family tree, up to the seventh generation, drawn up in advance. You hold the index finger of your right hand on the square of the ancestor for whom you are currently praying. You need to start working with yourself. For Zoroastrians, reading Akhunvar and prayers to Fravash is a must. To do this, people who adhere to Christianity (they will need a prayer book, an icon of the Mother of God or the Savior) should read the following prayers in this order - Psalm 90 (it can be found in the list of prayers for various needs, called “prayer read in misfortune”), Psalm 50 and “Creed” (the last 2 prayers can be found in morning prayers). After reading these 3 canonical prayers, the phrase is said: “Lord, cleanse all my plans, even the spiritual, Airyemon (Amen).” During this entire procedure, you keep the index finger of your right hand on the square with your name. People who adhere to other traditions can replace Christian prayers with those that they deem necessary. Instead of saying “Lord,” you can say “Father,” “Allah,” etc. The words and type of prayer are only an expression of your mental attitude, which is decisive. Whether you use the accumulated energy of this or that egregor or speak in your own words is a matter of your choice. Your ancestors could be of the same or different religions, you can practice their religion or adhere to your position. Therefore, the energy of sound vibrations, although important, is not the main thing in this case. Follow the order of reprimanding in accordance with the numbering: after yourself, read the text for your mother, then for your dad, then for your maternal grandparents, then for your paternal grandparents, etc. Each generation needs to start reprimanding from the right to the left: first the maternal line, then the paternal line. Having reached the last ancestor on the left (paternal line) in a given generation, go to the generation below, and so on from above (from yourself) down to the 7th generation (there are only 64 ancestors in the 7th generation). For all subsequent ancestors, you pronounce the same text, with the only difference being that you must correctly name the status of your relative; for example, number 18 is my 5th generation maternal ancestor, the mother of my great-grandfather. When compiling the tree, only direct relatives (biological, those who passed on their genetics to you) are taken into account - mother, father (2nd generation), their parents (3rd generation), parents of grandparents (4th generation), parents of great-grandparents (5th generation ), parents of great-great-grandparents (6th generation) and parents of great-great-great-grandparents (7th generation). Nowadays, almost no one knows all 126 ancestors, and this technique allows one to overcome the barrier of ignorance. By pointing your finger according to the diagram at the desired ancestor, pronouncing his status, thinking about him, you at the level of thoughts, words and deeds clear the channel of communication with him, establishing the necessary contact. A hand holding a candle connects you to the “upper” world. If you think that one of the ancestors is special for you, for the Family (either very worthy, or especially guilty), then you can read additional prayers for him that you deem necessary. With a mental attitude, you should ask worthy, “pure” ancestors for help and support, and for guilty ancestors it is important to consciously voice your forgiveness to them and your readiness to pray for them, so that their problems do not pass on to their descendants. Here is the verbal formula for cleaning Rod.
Text of the ancestor's reprimand.
I pray for my ancestor on the maternal (paternal) side in such and such a tribe, the mother (father) of such and such, and I thank her (him) for loving and passing on to me traditions from the creation of the world. I forgive her (him) for all sins, intended or unintentional, that have had a negative impact in my life, and I ask for the purification of all her (his) plans, including the spiritual. (Eternal memory to her (him) and the Kingdom of Heaven - this phrase is not spoken for living relatives.) Airyemon (Amen).
After the text has been read for the last ancestor, the final words must be said: “Lord (Father)! Allow my Family to help me solve all my life problems.”
After completely reprimanding the family for the third time, the next day it is advisable to go to the nearest church and, placing a candle on the Canon at the crucifix, say these final words: “Lord (Father)! Allow my Family to help me solve all my life problems.” (support for the Orthodox Christian egregor in our country is also important)
Many people have already done this “cleaning” and almost everyone noted changes in their fate (for the better :). Here is an example from a letter from a girl who did the internship:
— Hello, I want to tell you an amazing incident. I gave the practice of “Cleansing the Family” to my sisters and mother. My mother and I did the first, then my sister. And when my sister read it for the first time, our relatives came to her in a dream and thanked us for remembering them! When they told me this, “goosebumps” of awe ran through my skin! I didn’t doubt for a minute that it was correct, and even more so now! Thanks again!
God help you! We wish you success and all the best in all your endeavors!
