How candles are blessed for the Presentation of the Lord on February 15, 2022, with what rite

Published candles at 12/21/2021

We all consider our home the safest place where nothing poses a threat to us. In our home we feel protected, we feel peace of mind. There is such a pious tradition - cleansing your home from various negativity with the help of paraphernalia from the church. In this article we will tell you how to consecrate an apartment yourself with a candle and prayer.

Sretensky candles are special

The Presentation of the Lord falls on Saturday, February 15th. This date symbolizes the 40th birthday of Jesus Christ. And it is dedicated to bringing a newborn to the temple of Jerusalem.

It is also known about this holiday that it is the twelfth. The meaning of this church term is as follows: The Presentation of the Lord is on the list of the twelve most important Orthodox holidays after Easter.

The best thing for an Orthodox person is to go to church for the Presentation and take part in a church service. Previously, on this day it was customary to take Sretensky candles home from church. This tradition has been preserved to this day. Sretensky candles are consecrated with a special rite, so they have special power.

Preparing housing before self-consecration

Before consecrating your apartment with a candle, you must prepare for this event by thoroughly cleaning the room. It is necessary to carry out general cleaning, remove all unnecessary items and debris. It is advisable to throw away broken things and other rubbish.

Physical and spiritual cleansing is also necessary for a person. With the first, everything is clear - you should take a shower, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke before performing the ritual. It will be a little more difficult to cleanse yourself spiritually. It is recommended to fast for 2-3 days, read prayers, and go to church. The same should be followed if you plan to cleanse a person with a candle.

In fact, the requirements are standard before conducting any ceremony. The main thing, if you decide to bless your home with holy water, a candle and prayer, is to be in the right mood and have an unshakable faith in the power of prayer. In this case, no matter what attributes you use - candles 120, 140 or others, not a single evil spirit will be able to get into your house.

"Sretensky" candles and the rite of their consecration

In everyday life, candles are called Sretensky if they are consecrated according to a special rite on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. The exact name of the rite in question is “The rite of blessing the candles at the Presentation of the Lord.” Let us note, firstly, that it should not be confused with the usual blessing of candles, which is not dedicated to any specific date, and, secondly, that the liturgical charter of the Orthodox Church does not prescribe the rite of blessing candles for the Presentation.

As priest Mikhail Zheltov points out, the rite of blessing candles for the Feast of the Presentation is absent in the Greek Church; He is also unknown to the Old Believers. It was first introduced into the practice of the Orthodox Church after in 1646, Metropolitan of Kiev St. Peter (Mogila) published the Euchologion, Albo Prayer Book, or Trebnik, compiled by him.

This Trebnik contained 37 rites, never before found in the liturgical books of the Orthodox Church. Some of them are revised translations of rites from the Latin "Roman Ritual". Among the Latin borrowings in the Breviary of St. Peter (Mogila) is the rite of blessing candles on the feast of the Presentation.

Why bless the room?

Many people are surprised to receive information about the purification of space if a poltergeist or ghost does not live there. But there are apartments or houses that are very uncomfortable to be in. This inexplicable feeling of psychological discomfort does not go away for a minute: you want to get out into the fresh air as soon as possible. An unpleasant atmosphere may be caused by damage to the house, which has begun its destructive effect. Perhaps there is an object in the room that contains a curse or damage. Also, a heavy atmosphere is felt when there is a curse, an evil eye, or when a seriously ill person is found.

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In what cases is it necessary to consecrate a space:

  • after the funeral of one of the relatives;
  • after a serious illness of household members or pets;
  • if there are regular scandals or fights in the house;
  • if there is an alcoholic/drug addict in the house;
  • after an accident in this premises;
  • after purchasing secondary housing;
  • when moving to a rented premises.

Esotericists recommend cleaning the room even if a water pipe leaks or another breakdown occurs in the room. This does not happen by pure chance, but is always associated with energy breaches or a targeted energy attack. It is also recommended to bless the apartment after a noisy party with drinking and feasting.

Sometimes breakdowns in the apartment appear one after another: just after the refrigerator was repaired, the washing machine broke down. Behind the washing machine, the TV broke down, a mirror fell from the wall, etc. This is the result of an energy imbalance, and not a simple chain of accidents. There are no accidents in our world of cause and effect, just like there is no smoke without fire.

In addition to church consecration, there are other types of energetic cleansing of an apartment - by the elements, smoke of herbs, fire and water. These methods work well for unchurched people. For believers, it is best to invite a priest to perform the consecration ceremony at home.

But you should not call the priest from the church to consecrate the apartment if you intend to continue your sinful life. First you need to cleanse your soul with repentance and communion, and then consecrate your home.

What premises should not be consecrated?

If dishonest business is being conducted on the premises or the law is being violated, then such places cannot be sanctified with the help of church attributes. Premises where tobacco and alcohol are sold or consumed, bookmakers and casinos are not sanctified.

Anyone who dares to sanctify demonic places with holy water and a church candle will incur the wrath of God. If you still need to cleanse the space, it is better to use neutral methods: cleansing with the smoke of herbs, the fire of a non-church candle.

