Spiritual world
First, you should know that there are several options for Blessings for marriage. The Sacrament of Wedding for
A healthy lifestyle is very popular today. It is advertised on television, on the Internet and on
Humility is a gift from heaven Elder Paisius the Svyatogorets writes about humility: “God resists the proud,
In Orthodoxy, we very often hear such a phrase - judgment day. What does it mean?
Definition of an autocephalous church An autocephalous church is a completely independent organization that does not depend on
Biblical tales have occupied the minds of scientists for centuries. Sacred texts are studied, and during excavations
For many believers, Seraphim of Sarov is the most beloved heavenly intercessor, patron of Russia and prayer book
March 14 is approaching, and with it Lent. Fasting is a huge internal
Pulpit as a type of architectural art Translated from Greek, “pulpit” means mountain ledge, ascent
Prayer tattoo on forearm, photo from: Prayer. Religious tattoos are not popular