Petrova Tatyana and Starostin Konstantin
additions, questions and answers
Elena Osipova
Particular attention is given to ancestors in the direct male and direct female lines. This is the Forefather (our great-great-great-grandfather in the direct male line) and the Forefather (our great-great-great-great-grandmother in the direct female line) of the Family. For women, the foremother is very important, for men - the forefather. You can also pray for them...
Andrey Rostislavov question -
Is it necessary to take into account brothers and sisters, and interactions accordingly along parallel lines?
the answer is
no, brothers and sister, like other side branches of the family tree, are not taken into account here. All this applies only to direct and immediate parents (grandparents)
addition from the book by Pavel Glob
"The Teachings of the Ancient Aryans" -
We are all just links in a single chain of evolution of the Universe. The sins and good deeds of our ancestors determine not only our innate abilities, addictions and illnesses - they largely shape our destiny. It depends on the free choice of a person at every moment of the present whether he will repeat the mistakes of his ancestors, aggravate them, passing on the accumulated sins to his children and thereby dooming them to suffering in the future, or whether he will be able to extract from his Family Tree the best that will help him change qualitatively yourself and thereby change the world around you. All this applies both to an individual person and to all humanity as a whole. Ignorance of how our ancestors lived and what they did contributes to the formation of time gaps between them and us, and this (gone into oblivion!) time becomes the prey of Angra Manyu, who kidnaps him in order to delay as long as possible the approach of Frashegird, the so-called the end of the World, which will put a temporary limit on the existence of Evil. This is how important it is not to break the connection between past and future generations, and not to leave empty time in your present life, which could become the prey of the evil Ahriman. The more time a person devotes to creative activities pleasing to the Lord God, the less time remains for the Tempter Demon. Each person is given the right to manage his own free time, which can be given either to God, which ultimately brings closer the time of liberation of the World from the shackles of Evil, or to the Devil, which threatens to prolong the time of suffering that befalls humanity. Or, echoing the words of the wizard Gandelph: “What we must decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”
the relationship of the 4th tribe of our ancestors with the cardinal points. The countdown starts from your place of birth. You need to know your ancestors, what kind of people they were. If you find yourself on the side of a worthy ancestor, you will receive protection from him, good luck and his patronage. But “weak” ancestors on their side of the world will cause you trouble...
………………………………. I……………. ………………………./……………….\….. ……………….dad mom ……………./…… ..\……………………/………\ …..dad………….mom ………….dad…………mom …./…..\………….. /….\…………./….\…………./….\. dad .. mom ... dad... mom... dad... mom... dad... mom with........st........ in...... juv……. yu….. yuz……. з……..сз
Do children join in the scolding if there are successors to the family, but they themselves cannot chastise due to their young age? my husband has already started work, some of his ancestors have responded to him. I'm still waiting for the full moon :))) to be honest, I'm scared. If for my husband it’s, figuratively speaking, “to remember and hug,” then for me it’s “to remove the ties, leave and forget.” I don’t need anything else from them... and there is a clear understanding that no one else will do this work except me. maybe a sister, but she has a different father, and half of the family is not mine... I hope I can do it. thank you for your attention, Marina
answer -
Greetings, Marina! I'm glad for your husband. he's great! I wish you success in this good endeavor. first about you. Yes, among all 126 ancestors, not all are pink and fluffy; there are also some, to put it mildly, “non-positive”. Of course, we have nothing to expect from them except problems. BUT. Whatever they were, without them we simply would not be here. If you simply try to forget them, then the transferred problems will not go away, on the contrary. They will take on a hidden character, appear very unexpectedly, and the saddest thing is that they will be passed on to subsequent descendants. We are the only chance for them to be saved, to get rid of the burden of their misdeeds. “Cleansing the family” can stop their negative impact. The most important thing in it is the inner attitude, sincere forgiveness and negativity. ancestors and (the most difficult thing) express readiness to atone for their sins. This way, negative attachments will be removed and bad things will leave the ancestors. This is the only way to burn negative ancestral karma, save yourself, your ancestors, and save your descendants from negativity. if it is difficult for you to reprimand the clan, this indicates problems that have accumulated in the clan. And it is even more important and necessary to resolve them! And indeed, only you yourself can and should do this. With all my heart I wish you success in this! About children. In the ancient tradition of the Avesta, a child became an adult at the age of 15 and after that he was responsible for his own affairs. And although he is connected with the Family from birth to death, it does not make sense for him to cleanse the Family before the age of 15, because He is still under the care of his parents, elders, and there are different demands on him. (this also applies to orphans). If parents reprimand their Family and establish contact with their ancestors, then, of course, it will become much easier for the children. I wish your entire family and Rod all the best!!!