The use of Sretensky candles

The Sretenskaya candle, like any church candle, is intended exclusively for lighting during prayer. But Sretensky Candles are usually lit only on special occasions. For example, when a person prays when solving difficult life situations, during illness, grief, sadness, or when demonic forces are clearly influencing a person.

At the lit Candlemas candle, you can read special prayers for Candlemas, or you can conduct a conversation with God in your own words, as your soul asks, the main thing is to do it sincerely and from a pure heart.


  • holidays

How to properly consecrate an apartment with a candle from a church

Of course, there is nothing wrong with consecrating an apartment with your own hands with a candle and prayer. The clergy always give their blessing for this and advise them to carry out these actions to strengthen their faith. A room illuminated with candles will always be especially cozy and warm, and a divine atmosphere will reign in it.

You can buy candles for home prayer in places such as a church store or an online store. It is recommended to carry out the ritual as follows (there are no strict requirements for how to consecrate an apartment with a church candle):

  1. First of all, if you decide to consecrate an apartment, you need to sprinkle all the corners in the house with consecrated water, wet your hands with it and wash your face.
  2. Next, you should light a candle and walk around your house with it, starting from the outside of the front door, and pray at the same time. The burning flame of the candle must be held several times, indicating the cross. Cross the peephole, door handle and bell three times.
  3. Then perform the same actions on the inside.
  4. Cleaning the apartment itself is carried out from the left side to the right. When tracing the surfaces, you should make wave-like movements, and the door handles between rooms should be in the form of a cross. You need to read strong prayers on the candle and go around all the corners and pieces of furniture.
  5. Finally, you need to go to the outer door again and consecrate it again.

When consecrating a house, it is customary to use the prayer to the Holy Cross:

“Let God rise again, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. Like smoke disappears, let them disappear; As wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish on behalf of those who love God and sign the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, driving away and the demons have the power upon you of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled underfoot the power the devil, and who gave us Your Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. Oh, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross, and save me from all evil.”

After finishing the ritual, you can pray, as you always do. In a cleaned house, a person will definitely feel the long-awaited peace.

After the cleansing ritual, it would be useful to apply oil and blessed water to the walls. Drawing a cross on each wall, you should move from the eastern part of the house to the western. The only exceptions are the walls in the toilet and bathroom.

History of the church holiday of the Presentation of the Lord on February 15

The word "Meeting" means "meeting." According to Sacred traditions, it was on February 15 that Mary and Joseph brought Jesus Christ to the temple to dedicate Him to God. It was on this date that Jesus turned 40 days old.

At that time, Elder Simeon lived in Jerusalem. He was already over a hundred years old. He knew that he would live until he met the Son of God. And for more than 300 years Simeon waited for this meeting. He led a pious and humble life. And on February 15, Simeon opened the doors of the temple and saw Mary on the steps holding a baby in her arms. The elder took the child, greeted him and gave him to his parents. When Mary entered the temple with Jesus in her arms, Simeon died.

If you study the Bible carefully, the Lord helps and admonishes

– How to celebrate Candlemas correctly?

– Every person should be like the righteous Simeon and try to know the Holy Scriptures. If you carefully study the Bible, then the Lord helps and admonishes, sending such a person either wise men or good thoughts, through which what is not clear in this storehouse of Divine wisdom will be clarified. People who comprehend the Scripture and try to live according to it meet Christ, and their faith turns into knowledge. This is exactly what the holy Apostle Paul said when he met Christ on the way from Jerusalem to Damascus: “I know in whom I have believed.” An encounter with Jesus happens to every person, and it is better to meet Him when we still have the strength so that we can correct something in ourselves. The approaching feast of the Presentation reminds us that we must prepare ourselves for a meeting with Christ through the study of the Holy Scriptures, through prayer and pious life.

Interviewed by Natalya Goroshkova

Consecration with a church candle

How to consecrate a house? You can consecrate the room yourself if you urgently need to eliminate the negativity. To do this, you should go to the liturgy in the morning, and after it buy several church candles. One candle should be lit in the temple in front of the icon of the Pleasant and say:

Then you need to come home and immediately walk around the entire perimeter of the room with a burning candle, reading the Our Father. To prevent wax from dripping onto the carpet and burning your hand, you should make a “skirt” for the candle - simply cut a hole for the candle in the napkin (see the picture).

On a note! During consecration, you need to recite the Lord's Prayer by heart. If you know the prayer “May God rise again” by heart, you can read it too.

You should move with a candle around the perimeter of the room in the direction of the sun (salting), that is, clockwise. In each corner you need to stop and baptize the space with a candle, saying: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” If in some place the candle crackles or begins to smoke, you need to stop and wait until the fire calms down. Negativity has accumulated there, and the fire should completely destroy it.

Before consecrating a space, you need to determine what you need to get rid of. These could be illnesses of family members, quarrels and conflicts, visits from unkind guests and other moments. When you dedicate the room, keep this intention in mind. You can also say the following words between reading the Lord’s Prayer:

To completely cleanse the room of all troubles and drive away all demons, you need to perform the ritual for three weeks in a row (sometimes more is required) on Thursdays. If you can’t clean the apartment on your own, then invite a priest.

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