The historical building of the Holy Governing Synod in St. Petersburg The Holy Governing Synod (Greek synodos - “gathering”,
Why don't the Jews recognize Jesus as the Messiah? 28 rabbis answer
The Bible has a special attitude towards Jews. The Holy Scriptures call them the people of God. Yes and
One of the most terrible sins is fornication. Fornication is one of the seven deadly sins in the Orthodox Church
Carnal sins. How to confess correctly for such sins
The present time is a time of great temptation. The spirit of the modern world is trying to seduce us, corrupt us,
Scientists have confirmed: The shroud really depicts the suffering of Christ
History of the Shroud The Shroud of Turin is a canvas a little more than 4 m long and a meter
Temple of Xenia of Petersburg in St. Petersburg
Temple of Xenia of Petersburg in Beskudnikov today and tomorrow
St. Petersburg is one of the northern cities of Russia with a population of more than 1 million people.
Catholics and Orthodox Christians are baptized differently
How Catholics cross themselves, how they fold their fingers: diagram. With which hand do Catholics baptize? Why do Orthodox and Catholics cross themselves differently: Orthodox from right to left, and Catholics from left to right?
The difference in applying the sign of the cross by different religions / Religion is the word for every person
Are there any facts about the existence of a human soul? Scientific research.
What is the soul? There is no specific definition of the concept “soul”. According to theologians, under it
“Kingdom” or “Kingdom” of heaven – which is correct?
sermon on the mount icon
Sermon on the Mount. Beatitudes (Matthew 5:2-12)
Sermon on the Mount. The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:2-12) Estimated reading time: 8 minutes. Having called the first disciples,
funeral dinner
Do people go to the cemetery on the 9th day after death? What should relatives do on the 9th day after death?
What happens to the soul after the death of the body In our life, everything is important and
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