.Maria Bragina
Konstantin Starostin! Thank you very much! And I recently dreamed of all, all of my ancestors, even whom I don’t know, as if they were having a holiday in our village, everyone was cheerful, healthy, with clear eyes, the cherry orchard was blooming, and a few days later they died, or rather mine left father... so strange!
Lyudmila Konstantinova
Text of the ancestor's reprimand. I pray for my ancestor on the maternal (paternal) side in such and such a tribe, the mother (father) of such and such, and I thank her (him) for loving and passing on to me traditions from the creation of the world. I forgive her (him) for all sins, intended or unintentional, that have had a negative impact in my life, and I ask for the purification of all her (his) plans, including the spiritual. (Eternal memory to her (him) and the Kingdom of Heaven - this phrase is not spoken for living relatives.) Amen.
Konstantin, where in this report should we read the prayers, before or after? And is it possible to start tomorrow? Tomorrow is the full moon, and also a lunar eclipse? Thank you.
answer -
answer for Lyudmila Konstatinova The text of the reprimand (“I pray for.... amen”) is a kind of single formula, it is inseparable. It is better to read a prayer (“Our Father”, “psalm” or another prayer, or your own words) before the text of the reprimand. As soon as the finger of your right hand is pointed at the ancestor (his symbol in the picture of the family tree), you immediately imagine his image (if there is a photo), in your thoughts you scroll through all the information related to him and begin to read a prayer for him and then the text of the reprimand. If the name is known, then that's very good! Say “I pray for Ivan Ivanovich, my maternal ancestor, etc. It’s important - you need to start with yourself and then mom, then dad, etc. according to the scheme. after the third time, you need to remember to ask Rod for help. good luck to you and your Family!
“Of course, I underestimated my strength and only completed a quarter of the cleansing of the family. I looked on the Internet, the full moon lasts for several days, can we continue today and tomorrow? tell me off 126 times - it takes a whole day)"
Nobody said that it would be easy; the explanation said that reprimanding 126 ancestors is an energy- and time-consuming activity.
The point of this whole procedure is to pay tribute to your ancestors, to voice your gratitude and willingness to atone for the problems of your Family for the sake of yourself, your ancestors and descendants. The laws of the universe are arranged in such a way that we are connected with 7 generations - and this is 126 people. It takes about 2.5 hours to even say a prayer briefly, a lecture for each person. Yes, we are very busy, there is no free time, etc. But it is believed that at least once in one’s life it is enough to give a “reprimand” and it is probably worth sacrificing something in order to pay a kind of tribute to one’s Family. If you weren’t able to talk through everything on one of the necessary days, it’s better to reschedule it for the next time. In this case, on the next full moon (February 18). The full moon lasts 4 days when the moon phase is at its greatest. There is no hard and fast rule here - that this is the only way and nothing else. There is an assumption that the Sun and Moon are the luminaries that determine life on earth and their interaction is closely connected with generic programs (Avestan astrology speaks about this). Based on this, there is information that you need to give a “reprimand” three times at different adjacent phases of the Moon. This is enough for it to work. It’s good that three times, and not 10. It’s good that there are 7 generations and not 16.
An example is that in order to collect a medicinal plant that has special powers, you need to collect it on a certain day, say, at sunrise. At this moment his energy is alive, maximum and most useful. If we pick it at a completely different time, it will be useful, but many times weaker. Probably also here - the farther from the right moment (the day at the moment of phase 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° mutually between the Sun and the Moon) - the weaker the power of our words will be. We are free when to pronounce the “reprimand”. even just having done it, we are already doing a big and important thing. But it is better to do this at the right time. If it doesn’t work out one time, it’s okay! You can do this in any other next month. It is believed that the power and effect of this practice will continue. The choice is yours!
