The parable of the mustard seed: how different interpreters explain it

The parable tells the story of a mustard seed whose vegetation sheltered a bird.

This story is told differently in three books of the Bible:

  • Gospel of Matthew;
  • Gospel of Mark;
  • Gospel of Luke.

An icon depicting a plot from a parable.
The birds found shelter in a large tree. Now it doesn’t matter that at first it was just a tiny grain. Photo: Here is a version of the first of them:

“He set forth another parable to them, saying: The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, which, although smaller than all the seeds, when it grows up, is larger than all the grains and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air fly in and take refuge in its branches.”

(Matt. 13:31-32)

Interpretation of Theophylact of Bulgaria

Another saint, Theophylact of Bulgaria, offers an interesting personal vision of this parable. Archbishop of Bulgaria at the turn of the 11th-12th centuries.

Theophylact calls on each of the parishioners to be a mustard seed. To appear insignificant in appearance, not to be arrogant, not to boast of one’s virtue, but at the same time to ardently and zealously follow all Christian commandments. If everyone adheres to such principles of life, then the birds of heaven in the form of angels will rest on his shoulders. This is how the priest interprets the parable told by Jesus.

The usual interpretation of the parable of the mustard seed: even a simple person is capable of accomplishing great things

The most direct and popular interpretation of the parable of the mustard seed tells us that a person, like the maid's seed, may not look respectable, but have outstanding results in his activities.

Russian proverbs that are similar in meaning:

  • water wears away stones;
  • They are greeted by their shirt, they are escorted by their intelligence.

The parable tells how the contribution of ordinary people brings souls into the Kingdom of God.

But the Bible does not encourage such a worldly interpretation of the parable. It is customary to see in it a message specifically on spiritual thought.

Like a mustard seed, the unremarkable commoners of the apostles will sow grains of faith in the soul of every person, and they will give large branches - the Church of Christ, which will open the way to the Kingdom of Heaven. Anyone can take refuge under its shadow, and there are more and more of them, like seeds on the earth.

It is not for nothing that Jesus Christ, when telling a parable, suggested precisely the image of a bird. After all, she moves freely between heaven and earth. So believers will easily enter the Kingdom of God.

Games and activities

Going for leaves

Bring paper and pencils on your leaf collection trip. When you find a tree, rub the tree's bark and leaves if you find any on the ground. You can try to determine the name of the tree. There are electronic apps and books that can help you. You can continue the game by giving the task to find the longest or widest piece of paper, etc.

Build a bird's nest

Gather some branches, straw, sticks, etc. Try making a bird's nest that is strong enough to hold the egg (a plastic egg may be cleaner

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