Additional articles on the topic of ancestors
https://zoroastrian.ru/node/1187 https://zoroastrian.ru/node/1248 https://zoroastrian.ru/node/449 https://zoroastrian.ru/node/513
Big We ask everyone who has carried out this practice to share what happened after it. I know that many hundreds of people have already done the practice and almost everyone has observed something. For some, the ancestors came in a dream, for some, their health improved, and favorable and important events came. All this only confirms how great the role of our ancestors is in our destiny. Share your experience and with this you can inspire others so that they can establish a relationship with their Family.
Ekaterina Vechezhak Konstantin, I attended your class at the festival and became very interested in this practice. In connection with this, the question is - what is the source?
answer -
The source of this practice is the Image that came to my friend, who has special abilities (clairvoyance, etc.) - Tatyana Petrova, as well as the Avestan tradition, Zoroastrianism, which I have been studying for more than 20 years.
Elena Sever Good afternoon, is it possible to reprimand, for example, first in relation to 5 people, on the next suitable day - in relation to another 5 people, etc.?
Elena, there are no hard and fast rules here. Do what you think is best. But it is recommended that on one special day (new moon, full moon, quarter moon phase) you reprimand everyone at once. On one day - because at this time the connection with Rod is better and all 126 people - because they are all important to us in their own way. When reporting the main prayer form, all 126 people report in 1.5-2 hours. In our busy times, it is difficult to find this free time. But still desirable, it's worth it. Good luck!
Liliya Granina
Konstantin, thank you very much for this practice. You gave it to me three years ago. I then gave a lecture and a month later I met my husband and in general things went much better and easier. Now, I think, I need to repeat it again, otherwise some relatives began to dream about them, they were sad, they expected something from me, but I didn’t understand until I received this link from you. Now I know what they need!
Traditions and rituals of the holiday September 8
The first week of September marked the end of the harvest. At this time, all arable work was completed. Previously, the days from September 1 to September 7 were considered Indian summer - work in the fields is completed, the sun is still warm and you can fully enjoy your vacation. Soon the nights will become colder, the morning frost will begin to grip the ground, and then winter will not be far away.
Therefore, the traditional rite was the “funeral of a fly.” They prepared a “coffin”, usually from carrots. After which they caught any insect (midge - mosquito, fly, wasp), put it in it and buried it. Although this ritual was symbolic, it was considered quite significant.
The most interesting ritual performed on this day was called “Moose Hunting”!
Having agreed in advance, two girls dressed up in special costumes representing moose cows and ran away into the forest. The young hunters ran after them and tried to catch them as quickly as possible. One of the girls found and captured was released. The second was forced to follow to the temple. There they also “scolded” her because she resisted, ran away, and the young hunters had to try very hard to catch her.
On the holiday of Rozhanitsa, men were responsible for performing household duties. And women could pray, and then bring gifts - honey, porridge from the new harvest cereals, pies to Rod and Rozhanitsy.
Women who, for various reasons, did not have children turned to Lada, Mokosh, the goddess of Family and the goddess of Fate with requests for procreation and the birth of children. They, as a rule, set the tables prepared for the festival after all the rituals had been performed. So that anyone who comes can thank and bless the woman for her birth.
After a common meal, all the residents gathered in the field, forming a circle, dancing in circles and singing songs. It was customary to seat an older woman in the center of the circle, holding a loaf of freshly baked oatmeal in her hands. At the end of the holiday, bread was distributed to everyone. After all, it had healing properties.
A fire ritual was also carried out, at which admitted people could charge prepared amulets and talismans.
When is Rod cleaning necessary?
What did Rod get dirty with in order to clean it?
- Religions. Here is slavery, betrayal of the Family, giving away the family resource to religion. Your ancestors could have been on opposite sides of the horror, they could have been tortured, or they could have tortured.
- Alcoholism
- Addiction
- Suicide
- Murder
- Hunting as a pleasure
- War
- Poverty
- Ancestral damage
- Abortion
And this is only part of the troubles that require powerful cleaning of the Family.
That is, the cleansing of the Family is necessary for everyone. When a person decides to cleanse his Family with prayer, then, of course, one must understand that cleansing with religious prayer goes into a situation where suffering and slavery are stamped on the Family. You can only talk about helping the Rod with a non-religious prayer; only such prayer is acceptable for cleansing the Rod. For non-religious prayers, see the Vera